Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# Filename: sendmsg.pl
# Have any changes to this file reviewed by DavePr, BryanT, or WadeLa
# before checking in.
# Any changes need to verified in all standard build/rebuild scenarios.
# routine for sending message at microsoft via SMTP
# to use specify
# require $ENV{'sdxroot'} . '\TOOLS\sendmail.pl';
# }
# or
# push @INC, $ENV{'sdxroot'} . '\TOOLS';
# require 'sendmail.pl';
# }
use Socket;
# sendmsg [-v,] sender, subject, message, recipient [, recipient ...]
# uses SMTP port connection to send a mail message
# optional -v will provide verbosity on unexpected output from the SMTP server
# returns 1 on failure, 0 on success
# A recipient of the form "replyto:alias" sets the Reply-To field to be the
# specified alias rather than the default of "noone".
# A recipient of the form "cc:alias" will be placed on the CC line instead of
# the To line.
# A recipient of the form "content:..." will set the message's content type.
# E.g., "content:text/html", if you want your message to be intrepreted as HTML.
sub sendmsg {
my @SmtpServers = ("red-imc-01", "red-imc-02", "red-imc-03", "smarthost");
for (@SmtpServers) {
$rc = sendmsg2 ($_, @_);
last if !$rc;
} continue {
print "WARNING: Connection to $_ failed. Will try another SMTP server\n";
if ($rc) {
print "WARNING: MAIL NOT SENT: All SMTP servers failed\n";
return 1
return 0;
sub sendmsg2 {
my $Company = '@Microsoft.com';
my $SmtpPort = 25;
my $SmtpServer = shift;
my $verbose = shift if $_[0] =~ /^-v$/i;
my $NotAtMicrosoft = shift if $_[0] =~ /^-m$/i;
my $sender = shift;
my $subject = shift;
my $msg = shift;
my @rcpts = @_;
my $replyto = 'noone';
my $rcptlist;
my $cclist;
my $ct = "";
my $iaddr;
my $paddr;
my $proto = getprotobyname('tcp');
my $r;
my $to;
socket(SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) or return 1;
# hardwired to Pacific Time
# format: Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 15:55:25 -0800
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime;
$datestamp = sprintf "%3s, %2d %3s %4d %02d:%02d:%02d -0%1d00",
(Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat)[$wday],
(Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec)[$mon],
$hour, $min, $sec, 8 - $isdst;
# Get a connection to the SMTP server
$iaddr = inet_aton($SmtpServer);
$paddr = sockaddr_in($SmtpPort, $iaddr);
$rc = connect(SOCK, $paddr);
last if !$rc;
$r = <SOCK>;
print $r if $verbose;
send SOCK, "HELO\r\n", 0 or last;
$r = <SOCK>;
print $r if $verbose;
last if $r !~ /^250 /i;
if ($NotAtMicrosoft) {
send SOCK, "MAIL From: <$sender>\r\n", 0 or last;
} else {
send SOCK, "MAIL From: <$sender$Company>\r\n", 0 or last;
$r = <SOCK>;
print $r if $verbose;
last if $r !~ /^250 /i;
$rcptlist = "";
$cclist = "";
for (@rcpts) {
if ($NotAtMicrosoft || /^content:/) {
$to = $_;
} else {
$to = $_ . $Company;
if ($to =~ s/^replyto://i) {
$replyto = $to;
} elsif ($to =~ s/^content://i) {
$ct = $to;
} else {
if ($to =~ s/^cc://i) {
$cclist = "$cclist $to,";
} else {
$rcptlist = "$rcptlist $to,";
send SOCK, "RCPT To: <$to>\r\n", 0 or last;
$r = <SOCK>;
print $r if $verbose;
last if $r !~ /^250 /i;
chop $rcptlist; # remove trailing ','
chop $cclist; # remove trailing ','
send SOCK, "DATA\r\n", 0 or last;
$r = <SOCK>;
print $r if $verbose;
last if $r !~ /^354 /i;
if ($NotAtMicrosoft) {
send SOCK, "From: $sender\r\n", 0 or last;
} else {
send SOCK, "From: $sender$Company\r\n", 0 or last;
send SOCK, "To:$rcptlist\r\n", 0 or last;
send SOCK, "Cc:$cclist\r\n", 0 or last if $cclist;
# send SOCK, "Bcc:\r\n", 0 or last;
send SOCK, "Subject: $subject\r\n", 0 or last;
send SOCK, "Date: $datestamp\r\n", 0 or last;
send SOCK, "Content-Type: $ct\r\n", 0 or last if $ct;
send SOCK, "Reply-To: $replyto\r\n", 0 or last;
send SOCK, "Importance: High\r\n", 0 or last if $subject =~ /failed/i;
send SOCK, "\r\n", 0 or last;
send SOCK, "$msg", 0 or last;
send SOCK, "\r\n.\r\n", 0 or last;
$r = <SOCK>;
print $r if $verbose;
last if $r !~ /^250 /i;
send SOCK, "QUIT\r\n", 0 or last;
} continue {
# Success return
return 0;
# Error return (last)
return 1;
# return true to our caller
return 1;