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// options.cpp : implementation file
// This is a part of the Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library.
// Copyright (C) 1992-1995 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
// Microsoft Foundation Classes Reference and related
// electronic documentation provided with the library.
// See these sources for detailed information regarding the
// Microsoft Foundation Classes product.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "wordpad.h"
#include "strings.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
// CDocOptions
void CDocOptions::SaveDockState(CDockState& ds, LPCTSTR lpszProfileName, LPCTSTR lpszLayout)
CMemFile file;
CArchive ar(&file, CArchive::store);
int nSize = file.GetLength();
ASSERT(nSize < 4096);
BYTE* p = new BYTE[nSize];
file.Read(p, nSize);
theApp.WriteProfileBinary(lpszProfileName, lpszLayout, p, nSize);
delete [] p;
void CDocOptions::SaveOptions(LPCTSTR lpszProfileName)
SaveDockState(m_ds1, lpszProfileName, szLayout1);
SaveDockState(m_ds2, lpszProfileName, szLayout2);
theApp.WriteProfileInt(lpszProfileName, szWrap, m_nWordWrap);
int barstate[2] = {0, 0};
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
barstate[i] = barstate[i] | (m_barstate[i].m_bRulerBar ? 0x1 : 0);
barstate[i] = barstate[i] | (m_barstate[i].m_bStatusBar ? 0x2 : 0);
barstate[i] = barstate[i] | (m_barstate[i].m_bToolBar ? 0x4 : 0);
barstate[i] = barstate[i] | (m_barstate[i].m_bFormatBar ? 0x8 : 0);
theApp.WriteProfileInt(lpszProfileName, TEXT("BarState0"), barstate[0]);
theApp.WriteProfileInt(lpszProfileName, TEXT("BarState1"), barstate[1]);
void CDocOptions::LoadDockState(CDockState& ds, LPCTSTR lpszProfileName, LPCTSTR lpszLayout)
BYTE* p;
UINT nLen = 0;
if (theApp.GetProfileBinary(lpszProfileName, lpszLayout, &p, &nLen))
ASSERT(nLen < 4096);
// APPCOMPAT: If this value is not reasonable, then we have likely run into
// a registry corruption problem with wordpad that seems to appear only once
// every 2-3 months. If the registry is corrupted, then we need to fix
// it or wordpad will get into a weird state.
if (nLen >= 4096)
delete p ;
HKEY hKeyApp = theApp.GetAppRegistryKey() ;
if ((HKEY) 0 != hKeyApp)
RegDeleteKey(hKeyApp, lpszProfileName) ;
RegCloseKey(hKeyApp) ;
CMemFile file;
file.Write(p, nLen);
CArchive ar(&file, CArchive::load);
delete p;
void CDocOptions::LoadOptions(LPCTSTR lpszProfileName)
LoadDockState(m_ds1, lpszProfileName, szLayout1);
LoadDockState(m_ds2, lpszProfileName, szLayout2);
m_nWordWrap = _VerifyWordWrap(theApp.GetProfileInt(lpszProfileName, szWrap, m_nDefWrap));
for (int bar = 0; bar < 2; bar++)
CDockState& ds = (bar == 0) ? m_ds1 : m_ds2;
CBarState& barstate = m_barstate[bar];
int defaultstate = (lpszProfileName == szTextSection) ? 0x6 : 0xf;
int state;
if (0 == bar)
state = theApp.GetProfileInt(lpszProfileName, TEXT("BarState0"), defaultstate);
state = theApp.GetProfileInt(lpszProfileName, TEXT("BarState1"), defaultstate);
barstate.m_bRulerBar = (state & 0x1) != 0;
barstate.m_bStatusBar = (state & 0x2) != 0;
barstate.m_bToolBar = (state & 0x4) != 0;
barstate.m_bFormatBar = (state & 0x8) != 0;
// The following code is used to setup the barstate from the dock state.
// It is really only here to support upgrading from NT 4 or Win95 to
// NT 5 or Memphis. It can problably be removed for NT 6.
for (int i = 0;i < ds.m_arrBarInfo.GetSize(); i++)
CControlBarInfo* pInfo = (CControlBarInfo*)ds.m_arrBarInfo[i];
ASSERT(pInfo != NULL);
switch (pInfo->m_nBarID)
barstate.m_bFormatBar = pInfo->m_bVisible;
barstate.m_bRulerBar = pInfo->m_bVisible;
barstate.m_bToolBar = pInfo->m_bVisible;;
barstate.m_bStatusBar = pInfo->m_bVisible;;
// CUnit
const CUnit& CUnit::operator=(const CUnit& unit)
m_nTPU = unit.m_nTPU;
m_nSmallDiv = unit.m_nSmallDiv;
m_nMediumDiv = unit.m_nMediumDiv;
m_nLargeDiv = unit.m_nLargeDiv;
m_nMinMove = unit.m_nMinMove;
m_nAbbrevID = unit.m_nAbbrevID;
m_bSpaceAbbrev = unit.m_bSpaceAbbrev;
m_strAbbrev = unit.m_strAbbrev;
return *this;
CUnit::CUnit(int nTPU, int nSmallDiv, int nMediumDiv, int nLargeDiv,
int nMinMove, UINT nAbbrevID, BOOL bSpaceAbbrev)
m_nTPU = nTPU;
m_nSmallDiv = nSmallDiv;
m_nMediumDiv = nMediumDiv;
m_nLargeDiv = nLargeDiv;
m_nMinMove = nMinMove;
m_nAbbrevID = nAbbrevID;
m_bSpaceAbbrev = bSpaceAbbrev;