Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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# SLDMagic
# file1 is the non-strings portion of an .inf file (from WINDIFF)
# file2 is the strings portion of a .inf file
# outfile is the output file
# cleans these up and catenates them together IFF file1 is not empty
# Requires three(3) arguments
$argc = @ARGV;
$PGM = "SLDMagic:";
die "Usage: $PGM file1 file2 outfile\n" if ( $argc < 3 );
$file1 = $ARGV[0];
$file2 = $ARGV[1];
$outfile = $ARGV[2];
open(FILE1, "<$file1") || die "$PGM $file1 does not exist!\n";
open(FILE2, "<$file2") || die "$PGM $file2 does not exist!\n";
# Make the path of the output file if necessary
if( $outfile =~ /\\/ ){
$outpath = "";
@outarray = split(/\\/, $outfile);
pop @outarray;
$first = 1;
foreach $dir (@outarray){
if( !$first ){
$outpath = $outpath . '\\';
} else {
$first = 0;
$outpath = $outpath . $dir;
if (!(-d $outpath)) { system "mkdir $outpath" }
open(OUTFILE, ">$outfile") || die "$PGM Could not open $outfile!\n";
# Most .inx files don't have [DefaultInstall]
# Assume those that don't have [AddReg] as the name of the section to add
$fDontAddDefaultInstall = 0;
$fDontAddVersion = 0;
$fDontAddAddReg = 0;
$linenum = 0;
if ((s/^ //) || (s/^ <! //) || (s/^ !> //)){
if (m/^\[DefaultInstall].*/){
$fDontAddDefaultInstall = 1;
}elsif (m/^\[Version].*/){
$fDontAddVersion = 1;
}elsif (m/^\[AddReg]/){
$fDontAddAddReg = 1;
$strFile1[$linenum] = $_;
if($linenum > 0){
if ($fDontAddVersion==0){
print OUTFILE "[Version]\nSignature = \"\$Windows NT\$\"\n\n";
if ($fDontAddDefaultInstall==0){
print OUTFILE "[DefaultInstall]\nAddReg=AddReg\n\n";
if ($fDontAddAddReg==0){
print OUTFILE "[AddReg]\n";
$i = 0;
print OUTFILE $strFile1[$i];
print OUTFILE $_;
unlink $outfile