Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

111 lines
3.8 KiB

# FileName: sdout.cmd
# Usage = whocheckedin #days branch [branch...]
# This script generates a list of everyone who submitted a change to the specified
# branches.
$Usage = "
USAGE: $0 #days [branch [branch...]]
#days how many days the report should be for.
branch branches to search. if no branches are specified, use all VBLs\n";
%depot_list = (("Admin" => "admindepot.sys-ntgroup.ntdev.microsoft.com:2002"),
("Base" => "basedepot.sys-ntgroup.ntdev.microsoft.com:2003"),
("COM" => "comdepot.sys-ntgroup.ntdev.microsoft.com:2004"),
("Drivers" => "driversdepot.sys-ntgroup.ntdev.microsoft.com:2005"),
("DS" => "dsdepot.sys-ntgroup.ntdev.microsoft.com:2006"),
("EndUser" => "enduserdepot.sys-ntgroup.ntdev.microsoft.com:2007"),
("InetCore" => "inetcoredepot.sys-ntgroup.ntdev.microsoft.com:2008"),
("InetSrv" => "inetsrvdepot.sys-ntgroup.ntdev.microsoft.com:2009"),
("MultiMedia" => "multimediadepot.sys-ntgroup.ntdev.microsoft.com:2010"),
("Net" => "netdepot.sys-ntgroup.ntdev.microsoft.com:2011"),
("PrintScan" => "printscandepot.sys-ntgroup.ntdev.microsoft.com:2012"),
("Root" => "rootdepot.sys-ntgroup.ntdev.microsoft.com:2001"),
("SdkTools" => "sdktoolsdepot.sys-ntgroup.ntdev.microsoft.com:2013"),
("Shell" => "shelldepot.sys-ntgroup.ntdev.microsoft.com:2014"),
("TermSrv" => "termsrvdepot.sys-ntgroup.ntdev.microsoft.com:2015"),
("Windows" => "windowsdepot.sys-ntgroup.ntdev.microsoft.com:2016"));
$num_days = 0;
%developers = ();
@depot_list = ("Admin",
@allvbls = ("Lab01_N",
@vbl_list = ();
@checkin_count = (); # indexed by VBL
if (@ARGV) {
$num_days = shift;
if ($num_days == 0) {
die $Usage;
# print "Analyzing checkins for the last $num_days days.\n";
if (@ARGV) {
for (@ARGV) {
push (vbl_list,$_)
} else {
@vbl_list = @allvbls
for $vbl (@vbl_list) {
# print("Searching VBL $vbl\n");
for $depot (@depot_list) {
# print(" //depot/$vbl/$depot/...\n");
foreach $line (`sd -p $depot_list{$depot} changes //depot/$vbl/$depot/...@-$num_days,`) {
chomp $line;
# note we can't use /w to find the account name, because of v-alias and a-alias
$line =~ m/^Change .*? by (\w+)\\([-a-zA-Z_0-9]+)/;
$domain = $1;
$account = lc($2);
$developers{$account} += 1;
$checkin_count{$vbl} = $checkin_count{$vbl}+1;
# print out list of developers
# @keys = sort (keys %developers);
foreach $key (sort {$developers{$b} <=> $developers{$a}} keys %developers) {
print "$key ($developers{$key})\n";
# print out changes per VBL
for $vbl (@vbl_list) {
printf("VBL $vbl had $checkin_count{$vbl} changes submitted\n");
} else {
die $Usage;