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// Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// DynamicArray.h
// Description:
// This file contains an array template that doesn't throw exceptions.
// Documentation:
// Implementation Files:
// None.
// Maintained By:
// John Franco (jfranco) 22-AUG-2001
// Make sure that this file is included only once per compile path.
#pragma once
// Include Files
// Constant Declarations
// Template Declarations
// DynamicArray< Item, Assignment > template
// Description:
// DynamicArray stores a variable number of Items in a contiguous block
// of memory. It intends to be similar to std::vector, with the main
// difference being that it handles errors through return values rather
// than exceptions.
// Template Arguments:
// Item - the type of the elements in the array.
// requirements for Item:
// - default constructor
// Assignment
// The function that overwrites one Item with another; default is
// one that assumes Item has an assignment operator that never fails.
// requirements for Assignment:
// - default constructor
// - HRESULT operator()( Item &, const Item & ) const;
// or, PredecessorFunction can be a pointer to a function
// taking two Item references and returning an HRESULT.
namespace Generics
template < class Item >
struct DefaultAssignment
HRESULT operator()( Item& rItemDestInOut, const Item& crItemSourceIn ) const
rItemDestInOut = crItemSourceIn;
return S_OK;
template < class Item, class Assignment = DefaultAssignment<Item> >
class DynamicArray
typedef Item* Iterator;
typedef const Item* ConstIterator;
DynamicArray( void );
~DynamicArray( void );
HRESULT HrReserve( size_t cNewCapacityIn );
HRESULT HrResize( size_t cNewSizeIn, const Item& crItemFillerIn = Item() );
HRESULT HrPushBack( const Item& crItemToPushIn );
HRESULT HrPopBack( void );
HRESULT HrRemove( Iterator ItemToRemoveIn );
HRESULT HrCompact( void );
void Clear( void );
void Swap( DynamicArray& rOtherInOut );
size_t CCapacity( void ) const;
size_t Count( void ) const;
bool BEmpty( void ) const;
Iterator ItBegin( void );
ConstIterator ItBegin( void ) const;
Iterator ItEnd( void );
ConstIterator ItEnd( void ) const;
Item& operator[]( size_t idxItemIn );
const Item& operator[]( size_t idxItemIn ) const;
DynamicArray( const DynamicArray& );
DynamicArray& operator=( const DynamicArray& );
HRESULT HrRaiseCapacity( size_t cAmountIn );
Item* m_prgItems;
size_t m_cItems;
size_t m_cCapacity;
Assignment m_opAssign;
}; //*** class DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >
// DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::DynamicArray
// Description:
// Initializes the array as empty.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Values:
// None.
// Remarks:
template < class Item, class Assignment >
DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::DynamicArray( void ):
m_prgItems( NULL ), m_cItems( 0 ), m_cCapacity( 0 ), m_opAssign() {}
// DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::~DynamicArray
// Description:
// Frees any memory held by the array, invoking destructors of any
// objects within the array.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Values:
// None.
// Remarks:
template < class Item, class Assignment >
DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::~DynamicArray( void )
// DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::HrPushBack
// Description:
// Appends a copy of an object onto the end of the array,
// growing the array if necessary.
// Arguments:
// crItemToPushIn - The object to copy onto the end of the array.
// Return Values:
// S_OK - The array has added a copy of the object to its end.
// Failure - Something went wrong, and the array's size is unchanged.
// Remarks:
// Analogous to std::vector::push_back.
template < class Item, class Assignment >
inline HRESULT DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::HrPushBack( const Item& crItemToPushIn )
// Raise capacity if necessary.
if ( m_cCapacity == 0 )
hr = HrRaiseCapacity( 1 );
if ( FAILED( hr ) )
goto Cleanup;
else if ( m_cItems == m_cCapacity )
hr = HrRaiseCapacity( m_cCapacity );
if ( FAILED( hr ) )
goto Cleanup;
// Copy crItemToPushIn into space just after any current contents.
hr = m_opAssign( m_prgItems[ m_cItems ], crItemToPushIn );
if ( FAILED( hr ) )
goto Cleanup;
m_cItems += 1;
return hr;
} //*** DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::HrPushBack
// DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::HrPopBack
// Description:
// Discards the last element of the array, if one exists.
// Arguments:
// crItemToPushIn - The object to copy onto the end of the array.
// Return Values:
// S_OK - The array has added a copy of the object to its end.
// Remarks:
// Analogous to std::vector::pop_back.
// This does not destroy the last object in the array; it merely marks
// that position as unused. To free the resources associated with the
// popped object, call HrCompact.
template < class Item, class Assignment >
inline HRESULT DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::HrPopBack( void )
if ( m_cItems > 0 )
m_cItems -= 1;
hr = S_OK;
return hr;
} //*** DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::HrPopBack
// DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::HrResize
// Description:
// Change the effective size of the array.
// Arguments:
// cNewSizeIn
// The array's new size.
// crItemFillerIn
// If the array is growing, copy this item into the spaces after the
// array's current contents.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// Subsequent calls to Count will return cNewSizeIn, and indexing
// into the array with any value from zero up to cNewSizeIn - 1
// will return a valid object reference.
// Failure
// Something went wrong and the size is unchanged.
// Remarks:
// Analogous to std::vector::resize.
// If cNewSizeIn is not greater than the array's capacity, the array
// performs no memory reallocations. To force the array to consume only
// the memory necessary to contain the new size, call HrCompact.
template < class Item, class Assignment >
HRESULT DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::HrResize( size_t cNewSizeIn, const Item& crItemFillerIn )
size_t idx = 0;
// Raise capacity if necessary.
if ( cNewSizeIn > m_cCapacity )
hr = HrRaiseCapacity( cNewSizeIn - m_cCapacity );
if ( FAILED( hr ) )
goto Cleanup;
// Fill any empty spaces with crItemFillerIn.
for ( idx = m_cItems; idx < cNewSizeIn; ++idx )
hr = m_opAssign( m_prgItems[ idx ], crItemFillerIn );
if ( FAILED( hr ) )
goto Cleanup;
m_cItems = cNewSizeIn;
return hr;
} //*** DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::HrResize
// DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::HrReserve
// Description:
// Set a lower bound for the array's capacity.
// Arguments:
// cNewCapacityIn
// The desired lower bound for the array's capacity.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// Subsequent operations that change the array's size--HrResize,
// HrPushBack, HrPopBack, HrRemove--will not cause a memory
// reallocation as long as the size does not exceed cNewCapacityIn.
// Also, subsequent calls to CCapacity will return a value not less
// than cNewCapacityIn.
// (Calling Clear does reset the capacity to zero, however.)
// Failure
// Something went wrong, and the capacity is unchanged.
// Remarks:
// Analogous to std::vector::reserve.
// If cNewCapacityIn is not greater than the array's capacity, the array's
// capacity does not change. To force the array to consume only
// the memory necessary to contain the current size, call HrCompact.
template < class Item, class Assignment >
inline HRESULT DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::HrReserve( size_t cNewCapacityIn )
if ( cNewCapacityIn > m_cCapacity )
hr = HrRaiseCapacity( cNewCapacityIn - m_cCapacity );
if ( FAILED( hr ) )
goto Cleanup;
return hr;
} //*** DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::HrReserve
// DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::HrRemove
// Description:
// Eliminate a particular element from the array.
// Arguments:
// ItemToRemoveIn
// A pointer to the element to remove.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// The array's size has decreased by one, and the given element is
// gone.
// The given pointer was not within the array's valid range.
// Other failures
// Something went wrong; those items preceding that given are
// unchanged, but others may have been overwritten by their successors.
// Remarks:
// Analogous to std::vector::erase.
// This moves all successors to the element up by one, taking linear time.
template < class Item, class Assignment >
HRESULT DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::HrRemove( Iterator ItemToRemoveIn )
Iterator it;
if ( ( ItemToRemoveIn < m_prgItems ) || ( ItemToRemoveIn >= ItEnd() ) )
goto Cleanup;
// Move all items after ItemToRemoveIn forward by one, overwriting *ItemToRemoveIn.
for ( it = ItemToRemoveIn + 1; it != ItEnd(); ++it )
hr = m_opAssign( *( it - 1 ), *it );
if ( FAILED( hr ) )
goto Cleanup;
m_cItems -= 1;
return hr;
} //*** DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::HrRemove
// DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::HrCompact
// Description:
// Force the array to consume just enough memory to hold its current
// contents, performing a reallocation if necessary.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Values:
// S_OK - The array's size is now the same as its capacity.
// Failure - Something went wrong; the array is unchanged.
// Remarks:
// No analogue in std::vector.
template < class Item, class Assignment >
HRESULT DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::HrCompact( void )
Item* prgNewArray = NULL;
if ( m_cItems < m_cCapacity ) // Otherwise, it's already compact.
if ( m_cItems > 0 )
size_t idx = 0;
// Allocate just enough memory to hold the current contents.
prgNewArray = new Item[ m_cItems ];
if ( prgNewArray == NULL )
goto Cleanup;
// Copy the current contents into the newly allocated memory.
for ( idx = 0; idx < m_cItems; ++idx )
hr = m_opAssign( prgNewArray[ idx ], m_prgItems[ idx ] );
if ( FAILED( hr ) )
goto Cleanup;
// Take ownership of the new memory and discard the old.
delete[] m_prgItems;
m_prgItems = prgNewArray;
prgNewArray = NULL;
m_cCapacity = m_cItems;
else // No current contents, so just dump everything.
if ( prgNewArray != NULL )
delete[] prgNewArray;
return hr;
} //*** DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::HrCompact
// DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::Clear
// Description:
// Reset the array to its original, empty state, and release any
// currently allocated memory.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Values:
// None.
// Remarks:
// Analogous to std::vector::clear.
template < class Item, class Assignment >
void DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::Clear( void )
if ( m_prgItems != NULL )
delete[] m_prgItems;
m_prgItems = NULL;
m_cItems = 0;
m_cCapacity = 0;
} //*** DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::Clear
// DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::Swap
// Description:
// Swaps the contents of this array with another.
// Arguments:
// rOtherInOut - The array with which to swap.
// Return Values:
// None.
// Remarks:
// Analogous to std::vector::swap.
template < class Item, class Assignment >
void DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::Swap( DynamicArray& rOtherInOut )
if ( this != &rOtherInOut )
Item* prgItemStash = m_prgItems;
size_t cCountStash = m_cItems;
size_t cCapacityStash = m_cCapacity;
m_prgItems = rOtherInOut.m_prgItems;
rOtherInOut.m_prgItems = prgItemStash;
m_cItems = rOtherInOut.m_cItems;
rOtherInOut.m_cItems = cCountStash;
m_cCapacity = rOtherInOut.m_cCapacity;
rOtherInOut.m_cCapacity = cCapacityStash;
} //*** DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::Swap
// DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::CCapacity
// Description:
// Provide the array's current capacity.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Values:
// The array's current capacity.
// Remarks:
// Analogous to std::vector::capacity.
template < class Item, class Assignment >
inline size_t DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::CCapacity( void ) const
return m_cCapacity;
// DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::Count
// Description:
// Provide the array's current size.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Values:
// The array's current size.
// Remarks:
// Analogous to std::vector::size.
template < class Item, class Assignment >
inline size_t DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::Count( void ) const
return m_cItems;
// DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::BEmpty
// Description:
// Report whether the array contains anything.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Values:
// true - The array contains nothing.
// false - The array contains something.
// Remarks:
// Analogous to std::vector::empty. Synonymous with Count() == 0.
template < class Item, class Assignment >
inline bool DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::BEmpty( void ) const
return ( m_cItems == 0 );
// DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::ItBegin
// Description:
// Provide a pointer to the array's first element.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Values:
// A pointer to the array's first element if one exists, ItEnd() if not.
// Remarks:
// Analogous to std::vector::begin.
// The const overload provides a read-only pointer.
template < class Item, class Assignment >
inline __TYPENAME DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::Iterator DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::ItBegin( void )
return m_prgItems;
template < class Item, class Assignment >
inline __TYPENAME DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::ConstIterator DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::ItBegin( void ) const
return m_prgItems;
// DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::ItEnd
// Description:
// Provide a "one past end" pointer to the array's contents.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Values:
// A "one past end" pointer to the array's contents if any exist,
// ItBegin() if not.
// Remarks:
// Analogous to std::vector::end.
// A "one past end" pointer allows enumeration of all the array's
// contents by the common loop,
// for (it = a.ItBegin(); it != a.ItEnd(); ++it).
template < class Item, class Assignment >
inline __TYPENAME DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::Iterator DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::ItEnd( void )
return ( m_prgItems + m_cItems );
template < class Item, class Assignment >
inline __TYPENAME DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::ConstIterator DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::ItEnd( void ) const
return ( m_prgItems + m_cItems );
// DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::operator[]
// Description:
// Provide subscripted, constant-time access to the array's contents.
// Arguments:
// idxItemIn - The zero-based index of the item desired.
// Return Values:
// A reference to the item at the given position.
// Remarks:
// Analogous to std::vector::operator[].
// The const overload provides read-only access.
// This makes no attempt at range-checking; the caller should use
// Count() to determine whether the index is valid.
template < class Item, class Assignment >
inline Item& DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::operator[]( size_t idxItemIn )
return m_prgItems[ idxItemIn ];
template < class Item, class Assignment >
inline const Item& DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::operator[]( size_t idxItemIn ) const
return m_prgItems[ idxItemIn ];
// DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::HrRaiseCapacity
// Description:
// Increase the array's capacity.
// Arguments:
// cAmountIn - The amount by which to increase the array's capacity.
// Return Values:
// S_OK
// The array has enough memory to hold an additional cAmountIn items.
// Failure
// Something went wrong, and the capacity is unchanged.
// Remarks:
// No analogue in std::vector; this is a private function.
template < class Item, class Assignment >
HRESULT DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::HrRaiseCapacity( size_t cAmountIn )
size_t idx = 0;
Item* prgNewArray = NULL;
if ( cAmountIn == 0 ) // Nothing to do.
goto Cleanup;
// Allocate enough space for the new capacity
prgNewArray = new Item[ m_cCapacity + cAmountIn ];
if ( prgNewArray == NULL )
goto Cleanup;
// Copy the current contents into the new space.
for ( idx = 0; idx < m_cItems; ++idx )
hr = m_opAssign( prgNewArray[ idx ], m_prgItems[ idx ] );
if ( FAILED( hr ) )
goto Cleanup;
// Take ownership of the new space.
if ( m_prgItems != NULL )
delete[] m_prgItems;
m_prgItems = prgNewArray;
prgNewArray = NULL;
m_cCapacity += cAmountIn;
if ( prgNewArray != NULL )
delete[] prgNewArray;
return hr;
} //*** DynamicArray< Item, Assignment >::HrRaiseCapacity
} //*** Generics namespace