Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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@REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
@REM CdImage.cmd - BPerkins
@REM Creates cd images for each sku from the binaries tree
@REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
@REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
@if defined _CPCMAGIC goto CPCBegin
@perl -x "%~f0" %*
@goto :EOF
use strict;
use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts";
use PbuildEnv;
use ParseArgs;
sub Usage { print<<USAGE; exit(1) }
CdImage [-d <release|full>] [-c <comp|uncomp>] [-l <language>]
Creates cd images for each sku from the binaries tree.
Default is to get data, perform compression on 4 proc or greater
machines, and make CD image.
-d Release Running on Archive server, compute CD image and make it
but do not perform compression.
-d Full Run as a standalone program. Perform list creation and
compression (if appropriate), and linking from scratch.
-c Comp Force compression regardless of number of procs.
-c Uncomp Force no compression regardless of number of procs.
parseargs('?' => \&Usage,
'd:'=> \$ENV{CLDATA},
'c:'=> \$ENV{CLCOMP});
@if not defined DEBUG echo off
if defined 386 set Share=i386
if defined amd64 set Share=amd64
if defined ia64 set Share=ia64
set perl=perl
REM Need CompDr to evaluate to something even when not used
set CompDr=%_NTPostBld%\comp
REM Interpret any command-line parameters
set Release=No
set Full=No
if /i "%cldata%" EQU "full" (set Full=Yes)
if /i "%cldata%" EQU "release" (set Release=Yes)
if /i "%clcomp%" EQU "comp" (set Comp=Yes)
if /i "%clcomp%" EQU "uncomp" (set Comp=No)
REM Make uncomp default for now except on 4 proc machines
if NOT defined Comp (
set Comp=No
set Comp=Yes
set Comp=Yes
REM Product List Fields:
REM Display Name,CD Root,Sku,'Ordered links','CD Product membership',CD Tag letter, win9x upgrade (yes/no)
set NumProds=0
set Products=;
REM Exclude skus even they are defined in prodskus.txt
set CmdIni=perl %RazzleToolPath%\PostBuildScripts\CmdIniSetting.pl
set CommandLine=%CmdIni% -l:%lang% -f:ExcludeSkus::%_BuildArch%%_BuildType%
%CommandLine% >nul 2>nul
for /f "tokens=1 delims=" %%a in ('%CommandLine%') do (
set ExcludeSkus=%%a
call logmsg "Exclude skus are [%ExcludeSkus%]"
for %%a in ( %ExcludeSkus% ) do (
if /i "%%a" == "per" set ExcludePer=1
if /i "%%a" == "pro" set ExcludePro=1
if /i "%%a" == "bla" set ExcludeBla=1
if /i "%%a" == "sbs" set ExcludeSbs=1
if /i "%%a" == "srv" set ExcludeSrv=1
if /i "%%a" == "ads" set ExcludeAds=1
if /i "%%a" == "dtc" set ExcludeDtc=1
REM Personal
if not defined ExcludePer (
perl %RazzleToolPath%\cksku.pm -t:per -l:%lang% -a:%_BuildArch%
if not errorlevel 1 (
set /a NumProds=!NumProds! + 1
set Products=!Products!;Personal,%_NTPOSTBLD%,per,'perinf','p',c,yes
REM Professional
if not defined ExcludePro (
perl %RazzleToolPath%\cksku.pm -t:pro -l:%lang% -a:%_BuildArch%
if not errorlevel 1 (
set /a NumProds=!NumProds! + 1
set Products=!Products!;Professional,%_NTPOSTBLD%,pro,'','w',p,yes
REM Web blade
if not defined ExcludeBla (
perl %RazzleToolPath%\cksku.pm -t:bla -l:%lang% -a:%_BuildArch%
if not errorlevel 1 (
set /a NumProds=!NumProds! + 1
set Products=!Products!;Blade,%_NTPOSTBLD%,bla,'srvinf blainf','b',b,no
REM Small Business Server
if not defined ExcludeSbs (
perl %RazzleToolPath%\cksku.pm -t:sbs -l:%lang% -a:%_BuildArch%
if not errorlevel 1 (
set /a NumProds=!NumProds! + 1
set Products=!Products!;sbs,%_NTPOSTBLD%,sbs,'srvinf sbsinf','l',l,no
REM Server
if not defined ExcludeSrv (
perl %RazzleToolPath%\cksku.pm -t:srv -l:%lang% -a:%_BuildArch%
if not errorlevel 1 (
set /a NumProds=!NumProds! + 1
set Products=!Products!;Server,%_NTPOSTBLD%,srv,'srvinf','s',s,no
REM Advanced Server
if not defined ExcludeAds (
perl %RazzleToolPath%\cksku.pm -t:ads -l:%lang% -a:%_BuildArch%
if not errorlevel 1 (
set /a NumProds=!NumProds! + 1
set Products=!Products!;Advanced,%_NTPOSTBLD%,ads,'srvinf entinf','e',a,no
REM Datacenter Server
if not defined ExcludeDtc (
perl %RazzleToolPath%\cksku.pm -t:dtc -l:%lang% -a:%_BuildArch%
if not errorlevel 1 (
set /a NumProds=!NumProds! + 1
set Products=!Products!;Datacenter,%_NTPOSTBLD%,dtc,'srvinf entinf dtcinf','d',d,no
REM Call GetData to create a new cddata list if appropriate
if /i "%Release%" EQU "Yes" call :GetData
if /i "%Full%" EQU "Yes" call :GetData
REM Now compress if required
if /i not "%Comp%" EQU "Yes" GOTO EndCompLoop
REM Need at least the base directory to exist
if not exist %CompDr% md %CompDr%
REM Loop through products
for /l %%a in ( 1,1,%NumProds% ) do (
REM Want OrderedLinks value for each product
CALL :GetProductData %%a
REM Want to make sure a compressed directory exists for every link
for /f "tokens=*" %%k in (!OrderedLinks!) do for %%j in (%%k) do (
if not exist %CompDr%\%%j md %CompDr%\%%j
if not exist %CompDr%\lang md %CompDr%\lang
REM Apparently done if we are releasing
if /i "%Release%" EQU "Yes" goto :EndCompLoop
echo Now compressing ...
call %RazzleToolPath%\PostBuildScripts\startcompress.cmd endcomp -l %lang%
REM Wait on Compression to finish
echo Waiting on compression to finish ...
sleep 5
If not exist %tmp%\compression\*.tmp goto EndSleepLoop
goto :CompLoop
REM BUGBUG--JasonS--Force creation of support\tools dir on ia64, since cddirs.lst has it.
if not exist %_NTPostBld%\support\tools md %_NTPostBld%\support\tools
REM BUGBUG--JasonS--Force creation of support\tools dir on ia64, since cddirs.lst has it.
set UseCompressedLinks=yes
if /i "%Release%" EQU "no" if /i "%Comp%" EQU "no" set UseCompressedLinks=no
REM Loop through products
for /l %%a in ( 1,1,%NumProds% ) do (
REM Need to get the following variables set:
REM DisplayName
REM OrderedLinks
REM CDProductGroups
REM CDTagLetter
REM Win9xUpgrade
CALL :GetProductData %%a
echo Creating CD image for !DisplayName! ...
if /i "%Full%" EQU "yes" (
echo Deleting !DisplayName! directory ...
rd /s /q !CDRoot!\!Sku!
echo Linking base directories ...
if "%UseCompressedLinks%" == "yes" (
CALL :MakeLinksWithCompression !DisplayName! !CDRoot! %CompDr% !Sku! %Share% !OrderedLinks!
) else (
CALL :MakeLinksWithoutCompression !DisplayName! !CDRoot! !Sku! %Share% !OrderedLinks!
echo Linking winnt32 directories ...
CALL :LinkSetupSubdirs !DisplayName! !CDRoot! !Sku! %Share% %UseCompressedLinks% !Win9xUpgrade! !OrderedLinks!
echo Linking other directories ...
CALL :LinkCDSubdirs !DisplayName! !CDRoot! !Sku! %Share% !CDProductGroups!
REM Remove any symbols directories
for /f %%z in ('dir /ad /s /b !CDRoot!\!Sku!\symbols*') do (
echo removing symbols directory %%z...
rd /s/q %%z
echo Linking miscellaneous files ...
CALL :CommonMiscellaneousLinks !DisplayName! !CDRoot! !Sku! %Share% !CDProductGroups!
REM Make tag files for CDs
set TagPrefix=i
if /i "%_BuildArch%" EQU "amd64" set TagPrefix=a
if /i "%_BuildArch%" EQU "ia64" set TagPrefix=m
set TagFileName=win51!TagPrefix!!CDTagLetter!
echo Windows > !CDRoot!\!Sku!\win51
echo Windows > !CDRoot!\!Sku!\!TagFileName!
REM Done
if defined errors seterror.exe "%errors%"& goto :EOF
REM Function: GetProductData
REM accesses the global %Products% variable and
REM sets global values that reflect entry %1
REM in that list (1,2,3,...)
REM Note: have to use a function like this in
REM order to access a random number of
REM entries, even though this is really
REM bad about using and setting globals
REM that are used elsewhere
set EntryNum=%1
for /f "tokens=%EntryNum% delims=;" %%z in ("%Products%") do (
for /f "tokens=1-8 delims=," %%a in ("%%z") do (
set DisplayName=%%a
set CDRoot=%%b
set Sku=%%c
set OrderedLinks=%%d
set CDProductGroups=%%e
set CDTagLetter=%%f
set Win9xUpgrade=%%g
REM Replace single-quote in list variables with double-quotes
REM so they can be passed into subroutines as a single parameter
set OrderedLinks=!OrderedLinks:'="!
set CDProductGroups=!CDProductGroups:'="!
if defined errors if 0%errors% NEQ 0 (
set errors=1
) else endlocal
set FullSkuName=%1& shift
set CDRoot=%1&shift
set CompDr=%1& shift
set Sku=%1& shift
set Share=%1& shift
set OrderedLinkSubdirs=%1& shift
REM base compressed files...
echo Running compdir /kerlntsd /m:%tmp%\%Sku%comp.lst %CompDr% %CDRoot%\%Sku%\%Share%
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "compdir /kerlntsd /m:%tmp%\%Sku%comp.lst %CompDr% %CDRoot%\%Sku%\%Share%" >nul
REM base uncompressed files...
echo Running compdir /kerlntsd /m:%tmp%\%Sku%uncomp.lst %_NTPostBld% %CDRoot%\%Sku%\%Share%
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "compdir /kerlntsd /m:%tmp%\%Sku%uncomp.lst %_NTPostBld% %CDRoot%\%Sku%\%Share%" >nul
REM lang compressed files...
echo Running compdir /kelntsd %CompDr%\lang %CDRoot%\%Sku%\%Share%\lang
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "compdir /kelntsd %CompDr%\lang %CDRoot%\%Sku%\%Share%\lang" >nul
for /f "tokens=*" %%z in ( %OrderedLinkSubdirs% ) do for %%a in (%%z) do (
REM ???inf compressed files...
echo Running compdir /deklnruz /m:%tmp%\%Sku%subcomp.lst %CompDr%\%%a %CDRoot%\%Sku%\%Share%
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "compdir /deklnruz /m:%tmp%\%Sku%subcomp.lst %CompDr%\%%a %CDRoot%\%Sku%\%Share%" >nul
REM ???inf uncompressed files...
echo Running compdir /deklnruz /m:%tmp%\%Sku%subuncomp.lst %_NTPostBld%\%%a %CDRoot%\%Sku%\%Share%
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "compdir /deklnruz /m:%tmp%\%Sku%subuncomp.lst %_NTPostBld%\%%a %CDRoot%\%Sku%\%Share%" >nul
REM Rename files we are responisble for converting to their CD names
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%a in (%tmp%\%Sku%Rename_c.lst) do (
REM Ignore relative paths and assume all operations
REM will be performed in our %Share% directory
if exist %CDRoot%\%Sku%\%Share%\%%~nxa call ExecuteCmd.cmd "ren %CDRoot%\%Sku%\%Share%\%%~nxa %%~nxb"
if defined errors if 0%errors% NEQ 0 (
set errors=1
) else endlocal
set FullSkuName=%1& shift
set CDRoot=%1& shift
set Sku=%1& shift
set Share=%1& shift
set OrderedLinkSubdirs=%1& shift
REM base files...
echo Running compdir /kerlntsd /m:%tmp%\%Sku%.lst %_NTPostBld% %CDRoot%\%Sku%\%Share%
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "compdir /kerlntsd /m:%tmp%\%Sku%.lst %_NTPostBld% %CDRoot%\%Sku%\%Share%" >nul
REM lang files...
echo Running compdir /kelntsd %_NTPostBld%\lang %CDRoot%\%Sku%\%Share%\lang
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "compdir /kelntsd %_NTPostBld%\lang %CDRoot%\%Sku%\%Share%\lang" >nul
for /f "tokens=*" %%z in ( %OrderedLinkSubdirs% ) do for %%a in (%%z) do (
REM ???inf files...
echo Running compdir /deklnruz /m:%tmp%\%Sku%sub.lst %_NTPostBld%\%%a %CDRoot%\%Sku%\%Share%
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "compdir /deklnruz /m:%tmp%\%Sku%sub.lst %_NTPostBld%\%%a %CDRoot%\%Sku%\%Share%" >nul
REM Rename files we are responisble for converting to their CD names
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%a in (%tmp%\%Sku%Rename.lst) do (
REM Ignore relative paths and assume all operations
REM will be performed in our %Share% directory
if exist %CDRoot%\%Sku%\%Share%\%%~nxa call ExecuteCmd.cmd "ren %CDRoot%\%Sku%\%Share%\%%~nxa %%~nxb"
if defined errors if 0%errors% NEQ 0 (
set errors=1
) else endlocal
set FullSkuName=%1& shift
set CDRoot=%1& shift
set Sku=%1& shift
set Share=%1& shift
set Comp=%1& shift
set Win9xUpgrade=%1& shift
set OrderedLinkSubDirs=%1& shift
set SetupSubDirs=winnt32\compdata
REM Add Win9x upgrade directory on X86 architectures if supported by the sku
if defined 386 if /I "%Win9xupgrade%" == "yes" set SetupSubDirs=%SetupSubDirs% winnt32\win9xupg
set RecursiveSetupSubDirs=winnt32\winntupg
REM Setup subdirs get linked under the flat CD dirs on compressed
REM and underneath a winnt32 subdirectory on uncompressed
if /i "%Comp%" EQU "no" (
set StartingDestDir=%CDRoot%\%Sku%\%Share%\winnt32
) else (
set StartingDestDir=%CDRoot%\%Sku%\%Share%
REM Link dr watson files required for winnt32.
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "perl %RazzleToolPath%\postbuildscripts\Copydw.pl %_NTPostBld% %CDRoot%\%Sku%\%Share% %StartingDestDir%"
REM Now link all of the winnt32 directories, starting with
REM the ones in the flat binaries share and then the
REM ones in the SKU specific directories
for /f "tokens=*" %%z in ( %OrderedLinkSubdirs% ) do set LinkDirs=%%z
set LinkDirs=. %LinkDirs%
for %%a in (%LinkDirs%) do (
REM Start with base winnt32 directory
echo Running compdir /deklnruz %_NTPostBld%\%%a\winnt32 %StartingDestDir%
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "compdir /deklnruz %_NTPostBld%\%%a\winnt32 %StartingDestDir%"
for %%b in (%RecursiveSetupSubDirs%) do (
REM Only want to concatenate the last part
REM of the path for the destination
set DestDir=%StartingDestDir%\%%~nxb
if exist %_NTPostBld%\%%a\%%b (
echo Running compdir /deklnuz %_NTPostBld%\%%a\%%b !DestDir!
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "compdir /deklnuz %_NTPostBld%\%%a\%%b !DestDir!" >nul
for %%b in (%SetupSubDirs%) do (
REM Only want to concatenate the last part
REM of the path for the destination
set DestDir=%StartingDestDir%\%%~nxb
if exist %_NTPostBld%\%%a\%%b (
echo Running compdir /deklnruz %_NTPostBld%\%%a\%%b !DestDir!
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "compdir /deklnruz %_NTPostBld%\%%a\%%b !DestDir!" >nul
if defined errors if 0%errors% NEQ 0 (
set errors=1
) else endlocal
set FullSkuName=%1& shift
set CDRoot=%1& shift
set Sku=%1& shift
set Share=%1& shift
set ValidForProduct=%1& shift
for /f "tokens=1-7" %%a in (%RazzleToolPath%\postbuildscripts\CDDirs.lst) do (
REM Fields retrieved from file
set BinSubDir=%%a
set RootCDDir=%%b
set CDSubDir=%%c
set ProductInfo=%%d
set Recursion=%%e
set Archs=%%f
REM According to our architecture, are we interested?
set ValidForArchitecture=0
if /i "!Archs!" EQU "a" (
set ValidForArchitecture=1
) else if /i "%_BuildArch%" EQU "x86" (
if /i "!Archs!" EQU "x" set ValidForArchitecture=1
) else if /i "%_BuildArch%" EQU "amd64" (
if /i "!Archs!" EQU "d" set ValidForArchitecture=1
) else if /i "%_BuildArch%" EQU "ia64" (
if /i "!Archs!" EQU "i" set ValidForArchitecture=1
REM Only continue if valid
if !ValidForArchitecture! EQU 1 (
REM According to our product type, are we interested?
set ValidForSku=0
perl -e "exit $ARGV[1] ^!~ /$ARGV[0]/" !ValidForProduct! !ProductInfo!
if NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 set ValidForSku=1
REM Only continue if valid
if !ValidForSku! EQU 1 (
REM Linked under root or product on the CD?
if not "!RootCDDir!" EQU "p" (
if not "!RootCDDir!" EQU "r" (
call errmsg.cmd "Unknown value in second column of %RazzleToolPath%\postbuildscripts\CDDirs.lst (!RootCDDir!)"
) else (
set CDDest=!CDSubDir!
) else (
set CDDest=%Share%\!CDSubDir!
REM Default compdir switches
set CompdirSwitches=/deklnuz
REM Set no-recursion flag for compdir if necessary
if /i NOT "!Recursion!" EQU "y" set CompdirSwitches=!CompdirSwitches!r
echo Running compdir !CompdirSwitches! %_NTPostBld%\!BinSubDir! %CDRoot%\%Sku%\!CDDest!
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "compdir !CompdirSwitches! %_NTPostBld%\!BinSubDir! %CDRoot%\%Sku%\!CDDest!" >nul
REM These parens end the architecture check
REM and the valid product check -- could
REM heavily indent all of the above or
REM just make this nice comment
if defined errors if 0%errors% NEQ 0 (
set errors=1
) else endlocal
set FullSkuName=%1& shift
set CDRoot=%1& shift
set Sku=%1& shift
set Share=%1& shift
set CDProductGroups=%1& shift
REM Link WOW64 stuff
if not defined 386 (
echo Linking wow bins for %FullSkuName% ...
echo Running compdir /kelntsd /m:%_NTPostBld%\congeal_scripts\copywowlist_%CDProductGroups%.lst %_NTPostBld%\wowbins %CDRoot%\%Sku%\i386
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "compdir /kelntsd /m:%_NTPostBld%\congeal_scripts\copywowlist_%CDProductGroups%.lst %_NTPostBld%\wowbins %CDRoot%\%Sku%\i386"
REM WARNING: hard-coded special case for PRO and ADS
if /i "%Sku%" EQU "pro" (
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy %_NTPostBld%\autorun.exe %CDRoot%\pro\setup.exe"
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy %_NTPostBld%\ntautorun.inf %CDRoot%\pro\autorun.inf"
) else if /i "%Sku%" EQU "ads" (
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy %_NTPostBld%\entinf\autorun.exe %CDRoot%\ads\setup.exe"
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy %_NTPostBld%\entinf\ntautorun.inf %CDRoot%\ads\autorun.inf"
) else (
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy %_NTPostBld%\%Sku%inf\autorun.exe %CDRoot%\%Sku%\setup.exe"
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy %_NTPostBld%\%Sku%inf\ntautorun.inf %CDRoot%\%Sku%\autorun.inf"
REM system32 subdirectory...
if not exist %CDRoot%\%Sku%\%Share%\system32 (
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "md %CDRoot%\%Sku%\%Share%\system32"
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy %_NTPostBld%\usetup.exe %CDRoot%\%Sku%\%Share%\system32\smss.exe"
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy %_NTPostBld%\ntdll.dll %CDRoot%\%Sku%\%Share%\system32\ntdll.dll"
REM WARNING: Hardcoded special case extra dir on CD for SBS builds
if /i "%Sku%" EQU "sbs" (
if not exist %CDRoot%\%Sku%\%Share%\svcpack (
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "md %CDRoot%\%Sku%\%Share%\svcpack"
call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy %_NTPostBld%\bosprep.exe %CDRoot%\%Sku%\%Share%\svcpack\bosprep.exe"
REM Bootfont.bin
if exist %CDRoot%\%Sku%\%Share%\bootfont.bin call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy %CDRoot%\%Sku%\%Share%\bootfont.bin %CDRoot%\%Sku%"
if defined errors if 0%errors% NEQ 0 (
set errors=1
) else endlocal
REM Funcion: GetData
REM Clears current lists, then calls CDData.cmd
REM Call CDdata.cmd - pushd to make logmsg output fit on one line
pushd %RazzleToolPath%\postbuildscripts
set DelFileList=%_NTPostBld%\build_logs\bindiff.txt
set DelFileList=!DelFileList! %_NTPostBld%\build_logs\cddata.txt
set DelFileList=!DelFileList! %_NTPostBld%\build_logs\cddata.txt.full
set DelFileList=!DelFileList!
for %%a in (!DelFileList!) do (
if exist %%a (
call logmsg.cmd "Deleting %%a ..."
del /f /q %%a
call CDdata.cmd -f -d -l %lang%
if defined errors if 0%errors% NEQ 0 (
set errors=1
) else endlocal