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@echo off
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------
REM <<srvrel.cmd>>
REM copy the build From Build Machine to Release Servers.
REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
REM Version: < 1.0 > 02/02/2001 Suemiao Rossignol
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------
perl -x "%~f0" %*
goto :EOF
use strict;
use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts";
use Logmsg;
use ParseArgs;
use File::Basename;
use BuildName;
use GetIniSetting;
use comlib;
use cksku;
use WaitProc;
my $scriptname = basename( $0 );
sub Usage {
Propagate builds to release servers.
$scriptname: -l:<language> [-b:<BuildName>][-r:<SourceServer>][-xcopy ][-s][-p]
-l Language.
Default is "usa".
-b Build Name.
Default is defined in
<ReleaseShare>\\<buildName>\\build_logs\\buildname.txt for language usa.
<ReleaseShare>\\<lang>\\<buildName>\\build_logs\\buildname.txt for language none usa.
-r Alternate source server other than build machine.
Replace build machine if this is defined.
-xcopy Use xcopy as a copy command.
Default is compdir.
-s Incorporate virus scan.
-p Powerless.
Display key variables only.
-? Display Usage.
$scriptname -b:2415.x86fre.main.001222-1745 -xcopy
$scriptname -l:ger -p
my ( $lang, $buildName, $srcServer, $useXcopy, $virusScan, $powerLess );
my ( $buildArch, $buildType );
my ( @buildMachines, $buildMachineReleaseShareName, $pullResDir );
my ( $releaseShareName, $releaseResDir, @releaseAccess, $releaseDrive );
my ( $latestReleaseShareName, $freeSpaceReq, $numBuildToKeep);
my ( @mConglomerators, $isConglomerator,$symFarm, $statusFile);
my ( %groupShareName, %groupShareRootDir );
my ( %validSkus, @validSkus, $copyCmd, $scanProg, $retryCount );
if( !&InitVars() ){ exit(1);}
if( !$powerLess && !&VerifyDiskSpace ){ exit(1); }
if( !$powerLess && !&DeletePublicShare){ exit(1); }
if( !$powerLess && !&PurgeOldCdimage ){ exit(1); }
my $curRetry=0;
while( $curRetry <= $retryCount )
timemsg( "Auto retry count [$curRetry]." ) if( $curRetry);
if( !&LoopPullServers )
if( !$powerLess && !&CreatePublicShare){ exit(1); }
timemsg( "Complete [$scriptname]" );
sub GetParams
parseargs('?' => \&Usage, 'b:' => \$buildName,'l:' =>\$ENV{lang}, 'r:' => \$srcServer,
'xcopy' =>\$useXcopy, 's' => \$virusScan, 'p' =>\$powerLess );
$ENV{lang} = "usa" if( !$ENV{lang} );
$lang = $ENV{lang};
$copyCmd = "compdir" if( !$useXcopy );
sub InitVars
my( @iniRequest, $iniBuildMachine, $sTemp);
my( $buildBranch, $buildNo, $iniFile, $releaseShareRootDir);
my( @releaseServers );
#####Set build name, Number, Branch, Archtecture, Type and ini file
if( !$buildName )
if( ! ($buildName = build_name() ))
my ($cmdLine ) = "$ENV{RazzleToolPath}\\postbuildscripts\\getlatestrelease.cmd -l:$lang";
return 0 if( !chomp(($buildName= `$cmdLine`)) );
#####Set LogFile & ErrFile
$ENV{temp} = "$ENV{temp}\\$lang\\$buildName";
system( "md $ENV{temp}" ) if( !(-e $ENV{temp} ) );
$ENV{LOGFILE} = "$ENV{temp}\\srvrel.log";
$ENV{ERRFILE} = "$ENV{temp}\\srvrel.err";
if(-e $ENV{LOGFILE} )
system( "copy $ENV{LOGFILE} $ENV{LOGFILE}.old");
system( "del $ENV{LOGFILE}" );
if(-e $ENV{ERRFILE} )
system( "copy $ENV{ERRFILE} $ENV{ERRFILE}.old") ;
system( "del $ENV{ERRFILE}" );
timemsg( "Start [$scriptname]" );
$buildNo = build_number($buildName);
$buildBranch = build_branch($buildName);
$buildArch = build_arch($buildName);
$buildType = build_type($buildName);
$iniFile = "$buildBranch.$lang.ini";
#####Set release servers
@iniRequest = ( "ReleaseServers::$buildArch$buildType" );
my( $iniRelServers ) = &GetIniSetting::GetSetting( @iniRequest );
if( !$iniRelServers )
errmsg( "no [ReleaseServers] defined in [$iniFile], exit." );
return 0;
@releaseServers = split( /\s+/, $iniRelServers );
#####Set build machine
if( $srcServer )
$iniBuildMachine = $srcServer;
@iniRequest = ( "BuildMachines::$buildArch$buildType");
$iniBuildMachine = &GetIniSetting::GetSetting( @iniRequest );
if( !$iniBuildMachine )
errmsg( "No [BuildMachines] defined in [$iniFile], exit." );
return 0;
@buildMachines = split( /\s+/, $iniBuildMachine );
for my $bldMachine ( @buildMachines )
if( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "net view $bldMachine >nul 2>nul ") )
errmsg( "Failed to see [$bldMachine] via net view, exit. ");
return 0;
#####Set release Share Drive
@iniRequest = ("ReleaseDrive::$ENV{computername}");
$releaseDrive = &GetIniSetting::GetSettingEx( $buildBranch,$lang,@iniRequest );
if ( !$releaseDrive )
$ENV{_ntdrive} =~ /(.*)\:/;
$releaseDrive = $1;
#####Set <ReleaseShareName> & <ReleaseShareRootDir> & <RreleaseResDir>
$buildMachineReleaseShareName = &comlib::GetReleaseShareName( $buildBranch, $lang );
#####Set $releaseShareName hard code to release for srvrel specific
$releaseShareRootDir = &comlib::ParseNetShare( "release", "Path" );
if( !$releaseShareRootDir )
$releaseShareRootDir = "$releaseDrive:\\$releaseShareName";
$releaseResDir = "$releaseShareRootDir\\$lang\\$buildName";
#####Set latest share name
$latestReleaseShareName = "$buildName.$lang";
#####Set Push Dir
$statusFile = "$ENV{temp}\\SrvRelFailed.txt";
&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "md $releaseResDir" ) if( !( -e $releaseResDir ) );
&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "md $releaseResDir\\build_logs" ) if( !( -e "$releaseResDir\\build_logs" ) );
wrnmsg( "Found [$statusFile], check if same process in progress, exit")if( -e $statusFile );
#####Set access user to the release share
@iniRequest = ( "ReleaseAccess" );
for my $access( @iniRequest )
my $iniAccess = &GetIniSetting::GetSetting( $access );
@releaseAccess = split ( /\s+/, $iniAccess );
last if( @releaseAccess );
@releaseAccess = ("$ENV{userDomain}\\$ENV{UserName}") if ( !@releaseAccess );
#####Set free space required & number builds to keep for the release machine
@iniRequest = ("ReleaseServerFreeSpace\:\:$ENV{computername}");
$freeSpaceReq = &GetIniSetting::GetSetting( @iniRequest );
$freeSpaceReq = 10 if ( !$freeSpaceReq);
@iniRequest = ("ReleaseServerBuildsToKeep\:\:$ENV{computername}\:\:$buildArch$buildType");
$numBuildToKeep = &GetIniSetting::GetSettingEx( $buildBranch,$lang, @iniRequest );
$numBuildToKeep = 2 if( !$numBuildToKeep );
#####Set conglomerators
@iniRequest = ( "ConglomerationServers" );
my( $iniAggServers ) = &GetIniSetting::GetSetting( @iniRequest );
if( !$iniAggServers )
logmsg( "no [ConglomerationServers] defined in $iniFile." );
$isConglomerator = 0;
@mConglomerators = split( /\s+/, $iniAggServers );
$isConglomerator = 1;
$isConglomerator = 0 if (!grep /^$ENV{computername}$/i, @mConglomerators);
#####Set Symbol Servers
$symFarm = &GetIniSetting::GetSettingEx( $buildBranch,$lang,"SymFarm" );
#####Share name and Share root dir for each group item
%groupShareRootDir = ( "lang" => "$releaseShareRootDir\\$lang\\$buildNo.$buildBranch",
"build" => "$releaseShareRootDir\\misc\\$buildNo.$buildBranch" );
%groupShareName = ( "lang" => "$buildNo.$buildBranch.$lang",
"build" => "$buildNo.$buildBranch.misc" );
#####Define Valid Skus for the given languages and Architecture
%validSkus = &cksku::GetSkus( $lang, $buildArch );
@validSkus = keys %validSkus;
#####Verify if virus scan is applied in ini file
#####when it is undefined from comman line
if( !$virusScan )
@iniRequest = ("VirusScan::$ENV{computername}");
$virusScan = &GetIniSetting::GetSetting( @iniRequest );
if ( $virusScan eq "true" ){ $virusScan = 1; } else { $virusScan = 0; }
#####Find the location of virus scan executable
if( $virusScan )
my $tmp = "\\.\\tmp.txt";
if( system( "where inocmd32.exe > $tmp" ) )
wrnmsg( "inocmd32.exe is not installed in this machine, skip virus scan.");
$virusScan = 0;
my @tmp = &comlib::ReadFile( $tmp );
$scanProg = $tmp[0];
#####Define Auto-retry count used when fails on releasing
@iniRequest = ("AutoRetryReleaseCount::$ENV{computername}");
$retryCount=0 if( !($retryCount = &GetIniSetting::GetSetting( @iniRequest ) ) );
logmsg( "TEMP Dir .................[$ENV{temp}]" );
logmsg( "Log file ................[$ENV{LOGFILE}]" );
logmsg( "Error file ..............[$ENV{ERRFILE}]" );
logmsg( "Lauguage ................[$lang]" );
logmsg( "Copy command .............[$copyCmd]" );
logmsg( "Is Virus Scan ............[$virusScan]" );
logmsg( "Virus Scan File...........[$scanProg]" );
logmsg( "Build name ...............[$buildName]" );
logmsg( "Valid Skus ...............[@validSkus]" );
logmsg( "ini file ................[$iniFile]" );
logmsg( "Build Machine ............[$iniBuildMachine]" );
logmsg( "Alternate Source server...[$srcServer]" );
logmsg( "This computer ............[$ENV{computername}]" );
logmsg( "Release Servers ..........[$iniRelServers]");
logmsg( "Conglomerators ...........[$iniAggServers]" );
logmsg( "Release Drive ............[$releaseDrive]" );
logmsg( "Release share Resource ...[$releaseResDir]" );
logmsg( "Latest release Share name [$latestReleaseShareName]" );
logmsg( "Release Access ...........[@releaseAccess]" );
logmsg( "Free space required ......[$freeSpaceReq G]" );
logmsg( "Number builds to keep ....[$numBuildToKeep]" );
logmsg( "Is Conglomerator..........[$isConglomerator]" );
if( $isConglomerator )
for my $key ( sort keys %groupShareName )
logmsg( "Conglomeration share name:Path [$groupShareName{$key}:$groupShareRootDir{$key}]" );
logmsg( "Symbol Server.............[$symFarm]" );
logmsg( "Status File ..............[$statusFile]" );
logmsg( "Auto Retry count .........[$retryCount]" );
return 1;
sub LoopPullServers
#####Set Pull Dir
my $anyPullRes=0;
for ( my $inx =0; $inx< @buildMachines; $inx++ )
if( $srcServer )
$pullResDir = "\\\\$buildMachines[$inx]\\$releaseShareName\\$lang\\$buildName";
if( lc($lang) eq "usa")
$pullResDir = "\\\\$buildMachines[$inx]\\$buildMachineReleaseShareName\\$buildName";
$pullResDir = "\\\\$buildMachines[$inx]\\$buildMachineReleaseShareName\\$lang\\$buildName";
if( system ( "dir $pullResDir>nul 2>nul" ) )
wrnmsg( "[$pullResDir] not exists in [$buildMachines[$inx]]." );
$anyPullRes = 1;
logmsg( "Pull Path ................[$pullResDir]" );
return 0 if( !$powerLess && !&RemoteRelease );
if( !$anyPullRes )
errmsg( "[$buildName] not found in [@buildMachines] for [$lang]" );
return 0;
return 1;
sub RemoteRelease
my ( $cmdLine, $cmdLine2, $evtList, @copyList );
if( !( open FILE, ">$statusFile" ) ) {
errmsg("Could not open [$statusFile] file for writing: $!");
return 0;
close FILE;
#####Collect all the dirs to be copied
my @excludeDir = keys %validSkus;
push( @excludeDir, "build_logs" );
push( @excludeDir, "Resources" );
push( @excludeDir, "symbols.pri" ) if( $symFarm );
my $tmpFile = "$ENV{TEMP}\\tmpFile";
&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "dir /b /ad $pullResDir > $tmpFile" );
@copyList = &comlib::ReadFile( $tmpFile );
unlink( $tmpFile );
for ( my $i = 0; $i < @copyList; $i++)
for my $theExclude ( @excludeDir )
if( lc($copyList[$i]) eq lc($theExclude) )
splice( @copyList, $i, 1);
unshift( @copyList, "." );
push( @copyList, "build_logs" );
#####Start up copy executiion
my $maxProc = $ENV{number_of_processors} * 2;
my @cmdAry=();
my $copyOpts;
my $virusScanOpts;
my $extCmd;
#####Allpy non-recursive flag for '.' dir
$virusScanOpts = "-NOS";
if( lc($copyCmd) eq "xcopy" )
$copyOpts = "/dhikr";
$copyOpts = "/eknstr";
$extCmd = "& $scanProg $virusScanOpts -LIS:$ENV{temp}\\root.scan -ARC $releaseResDir\\." if( $virusScan);
$cmdLine = "$copyCmd $copyOpts $pullResDir\\$copyList[0] $releaseResDir\\$copyList[0]$extCmd";
push( @cmdAry, $cmdLine );
#####Apply recursive flag for none '.' dirs
$virusScanOpts ="";
if( lc($copyCmd) eq "xcopy" )
$copyOpts = "/dhikre";
$copyOpts = "/eknst";
for( my $inx=1; $inx < @copyList; $inx++)
$extCmd = "& $scanProg $virusScanOpts -LIS:$ENV{temp}\\$copyList[$inx].scan -ARC $releaseResDir\\$copyList[$inx]" if( $virusScan);
$cmdLine = "$copyCmd $copyOpts $pullResDir\\$copyList[$inx] $releaseResDir\\$copyList[$inx]$extCmd";
push( @cmdAry, $cmdLine );
return 0 if( !&WaitProc::wait_proc( $maxProc, @cmdAry ) );
if( $srcServer )
if( !$powerLess && !system( "dir $releaseResDir\\build_logs\\*qly" ) )
&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "del $releaseResDir\\build_logs\\*qly" );
#####Copy conglomerators again to different pathes if this is conglomerator
if( $isConglomerator ){ return 0 if ( !&MiscCopy ); }
#####Call cdimage & filechk
return 0 if (!&PostCopy);
#####Summery of Virus Scan
&VirusScanSummary if( $virusScan );
#####Check error logs
if( -e $ENV{errfile} && !(-z $ENV{errfile}) )
logmsg("Please check error at $ENV{errfile}");
return 0;
unlink $statusFile if( -e $statusFile );
logmsg("srvrel Copy Successfully");
return 1;
sub MiscCopy
my ( $cmdLine, $copyFlag );
for my $theGroup ( keys %groupShareName )
&comlib::ExecuteSystem("md $groupShareRootDir{$theGroup}" )if( !( -e $groupShareRootDir{$theGroup}) );
if( system( "net share $groupShareName{$theGroup} >nul 2>nul" ) )
$cmdLine = "rmtshare \\\\$ENV{computerName}\\$groupShareName{$theGroup}=$groupShareRootDir{$theGroup}";
$cmdLine .= " /grant $ENV{USERDOMAIN}\\$ENV{USERNAME}:read";
#####Raiseall.pl should grant access to these shares in the main build lab
for my $ID ( @releaseAccess )
$cmdLine .= " /grant $ID:read";
&comlib::ExecuteSystem( $cmdLine );
my @hashTable = &comlib::ParseTable( $theGroup, $lang, $buildArch, $buildType );
for my $line( @hashTable )
my $from = "$releaseResDir\\$line->{SourceDir}";
my $to = "$groupShareRootDir{$theGroup}\\$line->{DestDir}";
if( uc($line->{DestDir}) eq "IFS" || uc($line->{DestDir}) eq "HAL" || uc($line->{DestDir}) eq "PDK")
$copyFlag = "/yei";
$copyFlag = "/ydei";
my $tmpfile = &comlib::CreateExcludeFile( $line->{ExcludeDir} );
&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "xcopy $copyFlag /EXCLUDE:$tmpfile $from $to" );
return 1;
sub PostCopy
if( @validSkus )
#####Call cdimage
local $ENV{_ntpostbld}=$releaseResDir;
local $ENV{_ntpostbld_bak}=$ENV{_ntpostbld};
local $ENV{_BuildArch}=$buildArch;
local $ENV{_BuildType}=$buildType;
$ENV{dont_modify_ntpostbld} =1;
if( lc($buildArch) eq "x86" )
elsif ( lc($buildArch) eq "amd64" )
elsif ( lc($buildArch) eq "ia64" )
logmsg( "set %_ntpostbld% = [$ENV{_ntpostbld}]");
logmsg( "set %_ntpostbld_bak% = [$ENV{_ntpostbld_bak}]");
logmsg( "Set x86 = [$ENV{x86}]" );
logmsg( "Set 386 = [$ENV{386}]" );
logmsg( "Set ia64 = [$ENV{ia64}]" );
logmsg( "Set amd64 = [$ENV{amd64}]" );
logmsg( "Set dont_modify_ntpostbld = [$ENV{dont_modify_ntpostbld}]" );
return 0 if (!&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "$ENV{RazzleToolPath}\\postbuildscripts\\cdimage.cmd -l:$lang -d:release" ) );
return 0 if (!&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "$ENV{RazzleToolPath}\\postbuildscripts\\makeprocd2 -l:$lang -d:release" ) );
#####Call filechk
return 0 if( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "perl $ENV{RazzleToolPath}\\postbuildscripts\\filechk.pl -l:$lang") );
return 0 if( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "$ENV{RazzleToolPath}\\postbuildscripts\\HashBuild.cmd srvrelhash -l:$lang"));
logmsg( "Skip cdimage.cmd and filechk.pl for MUI release" );
return 1;
sub DeletePublicShare
#####use system for not logging the error message if the share is does not exist.
if( !system( "net share $latestReleaseShareName >nul 2>nul") )
return 0 if( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "net share $latestReleaseShareName /d /y" ) );
return 1;
sub CreatePublicShare
my ( $cmdLine );
if( system( "net share $latestReleaseShareName >nul 2>nul") )
$cmdLine = "rmtshare \\\\$ENV{computerName}\\$latestReleaseShareName=$releaseResDir";
$cmdLine .= " /grant $ENV{USERDOMAIN}\\$ENV{USERNAME}:read";
#####Raiseall.pl should grant access to these shares in the main build lab
for my $ID ( @releaseAccess )
$cmdLine .= " /grant $ID:read";
return 0 if( !&comlib::ExecuteSystem( $cmdLine ) );
return 1;
sub VerifyDiskSpace
my ($availDiskSpace, $retry, $reqSpace ) = (0, 0, 1000000000);
my $tmpFile = "$ENV{_ntdrive}\\freeSize";
my @freeSize;
$reqSpace *= $freeSpaceReq;
while( $retry < 2)
system( "cd /d $releaseDrive:\&freedisk>$tmpFile&cd /d $ENV{_ntdrive}" );
@freeSize = &comlib::ReadFile( $tmpFile );
unlink( $tmpFile );
if( ($freeSize[0] - $reqSpace) > 0 )
logmsg( "Available disk space [$freeSize[0]], delete builds is not required." );
return 1;
my ( $cmdLine ) = "$ENV{RazzleToolPath}\\postbuildscripts\\deletebuild.cmd AUTO \/l $lang \/a $buildArch$buildType \/f $freeSpaceReq \/k $numBuildToKeep";
return 1 if( &comlib::ExecuteSystem( $cmdLine ) );
return 0;
sub PurgeOldCdimage
for my $theDir ( @validSkus )
my $curDir = "$releaseResDir\\$theDir";
if( -e $curDir )
logmsg( "Purging old cdimage [$curDir]" );
&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "rd /s /q $curDir" );
return 1;
sub VirusScanSummary
#####Open/read directory where is the location of virus scan output file
if( !opendir( LOGDIR, $ENV{temp} ) )
errmsg( "Fail to open directory [$ENV{temp}] for read.");
return 0;
my @allFiles = readdir( LOGDIR );
####Loop through all the virus scan output file to have summary
my $totFileScanned=0;
my $totVirusFound=0;
my $totInfectedFiles=0;
my @allLines;
my @errorFiles=();
for my $theFile ( @allFiles )
next if( $theFile !~ /(.+)(.scan)/ );
@allLines = &comlib::ReadFile( "$ENV{temp}\\$theFile" );
for my $theLine ( @allLines )
if( $theLine =~ /(Total Files Scanned:)\s+(\d+)/ )
$totFileScanned += $2;
if( $theLine =~ /(Total Viruses Found:)\s+(\d+)/ )
$totVirusFound += $2;
push( @errorFiles, $theFile ) if( $2 );
if( $theLine =~ /(Total Infected Files Found:)\s+(\d+)/ )
$totInfectedFiles += $2;
push( @errorFiles, $theFile ) if( $2) ;
my $msgStr;
$msgStr = sprintf( "%-27.27s[%6d]", "Total Files Scanned:", $totFileScanned );
logmsg( $msgStr );
$msgStr = sprintf( "%-27.27s[%6d]", "Total Viruses Found:", $totVirusFound );
logmsg( $msgStr );
$msgStr = sprintf( "%-27.27s[%6d]", "Total Infected Files Found:", $totInfectedFiles );
logmsg( $msgStr );
if( $totVirusFound || $totInfectedFiles )
errmsg( "Found Virus, please check the following files:[@errorFiles]" );
return 0;
return 1;