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package AutoBoottest;
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Version: 1.00 (01/01/2002) : TSanders
# Purpose: Collection of tools used in autoboottest.pl
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '1.00';
use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts";
use Logmsg;
use Win32::OLE;
use Win32::OLE::Enum;
use strict;
my $ABTShare = "ABTRelease";
my $ABTWorkDir = "AutoBoottest";
# Copy - copy file to dest
# In: $file, $dest
sub Copy($$)
my($file, $dest) = @_;
if( `copy $file $dest` =~ /0 file/ )
errmsg("Couldn't copy $file to $dest");
return 0;
return 1;
# RebootAndWait - Shutdown $target & wait for it to reboot
# In: Machine, user, pass
sub RebootAndWait($$$$)
my($target, $user, $pass) = @_;
# WaitForTask - wait for scheduled task $name to start
# In: Machine, task name, timeout, user pass
sub WaitForTask($$$)
my($target, $name, $timeout) = @_;
my ($res, $time);
$res = `schtasks /query /s $target`;
if($res !~ /$name/){
errmsg "Task: $name doesn't exist on $target";
return 0;
if($res =~ /Could not start/){
errmsg "Task: $name failed to start";
return 0;
print("\nWaiting on task $name to start.");
$time = $timeout;
$res = `schtasks /query /s $target`;
my($tm, $stat) = ( $res =~ /$name\s{1,40}(.{0,25})\s{2,25}(.*)/i );
last if ($stat =~ /running/i);
if($tm =~ /never/i){
errmsg "Task: $name didn't schedule correctly";
return 0;
if( $tm =~ /(.+):(.+):.+,.+/ ){
my($s, $m, $h, $d) = localtime;
if( $h >= $1 && $m >= $2 && ( $stat !~ /running/i ))
errmsg "Task: $name didn't start";
return 0;
print ".";
sleep 1;
if(0 >= $time && $timeout > 0){
print("timeout hit.\n");
return 0;
#print("\nWating on task to complete.");
# $res = `schtasks /query /s $target`;
# last if ($res =~ /$name\s*never\s*running.*/i ||
# $res =~ /$name\s*never\s*/i ||
# (!($res =~ /$name/)));
# #last if ($res =~ /$name/);
# print ".";
# sleep 1;
print "\n";
return 1;
# WaitForProcess - wait for $processname to begin
# In: Machine, process name to wait on, timeout, user, pass
# Note: timeout < 0 == infinity
sub WaitForProcess($$$$$)
my ($target, $procname, $timeout, $user, $pass) = @_;
my (@res, $oADSIDom, $wbemLocator, $remote_services, $oServ, $res, $proc, $resultArray, $resultRef);
my $Time = $timeout;
defined($procname) or return 0;
$wbemLocator = Win32::OLE->new('WbemScripting.SWbemLocator');
(OLE_errmsg("Could not instatiate WbemScripting.SWbemLocator") && return 0 ) if ( !defined $wbemLocator );
print("\nWaiting for process to begin: $procname.");
defined($user) ? $remote_services = $wbemLocator->ConnectServer( "$target", "root\\cimv2", $user, $pass ):
$remote_services = $wbemLocator->ConnectServer("$target");
$resultArray = $remote_services->ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Process Where Name ='$procname'");
$resultRef = [ (in $resultArray) ];
last if( shift(@$resultRef));
print ".";
sleep 1;
undef $remote_services;
sleep 1;
undef $remote_services;
undef $remote_services;
undef $wbemLocator;
if(0 >= $Time && $timeout > 0)
print("timeout hit.\n");
return 0;
return 1;
# WaitOnProcess - wait on $processname till it ends
# In: Machine, process name to wait on, user, pass
sub WaitOnProcess($$$$$)
my ($target, $procname, $timeout, $user, $pass) = @_;
my (@res, $oADSIDom, $wbemLocator, $remote_services, $oServ, $res, $proc, $resultArray, $resultRef);
my $Time = $timeout;
defined($procname) or return 0;
$wbemLocator = Win32::OLE->new('WbemScripting.SWbemLocator');
(OLE_errmsg("Could not instatiate WbemScripting.SWbemLocator") && return 0 ) if ( !defined $wbemLocator );
defined($user) ? $remote_services = $wbemLocator->ConnectServer( "$target", "root\\cimv2", $user, $pass ):
$remote_services = $wbemLocator->ConnectServer( "$target");
(OLE_errmsg("Couldn't connect to $target") && return 0 ) if (!defined $remote_services);
print("\nWaiting on process: $procname.");
$resultArray = $remote_services->ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Process Where Name ='$procname'");
last if( ! defined $resultArray );
$resultRef = [ (in $resultArray) ];
last if( ! shift(@$resultRef));
print ".";
sleep 2;
OLE_errmsg("Fatal error: $@");
undef $remote_services;
undef $wbemLocator;
return 0;
undef $remote_services;
undef $wbemLocator;
if(0 >= $Time && $timeout > 0)
print("timeout hit.\n");
return 0;
return 1;
# CreateUserShare - Create a temporary 'autoboottest' user & grant
# read access to autoboottest share.
# In: User, target Machine, host machine, source to share, local tools share
# Out: Password
sub CreateUserShare($$$$$)
my ($sUser, $target, $host, $sShare, $sLocShare) = @_;
my ($res, $Pass, $oNewUser, $oShare, $oADSIObj, $oADSIDom, $oNewUser, $oGroup);
#Generate random pass
$Pass = sprintf("%s%i%s", "!a", rand(10000), "a!");
$Pass = "_Monday_";
#If we're not dealing w/ a DFS source
#if($sShare ne ""){
#Create Boottest User on Target machine & Add to administrators
if (!defined $oADSIDom){
OLE_errmsg("Can't connect to $target:");
return 0;
if ($oNewUser = Win32::OLE->GetObject("WinNT://$target/$sUser")){
logmsg("User $target\\$sUser already exists");
undef $oNewUser;
logmsg("Successfully updated pass for $target\\$sUser");
if ($oNewUser = $oADSIDom->Create("user",$sUser)) {
$oNewUser->{FullName} = "Autoboottester";
$oNewUser->{Description} = "Autoboottest account";
$oNewUser->{PasswordExpired} = 0;
undef $oNewUser;
logmsg ("Successfully created $target\\$sUser");
$oGroup = Win32::OLE->GetObject("WinNT://$target/Administrators");
OLE_errmsg("Can't get Administators group") if(!defined $oGroup);
if(Win32::OLE->LastError() =~ /is already a/i){
logmsg("$target\\$sUser is already a member of the Administrators group");
OLE_errmsg("Couldn't add $target\\$sUser to Administrators group");
return 0;
undef $oGroup;
undef $oADSIDom;
#Now create local user for Boottest dir
if (!defined $oADSIDom){
OLE_errmsg("Can't connect to $host:");
return 0;
if ($oNewUser = Win32::OLE->GetObject("WinNT://$host/$sUser")){
logmsg("User $host\\$sUser already exists");
undef $oNewUser;
logmsg("Successfully updated pass for $target\\$sUser");
if ($oNewUser = $oADSIDom->Create("user",$sUser)) {
$oNewUser->{FullName} = "Autoboottester";
$oNewUser->{Description} = "Autoboottest account";
$oNewUser->{PasswordExpired} = 0;
undef $oNewUser;
logmsg ("Successfully created $host\\$sUser");
undef $oADSIDom;
#Grant read access to release share if not DFS share
if($sShare ne ""){
$res = `rmtshare \\\\$host\\release /GRANT $sUser:r`;
if($res =~ /error|failed/i) {
errmsg("Couldn't grant access to \\\\$host\\release for $sUser: $res");
return 0;
logmsg("User $sUser successfully granted read access");
#Create local tools share
$res = `rmtshare \\\\$host\\Boottest=$sLocShare`;
if($res =~ /error|failed/i) {
if($res =~ /2118/){
logmsg("\\\\$host\\Boottest already exists");
errmsg("Couldn't create share \\\\$host\\Boottest: $res");
return 0;
$res = `rmtshare \\\\$host\\Boottest /GRANT $sUser:r`;
if($res =~ /error|failed/i) {
errmsg("Couldn't grant access to \\\\$host\\Boottest for $sUser: $res");
return 0;
`rmtshare \\\\$host\\Boottest /remove everyone`;
logmsg("Successfully created \\\\$host\\Boottest");
return $Pass;
# CleanupUserShare - Delete user & remove autoboottest share.
# In: User, Machine, source to share
sub CleanupUserShare($$$$$)
my ($sUser, $sDomain, $sShare, $sLocShare, $target) = @_;
my ($res, $oADSIDom);
#Remove access to release & tools shares
$res = `rmtshare \\\\$sDomain\\$sShare /grant $sUser:`;
if($res =~ /error|failed/i) {
errmsg("Couldn't deny access for $sUser to share \\\\$sDomain\\$sShare: $res");
return -1;
logmsg("Successfully removed access for $sUser to \\\\$sDomain\\$sShare");
$res = `rmtshare \\\\$sDomain\\$sLocShare /grant $sUser:`;
if($res =~ /error|failed/i) {
errmsg("Couldn't deny access for $sUser to share $sLocShare: $res");
return -1;
logmsg("Successfully removed access for $sUser to $sLocShare");
#Delete User
OLE_errmsg("Can't connect to $sDomain:") if (!defined $oADSIDom);
OLE_errmsg("User $sUser doesn't exist");
logmsg ("Successfully deleted $sDomain\\$sUser");
OLE_errmsg("User $sUser doesn't exist");
logmsg ("Successfully deleted $target\\$sUser");
#Delete temp dir
logmsg ("removing $sLocShare dir");
print `rd /s /q $sLocShare`;
#Clean any residual connections
for my $i (`net use`){
($i =~ /\w*\s*(\\\\$target\\\w*\$+).*/) &&
`net use $1 /delete /y 2>&1`;
return 1;
# EncryptPK - Wrap NTBCrypt.exe for encrypting ProductKeys
# In: ProductKey
sub EncryptPK
my ($sData, $bLabKey) = @_;
my ($res, $sUser, $sPKout);
$res = `where NTCrypt.exe`;
if($res =~ /Could not/){
errmsg("NTCrypt.exe is necessary") && exit(1);
if($sData eq ""){
errmsg("Usage: EncryptPK(<PID>, <bLabKey>)");
return 0;
$sUser = lc($ENV{'USERNAME'});
errmsg("Invalid data") if($sData !~ /\W+/);
$sPKout = (defined($bLabKey) ? $sUser."LAB.epk"
: "$sUser.epk");
mkdir($ABTWorkDir) if(! (-e $ABTWorkDir));
$res = `NTCrypt.exe -e \"$sData\" -t:$ABTWorkDir\\$sPKout`;
if($res =~ /error/i ){
errmsg("Couldn't encrypt key: $res");
return -1;
else {
logmsg("Successfuly created key file: $ABTWorkDir\\$sPKout");
return 1;
# GetPK -
# Out: ProductKey
sub GetPK
my ($bLabKey) = @_;
my ($res, $sUser, $sPK) = "";
$sUser = lc($ENV{'USERNAME'});
$sPK = (defined($bLabKey) ? $sUser."LAB.epk"
: "$sUser.epk");
if(-e "$ABTWorkDir\\$sPK"){
$res = `NTCrypt.exe -r -t:$ABTWorkDir\\$sPK`;
if($res =~ /error/i ){
errmsg("Couldn't decrypt key file: $ABTWorkDir\\$sPK");
return -1;
else {
logmsg("Successfuly decrypted key file: $ABTWorkDir\\$sPK");
errmsg("Couldn't find encrypted product key file. Run AutoBoottest::EncryptPK() to create an encrypted product key file");
#print "Enter ProductKey: ";
#$res = <STDIN>;
#print "\n";
return $res;
# VerifyBT - Verify the boottestmachine meets the following criteria:
# 1) test for WMI access
# 2) current or specified user has admin access
# 3) BTM has a second partion w/ space > 2BG to install test build
# In: Target
sub VerifyBT($)
my ($sTarget) = @_;
my (@res, $oADSIDom, $wbemLocator, $remote_wbem_services);
@res = ();
#check for ADSI access
push(@res, Get_OLE_errmsg("Failed to access \\\\$sTarget via ADSI:")) if (!defined $oADSIDom);
undef $oADSIDom;
#check for WMI access
$wbemLocator = Win32::OLE->new('WbemScripting.SWbemLocator');
push(@res, Get_OLE_errmsg("Could not instatiate WbemScripting.SWbemLocator"));
$remote_wbem_services = $wbemLocator->ConnectServer( $sTarget );
push(@res, Get_OLE_errmsg("Failed to access \\\\$sTarget via WMI:")) if (!defined $remote_wbem_services);
undef $remote_wbem_services;
undef $wbemLocator;
errmsg("The following steps failed when verifing the boottest machine:");
for my $i (@res) { errmsg($i);}
return 0;
#Check partitioning scheme
my ($c, $d, $dspace, $drive) = 0;
my $ResultArray = $remote_wbem_services->ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_LogicalDisk Where DriveType=3");
my $ResultArrayRef = [(in $ResultArray)];
while($drive = shift @$ResultArrayRef){
if($drive->{DriveType} == 3)
$c = 1 if($drive->{Name} =~ /c/i);
if($drive->{Name} =~ /d/i)
$d = 1;
$dspace = 1 if($drive->{FreeSpace} > 2097152); #what should this val be ?
push(@res, "\\\\$sTarget drives aren't correctly configured.") if(!($c && $d && $dspace));
push(@res, "Unable to verify partitioning scheme on \\\\$sTarget");
#Make sure we're in the safe build
#my($remProc, $res);
#$remProc = $remote_wbem_services->InstancesOf('Win32_BootConfiguration') || push(@res, "Couldn't get a Win32_BootConfiguration");
#if($remProc->{BootDirectory} !~ /c:\\/i){
# push(@res, "Not in safe build");
#Verify services are running on target, if not start
my @tres = AutoBoottest::QueryTarget($sTarget, "Win32_Service", "Schedule", "", "");
if(((!(grep {/State=Running/} @tres)) &&
!AutoBoottest::StartService($sTarget, "Schedule", "","")))
push(@res, "Task Scheduler service isn't running on $sTarget.
Enable service through mmc->Services");
undef $remote_wbem_services;
undef $wbemLocator;
errmsg("The following steps failed:");
for my $i (@res) { errmsg($i);}
return 0;
logmsg("\\\\$sTarget correctly configured.");
return 1;
# StartService - start a service on a remote machine
# In: target machine, service name, [user, pass]
sub StartService
my ($target, $service, $user, $pass) = @_;
my (@res, $oADSIDom, $wbemLocator, $remote_services, $oServ, $res, $srvc, $resultArray, $resultRef);
defined($service) or return -1;
$wbemLocator = Win32::OLE->new('WbemScripting.SWbemLocator');
(OLE_errmsg("Could not instatiate WbemScripting.SWbemLocator") && return 0 ) if ( !defined $wbemLocator );
defined($user) ? $remote_services = $wbemLocator->ConnectServer( "$target", "root\\cimv2", $user, $pass ):
$remote_services = $wbemLocator->ConnectServer( "$target");
(OLE_errmsg("Couldn't connect to $target") && return 0 ) if (!defined $remote_services);
$resultArray = $remote_services->ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Service Where Name ='$service'");
$resultRef = [(in $resultArray)];
while ($srvc = shift @$resultRef)
logmsg "Starting service: $srvc->{Name}";
$srvc->ChangeStartMode("Manual") if ($srvc->{StartMode} eq "Disabled");
if($srvc->{State} eq "Stopped")
$res = $srvc->StartService();
($res) ? errmsg("$srvc->{Name} could not start: $res") :
logmsg("$srvc->{Name} started.");
return 1;
logmsg("$srvc->{Name} is already running");
return 1;
undef $remote_services;
undef $wbemLocator;
errmsg("Service $service not found on $target");
return 0;
# QueryTarget - query WMI provider on a remote machine
# In: target machine, service name, [user, pass]
sub QueryTarget
my ($target, $service, $name, $user, $pass) = @_;
my (@res, $oADSIDom, $wbemLocator, $remote_services, $oServ, $res, $srvc, $resultArray, $resultRef);
defined($service) or return -1;
$wbemLocator = Win32::OLE->new('WbemScripting.SWbemLocator');
(OLE_errmsg("Could not instatiate WbemScripting.SWbemLocator") && return 0 ) if ( !defined $wbemLocator );
defined($user) ? $remote_services = $wbemLocator->ConnectServer( "$target", "root\\cimv2", $user, $pass ):
$remote_services = $wbemLocator->ConnectServer( "$target");
(OLE_errmsg("Couldn't connect to $target") && return 0 ) if (!defined $remote_services);
$resultArray = $remote_services->ExecQuery("Select * From $service Where Name='$name'");
$resultRef = [(in $resultArray)];
undef $remote_services;
undef $wbemLocator;
while ($srvc = shift @$resultRef)
logmsg("$service - $name is available");
return 1;
errmsg("$service $name not found on $target");
return 0;
# WriteUnattendFile - Generate Unattend File
# In: target, out file, lang, pid, [username, password]
# Out: success = 1, fail = 0
sub WriteUnattendFile {
my($target, $OutFile, $lang, $pid, $user, $pass) = @_;
my(@Identification, $computername);
my $Administrators = ($lang =~ /ger/i) ?
"Administratoren" :
#if($pass =~ /\*/){
# $pass = comlib::GetPassword($username);
@Identification = ( "[Identification]\n",
"CreateComputerAccountInDomain = Yes\n\n");
!$OutFile && ($OutFile = "unattend.txt");
!$target && errmsg( "Must specify target." ) && return 0;
!$pid && errmsg( "Must specify pid.") && return 0;
$computername = $target."1";
open(of, ">$OutFile") || die "Can't open $OutFile for writing";
print of <<UnattendFile;
UnattendMode = fullUnattended
OemSkipEula = yes
ConfirmHardware = No
Repartition = No
brandieusingunattended = yes
Proxy_Enable = 1
Use_Same_Proxy = 1
HTTP_Proxy_Server = http://itgproxy:80
Secure_Proxy_Server = http://itgproxy:80
AutoLogon =Yes
AutoLogonCount = 1
oemskipregional = 1
oemskipwelcome = 1
AutoMode = "PerServer"
AutoUsers = "50"
LanguageGroup = 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
SystemLocal = 00000409
UserLocal = 00000409
Allowconnections = 1
OsLoadOptionsVar="/fastdetect /debug /baudrate=115200"
#command0: Create the SAFE reboot shortcut
command0="\%SYSTEMROOT\%\\SYSTEM32\\cscript.exe \%SYSTEMDRIVE\%\\TOOLS\\addlink.wsf -x:'\%SYSTEMROOT\%\\SYSTEM32\\cscript.exe \%SYSTEMDRIVE\%\\TOOLS\\bootsafe.wsf' -i:13"
#end of main Unattend.txt
#begin post BT stuff
print of <<BVT if $lang !~ /usa/i;
; command1: Create the BVT shortcut
command1="\%SYSTEMROOT\%\\SYSTEM32\\cscript.exe \%SYSTEMDRIVE\%\\TOOLS\\addlink.wsf -x:\%SYSTEMDRIVE\%\\TOOLS\\bvtm.cmd -l:'BVT Test.lnk'"
; command2: Add the winbld to ADMINISTRATORS
command2="\%SYSTEMROOT\%\\SYSTEM32\\cscript.exe \%SYSTEMDRIVE\%\\TOOLS\\add2grp.wsf /u:'winbld' /d /g:$Administrators"
; command3: Clean the unattend* files
command3="\%SYSTEMROOT\%\\SYSTEM32\\cmd.exe /c del /q \%SYSTEMDRIVE\%\\TOOLS\\unattend.*"
; command4: add the REGISTRY entries for automatic logon of the winbld
; command4="\%SYSTEMROOT\%\\SYSTEM32\\cscript.exe \%SYSTEMDRIVE\%\\TOOLS\\fixlogon.wsf /u:winbld /y:NTDEV /p:$pass"
; command5: reboot the machine. use traditional way.
; command5="\%SYSTEMROOT\%\\SYSTEM32\\shutdown.exe -r -t 0"
; command6: Do the cleanup and indirect cleanup.Not yet implemented.
#end post BT stuff
logmsg("Successfully created unattend file: $OutFile");
return 1;
# GetCommand - extract executable from command string
# In: command string
# Algorithm - take string up to first <whitespace> or <switch> where <switch> is '/' or '-'
sub GetCommand($)
my ($txt) = @_;
$txt =~ /(.*)\/|-| /;
return $1;
# GetPassword - eventually get a masked password
# In: item to get password for
sub GetPassword($)
print "Enter password for @_: ";
my $pass = <STDIN>;
print "\n";
return $pass;
# Get_OLE_errmsg - Wrapper for OLE errors
# In: Error text
sub Get_OLE_errmsg
my $text = shift;
return "$text (". Win32::OLE->LastError(). ")";
# OLE_errmsg - Wrapper for OLE errors
# In: Error text
sub OLE_errmsg
# FatalError- Wrapper for error + exit
# In: Error text
sub FatalError
my $text = shift;
errmsg("Fatal error: $text");
=head1 NAME
<<mypackage>> - <<short description>>
<<A short code example>>
<<The purpose and functionality of this module>>
=head1 AUTHOR
<<your alias>>
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
!AutoBoottest::StartService($starget, "Schedule", "","")))