Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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@REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
@REM makebuildname.cmd - JeremyD
@REM generate buildname.txt for use by the rest of postbuild
@REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
@REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
@perl -x "%~f0" %*
@goto :EOF
use strict;
use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts";
use PbuildEnv;
use ParseArgs;
use Logmsg;
sub Usage { print<<USAGE; exit(1) }
makebuildname [-l <language>]
Create the file %_NTPostBLD%\\build_logs\\buildname.txt for use by other
postbuild scripts.
parseargs('?' => \&Usage);
sub WriteBuildName {
my $BuildNamePath = $ENV{_NTPOSTBLD} . "\\build_logs";
my $BuildNameFile = $BuildNamePath . "\\BuildName.txt";
if (!-d $BuildNamePath) {
errmsg("can't find build logs directory $BuildNamePath");
# make a new buildname each time, idx builds will update
# the __blddate__ file each day during newver.cmd
my $BuildName = &MakeBuildName;
if ($BuildName) {
my $fh = new IO::File $BuildNameFile, "w";
if (defined $fh) {
undef $fh;
} else {
errmsg("can't open $BuildNameFile: $!");
} else {
errmsg("can't make build name");
# verify that we have a valid build name file
my $ReadBuildName;
my $fh = new IO::File $BuildNameFile, "r";
if (defined $fh) {
$ReadBuildName = $fh->getline;
undef $fh;
chomp $ReadBuildName;
logmsg("Build name is $ReadBuildName");
} else {
errmsg("can't read $BuildNameFile: $!");
if ($ReadBuildName ne $BuildName) {
wrnmsg("build name file $BuildNameFile value " .
"$ReadBuildName does not match $BuildName");
return $ReadBuildName;
sub MakeBuildName {
my $BuildNumber = &MakeBuildNumber or return;
my $BuildArch = &MakeBuildArch or return;
my $BuildType = &MakeBuildType or return;
my $BuildBranch = &MakeBuildBranch or return;
my $BuildDate = &MakeBuildDate or return;
return sprintf("%s.%s%s.%s.%s", $BuildNumber, $BuildArch,
$BuildType, $BuildBranch, $BuildDate);
sub MakeBuildNumber {
my ($BuildNumber, $BuildRevision);
my $BldnumFile = $ENV{"_NTPOSTBLD"} . "\\congeal_scripts\\__bldnum__";
dbgmsg("will use $BldnumFile as build number file");
my $fh = new IO::File $BldnumFile, "r";
if (defined $fh) {
($BuildNumber) = $fh->getline =~ /BUILDNUMBER=(\d+)/;
undef $fh;
dbgmsg("build number is $BuildNumber");
} else {
errmsg("can't read $BldnumFile: $!");
my $BldrevFile = $ENV{"_NTPOSTBLD"} . "\\build_logs\\BuildRev.txt";
dbgmsg("will use $BldrevFile as build revision file");
if (-e $BldrevFile) {
my $fh = new IO::File $BldrevFile, "r";
if (defined $fh) {
$BuildRevision = $fh->getline;
undef $fh;
chomp $BuildRevision;
dbgmsg("build revision is $BuildRevision");
} else {
errmsg("can't read $BldrevFile: $!");
return ($BuildRevision ? "$BuildNumber-$BuildRevision" : $BuildNumber);
sub MakeBuildArch {
unless ($ENV{_BuildArch}) {
errmsg("environment variable _BuildArch is not defined");
return $ENV{_BuildArch};
sub MakeBuildType {
unless ($ENV{_BuildType}) {
errmsg("environment variable _BuildType is not defined");
return $ENV{_BuildType};
sub MakeBuildBranch {
unless ($ENV{_BuildBranch}) {
errmsg("environment variable _BuildBranch is not defined");
return $ENV{_BuildBranch};
sub MakeBuildDate {
my $BuildDate;
my $BlddateFile = $ENV{"_NTPOSTBLD"} . "\\congeal_scripts\\__blddate__";
dbgmsg("will use $BlddateFile as build date file");
my $fh = new IO::File $BlddateFile, "r";
if (defined $fh) {
($BuildDate) = $fh->getline =~ /BUILDDATE=(\d{6}-\d{4})/;
undef $fh;
dbgmsg("build date is $BuildDate");
} else {
errmsg("can't read $BlddateFile: $!");
return $BuildDate;