Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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@REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
@REM updater.cmd
@REM Add entries to update.inf
@REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
@REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
@perl -x "%~f0" %*
@goto :EOF
use strict;
use Win32::OLE qw(in);
use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts";
use PbuildEnv;
use ParseArgs;
use Logmsg;
sub die_ole_errmsg($);
# Clear error flag
sub Usage { print<<USAGE; exit(1) }
updater.cmd -db:<database> -entries:<files> -inf:<inf_file> -out:<output_inf_file> [-trim]
database: database file
files: file containing list of files to search for
inf_file: use as starting template
output_inf_file resultant INF file to output
trim minimize size of resultant INF by compressing and removing entries
my ($db_file, $file_list, $inf_file, $out_file, $ftrim_inf);
parseargs('?' => \&Usage,
'db:' => \$db_file,
'entries:' => \$file_list,
'inf:' => \$inf_file,
'out:' => \$out_file,
'trim' => \$ftrim_inf );
if ( !$db_file || !$file_list || !$inf_file ||
!$out_file )
errmsg( "Invalid parameters!" );
errmsg( "Must specify -db" ) if ( !$db_file );
errmsg( "Must specify -entries" ) if ( !$file_list );
errmsg( "Must specify -inf" ) if ( !$inf_file );
errmsg( "Must specify -out" ) if ( !$out_file );
# Read in DB file
if ( !open (DBFILE, $db_file) )
errmsg( "Unable to read $db_file: $!" );
exit 1;
my %db = ();
my $linenum = 0;
foreach ( <DBFILE> )
if ( /^\[([^]]+)\]:([^,:]+)(?:,([^:]+))?:\[([^]]+)\]\s*$/ )
# push $db{file_name_key}, [file_name, renamed_file_name, section]
if ( !exists $db{lc$1} ) { $db{lc$1} = []; }
my $dbentries = $db{lc$1};
push @$dbentries, [$2, $3, $4];
errmsg( "Unrecognized DB-file entry at line $linenum: $_" );
close DBFILE;
# Setup connection to InfGenerator
my $inf_generator = Win32::OLE->new('InfGenerator');
die_ole_errmsg "Could not instatiate InfGenerator" if ( !defined $inf_generator );
$inf_generator->SetDB( "", "", "", "" );
$inf_generator->InitGen( $inf_file, $out_file );
if ( Win32::OLE->LastError() )
my $errstr = $inf_generator->{InfGenError}; chomp $errstr;
die_ole_errmsg "Error starting up InfGenerator (". ($errstr?$errstr:""). ")";
# Read in list of files to find
if ( !open (INFILE, "$file_list") )
errmsg( "Unable to read $file_list: $!" );
exit 1;
$linenum = 0;
foreach my $refd_file ( <INFILE> )
$refd_file =~ s/\s*$//;
if ( !exists $db{lc$refd_file} )
if ( $ENV{_BUILDARCH} eq "ia64" and $refd_file =~ /^(srv|per)inf\\/i ) {
wrnmsg( "No entry found in $db_file for $refd_file" );
} else {
errmsg( "No entry found in $db_file for $refd_file" );
my $dbentries = $db{lc$refd_file};
foreach my $db_entry ( @$dbentries )
my $section = $db_entry->[2];
my $entry = $db_entry->[0].($db_entry->[1]?",$db_entry->[1]":"");
# Basic DB sanity check -- key should equal source
if ( $db_entry->[1] && lc$db_entry->[1] ne lc$refd_file )
errmsg( "File $refd_file has a different source specified: $db_entry->[1]" );
# Unknown section is literally unknown
if ( lc$section eq 'unknown' )
errmsg( "Section is *unknown* for $refd_file" );
# We can't add entries with an equal sign with the current infgen.dll
if ( $entry =~ /=/ )
errmsg( "Can't have '=' in entry: $entry" );
$inf_generator->WriteSectionData( $section, $entry );
if ( Win32::OLE->LastError() )
my $errstr = $inf_generator->{InfGenError}; chomp $errstr;
errmsg( "Failed writing to section $section" );
errmsg( "Content was: ". $entry );
errmsg( "Error was: ". ($errstr?$errstr:"unknown error") );
# Add file to SourceDisksFiles
$inf_generator->AddSourceDisksFilesEntry( $refd_file, 1 );
if ( Win32::OLE->LastError() )
my $errstr = $inf_generator->{InfGenError}; chomp $errstr;
errmsg( "Failed writing to section SourceDisksFiles" );
errmsg( "Content was: $refd_file" );
errmsg( "Error was: ". ($errstr?$errstr:"unknown error") );
close INFILE;
logmsg( "Saving new INF file ..." );
# Trim and save new INF file
$inf_generator->CloseGen( $ftrim_inf?1:0 );
if ( Win32::OLE->LastError() )
my $errstr = $inf_generator->{InfGenError}; chomp $errstr;
errmsg( "Failed trimming/saving file (". ($errstr?$errstr:"unknown error"). ")" )
if ( $ENV{ERRORS} )
logmsg( "Errors during execution" );
exit 1;
logmsg( "Success" );
exit 0;
sub die_ole_errmsg($)
my $text = shift;
errmsg( "$text (". Win32::OLE->LastError(). ")" );
exit 1;