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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1994 - 1999
// File: dragdroptest.hxx
// Contents: Classes that implement Drag&Drop test snapin using the framework.
// Forward declarations.
class CDragDropSnapinLVContainer;
class CDragDropSnapinLVLeafItem;
class CDragDropSnapin;
typedef vector<tstring> StringVector;
// Class: CDragDropSnapinRootItem
// Purpose: Implements the root item for a standalone snapin.
class CDragDropSnapinRootItem : public CBaseSnapinItem
typedef CBaseSnapinItem super;
// Used by CBaseSnapinItem::ScCreateItem, connect this item with its children.
typedef CComObject<CSnapinItem<CDragDropSnapinRootItem> > t_item;
typedef CComObject<CSnapinItem<CDragDropSnapinLVContainer> > t_itemChild; // Who is my child?
CDragDropSnapinRootItem( void ) {} // Raw constructor - use only for static item.
virtual ~CDragDropSnapinRootItem( void ) {}
COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IDataObject) // Cant have empty map so add IDataObject
// Item tree related information
// node type related information
virtual const CNodeType* Pnodetype( void ) { return &nodetypeDragDropRoot;}
// the display name of the item
virtual const tstring* PstrDisplayName( void ) { return &m_strDisplayName;}
// Get ListView data (GetDisplayInfo calls this).
virtual SC ScGetField(DAT dat, tstring& strField);
// Image list information
virtual LONG Iconid() { return m_uIconIndex; }
virtual LONG OpenIconid() { return m_uIconIndex; }
virtual BOOL FIsContainer( void ) { return TRUE; }
// Context menu support
virtual SnapinMenuItem *Pmenuitem(void);
virtual INT CMenuItem(void);
virtual SC ScCommand(long nCommandID, CComponent *pComponent = NULL);
virtual DWORD DwFlagsMenuChecked(void) { return TRUE;}
virtual SC ScInit(CBaseSnapin *pSnapin, CColumnInfoEx *pcolinfoex = NULL, INT ccolinfoex = 0, BOOL fIsRoot = FALSE);
virtual SC ScInitializeChild(CBaseSnapinItem* pitem);
// Creates children for the node
virtual SC ScCreateChildren( void );
void SetDisplayName(tstring & strItemName) { m_strDisplayName = strItemName; }
SC _ScDeleteCutItem(tstring& strItemName)
StringVector::iterator itItem = std::find(m_vecContainerItems.begin(),
if (itItem == m_vecContainerItems.end())
return S_FALSE;
return S_OK;
virtual SC ScGetVerbs(DWORD * pdwVerbs) { *pdwVerbs = 0; return S_OK;}
tstring m_strDisplayName;
UINT m_uIconIndex;
StringVector m_vecContainerItems;
static int s_iNextChildID;
// For context menus
static SnapinMenuItem s_rgmenuitemRoot[];
static INT s_cmenuitemRoot;
// Class: CDragDropSnapinLVContainer
// Purpose: Implements a scope pane item.
class CDragDropSnapinLVContainer : public CBaseSnapinItem
typedef CBaseSnapinItem super;
// Used by CBaseSnapinItem::ScCreateItem, connect this item with its children.
typedef CComObject<CSnapinItem<CDragDropSnapinLVContainer> > t_item;
typedef CComObject<CSnapinItem<CDragDropSnapinLVLeafItem> > t_itemChild;
CDragDropSnapinLVContainer( void ) {}
virtual ~CDragDropSnapinLVContainer( void ) {}
COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IDataObject) // Cant have empty map so add IDataObject
// Item tree related information
// node type related information
const CNodeType *Pnodetype( void ) { return &nodetypeDragDropLVContainer;}
// the display name of the item
virtual const tstring* PstrDisplayName( void ) { return &m_strDisplayName;}
// Get ListView data (GetDisplayInfo calls this).
virtual SC ScGetField(DAT dat, tstring& strField);
// Image list information
virtual LONG Iconid() { return m_uIconIndex; }
virtual LONG OpenIconid() { return m_uIconIndex; }
// This item attributes.
virtual BOOL FIsContainer( void ) { return TRUE; }
virtual BOOL FAllowMultiSelectionForChildren() { return TRUE;}
virtual BOOL FAllowPasteForResultItems();
virtual SC ScInit(CBaseSnapin *pSnapin, CColumnInfoEx *pcolinfoex = NULL, INT ccolinfoex = 0, BOOL fIsRoot = FALSE);
// Creates children for the node
virtual SC ScCreateChildren( void );
static SC ScCreateLVContainer(CBaseSnapinItem *pitemParent, CBaseSnapinItem *pitemPrevious, CDragDropSnapinLVContainer ** ppitem, BOOL fNew);
void SetDisplayName(tstring & strItemName) { m_strDisplayName = strItemName;}
void SetDisplayIndex(int index) { m_index = index;}
SC _ScDeleteCutItem(tstring& strItemName, bool bContainerItem)
StringVector::iterator itItem;
StringVector& vecStrings = bContainerItem ? m_vecContainerItems : m_vecLeafItems;
itItem = std::find(vecStrings.begin(), vecStrings.end(), strItemName);
if (itItem == vecStrings.end())
return S_FALSE;
return S_OK;
public: // Notification handlers
virtual SC ScOnQueryPaste(LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, BOOL *pfCanPaste);
virtual SC ScOnDelete(BOOL *pfDeleted) { *pfDeleted = TRUE; return S_OK;}
virtual SC ScOnSelect(CComponent * pComponent, LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObject, BOOL fScope, BOOL fSelect);
virtual SC ScOnPaste(LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, BOOL fMove, BOOL *pfPasted);
virtual SC ScOnCutOrMove();
virtual SC ScGetVerbs(DWORD * pdwVerbs) { *pdwVerbs = vmCopy | vmDelete | vmPaste; return S_OK;}
tstring m_strDisplayName;
int m_index; // ID given by container of this item.
UINT m_uIconIndex;
StringVector m_vecContainerItems;
StringVector m_vecLeafItems;
// Class: CDragDropSnapinLVLeafItem
// Purpose: Implements a result pane item.
class CDragDropSnapinLVLeafItem : public CBaseSnapinItem
typedef CBaseSnapinItem super;
// Used by CBaseSnapinItem::ScCreateItem, connect this item with its children.
// This is a leaf item so this item acts as its child.
typedef CComObject<CSnapinItem<CDragDropSnapinLVLeafItem> > t_item;
typedef CComObject<CSnapinItem<CDragDropSnapinLVLeafItem> > t_itemChild;
CDragDropSnapinLVLeafItem( void ) {}
virtual ~CDragDropSnapinLVLeafItem( void ) {}
COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IDataObject) // Cant have empty map so add IDataObject
// Item tree related information
// node type related information
virtual const CNodeType *Pnodetype( void ) {return &nodetypeDragDropLVLeafItem;}
// the display name of the item
virtual const tstring* PstrDisplayName( void ) { return &m_strDisplayName; }
// Get ListView data (GetDisplayInfo calls this).
virtual SC ScGetField(DAT dat, tstring& strField);
// Image list information
virtual LONG Iconid() { return m_uIconIndex; }
virtual BOOL FIsContainer( void ) { return FALSE; }
virtual SC ScInit(CBaseSnapin *pSnapin, CColumnInfoEx *pcolinfoex = NULL, INT ccolinfoex = 0, BOOL fIsRoot = FALSE);
static SC ScCreateLVLeafItem(CBaseSnapinItem *pitemParent, CBaseSnapinItem * pitemPrevious, CDragDropSnapinLVLeafItem ** ppitem, BOOL fNew);
void SetDisplayName(tstring & strItemName) { m_strDisplayName = strItemName; }
public: // Notification handlers
virtual SC ScOnQueryPaste(LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, BOOL *pfCanPaste);
virtual SC ScOnDelete(BOOL *pfDeleted) { *pfDeleted = TRUE; return S_OK;}
virtual SC ScOnSelect(CComponent * pComponent, LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObject, BOOL fScope, BOOL fSelect);
virtual SC ScOnPaste(LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, BOOL fMove, BOOL *pfPasted);
virtual SC ScOnCutOrMove();
virtual SC ScOnRename(const tstring& strNewName) { m_strDisplayName = strNewName; return S_OK;}
virtual SC ScGetVerbs(DWORD * pdwVerbs);
tstring m_strDisplayName;
UINT m_uIconIndex;
tstring m_strItemPasted;
// Class: CDragDropSnapin
// Purpose: Implements a snapin.
class CDragDropSnapin : public CBaseSnapin
// Specify the root node of the snapin.
typedef CComObject<CSnapinItem<CDragDropSnapinRootItem> > t_itemRoot;
virtual ~CDragDropSnapin();
// information about the snapin and root (ie initial) node
virtual BOOL FStandalone() { return TRUE; }
virtual BOOL FIsExtension() { return FALSE; }
virtual BOOL FSupportsIComponent2() {return TRUE;}
virtual LONG IdsDescription(void) {return IDS_DragDropSnapinDesc;}
virtual LONG IdsName(void) {return IDS_DragDropSnapinName;}
const CSnapinInfo* Psnapininfo() { return &snapininfoDragDrop; }
BOOL FCutDisabled() {return m_bDisableCut;}
BOOL FPasteIntoResultPane() {return m_bPasteIntoResultPane;}
void SetCutDisabled(BOOL b) {m_bDisableCut = b;}
void SetPasteIntoResultPane(BOOL b) {m_bPasteIntoResultPane = b;}
// The column header info structures.
static CColumnInfoEx s_colinfo[];
static INT s_colwidths[];
static INT s_ccolinfo;
virtual CColumnInfoEx* Pcolinfoex(INT icolinfo=0) { return s_colinfo + icolinfo; }
virtual INT &ColumnWidth(INT icolwidth=0) { return s_colwidths[icolwidth]; }
virtual INT Ccolinfoex() { return s_ccolinfo; }
BOOL m_bDisableCut;
BOOL m_bPasteIntoResultPane;