Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// ResTypeUtils.cpp
// Description:
// Resource type utilities.
// Author:
// Galen Barbee (galenb) 11-Jan-1999
// Revision History:
// Notes:
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <StrSafe.h>
#include <clusapi.h>
#include "ResTypeUtils.h"
#include "PropList.h"
#include "ClusWrap.h"
// ScResTypeNameToDisplayName
// Description:
// Retrieve the display name for a specified resource type name.
// Arguments:
// hCluster [IN] Handle to the cluster containing the resource type.
// pszTypeName [IN] Name of resource type.
// ppszDisplayName [IN] Pointer in which to return string containing
// the resource type display name. Caller must
// deallocate this buffer by calling LocalFree().
// Return Value:
// Any status returns from CClusPropList::ScGetResourceTypeProperties(),
// CClusPropList::ScMoveToPropertyByName(), or LocalAlloc().
DWORD WINAPI ScResTypeNameToDisplayName(
HCLUSTER hCluster,
LPCWSTR pszTypeName,
LPWSTR * ppszDisplayName
size_t _cbSize;
CClusPropList _PropList;
// Use the proplist helper class.
*ppszDisplayName = NULL;
_sc = _PropList.ScGetResourceTypeProperties(
if ( _sc != ERROR_SUCCESS )
return _sc;
} // if: error getting common properties
// Find the name property.
_sc = _PropList.ScMoveToPropertyByName( L"Name" );
if ( _sc != ERROR_SUCCESS )
return _sc;
} // if: property not found
_cbSize = wcslen( _PropList.CbhCurrentValue().pStringValue->sz ) + 1;
_cbSize *= sizeof( *(_PropList.CbhCurrentValue().pStringValue->sz) );
*ppszDisplayName = reinterpret_cast< LPWSTR >( LocalAlloc( LMEM_ZEROINIT, _cbSize ) );
if ( *ppszDisplayName != NULL )
size_t _cchSize = _cbSize / sizeof( **ppszDisplayName );
HRESULT _hr = StringCchCopyNW(
, _cchSize
, _PropList.CbhCurrentValue().pStringValue->sz
, _PropList.CbhCurrentValue().pStringValue->cbLength
if ( FAILED( _hr ) )
_sc = HRESULT_CODE( _hr );
} // if: buffer allocated successfully
_sc = GetLastError();
} // else: error allocating buffer
return _sc;
} //*** ScResTypeNameToDisplayName()
// ScResDisplayNameToTypeName
// Routine Description:
// Retrieve the type name for a specified resource type display name.
// Arguments:
// pszTypeName [IN] Name of resource type.
// ppszTypeyName [IN] Pointer in which to return string containing
// the resource type name. Caller must deallocate
// this buffer by calling LocalFree().
// Return Value:
DWORD WINAPI ScResDisplayNameToTypeName(
HCLUSTER hCluster,
LPCWSTR pszDisplayName,
LPWSTR * ppszTypeName
DWORD _dwIndex;
DWORD _dwType;
DWORD _cbSize;
LPWSTR _pszName = NULL;
LPWSTR _pszTestDisplayName = NULL;
BOOL _bFound = FALSE;
// Enumerate resources
_hEnum = ClusterOpenEnum( hCluster, CLUSTER_ENUM_RESTYPE );
if ( _hEnum == NULL )
return GetLastError();
} // if: error opening the enumeration
for ( _dwIndex = 0 ; ! _bFound && _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS ; _dwIndex++ )
_pszName = NULL;
_pszTestDisplayName = NULL;
_sc = WrapClusterEnum( _hEnum, _dwIndex, &_dwType, &_pszName );
if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS )
_sc = ScResTypeNameToDisplayName( hCluster, _pszName, &_pszTestDisplayName );
if ( _sc == ERROR_SUCCESS )
ASSERT( _pszTestDisplayName != NULL );
_bFound = ClRtlStrICmp( pszDisplayName, _pszTestDisplayName ) == 0;
if ( _bFound )
_cbSize = static_cast< DWORD >( wcslen( _pszName ) + 1 );
_cbSize *= sizeof( *_pszName );
*ppszTypeName = reinterpret_cast< LPWSTR >( LocalAlloc( LMEM_ZEROINIT, _cbSize ) );
if ( *ppszTypeName == NULL )
_sc = GetLastError();
} // if: error allocating memory
size_t _cchSize = _cbSize / sizeof( **ppszTypeName );
HRESULT _hr = StringCchCopyW( *ppszTypeName, _cchSize, _pszName );
if ( FAILED( _hr ) )
_sc = HRESULT_CODE( _hr );
} // else: memory allocated successfully
} // if: found the display name
} // if: retrieved display name
// If there was an error getting the display name of this resource type,
// continue with the enumeration, so that if one resource type fails, we do
// not abort getting the display name of resources further down in the
// enumeration list.
} // else: could not retrieve the display name.
} // if: successfully retrieved next resource type from enumeration
LocalFree( _pszName );
LocalFree( _pszTestDisplayName );
} // for: each resource type
if ( ( _sc == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ) || ( _bFound == FALSE ) )
} // if: resource type not found
return _sc;
} //*** ScResDisplayNameToTypeName()