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#! /usr/bin/perl
# Create the copywowlist file given the result of wowlist filtering.
# To be called from copywow64.cmd.
# sergueik - 03/07/01
# Perl CopyWowlist.pl <Input_DirectoryMappingFile> <Input_Filelist> <Output_Copywowlist>
my $self = $0;
$self =~ s/^.*\\([^\\]*)$/$1/g;
my $pos = -1;
my %mapping = ();
my $section;
if ( $ENV{ "_BuildArch" } =~ /amd64/i ) {
$section = q(\[SourceDisksNames\.amd64\]);
} else {
$section = q(\[SourceDisksNames\.ia64\]);
my $DEBUG = 0;
&usage and exit 0 if grep /[\/\-][\h?]/, @ARGV;
my $status = &VerifyCommandLine(
0 => "-e \"FILE\"",
1 => "-e \"FILE\""});
$status and die "$self: wrong call";
my $Input_DirectoryMappingFile = $ARGV[0];
my $Input_Filelist = $ARGV[1];
my $Output_Copywowlist = $ARGV[2];
open (HINT, $Input_DirectoryMappingFile) or die "cannot read Input_DirectoryMappingFile $Input_DirectoryMappingFile: $!";
my $mapping = 0;
my @mapping = ();
my @mappingpart = ();
# Put in the @mapping array all entries from the [SourceDisksNames] section.
while (<HINT>){
$mapping = 1; @mappingpart = ();
}if /^$section/;
push @mapping, @mappingpart;
$mapping = 0;
}if $mapping && scalar (@mappingpart) && $_!~/\S/;
push @mappingpart, $_ if $mapping && /=/;
# The keys in the %mapping hash are the directory numbers
# and the relative path is the value.
%mapping = map {split /\s*=\s*/, $_} @mapping;
foreach (keys (%mapping)){
my $data = $mapping{$_};
foreach (keys (%mapping)){
my $data = $mapping{$_}->[$pos];
$data =~ s/^\\[^\\]+(\\)?//;
map { $mapping{$_} = $mapping{$_}->[$pos]} keys (%mapping);
print STDERR join( "\n",
keys (%mapping)),
"\n" if $DEBUG;
my @data=();
my $pos2 = 0;
# Read the filenames and their directories from the second argument.
open (UNFIXED, $Input_Filelist) or die "cannot read Input_Filelist $Input_Filelist : $!";
do {push @data, $_ unless ($_!~/\S/); }while(<UNFIXED>);
print STDERR "$#data\n" if $DEBUG;
foreach $row (0..$#data){
my $line = $data[$row];
chomp $line;
my ($file, $rest) = split(/\s*=\s*/, $line);
my @rest = split (/,/, $rest);
my $index = $rest[$pos2];
my $path = $mapping{$index};
$file = join ("\\", $path, $file) if $path;
$data[$row] = $file;
# Write the output
open (FIXED, ">".$Output_Copywowlist) or die "canot write to Output_Copywowlist $Output_Copywowlist: $!";
select FIXED;
map {print "$_\n"} @data;
select STDOUT;
sub VerifyCommandLine{
my $messages = {"-e \"FILE\"" => "file \"FILE\" does not exist\n",
"!-e \"FILE\"" => "cannot clobber existing file: \"FILE\"\n" };
my $named = shift;
my %named = %$named;
my $argv = $named->{"argv"};
my $argc = $named->{"argc"};
my $result = 0;
$result = 1 if scalar(@$argv) != $argc;
if ($result ){
print STDERR "$self: wrong number of args\n";
} else{
foreach $one (keys(%named)){
if ($one !~ /\D/){
$test = $named->{$one};
$test =~ s/FILE/$argv->[$one]/g;
$test =~ s/\\/\//g;
do { my $message = $messages->{$named->{$one}};
$message =~ s/FILE/$argv->[$one]/g;
print STDERR "$self: $message";
$result = 1;
last;} if (!eval($test));
sub usage{
print <<USAGE;
perl $self <MappingFile> <Input> <Output>
Create the copywowlist file given the result of wowlist filtering.
To be called from copywow64.cmd.