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page ,132
; Module Name: line.asm
; Transparent and Opaque output for 1Bpp to 1Bpp drawing
; Created: 24-Aug-1994
; Author: Mark Enstrom
; Copyright (c) 1994-1999 Microsoft Corporation
.model small,c
assume cs:FLAT,ds:FLAT,es:FLAT,ss:FLAT
assume fs:nothing,gs:nothing
spt_lEndOffset equ 000H
spt_ulEndMask equ 004H
spt_ulStartMask equ 008H
spt_ebp equ 00CH
spt_esi equ 010H
spt_edi equ 014H
spt_ebx equ 018H
spt_ulRetAddr equ 01CH
spt_pjSrcIn equ 020H
spt_SrcLeft equ 024H
spt_DeltaSrcIn equ 028H
spt_pjDstIn equ 02CH
spt_DstLeft equ 030H
spt_DstRight equ 034H
spt_DeltaDstIn equ 038H
spt_cy equ 03CH
spt_uF equ 040H
spt_uB equ 044H
spt_pS equ 048H
; vSrcTranCopyS1D1
; Transparent copy from 1Bpp to 1Bpp (DWORD ALIGNED)
; Entry:
; pjSrcIn
; SrcLeft
; DeltaSrcIn
; pjDstIn
; DstLeft
; DstRight
; DeltaDstIn
; cy
; uF
; uB
; pS
; Returns:
; none
; Registers Destroyed:
; all
; Calls:
; None
; History:
; WARNING: If call parameters are changed, the ret statement must be fixed
public vSrcTranCopyS1D1@44
vSrcTranCopyS1D1@44 proc near
; use ebp as general register, use esp for parameter and local access
; save ebp,ebx,esi,edi
push ebx
push edi
push esi
push ebp
sub esp,3 * 4
; Start and end cases and masks. Start case is the first partial
; DWORD (if needed) and end case is the last partial DWORD (if needed)
mov ecx,spt_DstLeft[esp] ; Left (startint Dst Location)
sub edi,edi ; zero
not edi ; flag = 0xffffff
mov esi,edi ; flag = 0xffffff
and ecx,01Fh ; DstLeftAln,if 0 then don't make mask
jz @F
; ulStartMask >>= lStartCase, shift ulStartMask right by starting alignment,
; then BSWAP this back to little endian
shr edi,cl ; ulStartMask >> lStartCase
ror di,8 ; 0 1 2 3 -> 0 1 3 2
ror edi,16 ; 0 1 3 2 -> 3 2 0 1
ror di,8 ; 3 2 0 1 -> 3 2 1 0
mov eax,spt_DstRight[esp] ; right (last pixel)
and eax,01Fh ; DstRightAln = DstRight & 0x1F
jz @F ; if 0, mask = 0xffffffff
; ulEndMask = 0xFFFFFF << ( 32 - lEndCase). Shift big endian 0xFFFFFF left
; by lEndCase, then BSWAP
mov ecx,32 ; shift 32 - lEndCase
sub ecx,eax ; 32 - lEndCase
shl esi,cl ; ulEndMask << lEndCase
ror si,8 ; 0 1 2 3 -> 0 1 3 2
ror esi,16 ; 0 1 3 2 -> 3 2 0 1
ror si,8 ; 3 2 0 1 -> 3 2 1 0
mov spt_ulStartMask[esp],edi ; save
mov spt_ulEndMask[esp],esi ; save
; check for transparent 1 or transparent 0 foreground color
test spt_uF[esp],1
jz Trans1to1Invert
; calculate the number of full dwords to copy
; Full DWORDS = (DstRight >> 5) - ((DstLeft + 31) >> 5)
mov eax,spt_DstLeft[esp] ; Left (startint Dst Location)
mov ebx,spt_DstRight[esp] ; right (last pixel)
add eax,31 ; DstLeft + 31
shr ebx,5 ; DstRight >> 5
shr eax,5 ; (DstLeft+31) >> 5
; if <= 0, then no full DWORDS need to be copied, go to end cases
sub ebx,eax ; RightDW - LeftDw
jle Tran1to1Partial
mov spt_lEndOffset[esp],ebx ; save
; calc starting Dst Address = pjDstIn + (((DstLeft+31) >> 5) << 2)
; calc starting Src Address = pjSrcIn + (((SrcLeft + 31) >> 5) << 2)
mov edi,spt_pjDstIn[esp]
mov esi,spt_pjSrcIn[esp]
mov ebx,spt_SrcLeft[esp] ; SrcLeft
add ebx,31 ; SrcLeft + 31
shr ebx,5 ; (SrcLeft + 31) >> 5
lea edi,[edi + 4 * eax] ; pjDstIn + (((DstLeft+31) >> 5) * 4
lea esi,[esi + 4 * ebx] ; pjSrcIn + ((SrcLeft + 31) >> 5) * 4
; save scan line addresses
mov edx,spt_cy[esp] ; keep track of # of scan lines
; DWORD loop
mov eax,spt_lEndOffset[esp] ; get inner loop count
; read and write 1 DWORD
mov ebx,[4 * eax - 4 + esi] ; load dw 0
or [4 * eax - 4 + edi],ebx ; store dw 0
dec eax ; dec dword count
jnz @B ; loop until done
; done with scan line, add strides
add edi,spt_DeltaDstIn[esp] ; pjDst += DeltaDst
add esi,spt_DeltaSrcIn[esp] ; pjSrc += DeltaSrc
; dec and check cy
dec edx ; cy--
jne Tran1to1DwordLoop
; handle partial DWORD blts. first the start case, which may be the
; left edge or it may be a combined DWORD left and right, in which
; case the start and end masks are just anded together
mov eax,spt_DstLeft[esp] ; left position
and eax,01Fh ; left edge pixels
je Tran1to1RightEdge ; if zero, no left edge
; There is a left edge, are right and left DWORDS the same
mov ebx,spt_DstLeft[esp] ; left position
mov edx,spt_DstRight[esp] ; right edge
mov ecx,-32 ; ~0x1F - dword address alignment
and ebx,ecx ; DstLeft & ~0x1F
and edx,ecx ; DstRight & ~0x1F
mov ecx,spt_ulStartMask[esp] ; get start start mask
cmp edx,ebx ; if equal, start and stop
jne @F ; in same DWORD
; left and right are same src DWORD, combine masks, then
; set right edge to 0 so Tran1to1RightEdge won't run
and ecx,spt_ulEndMask[esp] ; combine with start mask
mov spt_DstRight[esp],0 ; save 0
; calc left edge starting addresses
; pjDst = pjDstIn + ((DstLeft >> 5) << 2)
; pjSrc = pjSrcIn + ((SrcLeft >> 5) << 2)
mov eax,spt_DstLeft[esp] ; load
mov ebx,spt_SrcLeft[esp] ; load
shr eax,5 ; DstLeft >> 3
shr ebx,5 ; SrcLeft >> 3
mov edi,spt_pjDstIn[esp] ; load dst addr
mov esi,spt_pjSrcIn[esp] ; load src addr
lea edi,[edi + 4*eax] ; dest address
lea esi,[esi + 4*ebx] ; src address
mov ebp,spt_DeltaSrcIn[esp] ; scr scan line stride
mov ebx,spt_DeltaDstIn[esp] ; dst scan line stride
mov edx,spt_cy[esp] ; loop count
; unroll loop 2 times, this requires address fix-up
sub edi,ebx ; fix-up for odd cycle
sub esi,ebp ; fix-up for odd cycle
add edx,1 ; offset for unrolling
shr edx,1 ; 2 times through loop
jnc Tran1to1LeftEdgeOdd ; do first "odd" dword
add edi,ebx ; un-fix-up for even cycle
add esi,ebp ; un-fix-up for even cycle
mov eax,[esi] ; load src
and eax,ecx ; mask
or [edi],eax ; store
mov eax,[esi + ebp] ; load src
and eax,ecx ; mask
or [edi + ebx],eax ; store
lea esi,[esi][ebp*2] ; src += 2 * DeltaSrc
lea edi,[edi][ebx*2] ; dst += 2 * DeltaDst
dec edx ; loop count
jnz @b ;
; done with left edge
; right edge, check DstRight[4:0] for pixels on the right edge
mov eax,spt_DstRight[esp] ; load
and eax,01Fh ; are there right edge pixels
jz EndTran1to1
; there are right edge pixels to draw, calc pjSrc and pjDst
; pjDst = pjDstIn + ((DstRight >> 5) << 2)
; pjSrc = pjSrcIn + (((SrcLeft + (DstRight - DstLeft)) >> 5) << 2)
mov ebx,spt_DstRight[esp] ; DstRight
mov ecx,spt_DstLeft[esp] ; load DstLeft
mov eax,spt_SrcLeft[esp] ; load SrcLeft
mov edx,ebx ; edi = DstRight
sub ebx,ecx ; (DstRight - DstLeft)
add eax,ebx ; SrcLeft + (DstRight - DstLeft)
shr edx,5 ; DstRight >> 5
shr eax,5 ; Src Offset >> 5
mov edi,spt_pjDstIn[esp] ;
mov esi,spt_pjSrcIn[esp] ;
lea edi,[edi + 4*edx] ; pjDstIn + DstOffset
lea esi,[esi + 4*eax] ; pjSrcIn + SrcOffset
mov ecx,spt_ulEndMask[esp] ; load end mask
mov ebx,spt_DeltaSrcIn[esp] ; src scan line inc
mov ebp,spt_DeltaDstIn[esp] ; dst scan line inc
mov edx,spt_cy[esp] ; loop count
; unroll loop 2 times, fix up address for odd cycle
sub edi,ebp ; fix-up for odd cycle
sub esi,ebx ; fix-up for odd cycle
add edx,1 ; offset for 2 times unrolling
shr edx,1 ; LoopCount / 2
jnc Tran1to1RightEdgeOdd ; do single "odd" DWORD
add edi,ebp ; un-fix-up for odd cycle
add esi,ebx ; un-fix-up for odd cycle
mov eax,[esi] ; load src dword
and eax,ecx ; mask
or [edi],eax ; or in src
mov eax,[esi+ebx] ; load src dword
and eax,ecx ; mask
or [edi+ebp],eax ; or in src
lea esi,[esi][ebx*2] ; src += 2 * DeltaSrc
lea edi,[edi][ebp*2] ; dst += 2 * DeltaDst
dec edx ; dec loop count
jnz @B ; and loop until zero
jmp EndTran1to1
; transparent invert (uF = 0)
; Transparent text where the foreground color is 0, must invert the
; src DWORD and then and it onto the dest.
; calculate the number of full dwords to copy
; Full DWORDS = (DstRight >> 5) - ((DstLeft + 31) >> 5)
mov eax,spt_DstLeft[esp] ; Left (startint Dst Location)
mov ebx,spt_DstRight[esp] ; right (last pixel)
add eax,31 ; DstLeft + 31
shr ebx,5 ; DstRight >> 5
shr eax,5 ; (DstLeft+31) >> 5
; if <= 0, then no full DWORDS need to be copied, go to end cases
sub ebx,eax ; RightDW - LeftDw
jle Tran1to1PartialInvert
mov spt_lEndOffset[esp],ebx ; save
; calc starting Dst Address = pjDstIn + (((DstLeft+31) >> 5) << 2)
; calc starting Src Address = pjSrcIn + (((SrcLeft + 31) >> 5) << 2)
mov edi,spt_pjDstIn[esp]
mov esi,spt_pjSrcIn[esp]
mov ebx,spt_SrcLeft[esp] ; SrcLeft
add ebx,31 ; SrcLeft + 31
shr ebx,5 ; (SrcLeft + 31) >> 5
lea edi,[edi + 4 * eax] ; pjDstIn + (((DstLeft+31) >> 5) * 4
lea esi,[esi + 4 * ebx] ; pjSrcIn + ((SrcLeft + 31) >> 5) * 4
; save scan line addresses
mov edx,spt_cy[esp] ; keep track of # of scan lines
; DWORD loop
mov eax,spt_lEndOffset[esp] ; get inner loop count
; read and write 1 DWORD
mov ebx,[4 * eax - 4 + esi] ; load dw 0
not ebx ; invert
and [4 * eax - 4 + edi],ebx ; store dw 0
dec eax ; dec dword count
jnz @B ; loop until done
; done with scan line, add strides
add edi,spt_DeltaDstIn[esp] ; pjDst += DeltaDst
add esi,spt_DeltaSrcIn[esp] ; pjSrc += DeltaSrc
; dec and check cy
dec edx ; cy--
jne Tran1to1DwordLoopInvert
; handle partial DWORD blts. first the start case, which may be the
; left edge or it may be a combined DWORD left and right, in which
; case the start and end masks are just anded together
mov eax,spt_DstLeft[esp] ; left position
and eax,01Fh ; left edge pixels
je Tran1to1RightEdgeInvert ; if zero, no left edge
; There is a left edge, are right and left DWORDS the same
mov ebx,spt_DstLeft[esp] ; left position
mov edx,spt_DstRight[esp] ; right edge
mov ecx,-32 ; ~0x1F - dword address alignment
and ebx,ecx ; DstLeft & ~0x1F
and edx,ecx ; DstRight & ~0x1F
mov ecx,spt_ulStartMask[esp] ; get start start mask
cmp edx,ebx ; if equal then start and end
jne @F ; in same DWORD
; left and right are same src DWORD, combine masks, then
; set right edge to 0 so Tran1to1RightEdge won't run
and ecx,spt_ulEndMask[esp] ; combine with start mask
mov spt_DstRight[esp],0 ; save 0
; calc left edge starting addresses
; pjDst = pjDstIn + ((DstLeft >> 5) << 2)
; pjSrc = pjSrcIn + ((SrcLeft >> 5) << 2)
mov eax,spt_DstLeft[esp] ; load
mov ebx,spt_SrcLeft[esp] ; load
shr eax,5 ; DstLeft >> 3
shr ebx,5 ; SrcLeft >> 3
mov edi,spt_pjDstIn[esp] ; load dst addr
mov esi,spt_pjSrcIn[esp] ; load src addr
lea edi,[edi + 4*eax] ; dest address
lea esi,[esi + 4*ebx] ; src address
mov ebp,spt_DeltaSrcIn[esp] ; scr scan line stride
mov ebx,spt_DeltaDstIn[esp] ; dst scan line stride
mov edx,spt_cy[esp] ; loop count
; unroll left edge loop 2 times, this requires address fix-up
sub edi,ebx ; fix-up for odd cycle
sub esi,ebp ; fix-up for odd cycle
add edx,1 ; offset for unrolling
shr edx,1 ; 2 times through loop
jnc Tran1to1LeftEdgeOddInvert ; do first "odd" dword
add edi,ebx ; un-fix-up for even cycle
add esi,ebp ; un-fix-up for even cycle
mov eax,[esi] ; load src
and eax,ecx ; mask
not eax ; invert
and [edi],eax ; store
mov eax,[esi + ebp] ; load src
and eax,ecx ; mask
not eax ; invert
and [edi + ebx],eax ; store
lea esi,[esi][ebp*2] ; src += 2 * DeltaSrc
lea edi,[edi][ebx*2] ; dst += 2 * DeltaDst
dec edx ; loop count
jnz @b ;
; done with left edge
; right edge, check DstRight[4:0] for pixels on the right edge
mov eax,spt_DstRight[esp] ; load
and eax,01Fh ; are there right edge pixels
jz EndTran1to1
; there are right edge pixels to draw, calc pjSrc and pjDst
; pjDst = pjDstIn + ((DstRight >> 5) << 2)
; pjSrc = pjSrcIn + (((SrcLeft + (DstRight - DstLeft)) >> 5) << 2)
mov ebx,spt_DstRight[esp] ; DstRight
mov ecx,spt_DstLeft[esp] ; load DstLeft
mov eax,spt_SrcLeft[esp] ; load SrcLeft
mov edx,ebx ; edi = DstRight
sub ebx,ecx ; (DstRight - DstLeft)
add eax,ebx ; SrcLeft + (DstRight - DstLeft)
shr edx,5 ; DstRight >> 5
shr eax,5 ; Src Offset >> 5
mov edi,spt_pjDstIn[esp] ;
mov esi,spt_pjSrcIn[esp] ;
lea edi,[edi + 4*edx] ; pjDstIn + DstOffset
lea esi,[esi + 4*eax] ; pjSrcIn + SrcOffset
mov ecx,spt_ulEndMask[esp] ; load end mask
mov ebx,spt_DeltaSrcIn[esp] ; src scan line inc
mov ebp,spt_DeltaDstIn[esp] ; dst scan line inc
mov edx,spt_cy[esp] ; loop count
; unroll right edge loop 2 times. This requires address fix-up
sub esi,ebx ; fix-up address for odd cycle
sub edi,ebp ; fix-up address for odd cycle
add edx,1 ; offset for 2 times unrolling
shr edx,1 ; LoopCount / 2
jnc Tran1to1RightEdgeOddInvert ; do single "odd" DWORD
add esi,ebx ; fix-up address for odd cycle
add edi,ebp ; fix-up address for odd cycle
mov eax,[esi] ; load src dword
and eax,ecx ; mask
not eax ; invert
and [edi],eax ; or in src
mov eax,[esi+ebx] ; load src dword
and eax,ecx ; mask
not eax ; invert
and [edi+ebp],eax ; or in src
lea esi,[esi][ebx*2] ; src += 2 * DeltaSrc
lea edi,[edi][ebp*2] ; dst += 2 * DeltaDst
dec edx ; dec loop count
jnz @B ; and loop until zero
; done!
add esp,3*4
pop ebp
pop esi
pop edi
pop ebx
ret 44
vSrcTranCopyS1D1@44 endp
spo_tMask equ 000H
spo_lXorMask equ 004H
spo_lEndOffset equ 008H
spo_ulEndMask equ 00CH
spo_ulStartMask equ 010H
spo_ebp equ 014H
spo_esi equ 018H
spo_edi equ 01CH
spo_ebx equ 020H
spo_ulRetAddr equ 024H
spo_pjSrcIn equ 028H
spo_SrcLeft equ 02CH
spo_DeltaSrcIn equ 030H
spo_pjDstIn equ 034H
spo_DstLeft equ 038H
spo_DstRight equ 03CH
spo_DeltaDstIn equ 040H
spo_cy equ 044H
spo_uF equ 048H
spo_uB equ 04CH
spo_pS equ 050H
; vSrcOpaqCopyS1D1
; Opaque copy from 1Bpp to 1Bpp (DWORD ALIGNED)
; Entry:
; pjSrcIn
; SrcLeft
; DeltaSrcIn
; pjDstIn
; DstLeft
; DstRight
; DeltaDstIn
; cy
; uF
; uB
; pS
; Returns:
; none
; Registers Destroyed:
; all
; Calls:
; None
; History:
; WARNING: If call parameters are changed, the ret statement must be fixed
public vSrcOpaqCopyS1D1@44
vSrcOpaqCopyS1D1@44 proc near
; opaque expansion requires a check for masking, if
; uF and uB are the same color, then the and mask is set to
; 0, this really means the src is ignored. The and mask is
; set to 0xFFFFFFFF if the uF = 0, this causes an inversion
; from src to dst.
; This routine is split into 2 sections, section 1 has an and
; mask value of 0xFFFFFFFF, so it is ignored. Section 2 has an
; and mask value if 0, so no src needs to be read.
push ebx
push edi
push esi
push ebp
sub esp,5*4
mov spo_lXorMask[esp],0
test spo_uF[esp],1
jnz @F
mov spo_lXorMask[esp],0FFFFFFFFh
; Start and end cases and masks. Start case is the first partial
; DWORD (if needed) and end case is the last partial DWORD (if needed)
mov ecx,spo_DstLeft[esp] ; Left (startint Dst Location)
sub edi,edi ; zero
not edi ; flag = 0xffffff
mov esi,edi ; flag = 0xffffff
and ecx,01Fh ; DstLeftAln,if 0 then don't make mask
jz @F
; ulStartMask >>= lStartCase, shift ulStartMask right by starting alignment,
; then BSWAP this back to little endian
shr edi,cl ; ulStartMask >> lStartCase
ror di,8 ; 0 1 2 3 -> 0 1 3 2
ror edi,16 ; 0 1 3 2 -> 3 2 0 1
ror di,8 ; 3 2 0 1 -> 3 2 1 0
mov eax,spo_DstRight[esp] ; right (last pixel)
and eax,01Fh ; DstRightAln = DstRight & 0x1F
jz @F ; if 0, mask = 0xffffffff
; ulEndMask = 0xFFFFFF << ( 32 - lEndCase). Shift big endian 0xFFFFFF left
; by lEndCase, then BSWAP
mov ecx,32 ; shift 32 - lEndCase
sub ecx,eax ; 32 - lEndCase
shl esi,cl ; ulEndMask << lEndCase
ror si,8 ; 0 1 2 3 -> 0 1 3 2
ror esi,16 ; 0 1 3 2 -> 3 2 0 1
ror si,8 ; 3 2 0 1 -> 3 2 1 0
mov spo_ulStartMask[esp],edi ; save
mov spo_ulEndMask[esp],esi ; save
; check for uF == uB, if so then branch to second section of routine
mov eax,spo_uF[esp]
cmp eax,spo_uB[esp]
jz Opaq1to1NoSrc
; calculate the number of full dwords to copy
; Full DWORDS = (DstRight >> 5) - ((DstLeft + 31) >> 5)
mov eax,spo_DstLeft[esp] ; Left (startint Dst Location)
mov ebx,spo_DstRight[esp] ; right (last pixel)
add eax,31 ; DstLeft + 31
shr ebx,5 ; DstRight >> 5
shr eax,5 ; (DstLeft+31) >> 5
; if <= 0, then no full DWORDS need to be copied, go to end cases
sub ebx,eax ; RightDW - LeftDw
jle Opaq1to1Partial
mov spo_lEndOffset[esp],ebx ; save
; calc starting Dst Address = pjDstIn + (((DstLeft+31) >> 5) << 2)
; calc starting Src Address = pjSrcIn + (((SrcLeft + 31) >> 5) << 2)
mov edi,spo_pjDstIn[esp]
mov esi,spo_pjSrcIn[esp]
mov ebx,spo_SrcLeft[esp] ; SrcLeft
add ebx,31 ; SrcLeft + 31
shr ebx,5 ; (SrcLeft + 31) >> 5
lea edi,[edi + 4 * eax] ; pjDstIn + (((DstLeft+31) >> 5) * 4
lea esi,[esi + 4 * ebx] ; pjSrcIn + ((SrcLeft + 31) >> 5) * 4
; save scan line addresses
mov edx,spo_cy[esp] ; keep track of # of scan lines
mov ecx,spo_lXorMask[esp] ; load xor mask
mov ebp,spo_DeltaSrcIn[esp]
mov eax,spo_lEndOffset[esp] ; load loop x count
; read and write 1 DWORD
mov ebx,[4 * eax -4 + esi] ; load dw 0
xor ebx,ecx ; xor mask
mov [4 * eax -4 + edi],ebx ; store dw 0
dec eax ; dec dword count
jnz @B ; loop until done
; done with scan line, add strides
add edi,spo_DeltaDstIn[esp] ; pjDst += DeltaDst
add esi,ebp ; pjSrc += DeltaSrc
; dec and check cy
dec edx ; cy--
jne Opaq1to1DwordLoop
; handle partial DWORD blts. first the start case, which may be the
; left edge or it may be a combined DWORD left and right, in which
; case the start and end masks are just anded together
mov eax,spo_DstLeft[esp] ; left position
and eax,01Fh ; left edge pixels
je Opaq1to1RightEdge ; if zero, no left edge
; There is a left edge, are right and left DWORDS the same
mov ebx,spo_DstRight[esp] ; right edge
mov edx,-32 ; ~0x1F - dword address alignment
and ebx,edx ; DstRight & ~0x1F
and edx,spo_DstLeft[esp] ; DstLeft & ~0x1F
mov ecx,spo_ulStartMask[esp] ; get start start mask
cmp edx,ebx ; if equal, start and stop
jne @F ; in same DWORD
; left and right are same src DWORD, combine masks, then
; set right edge to 0 so Opaq1to1RightEdge won't run
and ecx,spo_ulEndMask[esp] ; combine with start mask
mov spo_DstRight[esp],0 ; save 0
mov spo_ulStartMask[esp],ecx ; Src Mask
not ecx
mov spo_tMask[esp],ecx ; Dst Mask = ~SrcMask
; calc left edge starting addresses
; pjDst = pjDstIn + ((DstLeft >> 5) << 2)
; pjSrc = pjSrcIn + ((SrcLeft >> 5) << 2)
mov eax,spo_DstLeft[esp] ; load
mov ebx,spo_SrcLeft[esp] ; load
shr eax,5 ; DstLeft >> 3
shr ebx,5 ; SrcLeft >> 3
mov edi,spo_pjDstIn[esp] ; load dst addr
mov esi,spo_pjSrcIn[esp] ; load src addr
lea edi,[edi + 4*eax] ; dest address
lea esi,[esi + 4*ebx] ; src address
mov ecx,spo_DeltaDstIn[esp]
mov ebp,spo_DeltaSrcIn[esp]
mov edx,spo_cy[esp]
; unroll left edge loop 2 times. Address fix-up is needed
sub esi,ebp ; fix-up address for odd cycle
sub edi,ecx ; fix-up address for odd cycle
add edx,1
shr edx,1
jnc Opaq1to1PartialLeftOdd
add esi,ebp ; un-fix-up address for even cycle
add edi,ecx ; un-fix-up address for even cycle
mov eax,[esi] ; load src
mov ebx,[edi] ; load dst
xor eax,spo_lXorMask[esp] ; xor
and ebx,spo_tMask[esp]
and eax,spo_ulStartMask[esp]
or eax,ebx ; mask src with lStartMask
mov [edi],eax
mov eax,[esi + ebp] ; load src
mov ebx,[edi + ecx] ; load dst
xor eax,spo_lXorMask[esp] ; xor
and ebx,spo_tMask[esp]
and eax,spo_ulStartMask[esp]
or eax,ebx ; mask src with lStartMask
mov [edi + ecx],eax
lea esi,[esi + 2*ebp]
lea edi,[edi + 2*ecx]
dec edx
jnz @B
; done with left edge
; right edge, check DstRight[4:0] for pixels on the right edge
mov eax,spo_DstRight[esp] ; load
and eax,01Fh ; are there right edge pixels
jz EndOpaq1to1
; there are right edge pixels to draw, calc pjSrc and pjDst
; pjDst = pjDstIn + ((DstRight >> 5) << 2)
; pjSrc = pjSrcIn + (((SrcLeft + (DstRight - DstLeft)) >> 5) << 2)
mov ebx,spo_DstRight[esp] ; DstRight
mov ecx,spo_DstLeft[esp] ; load DstLeft
mov eax,spo_SrcLeft[esp] ; load SrcLeft
mov edx,ebx ; edi = DstRight
sub ebx,ecx ; (DstRight - DstLeft)
add eax,ebx ; SrcLeft + (DstRight - DstLeft)
shr edx,5 ; DstRight >> 5
shr eax,5 ; Src Offset >> 5
mov edi,spo_pjDstIn[esp] ;
mov esi,spo_pjSrcIn[esp] ;
lea edi,[edi + 4*edx] ; pjDstIn + DstOffset
lea esi,[esi + 4*eax] ; pjSrcIn + SrcOffset
mov ecx,spo_DeltaDstIn[esp]
mov ebp,spo_DeltaSrcIn[esp]
mov edx,spo_cy[esp]
mov eax,spo_ulEndMask[esp] ; load end mask
not eax ; invert for dst mask
mov spo_ulStartMask[esp],eax ; not mask for dst
; unroll right edge 2 times. Address fix-up is needed.
sub esi,ebp ; fix up address for odd cycle
sub edi,ecx ; fix up address for odd cycle
inc edx ; add 1 to loop count
shr edx,1 ; device loop count by 2
jnc Opaq1to1PartialRightOdd ; if carry, loop was initially even
add esi,ebp ; fix up address for odd cycle
add edi,ecx ; fix up address for odd cycle
mov eax,[esi] ; load src dw 0
mov ebx,[edi] ; load dst dw 0
xor eax,spo_lXorMask[esp] ; xor src dw
and ebx,spo_ulStartMask[esp] ; mask dst dw
and eax,spo_ulEndMask[esp] ; mask src dw
or eax,ebx ; combine
mov [edi],eax ; store
mov eax,[esi + ebp] ; load src dw 1
mov ebx,[edi + ecx] ; load dst dw 1
xor eax,spo_lXorMask[esp] ; xor src dw
and ebx,spo_ulStartMask[esp] ; mask dst dw
and eax,spo_ulEndMask[esp] ; mask src dw
or eax,ebx ; combine
mov [edi + ecx],eax ; store
lea esi,[esi + 2 * ebp] ; 2nd next scan line
lea edi,[edi + 2 * ecx] ; 2nd next scan line
dec edx ; dec loop count
jnz @B ; repeat
jmp EndOpaq1to1
; Opaque text expansion, no src required. lXorMask is masked and written to dest
; calculate the number of full dwords to copy
; Full DWORDS = (DstRight >> 5) - ((DstLeft + 31) >> 5)
mov eax,spo_DstLeft[esp] ; Left (startint Dst Location)
mov ebx,spo_DstRight[esp] ; right (last pixel)
add eax,31 ; DstLeft + 31
shr ebx,5 ; DstRight >> 5
shr eax,5 ; (DstLeft+31) >> 5
; if <= 0, then no full DWORDS need to be copied, go to end cases
sub ebx,eax ; RightDW - LeftDw
jle Opaq1to1PartialNoSrc
mov spo_lEndOffset[esp],ebx ; save
; calc starting Dst Address = pjDstIn + (((DstLeft+31) >> 5) << 2)
mov edi,spo_pjDstIn[esp]
lea edi,[edi + 4 * eax] ; pjDstIn + (((DstLeft+31) >> 5) * 4
; save scan line addresses
mov edx,spo_cy[esp] ; keep track of # of scan lines
mov ebx,spo_lXorMask[esp] ; xor mask
not ebx ; not xor mask
mov esi,spo_DeltaDstIn[esp] ; dest scan line inc
; DWORD loop, unrolled 2 times. lEndOffset has been pre-incremented so
; a loop count of 1 is incremented to 2, then shifted to make a loop
; count of 1 with a carry of zero. ( no carry represents a odd element)
; Address fix-up is required.
mov eax,spo_lEndOffset[esp] ; get inner loop count
; write 1 DWORD
mov [4 * eax - 4 + edi],ebx ; store dw 0
dec eax ; dec dword count
jnz @B ; loop until done
; done with scan line, add strides
add edi,esi ; pjDst += DeltaDst
; dec and check cy
dec edx ; cy--
jne Opaq1to1DwordLoopNoSrc
; handle partial DWORD blts. first the start case, which may be the
; left edge or it may be a combined DWORD left and right, in which
; case the start and end masks are just anded together
mov eax,spo_DstLeft[esp] ; left position
and eax,01Fh ; left edge pixels
je Opaq1to1RightEdgeNoSrc ; if zero, no left edge
; There is a left edge, are right and left DWORDS the same
mov edx,spo_DstRight[esp] ; right edge
mov ecx,-32 ; ~0x1F - dword address alignment
and ebx,ecx ; DstLeft & ~0x1F
and edx,ecx ; DstRight & ~0x1F
mov ecx,spo_ulStartMask[esp] ; get start start mask
cmp edx,ebx ; if equal then start and end
jne @F ; in same DWORD
; left and right are same src DWORD, combine masks, then
; set right edge to 0 so Opaq1to1RightEdge won't run
and ecx,spo_ulEndMask[esp] ; combine with start mask
mov spo_DstRight[esp],0 ; save 0
; calc left edge starting addresses
; pjDst = pjDstIn + ((DstLeft >> 5) << 2)
mov eax,spo_DstLeft[esp] ; load
shr eax,5 ; DstLeft >> 3
mov edi,spo_pjDstIn[esp] ; load dst addr
lea edi,[edi + 4*eax] ; dest address
mov ebx,spo_DeltaDstIn[esp] ; dst scan line stride
mov esi,spo_lXorMask[esp] ; load xor mask
not esi ; invert
and esi,ecx ; masked constant src
not ecx ; ~lStartMask
mov edx,spo_cy[esp] ; loop count
; unroll left edge loop 2 times. Address fix-up is needed
sub edi,ebx ; fix-up address for odd cycle
add edx,1 ; offset for unrolling
shr edx,1 ; 2 times through loop
jnc Opaq1to1LeftEdgeOddNoSrc ; do first "odd" dword
add edi,ebx ; un-fix-up address for even cycle
mov eax,[edi] ; load src
and eax,ecx ; mask
or eax,esi ; invert
mov [edi],eax ; store
mov eax,[edi + ebx] ; load src
and eax,ecx ; mask
or eax,esi ; invert
mov [edi + ebx],eax ; store
lea edi,[edi][ebx*2] ; dst += 2 * DeltaDst
dec edx ; loop count
jnz @b ;
; done with left edge
; right edge, check DstRight[4:0] for pixels on the right edge
mov eax,spo_DstRight[esp] ; load
and eax,01Fh ; are there right edge pixels
jz EndOpaq1to1
; there are right edge pixels to draw, calc pjSrc and pjDst
; pjDst = pjDstIn + ((DstRight >> 5) << 2)
mov ebx,spo_DstRight[esp] ; DstRight
shr ebx,5 ; DstRight >> 5
mov edi,spo_pjDstIn[esp] ;
lea edi,[edi + 4*ebx] ; pjDstIn + DstOffset
mov ecx,spo_ulEndMask[esp] ; load end mask
mov esi,spo_lXorMask[esp] ; load xor mask
not esi ; invert
and esi,ecx ; mask with endmask
not ecx ; invert end mask
mov ebx,spo_DeltaDstIn[esp] ; dst scan line inc
mov edx,spo_cy[esp] ; loop count
; unroll right edge 2 times, address fix-up is needed
sub edi,ebx ; fix-up address for odd cycle
add edx,1 ; offset for 2 times unrolling
shr edx,1 ; LoopCount / 2
jnc Opaq1to1RightEdgeOddNoSrc ; do single "odd" DWORD
add edi,ebx ; un-fix-up address for even cycle
mov eax,[edi] ; load src dword
and eax,ecx ; mask
or eax,esi ; combine
mov [edi],eax ; store
mov eax,[edi+ebx] ; load src dword
and eax,ecx ; mask
or eax,esi ; combine
mov [edi+ebx],eax ; store
lea edi,[edi][ebx*2] ; dst += 2 * DeltaDst
dec edx ; dec loop count
jnz @B ; and loop until zero
; done!
add esp,5*4
pop ebp
pop esi
pop edi
pop ebx
ret 44
vSrcOpaqCopyS1D1@44 endp
_TEXT$01 ends