Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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@perl -x "%~dpnx0" %*
@goto :EOF
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Script: snapbin.pl
# (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Purpose: Snapshot US binaries tree to INTL.
# Version: 1.00 (05/10/2000) : (bensont) Snap the binaries tree
# 1.01 (05/10/2000) : (bensont) Create __BldInfo__usa__ file
# Version: 1.5 (03/12/2001) : (SERGUEIK) snapbin.pl => snapbin.cmd
# Set Package
package SnapBin;
# Set the script name
$ENV{script_name} = 'snapbin.cmd';
# Set version
$VERSION = '1.5';
require 5.003;
# Use section
use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts";
use PbuildEnv;
use ParseArgs;
use File::DosGlob qw(glob);
use GetParams;
use GetIniSetting;
use LocalEnvEx;
use Logmsg;
use strict;
use vars qw($lang) ;
use vars qw(
use vars qw($BinarySnapServer
use HashText;
use GetIniSetting;
my $NETBIOS_COMMAND = "NET VIEW computer";
my $BUILD_NAME_MASK = q(${BuildNum}.${_BuildArch}${_BuildType}.${_BuildBranch}.([0-9\-]+).${lang});
$BUILD_NAME_MASK =~ s/(\.|[^[]\\a-z0-9_{}()]+)/\Q$1\E/ig;
# Main Function
sub CmdMain {
unless ( &GetIniSetting::CheckIniFile ) {
exit errmsg( "Failed to find ini file ..." );
$NETVIEW and &BinarySnapServer($BuildNum, $BinarySnapServer);
return unless &PrepareRoboCopyCmd;
&ReExRobocopy($RoboCopyCmd, $RoboCopyCmd, $SourceTree, $TargetTree);
my $dummy = ($NETVIEW) ? &GenerateBldInfo :
# /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
# End CmdMain code section
# /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
sub CountFiles{
&logmsg("DESTINATION CHECK: ". &BackTick(<<COUNTING));
\@echo on
rem This is a comment
: note that delayed variable expansion seems not to work.
set WC=%RAZZLETOOLPATH%\\x86\\wc.exe
for /F %. in ('dir /a-d/b/s %_NTTREE% ^|%WC%') do @(echo %. files in ^%_NTTREE^% ^($_BuildArch^))
# &SourceTree
# net view the setver to see the available builds matching the
# $BuildNum, $_BuildArch, $_BuildType, $_BuildBranch
# implemented via the netBios pipe command
sub SourceTree{
# BinarySnapServer
# suggested by MikeR
no strict 'refs';
local ($BinarySnapServer, $BuildNum, $_BuildArch, $_BuildType, $_BuildBranch, $lang) = @_;
$NETBIOS_COMMAND =~ s/computer/$BinarySnapServer/;
$BUILD_NAME_MASK =~ s/\$\{?(\w+)\b\}?/${$1}/egi;
$DEBUG and print STDERR "netbios command: " , $NETBIOS_COMMAND, "\n";
$DEBUG and print STDERR "build name mask: ", $BUILD_NAME_MASK, "\n";
$DEBUG and print STDERR "available builds list:\n",
{[split /\s+/]}
use strict 'refs';
# &_BuildTimeStamp
# filter out the time stamp part of the
# build name
sub _BuildTimeStamp{
no strict 'refs';
local ($_BuildTimeStamp, $BuildNum, $_BuildArch, $_BuildType, $_BuildBranch, $lang) = @_;
$BUILD_NAME_MASK =~ s/\$\{?(\w+)\b\}?/${$1}/egi;
use strict 'refs';
sub BinarySnapServer{
# 1. Clean the variables inherited from the default execution environment:
# 2. Read the ini file to relate the build BinarySnapServer
# BinarySnapServer label
# suggested by MikeR
# 3. Given the BinarySnapServer and the %_BUILD...% parameters, determine
# the SourceTree and the _BuildTimeStamp.
my $_BuildTimeStamps, $SourceTreeChoice;
local $BuildNum = shift;
$SourceTree = undef;
$BinarySnapServer = shift;
$BinarySnapServers = [];
push @$BinarySnapServers, $BinarySnapServer if $BinarySnapServer;
scalar @$BinarySnapServers or
$BinarySnapServers = [split /\s/,
&GetIniSetting::GetSetting( "BinarySnapServers")];
$DEBUG and print STDERR "Binary Snap Servers: @$BinarySnapServers\n";
foreach my $BinarySnapServer (@$BinarySnapServers){
my @arguments = ($BuildNum,
$SourceTreeChoice = &SourceTree($BinarySnapServer, @arguments);
scalar @$SourceTreeChoice or next;
$SourceTree = "\\\\".$BinarySnapServer."\\".$SourceTreeChoice->[0];
$DEBUG and print STDERR "Source tree: " , $SourceTree, "\n";
$_BuildTimeStamps=&_BuildTimeStamp($SourceTreeChoice, @arguments);
scalar @$_BuildTimeStamps or next;
$_BuildTimeStamp = $_BuildTimeStamps->[0];
$DEBUG and print STDERR "Build time stamp: ", $_BuildTimeStamp, "\n";
# policy: pick the first available.
$DEBUG or return;
$DEBUG or errmsg("unable to determine snap parameters for ".
"binary Snap Servers: @$BinarySnapServers, ".
"build number: $BuildNum, ".
"giving up\n");
$DEBUG or exit (0);
# BackTick
# sample usage: &BackTick("dir");
# ...cmd code...
# passes block of code to the cmd interpreter.
# lines are concatenated
# commened ones removed from the $cmd
# useful when the code is already
# developed and just needs to be inserted in place
# has limitations.
sub BackTick{
my ($cmd) = @_;
my $res = undef;
$cmd = join(" &", grep (!/^:|REM/i, ($cmd =~ /^(.+)/gm)));
$res=qx ($cmd);
# PrepareRoboCopyCmd
# Purpose : Reference $SourceTree, $TargetTree and file $SnapList to create Robocopy statement
# Input : none
# Output : 0 for fails, 1 for success
# Note : The Robocopy statement is stored in $RoboCopyCmd
sub PrepareRoboCopyCmd {
my ($Excludedirs, $Excludefiles, $Cmd, $OtherOptions)=();
my %snaplist;
my $machines;
$machines = "machines.txt" unless $machines;
my $Mirror = "/MIR";
-d $TargetTree or qx("md $TargetTree");
HashText::Read_Text_Hash(0, $SnapList, \%snaplist) if ((defined $SnapList) && ($SnapList ne '-'));
# HashText::Read_Text_Hash(1, $machines, \@machines);
# If <var> defined in string, evaluate by the order: global variable, environment variable. Report error if can not evaluate
$SourceTree =~ s/\<(\w+)\>/(eval "defined \$SnapBin::$1") ?
eval "\$SnapBin::$1":((exists $ENV{$1})?
$ENV{$1}:errmsg("Unable to eval $1 in $SourceTree; verify your razzle environment"))/ge;
$TargetTree =~ s/\<(\w+)\>/(eval "defined \$SnapBin::$1") ?
eval "\$SnapBin::$1":((exists $ENV{$1})?
$ENV{$1}:errmsg("Unable to eval $1 in $TargetTree; verify your razzle environment"))/ge;
# If source tree not exist
if (!-e $SourceTree) {
exit errmsg("Source Tree: \"$SourceTree\" not found.");
# Any above error should stop (Fail)
if ($ENV{errors} > 0) {return 0;}
# Parse the hash-hash table snaplist
foreach my $x_ (keys %snaplist) {
$_ = $snaplist{$x_}->{Type};
$Excludedirs .= ($x_=~/\\/)? "$SourceTree\\$x_ ": "$x_ " if /\bD\b/;
$Excludefiles .= ($x_=~/\\/)? "$SourceTree\\$x_ ": "$x_ " if (/\bF\b/);
$Excludefiles =
join " ", map {glob($_)} split(" ", $Excludefiles)
if ($Excludefiles);
$DEBUG and print STDERR "Exclude files:", $Excludefiles, "\n";
# Check if incremental run.
&ChkBabTree(\%snaplist) and exit;
# Create RoboCopyLogName as %logfile%.RoboCopy
$RoboCopyLog = `uniqfile $ENV{logfile}\.Robocopy`;
if (defined $Incremental) {
$Mirror = ""; # non-Mirror
$OtherOptions = "/XO"; # Exclude Older files
# Prepare the robocopy statement
$Cmd = "robocopy $Mirror /S /E $SourceTree $TargetTree $OtherOptions ";
$Cmd .= "/XD $Excludedirs " if ($Excludedirs ne '');
$Cmd .= "/XF $Excludefiles " if ($Excludefiles ne '');
$RoboCopyCmd = $Cmd . " /LOG+:$RoboCopyLog";
# Verify that the snaplist.txt file does not contradict with
# the actual contents of the $TargetTree.
# usage:
# &ChkBabTree(\%snapList)
sub ChkBabTree{
my $snaplist = shift;
my @report = ();
my @children = grep {/\S/} split ("\n", qx ("dir /s/b/ad $TargetTree"));
my ($childrenkeys, %hashchildren, $subdir, $lastdir, );
$DEBUG and print STDERR "$TargetTree ",scalar (@children), " subdirs\n";
return 0 unless @children;
logmsg($TargetTree ." is not empty, possibly incremental run")
if scalar(@children);
map {$_ =~ s/\Q$TargetTree\E\\//} @children;
my %hashchildren = map {$_=>$_} @children;
$childrenkeys = \%hashchildren;
map {$childrenkeys->{$_} =~ s/^.*\\//} @children;
my @report = ();
foreach $subdir (@children){
my $lastdir = $childrenkeys->{$subdir};
push @report, sprintf("%-30s%-30s",$lastdir,$subdir) # and delete ($snaplist->{$lastdir})
if ($snaplist->{$lastdir}->{Type}=~/\bD\b$/) or () ;
foreach $lastdir (keys(%$snaplist)){
next unless $snaplist->{$lastdir}->{Type}=~/\bD\b/ && $lastdir=~/\\/;
my @subdir = grep {/\Q$lastdir\E/} @children;
push @report, sprintf("%-30s%-30s",$lastdir,$subdir[0]) if scalar (@subdir);
unshift @report, "snaplist.txt %_NTTREE%\n".
and print join ("\n", @report ), "\n\n"
if scalar(@report);
# ExecuteRoboCopy
# Purpose : Execute Robocopy Command ($RoboCopyCmd)
# Input : none
# Output : none
# Note : The serious error or fatal error will be logged.
sub ExecuteRoboCopy {
my $status_;
$RoboCopyCmd =~ s/\s+$//g;
logmsg("ROBOCOPY: $RoboCopyCmd\n");
logmsg("SOURCE: $SourceTree");
logmsg("TARGET: $TargetTree");
logmsg("LOGFILE: $RoboCopyLog");
$DEBUG and return;
$status_ = system($RoboCopyCmd) / 256;
# Determine the return value
if ($status_ > $ROBOCOPY_SERIOS_ERROR) {
exit errmsg("Fatal robocopy error.");
# Robocopy did not copy all files. This is either a usage error or an error due to
# insufficient access privileges on the source or destination directions.";
} elsif ($status_ > $ROBOCOPY_ERROR) {
errmsg("Robocopy failed to copy some files or directories.");
sub ReExRobocopy{
my @stack = @_;
my ($f_, @flist,$d_,$c_);
open (F, "$SnapList");
my $startParse = 0;
my @blist = ();
my $flist = ();
my @a = <F>;
foreach (@a){
next if /^;/;
if (/^Additional *$/){
$DEBUG and print "Additional directories:\n";
$startParse = 1;
$startParse=0 if ($startParse && $_ !~ /\S/);
if ($startParse && /\S/){
my @alist =
split(" ", $_);
if ($#alist>=2){
$f_ = undef;
$alist[0] =~ s/(.*)\\([^\\]+)/$1/g and $f_=$2 if $alist[1]=~/F/;
push @flist, $f_;
push @blist, $alist[0];
# &logmsg($alist[0]);
foreach $c_ (0..$#blist){
$d_ = $blist[$c_];
$f_ = $flist[$c_];
$DEBUG and print STDERR "$d_\n";
($RoboCopyCmd, $RoboCopyLog, $SourceTree, $TargetTree) = @stack;
$RoboCopyCmd =~ s/\\\\.*$//g;
$RoboCopyLog =~ s|^.*(/LOG\+.*)$|$1.ADDED|g;
chomp $RoboCopyLog;
$SourceTree .= "\\$d_";
$TargetTree .= "\\$d_";
print "$SourceTree skipped\n" and next unless -d $SourceTree;
$RoboCopyCmd = join(" ", $RoboCopyCmd, $SourceTree, $TargetTree, $RoboCopyLog, $f_);
($RoboCopyCmd, $RoboCopyLog, $SourceTree, $TargetTree) = @stack;
# ParseLogFile
# Purpose : Parse the log file which from argument and store to $ENV{logfile} with fully path
# Input : templogfile
# Output : none
# Note : The log file will contain all file get copied and extra files removed.
sub ParseLogFile {
my ($templogfile) = @_;
my ($type, $file, %slots, %fails, $path)=();
local *F;
# Read temp logfile
open(F, $templogfile) || return;
for(<F>) {
next if (/^\s*\-*\s*$/);
if (/^ROBOCOPY/) {(%slots,%fails)=(); next;}
# If is error message, add to previous line
if (!/^\s/) {
if ($#{$fails{$type}} eq '-1') {
} else {
${$fails{$type}}[$#{$fails{$type}}] .= "\n$_";
logmsg($_) if (defined $ROBOCOPYLOG);
# Parse information according the format of robocopy log
if (/^\s+(?:New Dir\s+)?(\d+)\s+([\w\:\\]+)$/) {
$path = $2;
if (/^\s+((?:New File)|(?:Newer)|(?:\*EXTRA File)|(?:Older))\s+(\d+)\s+([\w\.]+)/) {
($type, $file) = ($1, $3);
((/100\%/)||(/\*EXTRA File/))?push(@{$slots{$type}}, $path . $file):push(@{$fails{$type}}, $path . $file);
# Separate the log to success and fail
logmsg("\n\[Copy Success\]");
for $type (keys %slots) {
logmsg(" \[$type\]");
for $file (@{$slots{$type}}) {
if (scalar(%fails) ne 0) {
errmsg("\n\[Copy Fails\]");
for $type (keys %fails) {
errmsg(" \[$type\]");
for $file (@{$fails{$type}}) {
# If Robocopy log include into the logfile, remove the robocopy its logfile
if (defined $ROBOCOPYLOG) {
} else {
logmsg("CHECK ROBOCOPY LOGFILE: $templogfile");
# GenerateBldInfo
# A styripped down version of
# CreateBldInfo used when snapping from US release server
sub GenerateBldInfo{
$_BuildTimeStamp = "??????-????" unless $_BuildTimeStamp !~ /[\d-]/
&logmsg("BUILD ${BuildNum} ($_BuildArch) TIMESTAMP: $_BuildTimeStamp");
open(F, ">$_BldMarkerFile");
print F "$BuildNum,$_BuildTimeStamp";
###Copy __blddate__ and __bldnum__ from US release server
map {qx("echo F|xcopy /V /F /R /Y $_ \%SDXROOT\%")}
glob ("${SourceTree}\\congeal_scripts\\__bld*__");
# CreateBldInfo
# Purpose : Create build number and time stamps to $_BldMarkerFile
# Input : none
# Output : none
# Note : The file $_BldMarkerFile contain one line: '<Build Number>,<Time Stamp>'
# 3552.x86fre.main.010914-1644.SRV
sub CreateBldInfo {
local *F;
my @file;
my $BuildLabel = "$BuildNum, ??????-????";
if ($ENV{errors} > 0) {return 0;}
# Search the matched filename in $SourceTree's parent folder
@file = grep {/${BuildNum}\.\w+\.$_BuildBranch\.[0-9\-]+\.[A-Z]{3}/i}
if (defined $file[1]) {
errmsg("Non unique US marker file found.".
"\n Pick the first from the list:\n" .
join("\n", @file)."\n\n");
} elsif (!defined $file[0]) {
errmsg("Marker file not found. Please make sure the US path is valid:\n".
if ($file[0]!~/$BuildNum\.\w+\.\w+\.([\d|\-]+).[A-Z]{3}/i) {
errmsg("Marker Filename (".$file[0].") is incorrect format! Expected:\n".
} else {
$_BuildTimeStamp = "$1";
sub ValidateParams {
!exists $ENV{RazzleToolPath} and
exit errmsg("Please run under razzle environment") ;
$BuildNum =~ /[^\d\.]/ and
exit errmsg("Build Number ($BuildNum) contains invalid characters");
$_BuildBranch = $ENV{"_BuildBranch"} unless $_BuildBranch;
$lang = "usa" unless $lang;
$DFSAlternateBranchName = &GetIniSetting::GetSettingEx( $_BuildBranch, $lang, "DFSAlternateBranchName");
$SourceTree = "\\\\ntdev\\release\\<_BuildBranch>\\usa\\<BuildNum>\\<_BuildArch><_BuildType>\\bin" unless $SourceTree;
$SourceTree = "\\\\ntdev\\release\\<DFSAlternateBranchName>\\usa\\<BuildNum>\\<_BuildArch><_BuildType>\\bin" if defined $DFSAlternateBranchName;
$TargetTree = $ENV{"_NTTREE"} unless $TargetTree;
$SnapList = $ENV{"RazzleToolPath"}."\\PostBuildScripts\\SnapList.txt" unless $SnapList;
$_BldMarkerFile = $ENV{"_NTROOT"}."\\__BldInfo__usa__" unless $_BldMarkerFile;
$_BuildArch = $ENV{"_BuildArch"} unless $_BuildArch;
$RoboCopyLog = ".Robocopy" unless $RoboCopyLog;
sub Usage {
my $self = $0;
$self =~ s/^.+\\([^\\]+)$/$1/g;
print <<USAGE;
$self - Snap Tree from US to INTL
Usage: $self -n buildnum [-s SourceTree] [-t TargetTree] [-f SnapList]
[-y BuildBranch] [-B bldinfo] [-L] [-i] [-d]
-n Build Number : The Build Number you snapshot
-s Source Tree : Source Tree
-t Target Tree : Target Tree
-f SnapList : A snaplist file contain which files or dirs excluded
-y BuildBrahcn : Branch to snap the build from. Default %_BuildBranch%
-B bldinfo : A bldinfo file should be create after snapshot
-L : Include robocopy log into logfile
-i : Incremental
-d : Debug. Display the robocopy command without running it. Useful
when you encountered the error and willing debug it.
-N : use NET access to release server(s) to determine the snap location.
Default behavior is rely on DFS.
-B : specify the release server to form the snap location. Only used when -N
flag set
-? Displays usage
1. Snapshot US 2121
$0 -n 2121
2. Snapshot US 2222 with userlst.txt incrementally
$0 -n 2222 -f userlst.txt -i
3. Snapshot US 2233 from d:\\nt8.binaries.x86fre to f:\\nt9.binaries.x86fre
with userlst.txt and store buildnumber and time stamp to mynote.txt.
$0 -n 2233 -s d:\\nt8.binaries.x86fre -t f:\\nt9.binaries.x86fre -f userlst.txt -B mynote.txt
4. Dummy snap the idx02 build in the Razzle enlisted in main branch.
$0 -n 3505 -b idx02 -d
exit 0;
&parseargs('?' => \&Usage,
'n:' => \$BuildNum,
's:' => \$SourceTree,
't:' => \$TargetTree,
'y:' => \$_BuildBranch,
'f:' => \$SnapList,
'i' => \$Incremental,
'd' => \$DEBUG,
'N' => \$NETVIEW,
'B:' => \$BinarySnapServer
# Validate the option given as parameter.
# Step 4: Call the CmdMain function
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Script: snapbin.pl
# Purpose: Snapshot US binaries tree to INTL.
# SD Location: %sdxroot%\tools\postbuildscripts
# (1) Code section description:
# CmdMain - Prepare the robocopyCmd, execute and parse its log
# PrepareRoboCopyCmd - Prepare the Robocopy command
# ExecuteRoboCopy - Execute the Robocopy command and test the return value
# ParseLogFile - Parse the logfile, append logfile from temp logfile
# (2) Reserved Variables -
# $ENV{HELP} - Flag that specifies usage.
# $ENV{lang} - The specified language. Defaults to USA.
# $ENV{logfile} - The path and filename of the logs file.
# $ENV{logfile_bak} - The path and filename of the logfile.
# $ENV{errfile} - The path and filename of the error file.
# $ENV{tmpfile} - The path and filename of the temp file.
# $ENV{errors} - The scripts errorlevel.
# $ENV{script_name} - The script name.
# $ENV{_NTPostBld} - Abstracts the language from the files path that
# postbuild operates on.
# (3) Reserved Subs -
# Usage - Use this sub to discribe the scripts usage.
# ValidateParams - Use this sub to verify the parameters passed to the script.
# (4) Call other executables or command scripts by using:
# system "foo.exe";
# Note that the executable/script you're calling with system must return a
# non-zero value on errors to make the error checking mechanism work.
# Example
# if (system("perl.exe foo.pl -l $lang")){
# errmsg("perl.exe foo.pl -l $lang failed.");
# # If you need to terminate function's execution on this error
# goto End;
# }
# (5) Log non-error information by using:
# logmsg "<log message>";
# and log error information by using:
# errmsg "<error message>";
# (6) Have your changes reviewed by a member of the US build team (ntbusa) and
# by a member of the international build team (ntbintl).
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
=head1 NAME
B<SnapBin> - Snapshot US Binaries tree to INTL
According SnapList,
PrepareRoboCopyCmd will prepare the command, such as:
Robocopy /MIR /S /E $SourceTree $TargetTree /XD xxxx /XF xxxx /LOG+:$ENV{logfile}.temp
ExecuteRoboCopy execute the command and verify its log.
And, ParseLogFile will append temp logfile to $ENV{logfile} and generate a separate list into log.
Final, create BldInfo file in nt root.
=head2 $SourceTree
US Tree, default is \\\\ntdev\\release\\<_BuildBranch>\\usa\\<BuildNum>\\<_BuildArch><_BuildType>\\bin
=head2 $TargetTree
INTL Tree, default is _NTTREE
=head2 $SnapList
Snap List FileName, default is SnapList.txt
=head2 $BuildNum
Build Number, necessary defined. No default value
=head2 %SnapList
The hash stored by HashText::Read_Text_Hash from file $SnapList.
=head2 $RoboCopyCmd
The command for ExecuteRoboCopy execute
=head1 METHODS
=head2 PrepareRoboCopyCmd
$SnapBin::SourceTree = "f:\\foo";
$SnapBin::TargetTree = "f:\\bar";
$SnapBin::SnapList = "mylist.txt"; # equal to '-' if no exclude list file
=head2 ExecuteRoboCopy
$SnapBin::SourceTree = "f:\\foo";
$SnapBin::TargetTree = "f:\\bar";
$SnapBin::RoboCopyCmd = "Robocopy /S $SnapBin::SourceTree $SnapBin::TargetTree";
=head2 ParseLogFile
system("robocopy f:\\temp F:\\tempbak /LOG:abc.log");
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Benson Tan <[email protected]>
Serguei Kouzmine <[email protected]>