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// Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// ManagedResource.h
// Description:
// CManagedResource implementation.
// Maintained By:
// Galen Barbee (GalenB) 22-NOV-1999
#pragma once
class CEnumManageableResources;
class CManagedResource
: public IExtendObjectManager
, public IClusCfgManagedResourceInfo
, public IGatherData
, public IClusCfgManagedResourceData
, public IClusCfgVerifyQuorum
friend class CEnumManageableResources;
// IUnknown
LONG m_cRef;
// Async/IClusCfgManagedResourceInfo
BSTR m_bstrUID; // Unique Identifier
BSTR m_bstrName; // Display Name
BSTR m_bstrType; // Display Type Name
BOOL m_fHasNameChanged; // Indicates the user changed the name
BOOL m_fIsManaged; // Does the user want to manage this resource in the cluster?
BOOL m_fIsManagedByDefault; // Should the resource be managed by default in the cluster?
BOOL m_fIsQuorumResource; // If the user wants this device to be the quorum...
BOOL m_fIsQuorumCapable; // If the device supports quorum...
BOOL m_fIsQuorumResourceMultiNodeCapable; // Does the quorum capable device allow join.
BYTE * m_pbPrivateData; // Buffer for the resource's private data.
DWORD m_cbPrivateData; // size of the resource's private data.
DWORD m_cookieResourcePrivateData; // Global Interface Table cookie -- server side IClusCfgManagedResourceData
DWORD m_cookieVerifyQuorum; // Global Interface Table cookie -- server side IClusCfgVerifyQuorum
IGlobalInterfaceTable * m_pgit; // Global Interface Table
SDriveLetterMapping m_dlmDriveLetterMapping; // Drive letter representations hosted on this device.
// IExtendObjectManager
private: // Methods
CManagedResource( void );
~CManagedResource( void );
// Private copy constructor to prevent copying.
CManagedResource( const CManagedResource & nodeSrc );
// Private assignment operator to prevent copying.
const CManagedResource & operator = ( const CManagedResource & nodeSrc );
STDMETHOD( HrInit )( void );
public: // Methods
static HRESULT S_HrCreateInstance( IUnknown ** ppunkOut );
// IUnknown
STDMETHOD( QueryInterface )( REFIID riidIn, LPVOID * ppvOut );
STDMETHOD_( ULONG, AddRef )( void );
STDMETHOD_( ULONG, Release )( void );
// IClusCfgManagedResourceInfo
STDMETHOD( GetUID )( BSTR * pbstrUIDOut );
STDMETHOD( GetName )( BSTR * pbstrNameOut );
STDMETHOD( SetName )( LPCWSTR pcszNameIn );
STDMETHOD( IsManaged )( void );
STDMETHOD( SetManaged )( BOOL fIsManagedIn );
STDMETHOD( IsQuorumResource )( void );
STDMETHOD( SetQuorumResource )( BOOL fIsQuorumResourceIn );
STDMETHOD( IsQuorumCapable )( void );
STDMETHOD( SetQuorumCapable )( BOOL fIsQuorumCapableIn );
STDMETHOD( GetDriveLetterMappings )( SDriveLetterMapping * pdlmDriveLetterMappingsOut );
STDMETHOD( SetDriveLetterMappings )( SDriveLetterMapping dlmDriveLetterMappingsIn );
STDMETHOD( IsManagedByDefault )( void );
STDMETHOD( SetManagedByDefault )( BOOL fIsManagedByDefaultIn );
// IGatherData
STDMETHOD( Gather )( OBJECTCOOKIE cookieParentIn, IUnknown * punkIn );
// IExtendOjectManager
STDMETHOD( FindObject )( OBJECTCOOKIE cookieIn, REFCLSID rclsidTypeIn, LPCWSTR pcszNameIn, LPUNKNOWN * ppunkOut );
// IClusCfgManagedResourceData
STDMETHOD( GetResourcePrivateData )( BYTE * pbBufferOut, DWORD * pcbBufferInout );
STDMETHOD( SetResourcePrivateData )( const BYTE * pcbBufferIn, DWORD cbBufferIn );
// IClusCfgVerifyQuorum
STDMETHOD( PrepareToHostQuorumResource )( void );
STDMETHOD( Cleanup )( EClusCfgCleanupReason cccrReasonIn );
STDMETHOD( IsMultiNodeCapable )( void );
STDMETHOD( SetMultiNodeCapable )( BOOL fMultiNodeCapableIn );
}; //*** class CManagedResource