Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

109 lines
2.5 KiB

@echo off
if "%1"=="" goto usage
if "%2"=="" goto usage
if "%3"=="" goto usage
if "%4"=="" goto usage
if "%5"=="" goto usage
rem *********** read input variables ************
rem %1 is logfile
set LogFile=%1
rem %2 is location of BIN structure
set BinPath=%2
rem %3 is location of PLOC structure (nt\plocbranch\ploc)
set PlocPath=%3
rem %4 is filelist (whistler1.bat, whistler2.bat, etc)
set FileList=%4
rem %5 is ploc mode
set PlocMode=%5
set PrivateLC=No
set lcfolder=lcs
rem resources temp bin path
set tmpBinPath=%6
rem Localized BuildShare
set plocBinPath=%7
rem ****************************************************
rem ****************** set variables *******************
rem This section sets correct variables for the different
rem target languages and calls the plocscript with them
set InputLanguage=0x0409
set OutputLANGID=%5
set OutputLanguage=
set PartialReplacementTable=
call :SetOutputLanguage %OutputLANGID%
echo PartialReplacementTable is %PartialReplacementTable%
echo OutputLanguage is %OutputLanguage%
echo OutputLanguageNeutral is %OutputLanguageNeutral%
rem ================ TOK settings =================
set PLPFile=%PlocPath%\1252.xml
set PLPConfigFile=
set InputLanguage=0x0409
set MakePloc=no
call %FileList% PLOC %PlocPath%\tok.bat %LogFile%
rem rmove zero byte lc files.
pushd %tmpBinPath%\resources\lcinf
FOR /F %%f in ('dir /s/b/a-d/l *.lc') DO (
IF "%%~zf"=="0" (
del /q %%f
rem ****************** usage ********************
echo PLOCWRAP LogFile BinStructure PlocTree FileScript Language
echo LogFile: full path to logfile to create
echo BinStructure: full path to structure to ploc
echo PlocTree: full path to SourceDepot tree (nt\plocbranch\ploc)
echo FileScript: File list script to run (whistler.bat, whistler1.bat, etc)
echo Language: Language ID from codes.txt (ex: ara, jpn, ger, etc)
goto eof
set _L_LANG=%1
set CODESFILE=%RazzleToolPath%\codes.txt
set OutputLanguage=
set ANSIReplacementTable=
for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4" %%a in (%CODESFILE%) do (
if /i "%_L_LANG%"=="%%a" (
set PartialReplacementTable=%%b
rem echo PartialReplacementTable is %PartialReplacementTable%
set OutputLanguage=%%c
rem echo OutputLanguage is %OutputLanguage%
set OutputLanguageNeutral=%%d
goto :EOF