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// Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// CBCAInterface.cpp
// Description:
// This file contains the implementation of the CBCAInterface
// class.
// Maintained By:
// David Potter (DavidP) 12-JUN-2001
// Vij Vasu (VVasu) 07-MAR-2000
// Include Files
// The precompiled header for this library
#include "Pch.h"
// The header file for this class
#include "CBCAInterface.h"
// Needed by Dll.h
#include <CFactory.h>
// For g_cObjects
#include <Dll.h>
// For the CBaseClusterForm class
#include "CBaseClusterForm.h"
// For the CBaseClusterJoin class
#include "CBaseClusterJoin.h"
// For the CBaseClusterCleanup class
#include "CBaseClusterCleanup.h"
// For the exception classes
#include "Exceptions.h"
// Macro Definitions
// Constant Definitions
// CBCAInterface::CBCAInterface
// Description:
// Constructor of the CBCAInterface class. This initializes
// the m_cRef variable to 1 instead of 0 to account of possible
// QueryInterface failure in DllGetClassObject.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Remarks:
// None.
CBCAInterface::CBCAInterface( void )
: m_cRef( 1 )
, m_fCommitComplete( false )
, m_fRollbackPossible( false )
, m_fCallbackSupported( false )
TraceFunc( "" );
// Increment the count of components in memory so the DLL hosting this
// object cannot be unloaded.
InterlockedIncrement( &g_cObjects );
TraceFlow1( "Component count = %d.", g_cObjects );
} //*** CBCAInterface::CBCAInterface
// CBCAInterface::~CBCAInterface
// Description:
// Destructor of the CBCAInterface class.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Remarks:
// None.
CBCAInterface::~CBCAInterface( void )
TraceFunc( "" );
// There's going to be one less component in memory. Decrement component count.
InterlockedDecrement( &g_cObjects );
TraceFlow1( "Component count = %d.", g_cObjects );
} //*** CBCAInterface::~CBCAInterface
// static
// CBCAInterface::S_HrCreateInstance
// Description:
// Creates a CBCAInterface instance.
// Arguments:
// ppunkOut
// The IUnknown interface of the new object.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// Success.
// Not enough memory to create the object.
// other HRESULTs
// Object initialization failed.
IUnknown ** ppunkOut
TraceFunc( "" );
CBCAInterface * pbcaInterface = NULL;
Assert( ppunkOut != NULL );
if ( ppunkOut == NULL )
hr = THR( E_POINTER );
goto Cleanup;
pbcaInterface = new CBCAInterface();
if ( pbcaInterface == NULL )
goto Cleanup;
hr = THR( pbcaInterface->QueryInterface(
, reinterpret_cast< void ** >( ppunkOut )
if ( FAILED( hr ) )
goto Cleanup;
if ( pbcaInterface != NULL )
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CBCAInterface::S_HrCreateInstance
// CBCAInterface::AddRef
// Description:
// Increment the reference count of this object by one.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// The new reference count.
// Remarks:
// None.
CBCAInterface::AddRef( void )
TraceFunc( "[IUnknown]" );
InterlockedIncrement( &m_cRef );
CRETURN( m_cRef );
} //*** CBCAInterface::AddRef
// CBCAInterface::Release
// Description:
// Decrement the reference count of this object by one.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// The new reference count.
// Remarks:
// None.
CBCAInterface::Release( void )
TraceFunc( "[IUnknown]" );
LONG cRef;
cRef = InterlockedDecrement( &m_cRef );
if ( cRef == 0 )
TraceDo( delete this );
} // if: reference count decremented to zero
CRETURN( cRef );
} //*** CBCAInterface::Release
// CBCAInterface::QueryInterface
// Description:
// Query this object for the passed in interface.
// Arguments:
// riidIn
// Id of interface requested.
// ppvOut
// Pointer to the requested interface.
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// If the interface is available on this object.
// If the interface is not available.
// If ppvOut is NULL.
// Remarks:
// None.
, void ** ppvOut
TraceQIFunc( riidIn, ppvOut );
// Validate arguments.
Assert( ppvOut != NULL );
if ( ppvOut == NULL )
hr = THR( E_POINTER );
goto Cleanup;
// Handle known interfaces.
if ( IsEqualIID( riidIn, IID_IUnknown ) )
*ppvOut = static_cast< IClusCfgBaseCluster * >( this );
} // if: IUnknown
else if ( IsEqualIID( riidIn, IID_IClusCfgBaseCluster ) )
*ppvOut = TraceInterface( __THISCLASS__, IClusCfgBaseCluster, this, 0 );
} // else if:
else if ( IsEqualIID( riidIn, IID_IClusCfgInitialize ) )
*ppvOut = TraceInterface( __THISCLASS__, IClusCfgInitialize, this, 0 );
} // else if:
*ppvOut = NULL;
} // else
// Add a reference to the interface if successful.
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
((IUnknown *) *ppvOut)->AddRef( );
} // if: success
} //*** CBCAInterface::QueryInterface
// CBCAInterface::Initialize
// Description:
// Initialize this component.
// Arguments:
// punkCallbackIn
// Pointer to the IUnknown interface of a component that implements
// the IClusCfgCallback interface.
// lcidIn
// Locale id for this component.
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// If the call succeeded
// Other HRESULTs
// If the call failed.
IUnknown * punkCallbackIn,
LCID lcidIn
TraceFunc( "[IClusCfgInitialize]" );
HRESULT hrRetVal = S_OK;
// Store the locale id in the member variable.
m_lcid = lcidIn;
// Indicate that SendStatusReports will not be supported unless a non-
// NULL callback interface pointer was specified. This is done in
// the constructor as well, but is also done here since this method
// could be called multiple times.
SetCallbackSupported( false );
if ( punkCallbackIn == NULL )
LogMsg( "[BC] No notifications will be sent." );
goto Cleanup;
TraceFlow( "The callback pointer is not NULL." );
// Try and get the "normal" callback interface.
hrRetVal = THR( m_spcbCallback.HrQueryAndAssign( punkCallbackIn ) );
if ( FAILED( hrRetVal ) )
LogMsg( "[BC] An error occurred (0x%#08x) trying to get a pointer to the callback interface. No notifications will be sent.", hrRetVal );
goto Cleanup;
} // if: we could not get the callback interface
SetCallbackSupported( true );
LogMsg( "[BC] Progress messages will be sent." );
HRETURN( hrRetVal );
} //*** CBCAInterface::Initialize
// CBCAInterface::SetCreate
// Description:
// Indicate that a cluster is to be created with this computer as the first node.
// Arguments:
// pcszClusterNameIn
// Name of the cluster to be formed.
// pcccServiceAccountIn
// Information about the cluster service account.
// dwClusterIPAddressIn
// dwClusterIPSubnetMaskIn
// pcszClusterIPNetworkIn
// Information about the cluster IP address
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// If the call succeeded
// Other HRESULTs
// If the call failed.
const WCHAR * pcszClusterNameIn
, const WCHAR * pcszClusterBindingStringIn
, IClusCfgCredentials * pcccServiceAccountIn
, const DWORD dwClusterIPAddressIn
, const DWORD dwClusterIPSubnetMaskIn
, const WCHAR * pcszClusterIPNetworkIn
TraceFunc( "[IClusCfgBaseCluster]" );
HRESULT hrRetVal = S_OK;
// Set the thread locale.
if ( SetThreadLocale( m_lcid ) == FALSE )
DWORD sc = TW32( GetLastError() );
// If SetThreadLocale() fails, do not abort. Just log the error.
LogMsg( "[BC] Error 0x%#08x occurred trying to set the thread locale.", sc );
} // if: SetThreadLocale() failed
LogMsg( "[BC] Initializing a cluster create operation." );
// Reset these state variables, to account for exceptions.
SetRollbackPossible( false );
// Setting this to true prevents Commit from being called while we are
// in this routine or if this routine doesn't complete successfully.
SetCommitCompleted( true );
// Create a CBaseClusterForm object and assign it to a smart pointer.
SmartBCAPointer spbcaTemp(
new CBaseClusterForm(
, pcszClusterNameIn
, pcszClusterBindingStringIn
, pcccServiceAccountIn
, dwClusterIPAddressIn
, dwClusterIPSubnetMaskIn
, pcszClusterIPNetworkIn
if ( spbcaTemp.FIsEmpty() )
LogMsg( "Could not initialize the cluster create operation. A memory allocation failure occurred." );
} // if: the memory allocation failed.
// If the creation succeeded store the pointer in a member variable for
// use during commit.
m_spbcaCurrentAction = spbcaTemp;
LogMsg( "[BC] Initialization completed. A cluster will be created on commit." );
// Indicate if rollback is possible.
SetRollbackPossible( m_spbcaCurrentAction->FIsRollbackPossible() );
// Indicate that this action has not been committed.
SetCommitCompleted( false );
} // try: to initialize a cluster create operation
catch( CAssert & raExceptionObject )
// Process the exception.
hrRetVal = THR( HrProcessException( raExceptionObject ) );
} // catch( CAssert & )
catch( CExceptionWithString & resExceptionObject )
// Process the exception.
hrRetVal = THR( HrProcessException( resExceptionObject ) );
} // catch( CExceptionWithString & )
catch( CException & reExceptionObject )
// Process the exception.
hrRetVal = THR( HrProcessException( reExceptionObject ) );
} // catch( CException & )
catch( ... )
// Catch everything. Do not let any exceptions pass out of this function.
hrRetVal = THR( HrProcessException() );
} // catch all
HRETURN( hrRetVal );
} //*** CBCAInterface::SetCreate
// CBCAInterface::SetAdd
// Description:
// Indicate that this computer should be added to a cluster.
// Arguments:
// pcszClusterNameIn
// Name of the cluster to add nodes to.
// pcccServiceAccountIn
// Information about the cluster service account.
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// If the call succeeded
// Other HRESULTs
// If the call failed.
const WCHAR * pcszClusterNameIn
, const WCHAR * pcszClusterBindingStringIn
, IClusCfgCredentials * pcccServiceAccountIn
TraceFunc( "[IClusCfgBaseCluster]" );
HRESULT hrRetVal = S_OK;
// Set the thread locale.
if ( SetThreadLocale( m_lcid ) == FALSE )
DWORD sc = TW32( GetLastError() );
// If SetThreadLocale() fails, do not abort. Just log the error.
LogMsg( "[BC] Error 0x%#08x occurred trying to set the thread locale.", sc );
} // if: SetThreadLocale() failed
LogMsg( "[BC] Initializing add nodes to cluster." );
// Reset these state variables, to account for exceptions.
SetRollbackPossible( false );
// Setting this to true prevents Commit from being called while we are
// in this routine or if this routine doesn't complete successfully.
SetCommitCompleted( true );
// Create a CBaseClusterJoin object and assign it to a smart pointer.
SmartBCAPointer spbcaTemp(
new CBaseClusterJoin(
, pcszClusterNameIn
, pcszClusterBindingStringIn
, pcccServiceAccountIn
if ( spbcaTemp.FIsEmpty() )
LogMsg( "[BC] Could not initialize cluster add nodes. A memory allocation failure occurred." );
} // if: the memory allocation failed.
// If the creation succeeded store the pointer in a member variable for
// use during commit.
m_spbcaCurrentAction = spbcaTemp;
LogMsg( "[BC] Initialization completed. This computer will be added to a cluster on commit." );
// Indicate if rollback is possible.
SetRollbackPossible( m_spbcaCurrentAction->FIsRollbackPossible() );
// Indicate that this action has not been committed.
SetCommitCompleted( false );
} // try: to initialize for adding nodes to a cluster
catch( CAssert & raExceptionObject )
// Process the exception.
hrRetVal = THR( HrProcessException( raExceptionObject ) );
} // catch( CAssert & )
catch( CExceptionWithString & resExceptionObject )
// Process the exception.
hrRetVal = THR( HrProcessException( resExceptionObject ) );
} // catch( CExceptionWithString & )
catch( CException & reExceptionObject )
// Process the exception.
hrRetVal = THR( HrProcessException( reExceptionObject ) );
} // catch( CException & )
catch( ... )
// Catch everything. Do not let any exceptions pass out of this function.
hrRetVal = THR( HrProcessException() );
} // catch all
HRETURN( hrRetVal );
} //*** CBCAInterface::SetAdd
// CBCAInterface::SetCleanup
// Description:
// Indicate that this node needs to be cleaned up. The ClusSvc service
// should not be running when this action is committed.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// If the call succeeded
// Other HRESULTs
// If the call failed.
CBCAInterface::SetCleanup( void )
TraceFunc( "[IClusCfgBaseCluster]" );
HRESULT hrRetVal = S_OK;
// Set the thread locale.
if ( SetThreadLocale( m_lcid ) == FALSE )
DWORD sc = TW32( GetLastError() );
// If SetThreadLocale() fails, do not abort. Just log the error.
LogMsg( "[BC] Error 0x%#08x occurred trying to set the thread locale.", sc );
} // if: SetThreadLocale() failed
LogMsg( "[BC] Initializing node clean up." );
// Reset these state variables, to account for exceptions.
SetRollbackPossible( false );
// Setting this to true prevents Commit from being called while we are
// in this routine or if this routine doesn't complete successfully.
SetCommitCompleted( true );
// Create a CBaseClusterCleanup object and assign it to a smart pointer.
SmartBCAPointer spbcaTemp( new CBaseClusterCleanup( this ) );
if ( spbcaTemp.FIsEmpty() )
LogMsg( "[BC] Could not initialize node clean up. A memory allocation failure occurred. Throwing an exception" );
} // if: the memory allocation failed.
// If the creation succeeded store the pointer in a member variable for
// use during commit.
m_spbcaCurrentAction = spbcaTemp;
LogMsg( "[BC] Initialization completed. This node will be cleaned up on commit." );
// Indicate if rollback is possible.
SetRollbackPossible( m_spbcaCurrentAction->FIsRollbackPossible() );
// Indicate that this action has not been committed.
SetCommitCompleted( false );
} // try: to initialize node clean up
catch( CAssert & raExceptionObject )
// Process the exception.
hrRetVal = THR( HrProcessException( raExceptionObject ) );
} // catch( CAssert & )
catch( CExceptionWithString & resExceptionObject )
// Process the exception.
hrRetVal = THR( HrProcessException( resExceptionObject ) );
} // catch( CExceptionWithString & )
catch( CException & reExceptionObject )
// Process the exception.
hrRetVal = THR( HrProcessException( reExceptionObject ) );
} // catch( CException & )
catch( ... )
// Catch everything. Do not let any exceptions pass out of this function.
hrRetVal = THR( HrProcessException() );
} // catch all
HRETURN( hrRetVal );
} //*** CBCAInterface::SetCleanup
// CBCAInterface::Commit
// Description:
// Perform the action indicated by a previous call to one of the SetXXX
// routines.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// If the call succeeded
// If this commit has already been performed.
// If no action has been set using a SetXXX call.
// Other HRESULTs
// If the call failed.
// Remarks:
// None.
CBCAInterface::Commit( void )
TraceFunc( "[IClusCfgBaseCluster]" );
HRESULT hrRetVal = S_OK;
// Set the thread locale.
if ( SetThreadLocale( m_lcid ) == FALSE )
DWORD sc = TW32( GetLastError() );
// If SetThreadLocale() fails, do not abort. Just log the error.
LogMsg( "[BC] Error 0x%#08x occurred trying to set the thread locale.", sc );
} // if: SetThreadLocale() failed
// Has this action already been committed?
if ( FIsCommitComplete() )
, TASKID_Minor_Commit_Already_Complete
, 0
, 1
, 1
, true
LogMsg( "[BC] The desired cluster configuration has already been performed." );
goto Cleanup;
} // if: already committed
// Check if the arguments to commit have been set.
if ( m_spbcaCurrentAction.FIsEmpty() )
LogMsg( "[BC] Commit was called when an operation has not been specified." );
hrRetVal = THR( E_INVALIDARG ); // BUGBUG: 29-JAN-2001 DavidP Replace E_INVALIDARG
goto Cleanup;
} // if: the pointer to the action to be committed is NULL
LogMsg( "[BC] About to perform the desired cluster configuration." );
// Commit the desired action.
LogMsg( "[BC] Cluster configuration completed successfully." );
// If we are here, then everything has gone well.
SetCommitCompleted( true );
} // try: to commit the desired action.
catch( CAssert & raExceptionObject )
// Process the exception.
hrRetVal = THR( HrProcessException( raExceptionObject ) );
} // catch( CAssert & )
catch( CExceptionWithString & resExceptionObject )
// Process the exception.
hrRetVal = THR( HrProcessException( resExceptionObject ) );
} // catch( CExceptionWithString & )
catch( CException & reExceptionObject )
// Process the exception.
hrRetVal = THR( HrProcessException( reExceptionObject ) );
} // catch( CException & )
catch( ... )
// Catch everything. Do not let any exceptions pass out of this function.
hrRetVal = THR( HrProcessException() );
} // catch all
HRETURN( hrRetVal );
} //*** CBCAInterface::Commit
// CBCAInterface::Rollback( void )
// Description:
// Rollback a committed configuration.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// S_OK
// If the call succeeded
// If this action has not yet been committed successfully.
// If this action cannot be rolled back.
// If no action has been set using a SetXXX call.
// Other HRESULTs
// If the call failed.
// Remarks:
// None.
CBCAInterface::Rollback( void )
TraceFunc( "[IClusCfgCallback]" );
HRESULT hrRetVal = S_OK;
// Check if this action list has completed successfully.
if ( ! FIsCommitComplete() )
// Cannot rollback an incomplete action.
, TASKID_Minor_Rollback_Failed_Incomplete_Commit
, 0
, 1
, 1
, true
LogMsg( "[BC] Cannot rollback - action not yet committed." );
hrRetVal = THR( E_PENDING );
goto Cleanup;
} // if: this action was not completed successfully
// Check if this action can be rolled back.
if ( ! FIsRollbackPossible() )
// Cannot rollback an incompleted action.
, TASKID_Minor_Rollback_Not_Possible
, 0
, 1
, 1
, true
LogMsg( "[BC] This action cannot be rolled back." ); // BUGBUG: 29-JAN-2001 DavidP Why?
goto Cleanup;
} // if: this action was not completed successfully
// Check if the arguments to rollback have been set.
if ( m_spbcaCurrentAction.FIsEmpty() )
LogMsg( "[BC] Rollback was called when an operation has not been specified." );
hrRetVal = THR( E_INVALIDARG ); // BUGBUG: 29-JAN-2001 DavidP Replace E_INVALIDARG
goto Cleanup;
} // if: the pointer to the action to be committed is NULL
LogMsg( "[BC] About to rollback the cluster configuration just committed." );
// Commit the desired action.
LogMsg( "[BC] Cluster configuration rolled back." );
// If we are here, then everything has gone well.
SetCommitCompleted( false );
} // try: to rollback the desired action.
catch( CAssert & raExceptionObject )
// Process the exception.
hrRetVal = THR( HrProcessException( raExceptionObject ) );
} // catch( CAssert & )
catch( CExceptionWithString & resExceptionObject )
// Process the exception.
hrRetVal = THR( HrProcessException( resExceptionObject ) );
} // catch( CExceptionWithString & )
catch( CException & reExceptionObject )
// Process the exception.
hrRetVal = THR( HrProcessException( reExceptionObject ) );
} // catch( CException & )
catch( ... )
// Catch everything. Do not let any exceptions pass out of this function.
hrRetVal = THR( HrProcessException() );
} // catch all
HRETURN( hrRetVal );
} //*** CBCAInterface::Rollback
// CBCAInterface::SendStatusReport
// Description:
// Send a progress notification [ string id overload ].
// Arguments:
// clsidTaskMajorIn
// clsidTaskMinorIn
// GUIDs identifying the notification.
// ulMinIn
// ulMaxIn
// ulCurrentIn
// Values that indicate the percentage of this task that is
// completed.
// hrStatusIn
// Error code.
// uiDescriptionStringIdIn
// String ID of the description of the notification.
// fIsAbortAllowedIn
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// CRuntimeError
// If any of the APIs fail.
// CAbortException
// If the configuration was aborted.
// Remarks:
// In the current implementation, IClusCfgCallback::SendStatusReport
// returns E_ABORT to indicate that the user wants to abort
// the cluster configuration.
const CLSID & clsidTaskMajorIn
, const CLSID & clsidTaskMinorIn
, ULONG ulMinIn
, ULONG ulMaxIn
, ULONG ulCurrentIn
, HRESULT hrStatusIn
, UINT uiDescriptionStringIdIn
, bool fIsAbortAllowedIn // = true
TraceFunc( "uiDescriptionStringIdIn" );
if ( FIsCallbackSupported() )
CStr strDescription;
// Lookup the string using the string Id.
strDescription.LoadString( g_hInstance, uiDescriptionStringIdIn );
// Send progress notification ( call the overloaded function )
, clsidTaskMinorIn
, ulMinIn
, ulMaxIn
, ulCurrentIn
, hrStatusIn
, strDescription.PszData()
, fIsAbortAllowedIn
} // if: callbacks are supported
LogMsg( "[BC] Callbacks are not supported. No status report will be sent." );
} // else: callbacks are not supported
} //*** CBCAInterface::SendStatusReport
// CBCAInterface::SendStatusReport
// Description:
// Send a progress notification [ string id & REF string id overload ].
// Arguments:
// clsidTaskMajorIn
// clsidTaskMinorIn
// GUIDs identifying the notification.
// ulMinIn
// ulMaxIn
// ulCurrentIn
// Values that indicate the percentage of this task that is
// completed.
// hrStatusIn
// Error code.
// uiDescriptionStringIdIn
// String ID of the description of the notification.
// uiDescriptionRefStringIdIn
// REF String ID of the description of the notification.
// fIsAbortAllowedIn
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// CRuntimeError
// If any of the APIs fail.
// CAbortException
// If the configuration was aborted.
// Remarks:
// In the current implementation, IClusCfgCallback::SendStatusReport
// returns E_ABORT to indicate that the user wants to abort
// the cluster configuration.
const CLSID & clsidTaskMajorIn
, const CLSID & clsidTaskMinorIn
, ULONG ulMinIn
, ULONG ulMaxIn
, ULONG ulCurrentIn
, HRESULT hrStatusIn
, UINT uiDescriptionStringIdIn
, UINT uiDescriptionRefStringIdIn
, bool fIsAbortAllowedIn // = true
TraceFunc( "uiDescriptionStringIdIn" );
if ( FIsCallbackSupported() )
CStr strDescription;
// Lookup the string using the string Id.
strDescription.LoadString( g_hInstance, uiDescriptionStringIdIn );
if ( uiDescriptionRefStringIdIn == 0 )
// Send progress notification ( call the overloaded function )
, clsidTaskMinorIn
, ulMinIn
, ulMaxIn
, ulCurrentIn
, hrStatusIn
, strDescription.PszData()
, fIsAbortAllowedIn
CStr strDescriptionRef;
// Lookup the string using the Ref string Id.
strDescriptionRef.LoadString( g_hInstance, uiDescriptionRefStringIdIn );
// Send progress notification ( call the overloaded function )
, clsidTaskMinorIn
, ulMinIn
, ulMaxIn
, ulCurrentIn
, hrStatusIn
, strDescription.PszData()
, strDescriptionRef.PszData()
, fIsAbortAllowedIn
} // if: callbacks are supported
LogMsg( "[BC] Callbacks are not supported. No status report will be sent." );
} // else: callbacks are not supported
} //*** CBCAInterface::SendStatusReport
// CBCAInterface::SendStatusReport
// Description:
// Send a progress notification [ string overload ].
// Arguments:
// clsidTaskMajorIn
// clsidTaskMinorIn
// GUIDs identifying the notification.
// ulMinIn
// ulMaxIn
// ulCurrentIn
// Values that indicate the percentage of this task that is
// completed.
// hrStatusIn
// Error code.
// pcszDescriptionStringIn
// String ID of the description of the notification.
// fIsAbortAllowedIn
// An optional parameter indicating if this configuration step can
// be aborted or not. Default value is true.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// CRuntimeError
// If any of the APIs fail.
// CAbortException
// If the configuration was aborted.
// Remarks:
// In the current implementation, IClusCfgCallback::SendStatusReport
// returns E_ABORT to indicate that the user wants to abort
// the cluster configuration.
const CLSID & clsidTaskMajorIn
, const CLSID & clsidTaskMinorIn
, ULONG ulMinIn
, ULONG ulMaxIn
, ULONG ulCurrentIn
, HRESULT hrStatusIn
, const WCHAR * pcszDescriptionStringIn
, bool fIsAbortAllowedIn // = true
TraceFunc1( "pcszDescriptionStringIn = '%ws'", pcszDescriptionStringIn );
HRESULT hrRetVal = S_OK;
if ( !FIsCallbackSupported() )
// Nothing needs to be done.
goto Cleanup;
} // if: callbacks are not supported
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &ft );
// Send progress notification
hrRetVal = THR(
, clsidTaskMajorIn
, clsidTaskMinorIn
, ulMinIn
, ulMaxIn
, ulCurrentIn
, hrStatusIn
, pcszDescriptionStringIn
, &ft
// Has the user requested an abort?
if ( hrRetVal == E_ABORT )
LogMsg( "[BC] A request to abort the configuration has been recieved." );
if ( fIsAbortAllowedIn )
LogMsg( "[BC] Configuration will be aborted." );
} // if: this operation can be aborted
LogMsg( "[BC] This configuration operation cannot be aborted. Request will be ignored." );
} // else: this operation cannot be aborted
} // if: the user has indicated that that configuration should be aborted
if ( FAILED( hrRetVal ) )
LogMsg( "[BC] Error 0x%#08x has occurred - no more status messages will be sent.", hrRetVal );
// Disable all further callbacks.
SetCallbackSupported( false );
} // if: something went wrong trying to send a status report
} // else: abort was not requested
if ( FAILED( hrRetVal ) )
LogMsg( "[BC] Error 0x%#08x occurred trying send a status message. Throwing an exception.", hrRetVal );
} // if: an error occurred
} //*** CBCAInterface::SendStatusReport
// CBCAInterface::SendStatusReport
// Description:
// Send a progress notification [ string & REF string overload ].
// Arguments:
// clsidTaskMajorIn
// clsidTaskMinorIn
// GUIDs identifying the notification.
// ulMinIn
// ulMaxIn
// ulCurrentIn
// Values that indicate the percentage of this task that is
// completed.
// hrStatusIn
// Error code.
// pcszDescriptionStringIn
// String ID of the description of the notification.
// pcszDescriptionRefStringIn
// REF String ID of the description of the notification.
// fIsAbortAllowedIn
// An optional parameter indicating if this configuration step can
// be aborted or not. Default value is true.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// CRuntimeError
// If any of the APIs fail.
// CAbortException
// If the configuration was aborted.
// Remarks:
// In the current implementation, IClusCfgCallback::SendStatusReport
// returns E_ABORT to indicate that the user wants to abort
// the cluster configuration.
const CLSID & clsidTaskMajorIn
, const CLSID & clsidTaskMinorIn
, ULONG ulMinIn
, ULONG ulMaxIn
, ULONG ulCurrentIn
, HRESULT hrStatusIn
, const WCHAR * pcszDescriptionStringIn
, const WCHAR * pcszDescriptionRefStringIn
, bool fIsAbortAllowedIn // = true
TraceFunc1( "pcszDescriptionRefStringIn = '%ws'", pcszDescriptionRefStringIn );
HRESULT hrRetVal = S_OK;
if ( !FIsCallbackSupported() )
// Nothing needs to be done.
goto Cleanup;
} // if: callbacks are not supported
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &ft );
// Send progress notification
hrRetVal = THR(
, clsidTaskMajorIn
, clsidTaskMinorIn
, ulMinIn
, ulMaxIn
, ulCurrentIn
, hrStatusIn
, pcszDescriptionStringIn
, &ft
, pcszDescriptionRefStringIn
// Has the user requested an abort?
if ( hrRetVal == E_ABORT )
LogMsg( "[BC] A request to abort the configuration has been recieved." );
if ( fIsAbortAllowedIn )
LogMsg( "[BC] Configuration will be aborted." );
} // if: this operation can be aborted
LogMsg( "[BC] This configuration operation cannot be aborted. Request will be ignored." );
} // else: this operation cannot be aborted
} // if: the user has indicated that that configuration should be aborted
if ( FAILED( hrRetVal ) )
LogMsg( "[BC] Error 0x%#08x has occurred - no more status messages will be sent.", hrRetVal );
// Disable all further callbacks.
SetCallbackSupported( false );
} // if: something went wrong trying to send a status report
} // else: abort was not requested
if ( FAILED( hrRetVal ) )
LogMsg( "[BC] Error 0x%#08x occurred trying send a status message. Throwing an exception.", hrRetVal );
} // if: an error occurred
} //*** CBCAInterface::SendStatusReport
// CBCAInterface::QueueStatusReportCompletion
// Description:
// Queue a status report for sending when an exception is caught.
// Arguments:
// clsidTaskMajorIn
// clsidTaskMinorIn
// GUIDs identifying the notification.
// ulMinIn
// ulMaxIn
// Values that indicate the range of steps for this report.
// uiDescriptionStringIdIn
// String ID of the description of the notification.
// uiReferenceStringIdIn
// Reference string ID of the description of the notification.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// Any thrown by CList::Append()
const CLSID & clsidTaskMajorIn
, const CLSID & clsidTaskMinorIn
, ULONG ulMinIn
, ULONG ulMaxIn
, UINT uiDescriptionStringIdIn
, UINT uiReferenceStringIdIn
TraceFunc( "" );
// Queue the status report only if callbacks are supported.
if ( m_fCallbackSupported )
// Append this status report to the end of the pending list.
, clsidTaskMinorIn
, ulMinIn
, ulMaxIn
, uiDescriptionStringIdIn
, uiReferenceStringIdIn
} //*** CBCAInterface::QueueStatusReportCompletion
// CBCAInterface::CompletePendingStatusReports
// Description:
// Send all the status reports that were queued for sending when an
// exception occurred. This function is meant to be called from an exception
// handler when an exception is caught.
// Arguments:
// hrStatusIn
// The error code to be sent with the pending status reports.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// None, since this function is usually called in an exception handler.
HRESULT hrStatusIn
) throw()
TraceFunc( "" );
if ( m_fCallbackSupported )
PendingReportList::CIterator ciCurrent = m_prlPendingReportList.CiBegin();
PendingReportList::CIterator ciLast = m_prlPendingReportList.CiEnd();
// Iterate through the list of pending status reports and send each pending report.
while ( ciCurrent != ciLast )
// Send the current status report.
, ciCurrent->m_clsidTaskMinor
, ciCurrent->m_ulMin
, ciCurrent->m_ulMax
, ciCurrent->m_ulMax
, hrStatusIn
, ciCurrent->m_uiDescriptionStringId
, ciCurrent->m_uiReferenceStringId
, false
// Move to the next one.
m_prlPendingReportList.DeleteAndMoveToNext( ciCurrent );
} // while: the pending status report list is not empty
} // try: to send status report
catch( ... )
// Nothing can be done here if the sending of the status report fails.
LogMsg( "[BC] An unexpected error has occurred trying to complete pending status messages. It will not be propagated." );
} // catch: all exceptions
} // if: callbacks are supported
// Empty the pending status report list.
} //*** CBCAInterface::CompletePendingStatusReports
// CBCAInterface::HrProcessException
// Description:
// Process an exception that should be shown to the user.
// Arguments:
// CExceptionWithString & resExceptionObjectInOut
// The exception object that has been caught.
// Return Value:
// The error code stored in the exception object.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// None.
CExceptionWithString & resExceptionObjectInOut
) throw()
TraceFunc( "resExceptionObjectInOut" );
TEXT("[BC] A runtime error has occurred in file '%s', line %d. Error code is %#08x.") SZ_NEWLINE
TEXT(" The error string is '%s'.")
, resExceptionObjectInOut.PszGetThrowingFile()
, resExceptionObjectInOut.UiGetThrowingLine()
, resExceptionObjectInOut.HrGetErrorCode()
, resExceptionObjectInOut.StrGetErrorString().PszData()
// If the user has not been notified
if ( ! resExceptionObjectInOut.FHasUserBeenNotified() )
, TASKID_Minor_Rolling_Back_Cluster_Configuration
, 1, 1, 1
, resExceptionObjectInOut.HrGetErrorCode()
, resExceptionObjectInOut.StrGetErrorString().PszData()
, resExceptionObjectInOut.StrGetErrorRefString().PszData()
, false // fIsAbortAllowedIn
} // try: to send status report
catch( ... )
// Nothing can be done here if the sending of the status report fails.
LogMsg( "[BC] An unexpected error has occurred trying to send a progress notification. It will not be propagated." );
} // catch: all exceptions
} // if: the user has not been notified of this exception
// Complete sending pending status reports.
CompletePendingStatusReports( resExceptionObjectInOut.HrGetErrorCode() );
HRETURN( resExceptionObjectInOut.HrGetErrorCode() );
} //*** CBCAInterface::HrProcessException
// CBCAInterface::HrProcessException
// Description:
// Process an assert exception.
// Arguments:
// const CAssert & rcaExceptionObjectIn
// The exception object that has been caught.
// Return Value:
// The error code stored in the exception object.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// None.
const CAssert & rcaExceptionObjectIn
) throw()
TraceFunc( "rcaExceptionObjectIn" );
TEXT("[BC] An assertion has failed in file '%s', line %d. Error code is %#08x.") SZ_NEWLINE
TEXT(" The error string is '%s'.")
, rcaExceptionObjectIn.PszGetThrowingFile()
, rcaExceptionObjectIn.UiGetThrowingLine()
, rcaExceptionObjectIn.HrGetErrorCode()
, rcaExceptionObjectIn.StrGetErrorString().PszData()
// Complete sending pending status reports.
CompletePendingStatusReports( rcaExceptionObjectIn.HrGetErrorCode() );
HRETURN( rcaExceptionObjectIn.HrGetErrorCode() );
} //*** CBCAInterface::HrProcessException
// CBCAInterface::HrProcessException
// Description:
// Process a general exception.
// Arguments:
// const CException & rceExceptionObjectIn
// The exception object that has been caught.
// Return Value:
// The error code stored in the exception object.
// Exceptions Thrown:
// None.
const CException & rceExceptionObjectIn
) throw()
TraceFunc( "roeExceptionObjectIn" );
"[BC] An exception has occurred in file '%s', line %d. Error code is %#08x."
, rceExceptionObjectIn.PszGetThrowingFile()
, rceExceptionObjectIn.UiGetThrowingLine()
, rceExceptionObjectIn.HrGetErrorCode()
// Complete sending pending status reports.
CompletePendingStatusReports( rceExceptionObjectIn.HrGetErrorCode() );
HRETURN( rceExceptionObjectIn.HrGetErrorCode() );
} //*** CBCAInterface::HrProcessException
// CBCAInterface::HrProcessException
// Description:
// Process an unknown exception.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// Exceptions Thrown:
// None.
CBCAInterface::HrProcessException( void ) throw()
TraceFunc( "void" );
LogMsg( "[BC] An unknown exception (for example, an access violation) has occurred." );
// Complete sending pending status reports.
CompletePendingStatusReports( hr );
HRETURN( hr );
} //*** CBCAInterface::HrProcessException