You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1177 lines
36 KiB
1177 lines
36 KiB
© 1998 Seagate Software, Inc. All rights reserved
Module Name:
Inclusion / Exclusion property Page.
Art Bragg [abragg] 08-Aug-1997
Revision History:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "PrMrIe.h"
#include "Rule.h"
#include "joblib.h"
#include "manvol.h"
#include "IeList.h"
static DWORD pHelpIds[] =
IDC_LIST_IE_LABEL, idh_rule_list,
IDC_LIST_IE, idh_rule_list,
IDC_BTN_ADD, idh_new_rule_button,
IDC_BTN_REMOVE, idh_rule_delete_button,
IDC_BTN_EDIT, idh_rule_edit_button,
IDC_BTN_UP, idh_rule_up_button,
IDC_BTN_DOWN, idh_rule_down_button,
0, 0
// Columns for listview control
#define IE_COLUMN_PATH 2
int CALLBACK CompareFunc( LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, LPARAM lParamSort );
int PathCollate( CString PathA, CString PathB );
// CPrMrIe property page
CPrMrIe::CPrMrIe( ) : CSakVolPropPage( CPrMrIe::IDD )
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
m_hConsoleHandle = NULL;
m_LineCount = 0;
m_pHelpIds = pHelpIds;
CPrMrIe::~CPrMrIe( )
int i;
// Clean up old lines
for( i = 0; i < m_LineCount; i++ ) {
if( m_LineList[ i ] ) {
delete m_LineList[ i ];
m_LineCount = 0;
void CPrMrIe::DoDataExchange( CDataExchange* pDX )
CSakVolPropPage::DoDataExchange( pDX );
DDX_Control( pDX, IDC_BTN_UP, m_BtnUp );
DDX_Control( pDX, IDC_BTN_REMOVE, m_BtnRemove );
DDX_Control( pDX, IDC_BTN_EDIT, m_BtnEdit );
DDX_Control( pDX, IDC_BTN_DOWN, m_BtnDown );
DDX_Control( pDX, IDC_BTN_ADD, m_BtnAdd );
DDX_Control( pDX, IDC_LIST_IE, m_listIncExc );
//{{AFX_MSG_MAP( CPrMrIe )
// CPrMrIe message handlers
BOOL CPrMrIe::OnApply( )
ULONG count = 0;
int i;
CComPtr<IHsmRule> pLocalRule;
CString path;
CString name;
BOOL bInclude;
BOOL bSubdirs;
BOOL bUserDefined;
CComPtr<IHsmRule> pRemoteRule;
CComPtr<IWsbCreateLocalObject> pLocalObject;
CComPtr<IHsmCriteria> pCriteria;
CComPtr<IWsbCollection> pCriteriaCollection;
CComPtr <IUnknown> pUnkRule;
CComPtr <IWsbCollection> pRulesCollection;
try {
// Empty the collection of rules
WsbAffirmPointer( m_pRulesIndexedCollection );
WsbAffirmHr( m_pRulesIndexedCollection->QueryInterface( IID_IWsbCollection,( void ** ) &pRulesCollection ) );
pRulesCollection->RemoveAllAndRelease( );
// Get a CreateLocalobject interface with which to create the
// new rule( s ).
WsbAffirmPointer( m_pFsaServer );
WsbAffirmHr( m_pFsaServer->QueryInterface( IID_IWsbCreateLocalObject,( void ** ) &pLocalObject ) );
// Now go through the list box and add the rules in the list box to the
// collection. Must do this backwards to be considered correctly by
// job mechanism
int listCount = m_listIncExc.GetItemCount( );
int insertIndex = 0;
for( i = listCount - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
// Get the pointer to the rule from the list box
pLocalRule.Release( );
pLocalRule = (IHsmRule *) m_listIncExc.GetItemData( i );
if( pLocalRule ) {
// Get rule data from the local object
WsbAffirmHr( GetRuleFromObject( pLocalRule, path,
name, &bInclude, &bSubdirs, &bUserDefined ) );
// Create a new remote rule object in the Fsa
pRemoteRule.Release( );
WsbAffirmHr( pLocalObject->CreateInstance( CLSID_CHsmRule, IID_IHsmRule,( void** ) &pRemoteRule ) );
// Set the data in the remote rule object
WsbAffirmHr( SetRuleInObject( pRemoteRule, path, name, bInclude, bSubdirs, bUserDefined ) );
// Add the rule pointer to the collection of rules
pUnkRule.Release( );
WsbAffirmHr( pRemoteRule->QueryInterface( IID_IUnknown, (void **) &pUnkRule ) );
WsbAffirmHr( m_pRulesIndexedCollection->AddAt( pUnkRule, insertIndex++ ) );
// Get the criteria collection pointer
pCriteriaCollection.Release( );
WsbAffirmHr( pRemoteRule->Criteria( &pCriteriaCollection ) );
// Add the appropriate criterion to the rule
pCriteria.Release( );
switch( bInclude ) {
case TRUE:
// Include
WsbAffirmHr( pLocalObject->CreateInstance( CLSID_CHsmCritManageable, IID_IHsmCriteria,( void** ) &pCriteria ) );
WsbAffirmHr( pCriteria->SetIsNegated( FALSE ) );
case FALSE:
// Exclude
WsbAffirmHr( pLocalObject->CreateInstance( CLSID_CHsmCritAlways, IID_IHsmCriteria,( void** ) &pCriteria ) );
WsbAffirmHr( pCriteria->SetIsNegated( FALSE ) );
WsbAffirmHr( pCriteriaCollection->Add( pCriteria ) );
// Tell the FSA to save itself.
WsbAffirmHr( RsServerSaveAll( m_pFsaServer ) );
} WsbCatch( hr );
return CSakVolPropPage::OnApply( );
HRESULT CPrMrIe::SetRuleInObject(
IHsmRule *pHsmRule,
CString Path,
CString Name,
BOOL bInclude,
BOOL bSubdirs,
BOOL bUserDefined )
try {
CWsbStringPtr wsbPath = Path;
CWsbStringPtr wsbName = Name;
WsbAffirmHr( pHsmRule->SetPath( ( OLECHAR * )wsbPath ) );
WsbAffirmHr( pHsmRule->SetName( ( OLECHAR * )wsbName ) );
WsbAffirmHr( pHsmRule->SetIsInclude( bInclude ) );
WsbAffirmHr( pHsmRule->SetIsUsedInSubDirs( bSubdirs ) );
WsbAffirmHr( pHsmRule->SetIsUserDefined( bUserDefined ) );
} WsbCatch( hr );
return( hr );
BOOL CPrMrIe::OnInitDialog( )
CSakVolPropPage::OnInitDialog( );
AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState( ) );
ULONG count = 0;
int index = 0;
CString path;
CString name;
BOOL bInclude;
BOOL bSubdirs;
BOOL bUserDefined;
RECT rect;
CString *columnWidths[20];
int cColumns;
int columnWidth[20];
CString *columnTitles[20];
CSize size;
try {
// Set the icons into the buttons
HRESULT hrAlternateIcon = RsIsWhiteOnBlack( );
HICON downIcon, upIcon;
downIcon = (HICON)LoadImage( _Module.m_hInstResource,
IMAGE_ICON, 16, 16, 0 );
upIcon = (HICON)LoadImage( _Module.m_hInstResource,
IMAGE_ICON, 16, 16, 0 );
m_BtnDown.SetIcon( downIcon );
m_BtnUp.SetIcon( upIcon );
// Setup up rules listview
CString sTitle;
m_listIncExc.GetClientRect( &rect );
ULONG totalWidth = rect.right;
// NOTE: We shouldn't throw any errors until the DC is released
for( int col = 0; col < cColumns; col++ ) {
size = m_listIncExc.GetStringWidth( *columnWidths[col] );
columnWidth[col] = + 12;
m_listIncExc.InsertColumn( col, *columnTitles[col], LVCFMT_LEFT, columnWidth[col] );
// Free the CStrings
delete columnTitles[col];
delete columnWidths[col];
m_listIncExc.Initialize( cColumns, IE_COLUMN_PATH );
// Set the Path column to fit
int leftOver = totalWidth - columnWidth[IE_COLUMN_ACTION] -
columnWidth[IE_COLUMN_FILE_TYPE] - columnWidth[IE_COLUMN_ATTRS];
m_listIncExc.SetColumnWidth( IE_COLUMN_PATH, leftOver );
// Note: this page is only implemented for single select
WsbAffirm( ( m_pParent->IsMultiSelect( ) != S_OK ), E_FAIL );
// Get the FsaServer interface - Apply will need it
WsbAffirmHr( m_pParent->GetFsaServer( &m_pFsaServer ) );
// Get the resource pointer from the sheet object
WsbAffirmHr( m_pVolParent->GetFsaResource( &m_pFsaResource ) );
// Get the rules collection from the resource
CComPtr <IWsbCollection> pRulesCollection;
WsbAffirmHr( m_pFsaResource->GetDefaultRules( &pRulesCollection ) );
WsbAffirmHr( pRulesCollection->QueryInterface( IID_IWsbIndexedCollection, (void **) &m_pRulesIndexedCollection ) );
CString resourceName;
WsbAffirmHr( RsGetVolumeDisplayName( m_pFsaResource, resourceName ) );
m_pResourceName = resourceName;
// Itterate through the indexed collection
WsbAffirmHr( m_pRulesIndexedCollection->GetEntries( &count ) );
CComPtr <IHsmRule> pLocalRule;
CComPtr <IHsmRule> pHsmRule;
// Put the rules in the collection in reverse order
for( INT i =( int ) count - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
pHsmRule.Release( );
pLocalRule.Release( );
WsbAffirmHr( m_pRulesIndexedCollection->At( i, IID_IHsmRule,( void** )&pHsmRule ) );
// Create a local rule object and copy the remote object to it
WsbAffirmHr( pLocalRule.CoCreateInstance( CLSID_CHsmRule ) );
WsbAffirmHr( GetRuleFromObject( pHsmRule, path, name, &bInclude, &bSubdirs, &bUserDefined ) );
WsbAffirmHr( SetRuleInObject( pLocalRule, path, name, bInclude, bSubdirs, bUserDefined ) );
// Insert rule in list box
index = m_listIncExc.InsertItem( count - 1 - i, TEXT( "" ) );
// Set the item data to the local object
m_listIncExc.SetItemData( index, (UINT_PTR) pLocalRule.Detach( ) );
// Show the rule in the list box
WsbAffirmHr( DisplayUserRuleText( &m_listIncExc, index ) );
} // for
SortList( );
} WsbCatch( hr );
SetBtnState( );
return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
// EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
//HRESULT CPrMrIe::CreateImageList( )
// HICON hIcon;
// int nImage;
// HRESULT hr;
// AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState( ) );
// try {
// CWinApp* pApp = AfxGetApp( );
// WsbAffirm( m_ImageList.Create( ::GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSMICON ),
// ::GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSMICON ),
// ILC_COLOR | ILC_MASK, 2,5 ), E_FAIL );
// hIcon = pApp->LoadIcon( IDI_LOCKED );
// WsbAffirm( hIcon, E_FAIL );
// nImage = m_ImageList.Add( hIcon );
// ::DeleteObject( hIcon );
// hIcon = pApp->LoadIcon( IDI_UNLOCKED );
// WsbAffirm( hIcon, E_FAIL );
// nImage = m_ImageList.Add( hIcon );
// ::DeleteObject( hIcon );
// m_listIncExc.SetImageList( &m_ImageList, LVSIL_SMALL );
// } WsbCatch( hr );
// return( hr );
// Display the rule contained in the supplied object in the supplied list at the indicated
// index. The itemdata must be set to the object with correct data in it.
HRESULT CPrMrIe::DisplayUserRuleText(
CListCtrl *pListControl,
int index )
AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState( ) );
try {
CString textString, tempString;
CString path, name;
BOOL bInclude;
BOOL bSubdirs;
BOOL bUserDefined;
CComPtr<IHsmRule> pHsmRule;
// Get the rule from the object
pHsmRule = (IHsmRule *) m_listIncExc.GetItemData( index );
WsbAssertPointer( pHsmRule );
WsbAffirmHr( GetRuleFromObject( pHsmRule, path, name, &bInclude, &bSubdirs, &bUserDefined ) );
// Show the values in the list box
textString.LoadString( bInclude ? IDS_INCLUDE : IDS_EXCLUDE );
WsbAffirm( pListControl->SetItemText( index, IE_COLUMN_ACTION, textString ), E_FAIL );
WsbAffirm( pListControl->SetItemText( index, IE_COLUMN_FILE_TYPE, name ), E_FAIL );
WsbAffirm( pListControl->SetItemText( index, IE_COLUMN_PATH, path ), E_FAIL );
textString.LoadString( bSubdirs ? IDS_RULE_SUBDIRS_USE : IDS_RULE_SUBDIRS_IGNORE );
tempString.LoadString( bUserDefined ? IDS_RULE_TYPE_USER : IDS_RULE_TYPE_SYSTEM );
textString.TrimLeft( );
tempString.TrimLeft( );
textString += tempString;
WsbAffirm( pListControl->SetItemText( index, IE_COLUMN_ATTRS, textString ), E_FAIL );
} WsbCatch( hr );
return( hr );
HRESULT CPrMrIe::GetRuleFromObject(
IHsmRule *pHsmRule,
CString& Path,
CString& Name,
BOOL *bInclude,
BOOL *bSubdirs,
BOOL *bUserDefined )
CWsbStringPtr wsbName;
CWsbStringPtr wsbPath;
try {
// Get the values from the object
WsbAffirmHr( pHsmRule->GetName( &wsbName, 0 ) );
Name = wsbName;
WsbAffirmHr ( pHsmRule->GetPath( &wsbPath, 0 ) );
Path = wsbPath;
*bInclude =( pHsmRule->IsInclude( ) == S_OK ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
*bSubdirs =( pHsmRule->IsUsedInSubDirs( ) == S_OK ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
*bUserDefined =( pHsmRule->IsUserDefined( ) == S_OK ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
} WsbCatch( hr );
return( hr );
void CPrMrIe::OnBtnAdd( )
int index;
AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState( ) );
CRule ruleDlg;
ruleDlg.m_subDirs = FALSE;
ruleDlg.m_includeExclude = 0; // Exclude
ruleDlg.m_path = TEXT( "" );
ruleDlg.m_fileSpec = TEXT( "" );
ruleDlg.m_pResourceName = m_pResourceName;
try {
while( !fDone )
nRet = ruleDlg.DoModal( );
if( nRet == IDOK ) {
// OK was pressed
// Check for dupes( in entire list )
if( !IsRuleInList( ruleDlg.m_path, ruleDlg.m_fileSpec, -1 ) ) {
fDone = TRUE;
// Create a new local rule object
CComPtr <IHsmRule> pLocalRule;
WsbAffirmHr( pLocalRule.CoCreateInstance( CLSID_CHsmRule ) );
// Set the data in the local object
WsbAffirmHr( SetRuleInObject( pLocalRule, ruleDlg.m_path, ruleDlg.m_fileSpec,
ruleDlg.m_includeExclude, ruleDlg.m_subDirs, TRUE ) );
// Insert the rule and put the pointer in the list.
// We will sort the list later
index = m_listIncExc.InsertItem( 0, TEXT( "" ) );
// Set the item data to the local object
m_listIncExc.SetItemData( index, (UINT_PTR) pLocalRule.Detach( ) );
// Show the rule in the list box
WsbAffirmHr( DisplayUserRuleText( &m_listIncExc, index ) );
// Sort the list
SortList( );
SetSelectedItem( (ULONG_PTR)(void *) pLocalRule );
SetModified( );
} else {
// Rule is a duplicate
CString sText;
AfxFormatString2( sText, IDS_ERR_RULE_DUPLICATE, ruleDlg.m_path, ruleDlg.m_fileSpec );
AfxMessageBox( sText, RS_MB_ERROR );
} else {
// Cancel was pressed
fDone = TRUE;
} // while
} WsbCatch( hr )
SetBtnState( );
// Select the item corresponding to the supplied item data
void CPrMrIe::SetSelectedItem( ULONG_PTR itemData )
int listCount = m_listIncExc.GetItemCount( );
for( int i = 0; i < listCount; i++ ) {
// Get the pointer to the rule from the list box
if( itemData ==( m_listIncExc.GetItemData( i ) ) ) {
// Mark the item as selected
m_listIncExc.SetItemState( i, LVIS_SELECTED, LVIS_SELECTED );
m_listIncExc.EnsureVisible( i, FALSE );
void CPrMrIe::OnBtnDown( )
MoveSelectedListItem( &m_listIncExc, + 1 );
SetBtnState( );
void CPrMrIe::SortList( )
m_listIncExc.SortItems( CompareFunc, NULL );
int CALLBACK CompareFunc( LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2,
LPARAM /*lParamSort*/ )
CComPtr<IHsmRule> pHsmRule;
CWsbStringPtr wsbPathA;
CWsbStringPtr wsbPathB;
// Get data for RuleA
pHsmRule = (IHsmRule *) lParam1;
WsbAffirmHr( pHsmRule->GetPath( &wsbPathA, 0 ) );
CString pathA = wsbPathA;
// Get data for RuleB
pHsmRule = (IHsmRule *) lParam2;
WsbAffirmHr ( pHsmRule->GetPath( &wsbPathB, 0 ) );
CString pathB = wsbPathB;
// Upper case the paths
pathA.MakeUpper( );
pathB.MakeUpper( );
// Compare the two paths
int rVal = PathCollate( pathA, pathB );
// int rVal = pathA.Collate( pathB );
// int rVal = pathB.Compare( pathA );
return rVal;
int PathCollate( CString PathA, CString PathB )
CString charA;
CString charB;
int compareLen;
int rVal;
int lenA = PathA.GetLength( );
int lenB = PathB.GetLength( );
compareLen = min( lenA, lenB );
for( int i = 0; i < compareLen; i++ )
charA = PathA.GetAt( i );
charB = PathB.GetAt( i );
// If either is a \, we bypass Collate
if( ( charA == L"\\" ) &( charB != L"\\" ) ) {
// A is \ and B is not - A is less than B
return -1;
if( ( charA != L"\\" ) &( charB == L"\\" ) ) {
// A is not \ and B is - B is less than A
return 1;
// NOTE: If both are \, the CString Collate result is correct
rVal = charA.Collate( charB );
if( rVal != 0 ) {
return rVal;
// If we get here, the strings are equal as far as the shorter string.
rVal = ( lenA < lenB ) ? -1 : ( lenB < lenA ) ? 1 : 0;
return rVal;
void CPrMrIe::MoveSelectedListItem( CListCtrl *pList, int moveAmount )
int curIndex = -1;
int itemCount = 0;
CString pathA;
CString pathB;
CString path;
CString name;
BOOL bInclude;
BOOL bSubdirs;
BOOL bUserDefined;
CComPtr<IHsmRule> pLocalRule;
// Get the current index
curIndex = pList->GetNextItem( -1, LVNI_SELECTED );
// Is an item selected?
if( curIndex != -1 ) {
// Is this a user-defined rule?
pLocalRule =( IHsmRule * ) m_listIncExc.GetItemData( curIndex );
GetRuleFromObject( pLocalRule, path, name, &bInclude, &bSubdirs, &bUserDefined );
if( bUserDefined )
// Get the item count
itemCount = pList->GetItemCount( );
// Is there more than one item in the list?
if( itemCount > 1 )
// Make sure where we're moving to is in range
if( ( ( curIndex + moveAmount ) < itemCount ) &&
( ( curIndex + moveAmount ) >= 0 ) ) {
// Does the rule we're moving to have the same path?
pathA = pList->GetItemText( curIndex, IE_COLUMN_PATH );
pathB = pList->GetItemText( curIndex + moveAmount, IE_COLUMN_PATH );
if( pathA.CompareNoCase( pathB ) == 0 ) {
// Swap the lines
SwapLines( pList, curIndex, curIndex + moveAmount );
// Select the orignal line in it's new position and make
// sure it's shown.
pList->SetItemState( curIndex + moveAmount, LVIS_SELECTED, LVIS_SELECTED );
pList->EnsureVisible( curIndex + moveAmount, FALSE );
SetModified( );
else {
MessageBeep( MB_OK );
} else {
MessageBeep( MB_OK );
else {
MessageBeep( MB_OK );
} else {
MessageBeep( MB_OK );
} else {
MessageBeep( MB_OK );
void CPrMrIe::SwapLines( CListCtrl *pListControl, int indexA, int indexB )
CComPtr<IHsmRule> pHsmRuleA;
CComPtr<IHsmRule> pHsmRuleB;
//-------------------- Get data from list ----------------------------------
// Get the item data
pHsmRuleA = (IHsmRule *) pListControl->GetItemData( indexA );
// Get the item data
pHsmRuleB = (IHsmRule *) pListControl->GetItemData( indexB );
//--------------------- Show data in list ------------------------------------
// Set the item data
m_listIncExc.SetItemData( indexA,( DWORD_PTR )( void * ) pHsmRuleB );
// Show the rule
DisplayUserRuleText( pListControl, indexA );
// Set the item data
m_listIncExc.SetItemData( indexB,( DWORD_PTR )( void * ) pHsmRuleA );
// Show the rule
DisplayUserRuleText( pListControl, indexB );
void CPrMrIe::SetBtnState( )
CString path;
CString name;
CWsbStringPtr pathAbove;
CWsbStringPtr pathBelow;
BOOL bInclude;
BOOL bSubdirs;
BOOL bUserDefined;
int curIndex;
CComPtr<IHsmRule> pLocalRule;
CComPtr<IHsmRule> pLocalRuleAbove;
CComPtr<IHsmRule> pLocalRuleBelow;
curIndex = m_listIncExc.GetNextItem( -1, LVNI_SELECTED );
if( curIndex != -1 ) {
// An item is selected. Is it User-Defined?
pLocalRule =( IHsmRule * ) m_listIncExc.GetItemData( curIndex );
if( !pLocalRule ) {
// Seperator
m_BtnRemove.EnableWindow( FALSE );
m_BtnEdit.EnableWindow( FALSE );
m_BtnAdd.EnableWindow( TRUE );
m_BtnUp.EnableWindow( FALSE );
m_BtnDown.EnableWindow( FALSE );
} else {
GetRuleFromObject( pLocalRule, path, name, &bInclude, &bSubdirs, &bUserDefined );
if( bUserDefined ) {
// User-Defined Rule is editable
m_BtnRemove.EnableWindow( TRUE );
m_BtnEdit.EnableWindow( TRUE );
m_BtnAdd.EnableWindow( TRUE );
// Are we at the top?
if( curIndex == 0 ) {
m_BtnUp.EnableWindow( FALSE );
} else {
// Does the rule above have the same path? or is separator
pLocalRuleAbove =( IHsmRule * ) m_listIncExc.GetItemData( curIndex - 1 );
if( pLocalRuleAbove ) {
pLocalRuleAbove->GetPath( &pathAbove, 0 );
if( path.CompareNoCase( pathAbove ) == 0 ) {
m_BtnUp.EnableWindow( TRUE );
} else {
m_BtnUp.EnableWindow( FALSE );
} else {
m_BtnUp.EnableWindow( FALSE );
// Are we at the bottom?
if( curIndex ==( m_listIncExc.GetItemCount( ) - 1 ) ) {
m_BtnDown.EnableWindow( FALSE );
} else {
// Does the rule below have the same path?
pLocalRuleBelow =( IHsmRule * ) m_listIncExc.GetItemData( curIndex + 1 );
if( pLocalRuleBelow ) {
pLocalRuleBelow->GetPath( &pathBelow, 0 );
if( path.CompareNoCase( pathBelow ) == 0 ) {
m_BtnDown.EnableWindow( TRUE );
} else {
m_BtnDown.EnableWindow( FALSE );
} else {
m_BtnDown.EnableWindow( FALSE );
else {
// System rule. Cannot be moved or modified.
m_BtnUp.EnableWindow( FALSE );
m_BtnRemove.EnableWindow( FALSE );
m_BtnEdit.EnableWindow( FALSE );
m_BtnDown.EnableWindow( FALSE );
m_BtnAdd.EnableWindow( TRUE );
else {
// No items selected
m_BtnUp.EnableWindow( FALSE );
m_BtnRemove.EnableWindow( FALSE );
m_BtnEdit.EnableWindow( FALSE );
m_BtnDown.EnableWindow( FALSE );
m_BtnAdd.EnableWindow( TRUE );
void CPrMrIe::OnBtnRemove( )
int curIndex;
CString path;
CString name;
BOOL bInclude;
BOOL bSubdirs;
BOOL bUserDefined;
IHsmRule *pHsmRule; // OK to not use smart pointer
AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState( ) );
try {
// Is there an item selected?
curIndex = m_listIncExc.GetNextItem( -1, LVNI_SELECTED );
if( curIndex != -1 )
// Is the rule User-Defined?
pHsmRule =( IHsmRule * ) m_listIncExc.GetItemData( curIndex );
GetRuleFromObject( pHsmRule, path, name, &bInclude, &bSubdirs, &bUserDefined );
if( bUserDefined )
// Confirm with user
CString sMessage;
AfxFormatString2( sMessage, IDS_CONFIRM_DELETE_RULE, path, name );
if( AfxMessageBox( sMessage, MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_DEFBUTTON2 | MB_YESNO ) == IDYES )
// Get and release the local object pointer
WsbAffirmPointer( pHsmRule );
pHsmRule->Release( );
// Remove from the list control
m_listIncExc.DeleteItem( curIndex );
int setIndex;
if( curIndex >= m_listIncExc.GetItemCount( ) ) {
setIndex = m_listIncExc.GetItemCount( ) - 1;
} else {
setIndex = curIndex;
// Select the item above the removed item
m_listIncExc.SetItemState( setIndex, LVIS_SELECTED, LVIS_SELECTED );
m_listIncExc.EnsureVisible( setIndex, FALSE );
SortList( );
SetModified( );
else {
MessageBeep( MB_OK );
else {
// No item selected
} WsbCatch( hr );
SetBtnState( );
void CPrMrIe::OnBtnUp( )
MoveSelectedListItem( &m_listIncExc, - 1 );
SetBtnState( );
void CPrMrIe::OnBtnEdit( )
int curIndex;
CString path;
CString name;
BOOL bInclude;
BOOL bSubdirs;
BOOL bUserDefined;
AFX_MANAGE_STATE( AfxGetStaticModuleState( ) );
try {
// Get the currently selected item
curIndex = m_listIncExc.GetNextItem( -1, LVNI_SELECTED );
if( curIndex == -1 ) {
// No item selected
} else {
// Create the rule dialog
CRule ruleDlg;
// Get the local object from the list itemdata
CComPtr<IHsmRule> pLocalRule;
pLocalRule = (IHsmRule *) m_listIncExc.GetItemData( curIndex );
WsbAffirmPointer( pLocalRule );
// Get the rule from the local object
WsbAffirmHr( GetRuleFromObject( pLocalRule, path, name, &bInclude, &bSubdirs, &bUserDefined ) );
// Is this a user-defined rule?
if( bUserDefined ) {
// Set the rule info in the rule dialog
ruleDlg.m_subDirs = bSubdirs;
ruleDlg.m_includeExclude = bInclude;
ruleDlg.m_path = path;
ruleDlg.m_fileSpec = name;
ruleDlg.m_pResourceName = m_pResourceName;
while( !fDone ) {
// Show the dialog
nRet = ruleDlg.DoModal( );
if( nRet == IDOK ) {
// OK was pressed
// Check for duplicates - but don't check against the rule we edited
// in case the path and fileSpec are stil the same
if( !IsRuleInList( ruleDlg.m_path, ruleDlg.m_fileSpec, curIndex ) ) {
fDone = TRUE;
SetModified( );
// Set the data in the local object
WsbAffirmHr( SetRuleInObject( pLocalRule, ruleDlg.m_path, ruleDlg.m_fileSpec,
ruleDlg.m_includeExclude, ruleDlg.m_subDirs, TRUE ) );
// Show the edited rule in the list box
WsbAffirmHr( DisplayUserRuleText( &m_listIncExc, curIndex ) );
// Resort the list
SortList( );
SetSelectedItem( (ULONG_PTR)(IHsmRule*) pLocalRule );
} else {
CString sText;
AfxFormatString2( sText, IDS_ERR_RULE_DUPLICATE, ruleDlg.m_path, ruleDlg.m_fileSpec );
AfxMessageBox( sText, RS_MB_ERROR );
} else {
fDone = TRUE;
} // while
} else { // Not user defined
MessageBeep( MB_OK );
} WsbCatch( hr );
SetBtnState( );
BOOL CPrMrIe::IsRuleInList( CString Path, CString Name, int ignoreIndex )
int i;
int count;
short result;
BOOL fDuplicate = FALSE;
CWsbStringPtr wsbPath;
CWsbStringPtr wsbName;
count = m_listIncExc.GetItemCount( );
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
// Make sure we're not comparing the rule to itself
if( i != ignoreIndex ) {
// Get the pointer to the rule from the list box
CComPtr<IHsmRule> pHsmRule;
pHsmRule = (IHsmRule *) m_listIncExc.GetItemData( i );
if( !pHsmRule ) continue;
// Convert name and path to wsb strings
wsbPath = Path;
wsbName = Name;
hr = pHsmRule->CompareToPathAndName( wsbPath, wsbName, &result );
if( result == 0 ) {
// The rules are the same
fDuplicate = TRUE;
} // for
return fDuplicate;
void CPrMrIe::OnDestroy( )
CSakVolPropPage::OnDestroy( );
IHsmRule *pHsmRule; //OK not to be smart pointer
ULONG lRefCount;
try {
// Release all local object pointers in the list box
int listCount = m_listIncExc.GetItemCount( );
for( int i = 0; i < listCount; i++ )
// Get the pointer to the rule from the list box
pHsmRule = (IHsmRule *) m_listIncExc.GetItemData( i );
if( pHsmRule ) {
lRefCount = pHsmRule->Release( );
} WsbCatch( hr );
void CPrMrIe::OnDblclkListIe( NMHDR* /*pNMHDR*/, LRESULT* pResult )
OnBtnEdit( );
*pResult = 0;
void CPrMrIe::OnClickListIe( NMHDR* /*pNMHDR*/, LRESULT* pResult )
SetBtnState( );
*pResult = 0;
void CPrMrIe::OnItemchangedListIe( NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult )
SetBtnState( );
*pResult = 0;
void CPrMrIe::OnVScroll( UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar* pScrollBar )
// TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default
CSakVolPropPage::OnVScroll( nSBCode, nPos, pScrollBar );
void CPrMrIe::OnDrawItem( int nIDCtl, LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct )
// TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default
CSakVolPropPage::OnDrawItem( nIDCtl, lpDrawItemStruct );
void CPrMrIe::OnMeasureItem( int nIDCtl, LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT lpMeasureItemStruct )
CFont *pFont;
LOGFONT logFont;
pFont = GetFont( );
pFont->GetLogFont( &logFont );
LONG fontHeight = abs( logFont.lfHeight );
// Ask the list how high to make each row. It needs to know the font
// height at this point because it's window is not yet created.
lpMeasureItemStruct->itemHeight = m_listIncExc.GetItemHeight( fontHeight );
CSakVolPropPage::OnMeasureItem( nIDCtl, lpMeasureItemStruct );