Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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@REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@REM # Script: autoboottest.pl
@REM #
@REM # (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
@REM #
@REM #
@REM # Version: <2.00> (<02/10/2002>) : tsanders <Remotely install a build on a test machine>
@REM #---------------------------------------------------------------------
@perl -x "%~f0" %*
@goto :EOF
sub Usage {
print <<USAGE;
$0 -- Remotely install a build on a test machine
Usage: $0 [-l lang] [-a arch] [-f type] [-n buildnum] [-p PID] [-s source] [-t target] [-u Unattend.txt] [-y sku]
-a architecture
-f type (fre|chk)
-l Language to install
-n Build num to install
-p Product ID
-s installation source
-t target machine
-u unattend.txt location
-y sku select
-? Displays usage
$0 -l jpn
$0 -l:usa -s:\\\\ntdev\\release\\main\\ger\\latest.tst -t:\\i32bt015 -y:pro
# Set info
$ENV{script_name} = 'autoboottest.pl';
$VERSION = '2.00';
# Use section
use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts";
use AutoBoottest;
use access;
use WMIFE;
use ParseArgs;
use GetIniSetting;
use cksku;
use Logmsg;
use ParseTable;
use strict;
my $DEBUG = 1;
my $BTDIR = "Boottest";
# Main
my %BTMList;
my ($Lang, $PID, $BTUser, $BTShare, $BTPass);
my ($Unattend, $DFSSource, $PID);
#Get parameters
Usage() if(! GetSettings() );
if( !GetSecretSettings() ){
errmsg ("Couldn't retrieve secret settings.");
if(defined $DEBUG){
for my $key ( keys %BTMList ) {
print "------\n$BTMList{$key}->{Source}\n $BTMList{$key}->{Arc}\n",
"$BTMList{$key}->{Type}\n $BTMList{$key}->{SKU}\n------\n";
#For each boottestmachine in BTMList execute
for my $BTM ( keys %BTMList )
logmsg("Beginning autoboottest on $BTM:\n\tSource: $BTMList{$BTM}->{Source}\n\tArchitechture: $BTMList{$BTM}->{Arc}\n\tType: $BTMList{$BTM}->{Type}\n\tSKU: $BTMList{$BTM}->{SKU}\n");
system("$ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH}\\setbuildstatus.cmd -s:boot");
#Verify Boottest machine - if not correct skip to next BTM
next if(! AutoBoottest::VerifyBT($BTM) );
#Ensure local build_logs\Boottest dir
`md $ENV{_NTDRIVE}\\$BTDIR` if (! (-e "$ENV{_NTDRIVE}\\$BTDIR"));
#Create User & share
my $tPass;
$BTUser = $BTM."_user" if(!defined $BTUser);
if( ! ($tPass = AutoBoottest::CreateUserShare($BTUser,
(defined $DFSSource) ? "" : $BTMList{$BTM}->{Source},
errmsg("CreateUserShare($BTUser, $BTM, $ENV{COMPUTERNAME}, \"($ENV{_NTDRIVE}\\$BTDIR\") failed");
$BTPass = $tPass if(!defined $BTPass);
#Generate unattend.txt to BTDIR if not defined, copy to BTDIR else
if(!defined $Unattend)
$Unattend = "unattend.$BTM.$Lang.$BTMList{$BTM}->{Arc}" .
if( ! (AutoBoottest::WriteUnattendFile($BTM,
$Lang, $PID))) #, $Domainuser, $pass)));
errmsg("Couldn't create unattend.txt");
if( ! AutoBoottest::Copy($Unattend, "$ENV{_NTDRIVE}\\$BTDIR\\"))
AutoBoottest::CleanupUserShare($BTUser, $ENV{COMPUTERNAME},
#Copy tools to $BTMShare
if ( !AutoBoottest::Copy( "$ENV{RazzleToolPath}\\Postbuildscripts\\rx.wsf", "$ENV{_NTDRIVE}\\$BTDIR\\")
!AutoBoottest::Copy( "$ENV{RazzleToolPath}\\$ENV{PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE}\\autologon.exe", "$ENV{_NTDRIVE}\\$BTDIR\\")
!AutoBoottest::Copy( "$ENV{RazzleToolPath}\\PostBuildScripts\\*.wsf", "$ENV{_NTDRIVE}\\$BTDIR\\")
errmsg("Couldn't copy tools");
AutoBoottest::CleanupUserShare($BTUser, $ENV{COMPUTERNAME},
#Start remote install1
(defined $DFSSource) ? 0 : 1);
#Wait on completion of winnt32.exe
if(! AutoBoottest::WaitForProcess($BTM, "winnt32.exe", 60, "", ""))
errmsg("Fatal error Winnt32.exe may not have started on $BTM");
AutoBoottest::WaitOnProcess($BTM, "winnt32.exe", 600, "", "");
AutoBoottest::CleanupUserShare($BTUser, $ENV{COMPUTERNAME},
# GetSecretSettings - Get PID
sub GetSecretSettings() {
$PID = AutoBoottest::GetPK() if(! defined $PID);
return 0 if("" eq $PID);
return 1;
# GetSettings - take in commandline - return w/ all vars filled
sub GetSettings {
my %skuHash=();
my ( $SKU, $Target, $Source, $src, $srcMachine, @PID, $Arc, $Type, $Unattend) = ();
my ($BldNum, $bnum, $oldlng) = undef;
parseargs('?' => \&Usage, 't:' => \$Target, 'l:' => \$Lang, 'y:' => \$SKU,
's:' => \$Source, 'a:' => \$Arc, 'f:' => \$Type, 'n:' => \$BldNum,
'd:' =>\$DEBUG, 'u:'=>\$Unattend, 'p:' => \$PID, 'U:' =>\$BTUser,
'P:' =>\$BTPass);
#Verify params n such - there will only be 1 lang, so we'll start there
#If source is supplied, then we'll assume a remote installation
#else, we'll assume its a usual postbuild boottest
if(defined $Lang){
$oldlng = $ENV{Lang};
$Lang = $ENV{Lang} = uc($Lang);
($ENV{lang} && ($Lang = $ENV{lang})) || ( $Lang = $ENV{Lang} = 'USA' );
if(defined $Unattend){
if(! ( -e $Unattend)){
errmsg("Unattend file $Unattend is invalid");
return 0;
if(defined $BTUser && (! defined $BTPass)){
errmsg("Password must be specified with -P switch");
return 0;
#get other info from prodskus.txt
parse_table_file("$ENV{\"RazzleToolPath\"}\\prodskus.txt", \%skuHash );
#if source was defined we'll verify it & target & return
if(defined $Source){
$DFSSource = 1;
errmsg("$Source\\winnt32.exe doesn't exist.") if ( ! (-e "$Source\\winnt32.exe" ));
#Try to determine params if not given on cmd line
(!defined $Arc && $Source =~ /(x86|ia64)/i) ? $Arc = $1 :
errmsg("Architechture could not be determined from $Source - specify with -a switch") if(!defined $Arc);
if(!defined $SKU){
for my $i (split(/;/, $skuHash{$Lang}->{$Arc})){
if($Source =~ /($i)/i){ $SKU = $1; last; }
errmsg("SKU could not be determined from $Source - specify with -s switch") if(!defined $SKU);
(!defined $Type && $Source =~ /(chk|fre)/i) ? $Type = $1:
errmsg("Type could not be determined from $Source - specify with -t switch");
return 0 if(!defined $Target || !defined $SKU || !defined $Arc || !defined $Type );
$BTMList{$Target}{Source} = "$Source";
$BTMList{$Target}{Arc} = "$Arc";
$BTMList{$Target}{Type} = "$Type";
$BTMList{$Target}{SKU} = "$SKU";
#Get arch, sku, & target & put it all together.
for my $a ( (defined $Arc) ? $Arc : $ENV{_BuildArch}){ #keys(%{$skuHash{$Lang}}) ){
next if($a eq "Language");
for my $s ( (defined $SKU) ? $SKU : split(/;/, $skuHash{$Lang}->{$a}) ){
next if($s eq '-');
for my $t ( (defined $Type) ? $Type : ( $Lang =~/usa/i ? ("chk","fre") : ("fre") ) ){
if((my @BTM = split(/\s+/, GetIniSetting::GetSetting( "BootTestMachines",
uc$a.uc$t, uc$s ))) != ())
chomp ($bnum = `getlatestrelease.cmd -l:$Lang -p:$a`);
} else {
chomp ($bnum = `getlatestrelease.cmd -l:$Lang -n:$BldNum -p:$a`);
if($bnum =~ /error|none/i){
errmsg("Error getting source for build -- getlatestrelease.cmd -l:$Lang -p:$a returns: $bnum");
$BTM[0] = $Target if($Target ne "");
$BTMList{$BTM[0]}{Arc} = $a =~ /x86/ ? "i386" : "ia64";
$BTMList{$BTM[0]}{Type} = $t;
$BTMList{$BTM[0]}{SKU} = $s;
if( -e "$ENV{_NTDRIVE}\\release\\$Lang\\$bnum\\$s\\$BTMList{$BTM[0]}{Arc}\\winnt32\\winnt32.exe" ){
$BTMList{$BTM[0]}{Source} = "\\\\$ENV{COMPUTERNAME}\\release\\$Lang\\$bnum\\$s\\$BTMList{$BTM[0]}{Arc}\\winnt32";
elsif(-e "$ENV{_NTDRIVE}\\release\\$Lang\\$bnum\\$s\\$BTMList{$BTM[0]}{Arc}\\winnt32.exe"){
$BTMList{$BTM[0]}{Source} = "\\\\$ENV{COMPUTERNAME}\\release\\$Lang\\$bnum\\$s\\$BTMList{$BTM[0]}{Arc}";
else {
errmsg("Error finding winnt32.exe for SKU:$s Arc:$BTMList{$BTM[0]}{Arc} Type:$t");
delete $BTMList{$BTM[0]};
$ENV{Lang} = $oldlng if(defined($oldlng));
(keys %BTMList ) ? return 1 : return 0;