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' Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation
' WMI script to change the OS boot default number
' based on WMI Sample Scripts (VBScript)
' Serguei Kouzmine [sergueik]
'Initialize variables
ReDim objArgs(0)
'Get the command line arguments
If 0 = Wscript.arguments.count Then
' ShowUsage
For i = 0 to Wscript.arguments.count-1
ReDim Preserve objArgs(i)
objArgs(i) = Wscript.arguments.Item(i)
End If
ReDim Preserve KeyedArg(2)
Const lcDebug = 0
Dim pbDoBoot:pbDoBoot = False
Dim psHint:psHint = "SAFE"
If Not IsEmpty(objArgs) Then
For i = 0 to Ubound(objArgs)
If KeyedArg(0) = "l" Then
psHint = KeyedArg(1)
ElseIf KeyedArg(0) = "h" Then
ElseIf KeyedArg(0) = "b" Then
pbDoBoot = True
End If
End If
if pbDoBoot = True Then
End If
sub DoChange()
Set posBootSet = GetObject("winmgmts:{(SystemEnvironment)}//./root/cimv2")._
InstancesOf ("Win32_ComputerSystem")
Set poRegEx = New RegExp
Dim pnChange:pnChange = 0
poRegEx.Global = True:poRegEx.IgnoreCase = True:poRegEx.Pattern = psHint
for each poBoot in posBootSet
if VBNull = VarType(poBoot.SystemStartupOptions) Then
WScript.echo "Fatal: invalid data in Win32_ComputerSystem.SystemStartupOptions"
WScript.echo "Giving up"
Dim pdSafePos: pdSafePos = 0
Dim pdCurPos : pdCurPos = 0
For Each lsLabel in poBoot.SystemStartupOptions
Set isMatches = poRegEx.Execute(lsLabel)
If isMatches.count <> 0 Then
pnSafePos = pdCurPos
pnChange = 1
End If
pdCurPos = pdCurPos + 1
End If
If pnChange = 0 Then
WScript.echo psHint & _
" not found " &_
VbCrLf &_
"Giving up"
End If
If pnSafePos = 0 Then
WScript.echo "Don't need swith boot OS" &_
Exit Sub
End If
Set posBootSet = Nothing
Set posBootSet = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate,(SystemEnvironment)}")._
ExecQuery("select * from Win32_ComputerSystem")
for each poBoot in posBootSet
poBoot.SystemStartupSetting = pnSafePos
WScript.Echo "Boot up default OS changed to " & psHint
Set posBootSet = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub ParseArg(lsLabel)
Set poSwitchRegEx = New RegExp
Dim psMaskSwitch:psMaskSwitch = "[-/][hdb]$" 'currently don't handle all switches.
poSwitchRegEx.Global = True:poSwitchRegEx.IgnoreCase = True:poSwitchRegEx.Pattern = psMaskSwitch
Set poFlagRegEx = New RegExp
Dim psMaskFlag:psMaskFlag = "[-/][l]:"
poFlagRegEx.Global = True:poFlagRegEx.IgnoreCase = True:poFlagRegEx.Pattern = psMaskFlag
Set poFullRegEx = New RegExp
Dim psMaskFull:psMaskFull = psMaskFlag & "\w+"
poFullRegEx.Global = True:poFullRegEx.IgnoreCase = True:poFullRegEx.Pattern = psMaskFull
Dim pnChange:pnChange = 0
set issSwitches = poSwitchRegEx.Execute(lsLabel)
If 0 <> issSwitches.Count Then
KeyedArg(0) = Mid(issSwitches(0),2,1)
KeyedArg(1) = "+"
' ShowUsage
Set isMatches = poFullRegEx.Execute(lsLabel)
if 1 <> isMatches.count Then
WScript.echo "Bad Argument: " & lsLabel
End If
Set psFlag = poFlagRegEx.Execute(lsLabel)
psRes = poFlagRegEx.Replace(lsLabel,"")
KeyedArg(0) = Mid(psFlag(0),2,1)
KeyedArg(1) = psRes
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ShowUsage()
Dim strFullEngineName:strFullEngineName=WScript.FullName
Dim rPos:rPos = Len(strFullEngineName)
Dim lPos:lPos = InStrRev(strFullEngineName, "\")
strFullName = Mid(strFullEngineName, lPos + 1 , rPos - lPos)
Wscript.echo "" & _
"Usage:" & _
VbCrLf & _
Chr(9) & strFullName & Chr(32) & WScript.ScriptName & " [-l:<LABEL>] [-b] [-h]" & _
VbCrLf & _
Chr(9) & "Change the boot order of the BVT machine" & _
VbCrLf & _
"Where:" & _
VbCrLf & _
Chr(9) & "-l:<LABEL> boot into OS marked as <LABEL> (default is SAFE)" & _
VbCrLf & _
Chr(9) & "-b reboot the machine" & _
VbCrLf & _
Chr(9) & "-h view this message"
End Sub
private Sub DoBoot()
Const lcWMIObject = "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate, (Shutdown)}"
Dim lsWMIQueryString:lsWMIQueryString = "SELECT * FROM " & _
"Win32_OperatingSystem WHERE PRIMARY = true"
Set loWMISet = GetObject(lcWMIObject)._
ExecQuery(lsWMIQueryString, _
if lcDebug = 1 Then
WScript.echo TypeName(loWMISet)
WScript.echo loWMISet.Count
End If
For Each loWMI__ In loWMISet
End Sub