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// Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// InsertionSort.h
// Description:
// This file contains templates to perform an insertion sort on an array.
// Documentation:
// Implementation Files:
// None.
// Maintained By:
// John Franco (jfranco) 1-JUN-2001
// Make sure that this file is included only once per compile path.
#pragma once
// Include Files
// Constant Declarations
// Template Declarations
// InsertionSort< Item, PredecessorFunction > template
// Description:
// InsertionSort(Start, Size, Precedes)
// reorders the array of Size elements beginning at Start so that
// for all p and q in [Start, Start + Size),
// Precedes(*p, *q) implies p < q.
// The notation [begin, end) refers to a half-open interval, so that
// for ( Item* pItem = begin; pItem < end; ++pItem )
// iterates through all elements in the array, and
// end - begin
// gives the number of elements in the array.
// Template Arguments:
// Item - the type of the elements in the array.
// requirements for Item:
// - copy constructor
// - assignment operator
// PredecessorFunction
// The function that determines whether one element should precede
// another in the sort order
// requirements for PredecessorFunction:
// - bool operator()( const Item &, const Item & ) const;
// or, PredecessorFunction can be a pointer to a function
// taking two Items and returning a bool.
// Function Arguments:
// pArrayStartIn
// A pointer to the first element of the array.
// cArraySizeIn
// The number of elements in the array.
// rPrecedesIn
// An instance of the predecessor function class, or a pointer to
// a function with the appropriate signature.
// Return Values:
// None.
template < class Item, class PredecessorFunction >
Item * pArrayStartIn
, size_t cArraySizeIn
, const PredecessorFunction & rPrecedesIn )
Assert( pArrayStartIn != NULL );
Item * pCurrentItem;
Item * pSortedLocation;
Item * pNextToCopy;
Item * pArrayEnd = pArrayStartIn + cArraySizeIn;
// Insertion sort algorithm; for a good description, see "Introduction to Algorithms"
// by Cormen, Leiserson, and Rivest.
// Loop invariant: all items to the left of pCurrentItem are in sorted order.
// Arrays of size zero or one are considered to be already sorted, so start
// pCurrentItem at second element in the array (if more than one element exists).
for ( pCurrentItem = pArrayStartIn + 1; pCurrentItem < pArrayEnd; ++pCurrentItem )
// Find where the current item needs to go to make the loop invariant true for pCurrentItem + 1.
// This could be a binary search, but collections of large enough size that it matters
// should use a quick sort instead.
pSortedLocation = pCurrentItem;
while ( ( pSortedLocation > pArrayStartIn )
&& rPrecedesIn( *pCurrentItem, *( pSortedLocation - 1 ) )
// Does the current item need to move?
if ( pSortedLocation != pCurrentItem )
// Store the current item.
Item tempItem( *pCurrentItem ); // declared inline to avoid requiring default constructor for Item
// Move all items in [pSortedLocation, pCurrentItem) to the right by one.
for ( pNextToCopy = pCurrentItem ; pNextToCopy > pSortedLocation; --pNextToCopy )
*pNextToCopy = *( pNextToCopy - 1 );
// Copy the current item into its proper location
*pSortedLocation = tempItem;
} // if item not in sorted location
} // for each item in array
} //*** InsertionSort
// LessThan<Item> and InsertionSort<Item> templates
// Description:
// These templates overload InsertionSort<Item, PredecessorFunction>
// to make PredecessorFunction use the less-than operator by default when
// the user provides no explicit predecessor function.
// Passing an instance of a function object allows the compiler to inline
// the comparison operation, which is impossible with a function pointer.
// Template parameters:
// Item - the type of the elements in the array.
// requirements for Item:
// - bool operator < ( const Item & ) const
// alternatively, Item can be a built-in type, like int
// - those from InsertionSort<Item, PredecessorFunction>
template < class Item >
struct LessThan
bool operator()( const Item & rLeftIn, const Item & rRightIn ) const
return ( rLeftIn < rRightIn );
template < class Item >
inline void
InsertionSort( Item * pBeginIn, size_t cArraySizeIn )
InsertionSort( pBeginIn, cArraySizeIn, LessThan< Item >() );