Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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package HashText;
## For store hash to a static program file, please use dump
## Function: Store the hash back to text
## Prototype ($htype, $filename, $h1, $h2, $h3, ...)
## Read_Text_Hash
## Function: Read Text Table and store the data to a hash
## Prototype: read_text_hash($htype, $filename, $h1, $h2, $h3)
## ===============================================================
## $htype => set 0: hash-hash, 1: array-hash
## $filename => the .txt file contained the table
## $parameter hash / array pointer (more than one, if have two table in a text file)
sub Read_Text_Hash {
my ($htype, $filename, @ph)=@_; ## get parameters ($type=0:hash-hash(%%), 1:array-hash(@%)
my ($lptr, $hptr,@doc, %tmphash)=(0,0); ## defined internal variables
local *MFH; ## defined my file handle
local $_;
@ph = map( { (ref $_)?$_:\%tmphash; } @ph ); ## defined skip hash to internal temp hash
open(MFH, $filename) or die "Can not open the file $filename"; ## read the document
close (MFH);
## Look for whole document and Assign the data to defined hash
SHN1: while (($lptr<@doc) && ($hptr < @ph)) {
my ($head, @kname, $tempkey)=(0); ## initial set head not found & clean kname array
## LookFor the hash key name
SHN2: while ($head == 0) { ## look for the table head start line
next SHN1 if($lptr >= @doc);
while ($head == 1) {
my $t_i=0;
next SHN1 if($lptr >= @doc);
if (/(\=\=+)|(\-\-+)/) { ## -------- split line
$head=2, $lptr++;
} elsif (/^[\;\#]?\s*$/) { ## skip the empty line
} elsif ((/^[^\;\#]\s*[\w\\\[]+[\s\]\[]{3}\s*[\w\[\]]+/)&&(@kname > 0)) { ## defined head & is data line
} elsif (!/^[\;\#]?\s*[\w\\\[]+[\s\]\[]{3}\s*[\w\[\]]+/) { ## skip the comment line
} else {
s/^[\;\#]?\s+//; ## find the first non-blank & non-;
@kname = map ({ ## grep the first line key name
$kname[$t_i]="" if (!defined $kname[$t_i]);
split(/\s+/, $_));
while ($head == 2) {
next SHN1 if ($lptr >= @doc);
if ((/^[\;\#]/)||(/^\s*$/)) {
} elsif ((!/^\s*[^\;\#]+\s/)&&(!/\w+\s{3}\s*\w+/o)) { ## not the data line
$head =0;
} elsif ($htype eq 1) { ## store to an array-hash
my @ta=split(/\s+/, $_);
my %th=map({ $kname[$_] => $ta[$_];} 0..(($#kname)-1));
$th{$kname[$#kname]}=join(" ", @ta[$#kname..$#ta]); ## put the remains to the last one
push @{$ph[$hptr]}, \%th;
} else { ## store to the hash-hash and
my $key=$1; ## the first element is a key
my @ta=split(/\s+/, $_);
map({ ($_ <= $#kname)?
(${${$ph[$hptr]}{$key}}{$kname[$#kname]}.=" $ta[$_]");} 1..$#ta); ## put the remains to the last one