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Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
WBEM provider class implementation for PCH_PrinterDriver class
Revision History:
Ghim-Sim Chua (gschua) 04/27/99
- Created
Kalyani Narlanka (kalyanin) 05/11/99
- Added Code to get all the properties for this class
#include "pchealth.h"
#include "PCH_PrinterDriver.h"
// tracing stuff
#ifdef THIS_FILE
#undef THIS_FILE
static char __szTraceSourceFile[] = __FILE__;
#define THIS_FILE __szTraceSourceFile
// Property names
const static WCHAR* pTimeStamp = L"TimeStamp" ;
const static WCHAR* pChange = L"Change" ;
const static WCHAR* pDate = L"Date" ;
const static WCHAR* pFilename = L"Filename" ;
const static WCHAR* pManufacturer = L"Manufacturer" ;
const static WCHAR* pName = L"Name" ;
const static WCHAR* pSize = L"Size" ;
const static WCHAR* pVersion = L"Version" ;
const static WCHAR* pPath = L"Path" ;
* FUNCTION : CPCH_PrinterDriver::EnumerateInstances
* DESCRIPTION : Returns all the instances of this class.
* INPUTS : A pointer to the MethodContext for communication with WinMgmt.
* A long that contains the flags described in
* IWbemServices::CreateInstanceEnumAsync. Note that the following
* flags are handled by (and filtered out by) WinMgmt:
* RETURNS : WBEM_S_NO_ERROR if successful
* COMMENTS : TO DO: All instances on the machine should be returned here.
* If there are no instances, return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR.
* It is not an error to have no instances.
HRESULT CPCH_PrinterDriver::EnumerateInstances(
MethodContext* pMethodContext,
long lFlags
// Begin Declarations
// Query String
CComBSTR bstrPrinterQuery = L"Select DeviceID, PortName FROM win32_printer";
// Instances
CComPtr<IEnumWbemClassObject> pPrinterEnumInst;
CInstance *pPCHPrinterDriverInstance;
// SystemTime
// Objects
IWbemClassObjectPtr pPrinterObj;
IWbemClassObjectPtr pFileObj;
// Unsigned Longs....
ULONG ulPrinterRetVal = 0;
ULONG uiReturn = 0;
// File Status structure
struct _stat filestat;
// Strings
CComBSTR bstrPrinterDriverWithPath;
CComBSTR bstrPrinterDriver;
CComBSTR bstrProperty;
CComBSTR bstrDeviceID = L"DeviceID";
LPCWSTR lpctstrPortName = L"PortName";
LPCWSTR lpctstrFileSize = L"FileSize";
LPCWSTR lpctstrLastModified = L"LastModified";
LPCWSTR lpctstrManufacturer = L"Manufacturer";
LPCWSTR lpctstrVersion = L"Version";
LPCTSTR lpctstrComma = _T(",");
LPCTSTR lpctstrDrvExtension = _T(".drv");
LPCTSTR lpctstrDevices = _T("Devices");
LPCWSTR lpctstrDeviceID = L"DeviceID";
TCHAR tchBuffer[MAX_PATH];
TCHAR *ptchToken;
CComVariant varValue;
CComVariant varSnapshot = "Snapshot";
BOOL fDriverFound;
BOOL fCommit = FALSE;
// Get the date and time to update the TimeStamp Field
// Execute the query to get DeviceID, PORTName FROM Win32_Printer
// Class.
// pPrinterEnumInst contains a pointer to the list of instances returned.
tchDeviceID[0] = 0;
hRes = ExecWQLQuery(&pPrinterEnumInst, bstrPrinterQuery);
if (FAILED(hRes))
// Cannot get any properties.
goto END;
// Query Succeeded!
// Enumerate the instances from pPrinterEnumInstance
// Get the next instance into pPrinterObj object.
while(WBEM_S_NO_ERROR == pPrinterEnumInst->Next(WBEM_INFINITE, 1, &pPrinterObj, &ulPrinterRetVal))
// Create a new instance of PCH_PrinterDriver Class based on the passed-in MethodContext
CInstancePtr pPCHPrinterDriverInstance(CreateNewInstance(pMethodContext),false);
// Created a New Instance of PCH_PrinterDriver Successfully.
hRes = pPCHPrinterDriverInstance->SetDateTime(pTimeStamp, WBEMTime(stUTCTime));
if (FAILED(hRes))
// Could not Set the Time Stamp
// Continue anyway
ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "SetDateTime on Timestamp Field failed.");
// CHANGE //
hRes = pPCHPrinterDriverInstance->SetVariant(pChange, varSnapshot);
if (FAILED(hRes))
// Could not Set the Change Property
// Continue anyway
ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "SetCHString on Change Field failed.");
// NAME //
hRes = CopyProperty(pPrinterObj, lpctstrDeviceID, pPCHPrinterDriverInstance, pName);
fCommit = TRUE;
// PATH //
CopyProperty(pPrinterObj, lpctstrPortName, pPCHPrinterDriverInstance, pPath);
// Get the File Name i.e.driver from the INI file.
// Use the DeviceID of win32_printer class to get the PCH_Printer.FileName
// Get the device ID and use it to pick up the driver from win.ini File
hRes = pPrinterObj->Get(bstrDeviceID, 0, &varValue, NULL, NULL);
// Got the DeviceID
// Now call GetProfileString to get the Driver
if (GetProfileString(lpctstrDevices, tchDeviceID, "\0", tchBuffer, MAX_PATH) > 1)
// tchBuffer contains a string of two tokens, first the driver, second the PathName
// Get the driver
ptchToken = _tcstok(tchBuffer,lpctstrComma);
if(ptchToken != NULL)
// Got the Driver Name
bstrPrinterDriver = ptchToken;
varValue = ptchToken;
// Use this to set the FileName
hRes = pPCHPrinterDriverInstance->SetVariant(pFilename, varValue);
if (FAILED(hRes))
// Could not Set the FileName Property
// Continue anyway
ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Set Variant on Change Field failed.");
// Now get the properties of the File
// Concatenate ".drv" to get the driver's actual Name
// Get the Complete Path of the File
fDriverFound = getCompletePath(bstrPrinterDriver, bstrPrinterDriverWithPath);
if (fDriverFound)
// Got the complete Path Call GetCIMDataFile Function to get
// properties of this file.
if (SUCCEEDED(GetCIMDataFile(bstrPrinterDriverWithPath, &pFileObj)))
CopyProperty(pFileObj, lpctstrVersion, pPCHPrinterDriverInstance, pVersion);
CopyProperty(pFileObj, lpctstrFileSize, pPCHPrinterDriverInstance, pSize);
// DATE //
CopyProperty(pFileObj, lpctstrLastModified, pPCHPrinterDriverInstance, pDate);
CopyProperty(pFileObj, lpctstrManufacturer, pPCHPrinterDriverInstance, pManufacturer);
} //end of SUCCEEDED...
} // end of if fDriverFound
} // end of if (ptchToken != NULL)
} // end of GetProfileString...
}// end of got the DeviceID
// All the properties are set. Commit the instance
hRes = pPCHPrinterDriverInstance->Commit();
// Could not Commit the instance
ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Could not commit the instance");
} // end of While
END: TraceFunctLeave();
return hRes;