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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// File : uxthemep.h
// Version: 1.0
#ifndef _UXTHEMEP_H_
#define _UXTHEMEP_H_
#include <uxtheme.h>
// The following routines are provided for use by Theme Selection UI.
//---- bits returned by QueryThemeServices() ----
#define QTS_AVAILABLE (1 << 0) // services are available
#define QTS_RUNNING (1 << 1) // services are running
// QueryThemeServices()
// - returns flags about theme services (see above)
THEMEAPI_(DWORD) QueryThemeServices();
typedef HANDLE HTHEMEFILE; // handle to a loaded theme file
// OpenThemeFile() - Load specified theme into memory (doesn't apply it)
// pszThemePath - full path of .msstyles file to load
// pszColorScheme - (optional) name of theme color scheme to load
// pszSize - (optional) name of theme size to load
// phThemeFile - if a theme is successfully opened, this handle
// is set to a non-NULL value and holds a ref-count
// on the theme to keep it in loaded in memory.
// fGlobalTheme - FALSE if it's a preview, TRUE if the theme is intended
// to be made permanent for the user
THEMEAPI OpenThemeFile(LPCWSTR pszThemePath, OPTIONAL LPCWSTR pszColorParam,
OPTIONAL LPCWSTR pszSizeParam, OUT HTHEMEFILE *phThemeFile, BOOL fGlobalTheme);
// CloseThemeFile() - decrements the ref-count for the theme identified
// by the hThemeFile handle
// hThemeFile - open handle to the loaded theme file
THEMEAPI CloseThemeFile(HTHEMEFILE hThemeFile);
//--- WM_THEMECHANGED msg parameters (internal use only) ----
//--- "wParam" is the "change number" ----
//---- lParam bits ----
#define WTC_THEMEACTIVE (1 << 0) // new theme is now active
#define WTC_CUSTOMTHEME (1 << 1) // this msg for custom-themed apps
//---- option flags for ApplyTheme() ----
#define AT_LOAD_SYSMETRICS (1 << 0) // apply the theme's metrics w/theme
// or default classic metrics when
// turning themes off.
#define AT_PROCESS (1 << 1) // apply to current process only
#define AT_EXCLUDE (1 << 2) // all but the specified process/window
#define AT_CACHETHEME (1 << 3) // cache this theme file, if applied
#define AT_NOREGUPDATE (1 << 4) // don't update the CU registry for theme info
#define AT_SYNC_LOADMETRICS (1 << 5) // load system metrics on calling thread
//---- below flags currently not supported ----
#define AT_DISABLE_FRAME_THEMING (1 << 10)
// ApplyTheme() - Apply (or remove) a loaded theme file globally
// or to specified apps/windows.
// Note that when a theme is applied globally
// (hwndTarget is NULL), the theme services manager
// will hold a refcount on the theme file. This
// means that the caller can close his HTHEMEFILE
// handle after the ApplyTheme() call.
// When the global theme is removed, the theme
// services manager will drop is refcount.
// hThemeFile - (optional)handle to the loaded theme file.
// if NULL then any theme on target app/windows
// will be removed.
// dwApplyFlags - options for applying theme (see above)
// hwndTarget - (optional) only theme this window
OPTIONAL HWND hwndTarget);
// SetSystemVisualStyle() - Securely loads and applies (or clears) a global theme.
// pszVisualStylesFile - full path of .msstyles file to load
// pszColorScheme - (optional) name of visual style color scheme to load
// pszSize - (optional) name of visual style size to load
// dwApplyFlags - options for applying the visual style (see ApplyTheme above)
THEMEAPI SetSystemVisualStyle(
LPCWSTR pszVisualStylesFile,
DWORD dwApplyFlags );
// RegisterDefaultTheme()
// - registers the specified theme as the default
// for all users on the system.
// pszThemeFileName - the name of the theme file (NULL = no theme)
// fOverride - if TRUE, will override current default theme
THEMEAPI RegisterDefaultTheme(LPCWSTR pszFileName, BOOL fOverride);
// THEMECALLBACK is a enum describing the type of callback being done
typedef enum THEMECALLBACK
TCB_THEMENAME, // theme name enumeration
TCB_COLORSCHEME, // color scheme enumeration
TCB_SIZENAME, // size name enumeration
TCB_SUBSTTABLE, // substitution table enumeration
TCB_CDFILENAME, // classdata file name enumeration
TCB_CDFILECOMBO, // classdata file color/size combinations
TCB_FILENAME, // parsed a filename
TCB_DOCPROPERTY, // parsed a standard doc property
TCB_NEEDSUBST, // callback to get a substituted symbol
TCB_MINCOLORDEPTH, // parsed the min color depth
//---- localizable property callbacks ----
TCB_FONT, // parsed a font string
TCB_MIRRORIMAGE, // parsed the MirrorImage property
TCB_LOCALIZABLE_RECT, // parsed a RECT property that needs to be localizable
typedef struct
WCHAR szDisplayName[MAX_PATH+1];
WCHAR szToolTip[MAX_PATH+1];
// THEMEENUMPROC() - callback used by the theme enum/parsing functions.
// the return value is used to continue or abort
// the enumeration.
// tcbType - callback type being made
// pszName - simple name of the item being enumerated
// pszName2 - varies by callback type
// pszName3 - varies by callback type
// iIndex - index number associated with some items
// lParam - callback param supplied by caller
// EnumThemes() - calls the callback function "lpEnumFunc" with each
// theme. During the callback, the filename,
// Display name, and tooltip string for each theme
// are returned.
// pszThemeRoot - the theme root directory; each theme DLL found in
// a separate subdir immediately under the theme root
// dir is enumerated. The root name of the DLL must
// match its containing subdir name
// lpEnumFunc - ptr to the caller's callback function which will
// be called for each theme enumerated
// lParam - caller's callback parameter (will be passed to
// lpEnumFunc())
LPARAM lParam);
// EnumThemeSizes() - support direct enumeration of all available theme
// sizes.
// pszThemeName - is the name of the theme file.
// pszColorScheme - (optional) only sizes for this color are enum-ed
// dwSizeIndex - 0-relative index of the size being queryed
// ptn - ptr to struct to receive name strings
THEMEAPI EnumThemeSizes(LPCWSTR pszThemeName,
OPTIONAL LPCWSTR pszColorScheme, DWORD dwSizeIndex,
// EnumThemeColors() - support direct enumeration of all available theme
// color schemes.
// pszThemeName - name of the theme file.
// pszSizeName - (optional) only colors for this size are enum-ed
// dwColorIndex - 0-relative index of the color being queryed
// ptn - ptr to struct to receive name strings
THEMEAPI EnumThemeColors(LPCWSTR pszThemeName,
OPTIONAL LPCWSTR pszSizeName, DWORD dwColorIndex,
// GetThemeDefaults() - returns the default Color name and default Size
// name for the specified theme file
// pszThemeName - name of the theme file
// pszDefaultColor - buffer to receive the default color name
// (the canonical name, not the display version)
// cchMaxColorChars - max chars that pszDefaultColor can contain
// pszDefaultSize - buffer to receive the default size name
// (the canonical name, not the display version)
// cchMaxSizeChars - max chars that pszDefaultSize can contain
THEMEAPI GetThemeDefaults(LPCWSTR pszThemeName,
OUT OPTIONAL LPWSTR pszDefaultColor, int cchMaxColorChars,
OUT OPTIONAL LPWSTR pszDefaultSize, int cchMaxSizeChars);
#define PTF_CONTAINER_PARSE 0x0001 // parse as a "themes.ini" file
#define PTF_CLASSDATA_PARSE 0x0002 // parse as a "bigred.ini" classdata file
#define PTF_CALLBACK_COLORSECTION 0x0004 // callback on all [colorscheme.xxx] sections
#define PTF_CALLBACK_SIZESECTION 0x0008 // callback on all [size.xxx] sections
#define PTF_CALLBACK_FILESECTION 0x0010 // callback on all [file.xxx] sections
#define PTF_CALLBACK_FILENAMES 0x0020 // callback on all "filename=" properties
#define PTF_CALLBACK_LOCALIZATIONS 0x0040 // callback on all localizable properties
#define PTF_CALLBACK_DOCPROPERTIES 0x0080 // callback on all standard properties in [doc] section
#define PTF_QUERY_DOCPROPERTY 0x0100 // query for value of specified property (internal)
#define PTF_CALLBACK_SUBSTTABLE 0x0400 // callback on all [subst.xxx] sections
#define PTF_CALLBACK_SUBSTSYMBOLS 0x0800 // callback on a substituted symbol (##)
#define PTF_CALLBACK_MINCOLORDEPTH 0x1000 // callback on "MinColorDepth="
// ParseThemeIniFile() - Parse the "themes.inc" file specified by
// "pszFileName".
// pzFileName - name of the theme.inc file to parse
// dwParseFlags - flags that control parsing & callback options
// pfnCallBack - ptr to caller-supplied callback function
// lparam - caller's callback param
THEMEAPI ParseThemeIniFile(LPCWSTR pszFileName, DWORD dwParseFlags,
typedef struct _PARSE_ERROR_INFO
DWORD dwSize; // of this structure
//---- last parse error info ----
DWORD dwParseErrCode; // error code from last error
WCHAR szMsg[2*MAX_PATH]; // value of first param for msg
WCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH]; // associated source filename
WCHAR szSourceLine[MAX_PATH]; // source line
int iLineNum; // source line number
// GetThemeParseErrorInfo()
// - fill in the PARSE_ERROR_CONTEXT structure
// with needed information about the last theme API
// parse error.
// pInfo - ptr to the PARSE_ERROR_INFO to be filled
// resource base numbers for localizable string tables in a .msstyles file
#define RES_BASENUM_DOCPROPERTIES 5000 // in order shown in TmSchema.h
#define RES_BASENUM_PROPVALUEPAIRS 6000 // property names & localizable values
// DrawNCPreview() - Previews the theme for the NC area of a window
// hdc - HDC for preview to be draw into
// prc - RECT for preview
#define NCPREV_INACTIVEWINDOW 0x00000001
#define NCPREV_ACTIVEWINDOW 0x00000002
#define NCPREV_MESSAGEBOX 0x00000004
#define NCPREV_RTL 0x00000008
THEMEAPI DrawNCPreview(HDC hdc, DWORD dwFlags, LPRECT prc, LPCWSTR pszVSPath,
COLORREF* prgb);
// DumpLoadedThemeToTextFile()
// - (for internal testing) dumps the contents of the
// loaded theme file to the specified text file
// hThemeFile - the handle of the loaded theme file
// pszTextFile - path of the text file to create & write to
// fPacked - TRUE to dump packed objects; FALSE for normal
// properties
// fFullInfo - includes sizes, offsets, paths, etc. Use FALSE
// for info that will be DIFF-ed across builds/machines
THEMEAPI DumpLoadedThemeToTextFile(HTHEMEFILE hThemeFile,
LPCWSTR pszTextFile, BOOL fPacked, BOOL fFullInfo);
#ifdef __cplusplus
class CDrawBase; // forward
class CTextDraw; // forward
// CreateThemeDataFromObjects()
// - creates a theme handle from a CBorderFill,
// CImageFile, and/or CTextDraw object. At lease one
// non-NULL ptr must be passed (either or both).
// pDrawObj - (optional) ptr to an object derived from CDrawBase
// NOTE: if pDrawObj is a CImageFile ptr and its
// "_pImageData" contains any alpha channel bitmaps,
// the bits in those bitmaps will be "pre-multiplied"
// for alpha blending.
// pTextObj - (optional) ptr to a CTextDraw object
// dwOtdFlags - theme override flags (see OpenThemeDataEx())
THEMEAPI_(HTHEME) CreateThemeDataFromObjects(OPTIONAL CDrawBase *pDrawObj,
OPTIONAL CTextDraw *pTextObj, DWORD dwOtdFlags);
// OpenThemeDataFromFile()
// - Open the theme data for the specified loaded theme
// file and semi-colon separated list of class names.
// OpenThemeDataFromFile() will try each class name,
// one at a time, and use the first matching theme info
// found. If none match, "NULL" is returned.
// Note: normal controls should NOT use this API;
// they should use "OpenThemeData()" (which uses the
// current global or app theme).
// hLoadedThemeFile - handle to the loaded theme file.
// hwnd - (optional) hwnd to base the HTHEME on
// pszClassList - (optional) class name (or list of names) to match
// to theme data section; if NULL, will get match
// to [globals] section.
// fClient - TRUE if theming a client window with returned
THEMEAPI_(HTHEME) OpenThemeDataFromFile(HTHEMEFILE hLoadedThemeFile,
// OpenThemeFileFromData()
// - Open the theme file corresponding to the HTHEME.
// hTheme - handle to the theme data from OpenThemeData().
// phThemeFile - ptr to return HTHEMEFILE to.
THEMEAPI OpenThemeFileFromData(HTHEME hTheme, HTHEMEFILE *phThemeFile);
// GetThemeSysSize96() - Get the value of the specified System size metric.
// (original value authored for 96 dpi)
// hTheme - the theme data handle (required). Will return
// size from [SysMetrics] section of theme.
// iSizeId - only the following sizes are supported:
// SM_CXBORDER (border width)
// SM_CXVSCROLL (scrollbar width)
// SM_CYHSCROLL (scrollbar height)
// SM_CXSIZE (caption width)
// SM_CYSIZE (caption height)
// SM_CXSMSIZE (small caption width)
// SM_CYSMSIZE (small caption height)
// SM_CXMENUSIZE (menubar width)
// SM_CYMENUSIZE (menubar height)
THEMEAPI_(int) GetThemeSysSize96(HTHEME hTheme, int iSizeId);
// GetThemeSysFont96() - Get the LOGFONT for the specified System font.
// (original value authored for 96 dpi)
// hTheme - the theme data handle (required). Will return
// size from [SysMetrics] section of theme.
// iFontId - the TMT_XXX font number (first font
// plf - ptr to LOGFONT to receive the font value.
THEMEAPI GetThemeSysFont96(HTHEME hTheme, int iFontId, OUT LOGFONT *plf);
// RefreshThemeForTS()
// - turn themes on/off for current Terminal Server user
THEMEAPI RefreshThemeForTS();
//---- flag bits for OpenThemeDataEx() ----
#define OTD_FORCE_RECT_SIZING 0x0001 // make all parts size to rect
#define OTD_NONCLIENT 0x0002 // set if hTheme to be used for nonclient area
// OpenThemeDataEx - Open the theme data for the specified HWND and
// semi-colon separated list of class names.
// OpenThemeData() will try each class name, one at
// a time, and use the first matching theme info
// found. If a match is found, a theme handle
// to the data is returned. If no match is found,
// a "NULL" handle is returned.
// When the window is destroyed or a WM_THEMECHANGED
// msg is received, "CloseThemeData()" should be
// called to close the theme handle.
// hwnd - window handle of the control/window to be themed
// pszClassList - class name (or list of names) to match to theme data
// section. if the list contains more than one name,
// the names are tested one at a time for a match.
// If a match is found, OpenThemeData() returns a
// theme handle associated with the matching class.
// This param is a list (instead of just a single
// class name) to provide the class an opportunity
// to get the "best" match between the class and
// the current theme. For example, a button might
// pass L"OkButton, Button" if its ID=ID_OK. If
// the current theme has an entry for OkButton,
// that will be used. Otherwise, we fall back on
// the normal Button entry.
// dwFlags - allows certain overrides of std features
// (see OTD_XXX defines above)
THEMEAPI_(HTHEME) OpenThemeDataEx(HWND hwnd, LPCWSTR pszClassList, DWORD dwFlags);
THEMEAPI CheckThemeSignature (LPCWSTR pszName);
// ClassicGetSystemMetrics( int iMetric );
// ClassicSystemParametersInfoA( IN UINT uiAction, IN UINT uiParam,
// IN OUT PVOID pvParam, IN UINT fWinIni);
// ClassicSystemParametersInfoW( IN UINT uiAction, IN UINT uiParam,
// IN OUT PVOID pvParam, IN UINT fWinIni);
// ClassicAdjustWindowRectEx( IN LPRECT prcWnd, IN DWORD dwStyle, IN BOOL fMenu, IN DWORD dwExStyle );
// These exports correspond to their Win32 API counterparts and ensure that
// the classic visual style metrics are retrieved. Theme hooks are shunted.
THEMEAPI_(int) ClassicGetSystemMetrics( int iMetric );
THEMEAPI_(BOOL) ClassicSystemParametersInfoA( UINT uiAction, UINT uiParam, IN OUT PVOID pvParam, UINT fWinIni);
THEMEAPI_(BOOL) ClassicSystemParametersInfoW( UINT uiAction, UINT uiParam, IN OUT PVOID pvParam, UINT fWinIni);
THEMEAPI_(BOOL) ClassicAdjustWindowRectEx( LPRECT prcWnd, DWORD dwStyle, BOOL fMenu, DWORD dwExStyle );
#ifdef UNICODE
#define ClassicSystemParametersInfo ClassicSystemParametersInfoW
#define ClassicSystemParametersInfo ClassicSystemParametersInfoA
#endif UNICODE
#define PACKTHEM_VERSION 3 // latest change: localizable properties
#endif // _UXTHEMEP_H_