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* @module _RTFWRIT.H -- RichEdit RTF Writer Class Definition |
* Description:
* This file contains the type declarations used by the RTF writer
* for the RICHEDIT control
* Authors: <nl>
* Original RichEdit 1.0 RTF converter: Anthony Francisco <nl>
* Conversion to C++ and RichEdit 2.0: Murray Sargent
* @devnote
* All sz's in the RTF*.? files refer to a LPSTRs, not LPTSTRs, unless
* noted as a szUnicode.
#ifndef __RTFWRIT_H
#define __RTFWRIT_H
#include "_rtfconv.h"
extern const KEYWORD rgKeyword[];
#define PUNCT_MAX 1024
class CRTFWrite ;
OLESTREAMVTBL OLEStreamVtbl; // @member - memory for OLESTREAMVTBL
CRTFWrite *Writer; // @cmember CRTFwriter to use
lpstbl = & OLEStreamVtbl ;
enum // Control-Word-Format indices
#define chEndGroup RBRACE
* CRTFWrite
* @class RTF writer class.
* @base public | CRTFConverter
class CRTFWrite : public CRTFConverter
LONG _cchBufferOut; //@cmember # chars in output buffer
LONG _cchOut; //@cmember Total # chars put out
LONG _cbCharLast; //@cmember # bytes in char last written
BYTE _fBullet; //@cmember Currently in a bulleted style
BYTE _fBulletPending; //@cmember Set if next output should bull
BYTE _fNeedDelimeter; //@cmember Set if next char must be nonalphanumeric
BYTE _fIncludeObjects; //@cmember Set if objects should be included in stream
BYTE _fCheckInTable; //@cmember If set and in table, output intbl stuff
BYTE _fRangeHasEOP; //@cmember Set if _prg has EOP
BYTE _fNCRForNonASCII; //@cmember Put /uN for nonASCII
char * _pchRTFBuffer; //@cmember Ptr to RTF write buffer
BYTE * _pbAnsiBuffer; //@cmember Ptr to buffer used for conversion
char * _pchRTFEnd; //@cmember Ptr to RTF-write-buffer end
LONG _symbolFont; //@cmember Font number of Symbol used by Bullet style
LONG _nHeadingStyle; //@cmember Deepest heading # found
LONG _nNumber; //@cmember Current number in para (1-based)
LONG _nFont; //@cmember Current number font index
LONG _cpg; //@cmember Current number code page
const CParaFormat *_pPF; //@cmember Current para format
// @cmember Build font/color tables
EC BuildTables (CFormatRunPtr& rpCF, CFormatRunPtr &rpPF,
LONG cch, BOOL& fNameIsDBCS);
inline void CheckDelimeter() // @cmember Put ' ' if need delimeter
_fNeedDelimeter = FALSE;
PutChar(' ');
BOOL CheckInTable (BOOL fPutIntbl);
// @cmember Stream out output buffer
BOOL FlushBuffer ();
// @cmember Get index of <p colorref>
LONG LookupColor (COLORREF colorref);
// @cmember Get font index for <p pCF>
LONG LookupFont (CCharFormat const * pCF);
// @cmember "printf" to output buffer
BOOL _cdecl printF (CONST CHAR * szFmt, ...);
// @cmember Put char <p ch> in output buffer
EC PutBorders (BOOL fInTable);
BOOL PutChar (CHAR ch);
// @cmember Put control word <p iCtrl> with value <p iValue> into output buffer
BOOL PutCtrlWord (LONG iFormat, LONG iCtrl, LONG iValue = 0);
// @cmember Put string <p sz> in output buffer
BOOL Puts (CHAR const * sz, LONG cb);
// @cmember Write char format <p pCF>
EC WriteCharFormat (const CCharFormat *pCF);
EC WriteColorTable (); // @cmember Write color table
EC WriteFontTable (); // @cmember Write font table
EC WriteInfo (); // @cmember Write document info
// @cmember Write para format <p pPF>
EC WriteParaFormat (const CRchTxtPtr * prtp);
// @cmember Write PC data <p szData>
EC WritePcData (const TCHAR * szData, INT nCodePage = CP_ACP, BOOL fIsDBCS = FALSE );
// @cmember Write <p cch> chars of text <p pch>
EC WriteText(LONG cwch, LPCWSTR lpcwstr, INT nCodePage, BOOL fIsDBCS);
EC WriteTextChunk(LONG cwch, LPCWSTR lpcwstr, INT nCodePage, BOOL fIsDBCS);
EC WriteObject (LONG cp, COleObject *pobj);
BOOL GetRtfObjectMetafilePict(HGLOBAL hmfp, RTFOBJECT &rtfobject, SIZEL &sizelGoal);
BOOL GetRtfObject(REOBJECT &reobject, RTFOBJECT &rtfobject);
EC WriteRtfObject(RTFOBJECT & rtfOb, BOOL fPicture);
BOOL ObjectWriteToEditstream(REOBJECT &reObject, RTFOBJECT &rtfobject);
EC WritePicture(REOBJECT &reObject,RTFOBJECT &rtfObject);
EC WriteDib(REOBJECT &reObject,RTFOBJECT &rtfObject);
inline BOOL MapsToRTFKeywordW(WCHAR wch);
inline BOOL MapsToRTFKeywordA(char ch);
int MapToRTFKeyword(void *pv, int cch, int iCharEncoding);
// @cmember Constructor
CRTFWrite(CTxtRange *prg, EDITSTREAM *pes, DWORD dwFlags);
~CRTFWrite() {FreePv(_pbAnsiBuffer);} // @cmember Destructor
LONG WriteRtf(); // @cmember Main write entry used by
// CLiteDTEngine
LONG WriteData (BYTE * pbBuffer, LONG cbBuffer);
LONG WriteBinData (BYTE * pbBuffer, LONG cbBuffer);
#endif // __RTFWRIT_H