Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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;;; DblAttach
;;; Copyright (c) 2000, Microsoft Corporation
signature = "$Windows NT$"
Class = "ActivityMonitor" ;This is determined by the work this filter driver does
ClassGuid = {b86dff51-a31e-4bac-b3cf-e8cfe75c9fc2} ;This value is determined by the Class
Provider = %Msft%
DriverVer = 08/28/2000,
CatalogFile = dblattach.cat ; A CatalogFile entry is required for a WHQL signature.
; The actual catalog file will be provided by WHQL. The
; catalog file for this sample is not provided for use.
DefaultDestDir = 12
DblAttach.DriverFiles = 12 ;%windir%\system32\drivers
1 = %Disk1%
dblattach.sys = 1
;; Default install sections
OptionDesc = %DblAttachServiceDesc%
CopyFiles = DblAttach.DriverFiles
AddService = %DblAttachServiceName%,,DblAttach.Service
AddReg = DblAttach.AddRegistry
;; Default uninstall sections
DelFiles = DblAttach.DriverFiles
DelReg = DblAttach.DelRegistry
DelService = DblAttach,0x200 ; Flags note to stop service first
; Services Section
DisplayName = %DblAttachServiceName%
Description = %DblAttachServiceDesc%
ServiceBinary = %12%\DblAttach.sys ;%windir%\system32\drivers\DblAttach.sys
LoadOrderGroup = "FSFilter Activity Monitor"
AddReg = DblAttach.AddRegistry
; Registry Modifications
HKLM,%DblAttachRegistry%,%DblAttachDebugFlags%,0x00010001 ,0
; Copy Files
;; String Section
Msft = "Microsoft Corporation"
DblAttachServiceDesc = "DblAttach Filter Driver"
DblAttachServiceName = "DblAttach"
DblAttachRegistry = "system\currentcontrolset\services\DblAttach"
DblAttachDebugFlags = "DebugFlags"
Disk1 = "DblAttach Source Media"