Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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package PPM::Config;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Path;
require YAML;
$PPM::Config::VERSION = '3.00';
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = bless { }, ref($class) || $class;
my $file = shift;
$self->{DATA} = {};
if (defined $file) {
$self->loadfile($file, 'load');
return $self;
sub config {
my $o = shift;
return wantarray ? %{$o->{DATA}} : $o->{DATA};
sub loadfile {
my $o = shift;
my $file = shift;
my $action = shift;
open(FILE, "< $file") || die "can't read $file: $!";
my $str = do { local $/; <FILE> };
my $dat = eval { YAML::deserialize($str) } || {};
close(FILE) || die "can't close $file: $!";
$o->load($dat, $action);
sub load {
my $o = shift;
my $dat = shift;
my $action = shift || 'load';
if ($action eq 'load' or not exists $o->{DATA}) {
$o->{DATA} = $dat;
else {
sub setsave {
my $o = shift;
my $file = shift;
$o->{autosave} = 1;
$o->{file} = $file;
sub save {
my $o = shift;
my $file = shift || $o->{file};
open(FILE, "> $file") || die "can't write $file: $!";
my $str = YAML::serialize($o->{DATA});
print FILE $str;
close(FILE) || die "can't close $file: $!";
sub merge {
my $o = shift;
my $dat = shift;
_merge(\$o->{DATA}, \$dat)
if (defined $dat);
my $o = shift;
$o->save if $o->{autosave};
sub _merge {
my ($old_ref, $new_ref) = @_;
return unless defined $old_ref and defined $new_ref;
my $r_old = ref($old_ref);
my $r_new = ref($new_ref);
return unless $r_old eq $r_new;
if ($r_old eq 'SCALAR') {
$$old_ref = $$new_ref;
elsif ($r_old eq 'REF') {
my $old = $$old_ref;
my $new = $$new_ref;
$r_old = ref($old);
$r_new = ref($new);
return unless $r_old eq $r_new;
if (ref($old) eq 'HASH') {
for my $key (keys %$new) {
if (exists $old->{$key} and
defined $old->{$key} and
defined $new->{$key}) {
_merge(\$old->{$key}, \$new->{$key});
else {
$old->{$key} = $new->{$key};
elsif (ref($old) eq 'ARRAY') {
for my $item (@$new) {
if (ref($item) eq '' and not grep { $item eq $_ } @$old) {
push @$old, $item;
elsif(ref($item)) {
push @$old, $item;
# get_conf_dirs(): return a list of directories to search for config files.
use constant DELIM => $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? ';' : ':';
use constant PATHSEP => $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? '\\' : '/';
use constant KEYDIR => 'ActiveState';
use constant KEYFILE => 'ActiveState.lic';
use constant CONFDIR => 'PPM';
use constant CONFIG_SUFFIX => '.cfg';
use constant UNIX_SHARED_ROOT => '/usr/local/etc';
sub mymkpath {
my $path = shift;
unless (-d $path) {
die "Couldn't create directory $path: $!"
unless -d $path;
sub get_license_file {
my $license_dir = licGetHomeDir();
my $lic_file = join PATHSEP, $license_dir, KEYFILE;
return $lic_file;
sub load_config_file {
my $name = shift;
my $mode = shift || 'rw'; # 'ro' for read-only.
my $conf = PPM::Config->new;
# Load all config files in the "configuration path"
my $userdir = $ENV{PPM3_shared_config}
? eval { get_shared_conf_dir() }
: get_user_conf_dir();
my $shrddir = eval { get_shared_conf_dir() };
# try to open the user's config area first. if it doesn't exist, open the
# shared area. If neither exist, return an empty config which will
# auto-save to their user directory.
my $userfile = join PATHSEP, $userdir, $name;
my $shrdfile = join PATHSEP, $shrddir, $name;
$conf->setsave($userfile) unless $mode eq 'ro';
return $conf->loadfile($userfile)
if (-f $userfile and not -f $shrdfile);
return $conf->loadfile($shrdfile)
if (-f $shrdfile and not -f $userfile);
if (-f $userfile or -f $shrdfile) {
my $s_mtime = (stat $shrdfile)[9];
my $u_mtime = (stat $userfile)[9];
$conf->loadfile($s_mtime > $u_mtime ? $shrdfile : $userfile);
return $conf;
# Returns the user's configuration directory. Note: throws an exception if the
# directory doesn't exist and cannot be created.
sub get_user_conf_dir {
return mymkpath(join PATHSEP, licGetHomeDir(), CONFDIR);
# Returns the shared configuration directory. Note: throws no exception, but
# the directory is not guaranteed to exist. Install scripts and such should be
# sure to create this directory themselves.
sub get_shared_conf_dir {
if $^O ne 'MSWin32';
my ($R,%R);
require Win32::TieRegistry;
Win32::TieRegistry->import(TiedHash => \%R);
bless do { $R = \%R }, "Win32::TieRegistry";
my $wkey = $R->{"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/"};
my $xkey = $wkey->{"CurrentVersion/Explorer/Shell Folders/"};
my $shared_root = $xkey->{"/Common AppData"};
return join PATHSEP, $shared_root, KEYDIR, CONFDIR;
sub get_conf_dirs {
my @path;
push @path, get_shared_conf_dir(), get_user_conf_dir();
# licGetHomeDir(): copied and converted from the Licence_V8 code:
sub licGetHomeDir {
my $dir;
my ($env1, $env2);
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
$env1 = $ENV{APPDATA};
unless ($env1) {
$env1 = $ENV{HOME};
# On Linux & Solaris:
if ($^O ne 'MSWin32') {
unless ($env1) {
$env1 = (getpwuid $<)[7]; # Try to get $ENV{HOME} the hard way
$dir = sprintf("%s/.%s", $env1, KEYDIR);
# On Windows:
else {
unless ($env1) {
unless ($env1) {
$env1 = $ENV{HOMEDRIVE};
$env2 = $ENV{HOMEPATH};
unless ($env1) {
$env1 = $ENV{windir};
unless ($env1) {
die ("Couldn't find HOME / USERPROFILE / HOMEDRIVE&HOMEPATH / windir");
$env2 ||= "";
$dir = $env1 . $env2;
$dir =~ s|/|\\|g;
# Win32 _stat() doesn't like trailing backslashes, except for x:\
while (length($dir) > 3 && substr($dir, -1) eq '\\') {
die ("Not a directory: $dir") unless -d $dir;
$dir .= PATHSEP;
$dir .= KEYDIR;
# Create it if it doesn't exist yet
return mymkpath($dir);
unless (caller) {
my $dat = join '', <DATA>;
eval $dat;
die $@ if $@;
#line 80
use Data::Dumper;
open(FILE, '>orig.cfg') || die "can't write orig.cfg: $!";
print FILE <<'END';
case-sensitivity: 0
history: @
: 1
: 2
install-follow: 1
install-force: 0
repository: ActiveState Package Repository
rough: %
foggy: dew
sunny: day
target: Perl 01
close(FILE) || die "can't close orig.cfg: $!";
open(FILE, ">orig2.cfg") || die "can't write orig2.cfg: $!";
print FILE <<'END';
foo: bar
rough: %
dark: stormy
morning: evening
foggy: day
close(FILE) || die "can't close orig2.cfg: $!";
my $n = PPM::Config->new('orig.cfg');
$n->load('orig2.cfg', 'merge');
print Dumper [PPM::Config::get_license_file()];
print Dumper [PPM::Config::get_user_conf_dir()];
print Dumper [PPM::Config::get_conf_dirs()];