Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

818 lines
27 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<reference guid="{565783C6-CB41-11D1-8B02-00600806D9B6}" version="1.1"/>
<resource id="query connections">SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkConnection WHERE LOCALNAME IS NOT NULL</resource>
<resource id="version">2.1</resource>
<resource id="command line template"><![CDATA[%SOURCEPATH%\winnt32.exe /#t:4 /unattend:%TOOLSPATH%\%UNATTEND% /tempdrive:%_BLDDRIVE%]]></resource>
<resource id="good options">
More restrictive filespec is possible
<resource id="additional scripts">
<resource id="keyfield">Boot entry ID</resource>
<resource id="fieldlist">
Boot entry ID
OS Friendly Name
OS Load Options
<resource id="indexfield">
OS Friendly Name
<resource id="full description">
Version %VERSION%
The script is executed by task scheduler:
%SYSTEMDIR%\SYSTEM32\schtasks.exe /create /s &lt;TARGET COMPUTER&gt; /tn &lt;TASKID&gt; /u &lt;TARGET COMPUTER&gt;\&lt;TARGET USER&gt; /p &lt;PASSWORD&gt; /sc once /st &lt;TASK TIME&gt; /sd &lt;TASK DATE&gt;
/tr "%SYSTEMDIR%\SYSTEM32\cmd.exe /C ...
The &lt;MASTER COMPUTER&gt; and &lt;RELEASE SHARE&gt; are specified on the command line
when executed as a scheduled task due to 255 characters scheduler command line length limitation.
The rest of the parameters to determine the source build location is read from the registry:
The script wraps execution of:
\\&lt;MASTER COMPUTER&gt;\&lt;RELEASE SHARE&gt;\&lt;LANG&gt;\&lt;BLDNAME&gt;\&lt;_BuildArch&gt;&lt;_BuildType&gt;\&lt;_BldSku&gt;\&lt;_ARCH&gt;\winnt32.exe
The Status field is not used by the script yet.
The script to wrap execution of:
\\&lt;MASTER COMPUTER&gt;\&lt;RELEASE SHARE&gt;\&lt;LANG&gt;\&lt;BLDNAME&gt;\&lt;_BuildArch&gt;&lt;_BuildType&gt;\&lt;_BldSku&gt;\&lt;_ARCH&gt;\winnt32.exe
No command line parameters but the &quot;from&quot; one need to be provided
when executed as a scheduled task.
<named name="from" required="true" type="string"
helpstring="the source share: \\&lt;MASTER COMPUTER&gt;\&lt;RELEASE SHARE&gt;">
<named name="drive" required="false" type="string"
helpstring="target drive (REGISTRY: &lt;_BldDrive&gt;)">
<named name="path" required="false" type="string"
helpstring="relative path to access the build residing on &lt;MASTER COMPUTER&gt;, &lt;RELEASE SHARE&gt; (REGISTRY: &lt;_BldName&gt;, &lt;_BldSku&gt;, &lt;_BuildType&gt;, &lt;_BuildArch&gt;, &lt;LANG&gt;)">
<named name="unattend" required="false" type="string"
helpstring="build answer file (REGISTRY: &lt;Unattend&gt;)">
<named name="?" required="false" type="simple"
helpstring="display help">
<named name="??" required="false" type="simple"
helpstring="provide full help information">
<resource id="step delay">30000</resource>
<resource id="pipe delay">30</resource>
<resource id="info fields">
_BldDrive, _BuildArch, _BldSku, Unattend, SourcePath, LANG, ToolsPath
<resource id="info key">HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\MICROSOFT\BOOTTEST</resource>
<script language="VBScript">
Sub pHeader(ipTextFile)
Dim oArg
ipTextFile.WriteLine _
WScript.Name & _
WScript.Application.FullName & _
" " & _
ipTextFile.WriteLine _
For Each oArg in Wscript.arguments
ipTextFile.WriteLine _
End Sub
Sub SilentWaitP(isFullCommandLine)
Dim opShell, intReturn
Set opShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
intReturn = opShell.Run(isFullCommandLine, 1, TRUE)
End Sub
Sub DeleteOptions(aiSeHsh, aiFuHsh)
'' Argument: list of options not to delete
Dim oOtMp, opSeIdSz
Dim spVaTe, npCnt, npCnIzS
Dim opShell, opFilesys, spSampleCommand
Set opSeIdSz = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
npCnIzS = aiFuHsh.Count
For each spDedId in aiSeHsh
Set oOtMp = CreateObject("VBscript.RegExp")
With oOtMp
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = True
.Pattern = "\"".*" & spDedId & ".*\"""
End With
For Each spVaTe in aiFuHsh.Keys
If oOtMp.Test(spVaTe) Then
If Debug Then
WSCript.echo spDedId, spVaTe, cInt(aiFuHsh(spVaTe))
End If
aiFuHsh.Remove spVaTe
End If
Set oOtMp = Nothing
Dim opSIetZs
Set opSIetZs = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For Each spVaTe in aiFuHsh.Keys
opSIetZs.Add CInt(aiFuHsh(spVaTe)), spVaTe
spDedId = NULL
For npCnt = 0 To npCnIzS + 1
If isNULL(spDedId) Then
If opSIetZs.Exists(npCnt) Then
spDedId = CStr(npCnt)
End If
End If
If Not isNull(spDedId) Then
For Each spVaTe in aiFuHsh.Keys
Set opShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set opFilesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
spSampleCommand = opShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%SYSTEMROOT%") & _
"\SYSTEM32\bootcfg.exe" & _
" /DELETE /ID:" & spDedId
If Debug Then
WSCript.echo spSampleCommand
End If
SilentWaitP(spSampleCommand )
End If
End Sub
Sub DefaultOptions(aiSeHsh, aiFuHsh)
'' Argument: list of options to put in default class
'' Do it in minimal number of steps
'' live without SORT !
'' key-value stuff is reversed
Dim oOtMp, opSeIdSz
Dim spVaTe
Dim opShell, opFilesys, spSampleCommand
Set opSeIdSz = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For each spDedId in aiSeHsh
Set oOtMp = CreateObject("VBscript.RegExp")
With oOtMp
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = True
.Pattern = "\"".*" & spDedId& ".*\"""
End With
For Each spVaTe in aiFuHsh.Keys
If oOtMp.Test(spVaTe) Then
opSeIdSz.add cInt(aiFuHsh(spVaTe)), spDeMa
If Debug Then
WSCript.echo spDedId, spVaTe, cInt(aiFuHsh(spVaTe))
End If
End If
Set oOtMp = Nothing
For npCnt = 0 to uBound(aiFuHsh.Keys) + 1
If opSeIdSz.Exists(npCnt) Then
spDedId = CStr(npCnt)
Set opShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set opFilesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
spSampleCommand = opShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%SYSTEMROOT%") & _
"\SYSTEM32\bootcfg.exe" & _
" /DEFAULT /ID:" & spDedId
If Debug Then
WSCript.echo spSampleCommand
End If
SilentWaitP(spSampleCommand )
End If
Set opShell = Nothing
Set opFilesys = Nothing
End sub
Function QueryOptions
Dim aspOutPut, spOutPut, npLineCnt
Dim asFieldList, nCnt, odFieldList, sField
Dim spKeyField
Dim oFieldXp
Dim oFieldValueXp
spKeyField = UCase(CStr(GetResource("keyfield")) & " ")
asFieldList = ReadResource("fieldlist")
Set odFieldList = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dim odFieldValueDict
Set odFieldValueDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For nCnt = 0 to UBound(asFieldList)
sField = asFieldList(nCnt)
Set oFieldXp = CreateObject("VBscript.RegExp")
With oFieldXp
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = True
.Pattern = "^\s*" & sField & ".?\s?\s*"
End With
odFieldList.add oFieldXp, sField
odFieldValueDict.add sField, oFieldXp
Set oFieldXp = Nothing
'' create keys but leave them undefined
Dim spSampleCommand
Dim opShell, opFilesys, sFolder, opTextFile
Set opShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set opFilesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
spSampleCommand = opShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%SYSTEMROOT%") & _
"\SYSTEM32\bootcfg.exe" & _
sFolder = opShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%systemdrive%")
Set opTextFile = opFilesys.CreateTextFile( sFolder & "\" & "test.txt", True)
npDelay = CInt(GetResource("pipe delay"))
aspOutput = WshPopen(spSampleCommand, NULL, -1 , npDelay)
For npLineCnt = 0 To UBound(aspOutPut)
spOutPut = aspOutPut(npLineCnt)
if Verbose Then
WScript.echo spOutput
End If
opTextFile.WriteLine spOutput
Dim sFoundLabel, sKnownTagKey, sPcontents, apQuoted, spBadQuotedPart, pbAddLine
Dim aopStructuredOutput, npOptionCount
npOptionCount = 0
Dim pdThisElementData
Set aopStructuredOutput = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For Each sKnownTagKey in odFieldList.keys
If sKnownTagKey.Test(spKeyField) Then
If Debug Then
WScript.echo "identified" , sKnownTagKey.Pattern, spKeyField
End If
End If
For npLineCnt = 0 To UBound(aspOutPut)
sPcontents = aspOutPut(npLineCnt)
sFoundLabel = ""
For Each sKnownTagKey in odFieldList.keys
If sKnownTagKey.Test(sPcontents) Then
If sKnownTagKey.Test(spKeyField) Then
npOptionCount = npOptionCount + 1
If Debug Then
WSCript.echo "npOptionCount=", npOptionCount
End If
aopStructuredOutput.add CStr(npOptionCount), ""
End If
Set apQuoted = sKnownTagKey.Execute(sPcontents)
For each spBadQuotedPart in apQuoted
sFoundLabel = CStr(Mid(sPcontents, _
spBadQuotedPart.FirstIndex + _
spBadQuotedPart.Length + 1 _
If Debug Then
WScript.echo sFoundLabel
End If
opTextFile.WriteLine sFoundLabel
odFieldList(sKnownTagKey ) = sFoundLabel
Set apQuoted = Nothing
pbAddLine = True
End If
Set pdThisElementData = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For nCnt = 0 to UBound(asFieldList)
sField = asFieldList(nCnt)
pdThisElementData(sField) = odFieldList(odFieldValueDict(sField))
If aopStructuredOutput.Exists(CStr(npOptionCount)) Then
aopStructuredOutput.Remove( CStr(npOptionCount))
End If
aopStructuredOutput.add CStr(npOptionCount), pdThisElementData
Dim opOne, odOne, spOne
Dim opFilHa, osKyHa
Set opFilHa = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
osKyHa = ReadResource("indexfield")
For Each opOne in aopStructuredOutput.keys
If Debug Then
WScript.echo chr(09) & "KEY: " & opOne , TypeName(aopStructuredOutput(opOne))
End If
Set odOne = aopStructuredOutput(opOne)
For Each spOne in odOne.Keys
If Verbose Then
WScript.echo chr(09) & chr(09) & _
"""" & spOne & """", _
":" , odOne(spOne)
End If
Dim spRndName
spRndName = Rnd
spRndName = Mid(spRndName,3,5)
opFilHa.add odOne(osKyHa) & " " & spRndName, opOne
For Each opOne in opFilHa.Keys
If Verbose Then
WSCript.echo opOne, opFilHa(opOne)
End If
Set QueryOptions = opFilHa
End Function
<script language="VBScript">
Function ReadResource(sPresId)
On Error resume next
Dim sPRes, asRes, uRes, tsRes
Dim WshShell
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
sPREs = GetResource(sPresId)
If Err.number <> 0 Then
Wscript.echo err.number & " " & err.description
' The Error description are not informative when failed getresource
IF Err.number = 7 Then
Wscript.echo chr(9) & "Null resource: " & _
End If
IF Err.number = 5 Then
Wscript.echo chr(9) & "Undefined resource: " & _
End If
End If
asRes = Split(WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(sPRes), VBNEWLINE)
Set ures = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For Each tsRes in asRes
If 0 <> Len(tsRes) Then
uRes(tsRes) = 1
End If
Dim tResource
tResource = uRes.Keys
If uBound(tResource) = 0 Then
ReadResource = tResource(0)
ReadResource = tResource
End If
Set WshShell = Nothing
Set uRes = Nothing
End Function
<script language="VBScript">
Option Explicit
Dim npDelay, Verbose, Debug
Verbose = True
Debug = True
If WScript.Arguments.Length = 0 or _
WSCript.Arguments.Named.Exists("?") or _
NOT WSCript.Arguments.Named.Exists("from") _
End If
If WSCript.Arguments.Named.Exists("??") Then
shoFullHelp("full description")
End If
Dim oArg, spSku, spDrive
Dim opShell, opFilesys, sFolder, opTextFile
Set opShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set opFilesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim dpRegistryParam
Set dpRegistryParam = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dim spFieldList, spField
Dim opTrm
Set opTrm = CreateObject("VBscript.Regexp")
With opTrm
End With
For Each spFieldList in Split(GetResource("info fields"), VBNEWLINE)
For Each spField in Split(spFieldList, ",")
spField = opTrm.Replace(spField, "")
spField = Ucase(spField)
If "" <> spField Then
dpRegistryParam.add spField, _
opShell.RegRead (_
CSTR(GetResource("info key")) & "\" & spField)
If Verbose Then
WScript.echo CSTR(GetResource("info key")) & _
"\" & _
spField & _
"=>" & _
End If
End If
Dim spFromParam, dpFromParam
'' dictionary reserved for the case /from:<DRIVE>: argument
spFromParam = WScript.Arguments.Named("from")
'' This stuff has been greately changed between 1.0 and 2.0
Dim dpArchX
Set dpArchX = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
With dpArchX
.add "X86" , "i386"
.add "I386" , "i386"
.add "IA64" , "ia64"
End With
dpRegistryParam("_BUILDARCH") = dpArchX(uCase(dpRegistryParam("_BUILDARCH")))
Dim spToolDrive, spScriptFullName
spScriptFullName = WScript.ScriptFullName
Dim opTDrvLx
Set opTDrvLx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
With opTDrvLx
.Pattern = "(\w)\:\\.*$"
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = True
End With
spToolDrive = opTDrvLx.Replace(spScriptFullName, "$1") & ":"
on error goto 0
Dim spCommand, spCommandTemplate
''spCommandTemplate = dpRegistryParam("SOURCEPATH") & _
'' "\winnt32.exe /#t:4 /unattend:" & dpRegistryParam("TOOLSPATH") & _
'' "\" & dpRegistryParam("UNATTEND") & " /tempdrive:" & dpRegistryParam("_BLDDRIVE")
spCommandTemplate = GetResource("command line template")
For Each spField in dpRegistryParam.Keys
spCommandTemplate = Replace(spCommandTemplate, _
"%" & spField & "%" , _
Dim dpAllParameters, opRexF
Set dpAllParameters = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
spCommand = spCommandTemplate
Dim opClnRx
Set opClnRx = CreateObject("VBscript.RegExp")
With opClnRx
.Pattern = "\:\s*$"
End With
Dim spTempDrive
spTempDrive = opClnRx.Replace(dpRegistryParam("_BLDDRIVE"),"")
Dim spSource
spSource = opClnRx.Replace(dpRegistryParam("SOURCEPATH"), "")
For each spField in dpRegistryParam.Keys
With dpAllParameters
dpAllParameters.add "%" & spField & "%", dpRegistryParam.Item(spField)
End with
If Verbose Then
For each spField in dpAllParameters.Keys
WScript.echo spField , "=>", dpAllParameters.Item(spField)
End If
Set opClnRx = Nothing
With dpAllParameters
.add "%SHARE%" , spFromParam
.add "%THREADS%" , 7
.add("%TEMPDRIVE%") , spTempDrive
.add("%TOOLDRIVE%") , dpRegistryParam("ToolsPath")
.item("%UNATTEND%") = dpRegistryParam("ToolsPath") & "\" & dpRegistryParam("UNATTEND")
End with
For each spField in dpAllParameters.keys
Set opRexf = CreateObject("VBscript.RegExp")
opRexf.pattern = spField
opRexf.global = True
spCommand = opRexf.Replace(spCommand, dpAllParameters(spField))
Set opRexf = Nothing
spCommand = spCommandTemplate
If Verbose Then
call opShell.PopUp(spCommand, 60, "Test Build", 0 + 64)
End If
WScript.Sleep CInt(ReadResource("step delay"))
opShell.RegWrite GetResource("info key") & "\STATUS\", ""
opShell.RegWrite GetResource("info key") & "\STATUS\NOW" , "FORMAT RUNNING" , "REG_SZ"
Dim spFormCommand
spFormCommand = opShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%SYSTEMROOT%") & "\SYSTEM32\format.com /X /Q /FS:NTFS " & dpRegistryParam("_BLDDRIVE")
If Verbose Then
call opShell.PopUp(spFormCommand, 3, "Test Build", 0 + 64)
End If
npDelay = CInt(GetResource("pipe delay"))
call WshPopen(spFormCommand, "Y", 4, npDelay)
opShell.RegWrite GetResource("info key") & "\STATUS\NOW" , "FORMAT COMPLETE" , "REG_SZ"
Dim aAidCmds, spAidCmd
aAidCmds = ReadResource("additional scripts")
Dim opNetwork, opDrives, npCnt
Set opTDrvLx = Nothing
For Each spAidCmd in aAidCmds
For each spField in dpAllParameters.keys
Set opRexf = CreateObject("VBscript.RegExp")
With opRexf
.pattern = spField
.global = True
.ignorecase = True
end with
spAidCmd = opRexf.Replace(spAidCmd, dpAllParameters(spField))
Set opRexf = Nothing
WSCript.echo opShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%COMSPEC%") & _
" /C " & spAidCmd
opshell.exec(opShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%COMSPEC%") & _
" /c " & spAidCmd)
Dim aspGood: aspGood = ReadResource("good options")
Dim opOpHast: Set opOpHast = QueryOptions
For each spField in opOpHast.Keys
WScript.echo spField
Call DefaultOptions(aspGood, opOpHast)
Set opOpHast = QueryOptions
Call DeleteOptions(aspGood, opOpHast)
Set opOpHast = QueryOptions
aspGood = Array("SAFE")
Call DefaultOptions(aspGood, opOpHast)
Set opOpHast = QueryOptions
WSCript.echo "1"
For each spField in opOpHast.Keys
WScript.echo spField
WSCript.echo "2"
WSCript.echo spCommand
call opshell.run(spCommand)
'' here one can wait + close the shares used...
Set dpArchX = Nothing
Set opShell = Nothing
Set opFilesys = Nothing
Set opTextFile = Nothing
Set dpFromParam = Nothing
Set dpRegistryParam = Nothing
Function WshPopen(isFullCommandLine, siAnswer, niCnt, niDelay )
'' provide the pipeline with the process to execute
Dim spFullOutput, spOutPut
Dim opShell, opExec
Dim npCnt
npCnt = 0
Set opShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set opExec = opShell.Exec(isFullCommandLine)
If Verbose Then
WSCript.echo isFullCommandLine
End If
spOutput = ""
Do While True
spOutPut = ReadAllFromAny(opExec)
If isNull(spOutPut) Then
Exit Do
End If
If npCnt = niCnt Then
opExec.StdIn.Write siAnswer & VBNEWLINE
Wscript.echo spOutput , _
on error resume next
opExec.StdIn.Write VBNEWLINE
on error goto 0
spFullOutput = spFullOutput & VBNEWLINE & spOutPut
End If
WScript.Sleep niDelay
npCnt = 1 + npCnt
Const WshRunning = 0
Do while opExec.Status = CInt(WshRunning)
WScript.Sleep 100
If Verbose Then
Wscript.echo spFullOutput & VBNEWLINE
End If
WshPopen = Split(spFullOutput, VBNEWLINE)
End Function
Function ReadAllFromAny(oExec)
'' reads from STDERR and STDOUT
If Not oExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream Then
ReadAllFromAny = oExec.StdOut.ReadLine
If Verbose Then
WSCript.echo ReadAllFromAny & "(1)"
End If
Exit Function
End If
If Not oExec.StdErr.AtEndOfStream Then
ReadAllFromAny = oExec.StdErr.ReadLine
If Verbose Then
WSCript.echo ReadAllFromAny & "(2)"
End If
Exit Function
End If
ReadAllFromAny = NULL
End Function
Function spConnectionRemoteName(siConnectionLocalName)
'' returns the UNC path for the given remote connection
'' supplier
Dim opDriveRx, opNtWrk, spTargetComputer, opaDvi, npCnt, opWBEMClass, opWBEMProvider, opConn, aopConnectionSet
Set opDriveRx = CreateObject("VBscript.RegExp")
With opDriveRx
.Pattern = siConnectionLocalName
.Ignorecase = True
End With
spConnectionRemoteName = NULL
Set opNtWrk = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Set opaDvi = opNtWrk.EnumNetworkDrives
For npCnt = 0 to opaDvi.Count -1
If opDriveRx.Test(opaDvi.Item(npCnt)) Then
spConnectionRemoteName = opaDvi.Item(npCnt)
End If
If Not IsNull(spConnectionRemoteName) then
Set opWBEMClass = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
opWBEMClass.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = wbemImpersonationLevelImpersonate
spTargetComputer = opNtWrk.computername
Set opWBEMProvider = opWBEMClass.ConnectServer(spTargetComputer, "root\cimV2")
Set aopConnectionSet = opWBEMProvider._
ExecQuery(getResource("query connections"))
for each opConn in aopConnectionSet
If opDriveRx.Test(opConn.LocalName) Then
spConnectionRemoteName = opConn.RemoteName
End If
End If
Set opDriveRx = Nothing
Set opNtWrk = Nothing
Set aopConnectionSet = Nothing
End Function
sub shoFullHelp(siTag)
on error resume next
Dim oGeRpVl
Dim oGeRpNeA
Dim oHtXtExL
Dim odHxTaGp
Dim aoRplaceMatches, oMatch, sMatch, sLabel, sResource
Set odHxTaGp = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
With odHxTaGp
.add "&lt;" , "<"
.add "&gt;" , ">"
.add "&amp;", "&"
End With
Set oGeRpVl = CreateObject("VBscript.RegExp")
Set oGeRpNeA = CreateObject("VBscript.RegExp")
With oGeRpVl
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = True
.Pattern = "%\w+%"
End With
With oGeRpNeA
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = True
.Pattern = "%\w+%"
End With
Dim sLine,asTest
asTest = ReadResource(siTag)
For Each sLine in asTest
Set aoRplaceMatches = oGeRpVl.Execute(sLine)
For Each oMatch in aoRplaceMatches
sMatch = oMatch.value
sMatch = UCase(Mid(sMatch, 2, Len(sMatch)-2))
sLabel = LCase(sMatch)
sResource = GetResource(sLabel)
If err = 0 Then
sMatch = sResource
ElseIf err = VBEXPECTED Then
sMatch = "<" & sMatch & ">"
Raise Err
End If
oGeRpNeA.Pattern = oMatch.value
sLine = oGeRpNeA.Replace(sLine, sMatch)
Dim spHxTgZ
For each spHxTgZ in odHxTaGp.Keys
Set oHtXtExl = CreateObject("VBscript.RegExp")
With oHtXtExl
.pattern = spHxTgZ
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = True
End With
sLine = oHtXtExL.Replace(sLine, odHxTaGp(spHxTgZ))
Set oHtXtExl = Nothing
WScript.echo sLine
Set oGeRpVl = Nothing
Set oGeRpNeA = Nothing
End sub