Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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258 lines
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; * Microsoft Confidential
; * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1991
; * All Rights Reserved.
; */
; SCCSID = @(#)comequ.asm 1.1 85/05/14
; SCCSID = @(#)comequ.asm 1.1 85/05/14
; COMMAND EQUs which are not switch dependant
include curdir.inc ; to get DIRSTRLEN
; Note dossym.inc must already have been included!
ifdef JAPAN
else ; if Not JAPAN
LINESPERPAGE EQU 25 ;AC000; default lines per page
COMBUFLEN EQU 128 ; Length of commmand buffer
EXECPATHLEN EQU 273 ; MAX_PATH+13 (expanded for ntvdm)
BatLen EQU 32 ; buffer for batch files
YES_ECHO EQU 1 ; echo line
NO_ECHO EQU 0 ; don't echo line
No_Echo_Char EQU "@" ; don't echo line if this is first char
call_in_progress EQU 1 ; indicate we're in the CALL command
length_call EQU 4 ; length of CALL
max_nest EQU 10 ; max # levels of batch nesting allowed
fail_allowed EQU 00001000b ; critical error
retry_allowed EQU 00010000b ; critical error
Ignore_allowed EQU 00100000b ; critical error
nullcommand EQU 1 ; no command on command line
end_of_line EQU -1 ;AN000; end of line return from parser
end_of_line_out EQU 0 ;AN000; end of line for output
end_of_line_in EQU 0dh ;AN000; end of line for input
result_number EQU 1 ;AN000; number returned from parser
result_string EQU 3 ;AN000; string returned from parser
result_filespec EQU 5 ;AN000; filespec returned from parser
result_drive EQU 6 ;AN000; drive returned from parser
result_date EQU 7 ;AN000; date returned from parser
result_time EQU 8 ;AN000; time returned from parser
result_no_error EQU 0 ;AN000; no error returned from parser
no_cont_flag EQU 0 ;AN000; no control flags for message
util_msg_class EQU -1 ;AN000; message class for utility
ext_msg_class EQU 1 ;AN000; message class for extended error
parse_msg_class EQU 2 ;AN000; message class for parse error
crit_msg_class EQU 3 ;AN000; message class for critical error
ext_crlf_class EQU 081h ;AN054; message class for extended error with no CRLF
colon_char EQU ":" ;AN000; colon character
crt_ioctl_ln EQU 14 ;AN000; default length of data for display ioctl
text_mode EQU 1 ;AN000; text mode return from ioctl
get_generic EQU 07Fh ;AN000; generic ioctl - get device info
set_crit_dev EQU 0100H ;AN000; device attribute for critical error on I/0
mult_ansi EQU 01Ah ;AC064; multiplex for ansi.sys
mult_shell_get EQU 01902h ;AC065; multiplex for Shell - get next command
mult_shell_brk EQU 01903h ;AN000; multiplex for Shell - ^C batch check
shell_action equ 0ffh ;AN000; SHELL - return for taking SHELL specific action
bat_not_open EQU -1 ;AN000; batch handle will be set to this if not open
bat_open_handle EQU 19 ;AN000; handle will be in this position in JFN table
Ptr_seg_pos equ 7 ;AN000; Offset from start of message block for subst segment
Ptr_off_pos equ 5 ;AN000; Offset from start of message block for subst offset
Parm_off_pos equ word ptr 2 ;AN000; Offset from start of subst list for subst offset
parm_block_size equ 11 ;AN000; size of message subst block
blank equ " " ;AN000; blank character
no_subst equ 0 ;AN000; no substitutions for messages
one_subst equ 1 ;AN000; one substitution for messages
no_handle_out equ -1 ;AN000; use function 1 thru 12 for message retriever
res_subst equ 2 ;AN000; offset from start of message definition to number of subst
read_open_mode equ 0000000000000000b ;AN024; extended open mode for read
deny_write equ 0000000000100000b ; deny write sharing mode ;M031
deny_none equ 0000000001000000b ; deny none sharing mode ;Myyy
read_open_flag equ 0000000100000001b ;AN000; extended open flags for read
write_open_mode equ 0000000000000001b ;AN024; extended open mode for read
write_open_flag equ 0000000100000001b ;AN000; extended open flags for read
creat_open_flag equ 0000000100010010b ;AN000; extended open flags for read
capital_A equ 'A' ;AC000;
vbar equ '|' ;AC000;
labracket equ '<' ;AC000;
rabracket equ '>' ;AC000;
dollar equ '$' ;AC000;
lparen equ '(' ;AC000;
rparen equ ')' ;AC000;
nullrparen equ 29h ;AC000;
in_word equ 4e49h ;AC000; 'NI' ('IN' backwards)
do_word equ 4f44h ;AC000; 'OD' ('DO' backwards)
star equ '*' ;AC000;
plus_chr equ '+' ;AC000;
small_a equ 'a' ;AC000;
small_z equ 'z' ;AC000;
dot_chr equ '.' ;AC000;
tab_chr equ 9 ;AN032;
equal_chr equ '=' ;AN032;
semicolon equ ';' ;AN049;
dot_qmark equ 2e3fh ;AC000; '.?'
dot_colon equ 2e3ah ;AC000; '.:'
capital_n equ 0 ;AC000; result from Y/N call if N entered
capital_y equ 1 ;AC000; result from Y/N call if Y entered
AppendInstall equ 0B700H ;AN020; append install check
AppendDOS equ 0B702H ;AN020; append DOS version check
AppendGetState equ 0B706H ;AN020; append get current state
AppendSetState equ 0B707H ;AN020; append set current state
AppendTruename equ 0B711H ;AN042; Get file's real location for Batch
search_attr equ attr_read_only+attr_hidden+attr_directory ;AC042;
MoreArgs_Ptr equ 1 ;AN000;"Too many parameters" message number
LessArgs_Ptr equ 2 ;AN000;"Required parameter missing" message number
BadSwt_Ptr equ 3 ;AN000;"Invalid switch" message number
BadParm_Ptr equ 10 ;AN000;"Invalid parameter" message number
GET_EXTENDED_MSG EQU 0 ;AN000; get extended message address
SET_EXTENDED_MSG EQU 1 ;AN000; set extended message address
GET_PARSE_MSG EQU 2 ;AN000; get parse message address
SET_PARSE_MSG EQU 3 ;AN000; set parse message address
GET_CRITICAL_MSG EQU 4 ;AN000; get critical message address
SET_CRITICAL_MSG EQU 5 ;AN000; set critical message address
MESSAGE_2F EQU 46 ;AN000; minor code for message retriever
VIDEO_IO_INT EQU 10H ;AN000; equate for int 10h
SET_VIDEO_MODE EQU 0 ;AN000; set video mode
SET_CURSOR_POSITION EQU 2 ;AN000; set new cursor position
SCROLL_VIDEO_PAGE EQU 6 ;AN000; scroll active page up
VIDEO_ATTRIBUTE EQU 7 ;AN000; attribute to be used on blank line
SET_COLOR_PALETTE EQU 11 ;AN000; set color for video
GET_VIDEO_STATE EQU 15 ;AN000; get current video state
VIDEO_ALPHA EQU 3 ;AN000; alpha video is 3 or below
VIDEO_BW EQU 7 ;AN000; mode for 80X25 black & white
AltPipeChr equ "|" ; alternate pipe character
; Flags for internal command parsing
fCheckDrive equ 00000001b ; validate drive letter
fSwitchAllowed equ 00000010b ; switches allowed
fLimitHelp equ 00000100b ; /? must appear alone
; Test switches
fParse EQU 0001h ; display results of parseline
; Batch segment structure
; BYTE type of segment
; BYTE echo state of parent on entry to batch file
; WORD segment of last batch file
; WORD segment for FOR command
; BYTE FOR flag state on entry to batch file
; DWORD offset for next line
; 10 WORD pointers to parameters. -1 is empty parameter
; ASCIZ file name (with . and ..)
; BYTES CR-terminated parameters
; BYTE 0 flag to indicate end of parameters
BatchType equ 0
BatchSegment struc
BatType DB BatchType ; signature
Batechoflag DB 0 ; G state of echo
BatchEOF DB 0 ;records if EOF reached on file
Batlast DW 0 ; G segment of last batch file
Batforptr DW 0 ; G segment for FOR command
Batforflag DB 0 ; G state of FOR
BatSeek DD ? ; lseek position of next char
BatParm DW 10 dup (?) ; pointers to parameters
BatFile DB ? ; beginning of batch file name
BatchSegment ends
ANULL equ 0 ; terminates an argv string
ARGMAX equ 64 ; max args on a command line
ARGBLEN equ 2*128 ; 1char each plus term NUL
tplen equ 64 ; max size of one argument
arg_cnt_error equ 1 ; number of args > MAXARG
arg_buf_ovflow equ 2 ; overflowed argbuffer
argv_ele STRUC ; elements in the argv array
argpointer DW (?) ; pointer to the argstring
argflags DB (?) ; cparse flags for this argstring
argstartel DW (?) ; the result of cparse's [STARTEL]
arglen DW (?) ; cparse's char count + one (for null)
argsw_word DW (?) ; any switches after this? what kinds?
arg_ocomptr DW (?) ; pointer into original command string
argv_ele ENDS
arg_unit STRUC
argv DB (ARGMAX * SIZE argv_ele) DUP (?)
argvcnt DW (?) ; number of arguments
argswinfo DW (?) ; Switch information for entire line
argbuf DW ARGBLEN DUP (?) ; storage for argv strings
argforcombuf db COMBUFLEN DUP (?) ; Original for loop command string
arg_unit ENDS
parseflags RECORD special_delim:1, unused:4, path_sep:1, wildcard:1, sw_flag:1
SwitchQues EQU 20h
SwitchV EQU 10h
SwitchB EQU 08h
SwitchA EQU 04h
SwitchP EQU 02h
SwitchW EQU 01h
fSwitch EQU 8000h
fBadSwitch EQU 4000h
SwitchDir EQU SwitchP + SwitchW + fSwitch
SwitchCopy EQU SwitchV + SwitchA + SwitchB + fSwitch
break <Trap: Get the attention of MSDOS>
; TRAP snares the operating system for a service call
; AX, as well as any other registers MS-DOS takes a fancy to, will be crunched.
trap MACRO dos_function,dos_info
ifnb <dos_info>
mov AX, (dos_function SHL 8) + dos_info
mov AX, (dos_function SHL 8)
int 21h
; Equates for initialization
initInit equ 01h ; initialization in progress
initSpecial equ 02h ; in initialization time/date routine
initCtrlC equ 04h ; already in ^C handler
;M052 BETA3WARN equ 1 ; Yank anything related to this EQU
; out before we ship