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136 lines
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' clonedom.vbi start
// VB Script "Include" file for CloneSecurityPrincipal scripts
// contains code common to all the scripts
// Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation.
const ARG_COUNT = 5
sub Main
if wscript.arguments.count <> ARG_COUNT then
end if
' copy the command-line arguments for parsing
dim args()
Redim args(0)
args(0) = ""
dim i
for i = 0 to wscript.arguments.count - 1
Redim Preserve args(i)
args(i) = wscript.arguments.item(i)
' command line parameters
dim srcDC ' source domain controller
dim srcDom ' source domain
dim dstDC ' destination controller
dim dstDom ' destination domain
dim dstOU ' destination OU for clones
' parse the saved command-line arguments, extracting the values
srcDC = GetArgValue("srcdc", args)
srcDom = GetArgValue("srcdom", args)
dstDC = GetArgValue("dstdc", args)
dstDom = GetArgValue("dstdom", args)
dstOU = GetArgValue("dstou", args)
' ensure the user did not pass any unrecognized command-line arguments
if CheckForBadArgs(args) then
Echo "Unknown command-line arguments specified"
end if
' establish authenticate connections to the source and destination domain
' controllers
on error resume next
clonepr.Connect srcDC, srcDom, dstDC, dstDom
if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
Echo "Connected to source and destination domain controllers"
dim srcDomain
set srcDomain = GetObject("WinNT://" & srcDom & "/" & srcDC & ",Computer")
if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
' for every security principal in the source domain, call
' ShouldCloneObject. if that function returns True, then clone the object.
' Otherwise ignore it.
dim cloneCounter
dim srcObject
dim srcObjectClass
cloneCounter = 0
for each srcObject in srcDomain
if ShouldCloneObject(srcObject) then
Echo "Bound to source " & srcObject.Class & " " & srcObject.Name
srcObjectClass = ObjectClass(srcObject)
if srcObjectClass = CLASS_USER then
if srcObject.UserFlags and UF_TEMP_DUPLICATE_ACCOUNT then
Echo "Skipping temporary local user account."
exit do
end if
end if
dim srcSam ' source principal SAM name
dim dstSam ' destination principal SAM name
dim dstDN ' destination principal full DN
srcSam = srcObject.Name
dstSam = srcSam
dstDN = adsPathname.GetEscapedElement(0, "CN=" & dstSam) & "," & dstOU
CloneSecurityPrincipal srcObject, srcSam, dstDom, dstDC, dstSam, dstDN
cloneCounter = cloneCounter + 1
loop while 0
Echo ""
end if
Echo cloneCounter & " objects(s) cloned"
end sub
sub PrintUsageAndQuit
Echo "Usage: cscript " & SCRIPT_FILENAME & " /srcdc:<dcname> /srcdom:<domain>"
Echo "/dstdc:<dcname> /dstdom:<domain> /dstou:<ouname>"
Echo ""
Echo "Parameters:"
Echo " /srcdc - source domain controller NetBIOS computer name (without leading \\)"
Echo ""
Echo " /srcdom - source domain NetBIOS name"
Echo ""
Echo " /dstdc - destination domain controller NetBIOS computer name (without "
Echo " leading \\)"
Echo " This script must be run on the machine indicated here."
Echo ""
Echo " /dstdom - destination domain DNS name"
Echo ""
Echo " /dstou - destination OU for the clones"
Echo ""
Echo "Notes:"
Echo ""
Echo "If the destination principals do not exist, they will be created."
Echo "In that case, the OU named by dstou must exist."
Echo ""
Echo "Currently logged-on user must be a member of the Administrators"
Echo "group of both the source and destination domains."
Echo ""
end sub
' clonedom.vbi end