Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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; * Microsoft Confidential
; * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1988 - 1991
; * All Rights Reserved.
; */
| |
| |
| Title: MEM |
| |
| Syntax: |
| |
| From the DOS command line: |
| |
| MEM |
| - Used to display DOS memory map summary. |
| |
| - Used to display DOS memory map. |
| |
| - Used to display a detailed DOS memory map. |
| |
| AN001 - PTM P2914 -> This PTM relates to MEM's ability to report|
| the accurate total byte count for EM |
| memory. |
| |
| AN002 - PTM P3477 -> MEM was displaying erroneous base memory |
| information for "Total" and "Available" |
| memory. This was due to incorrect logic |
| for RAM carving. |
| |
| AN003 - PTM P3912 -> MEM messages do not conform to spec. |
| PTM P3989 |
| |
| Date: 1/28/88 |
| |
| AN004 - PTM P4510 -> MEM does not give correct DOS size. |
| |
| Date: 4/27/88 |
| |
| AN005 - PTM P4957 -> MEM does not give correct DOS size for |
| programs loaded into high memory. |
| |
| Date: 6/07/88 |
| |
| Revision History |
| ================ |
| |
| M000 SR 8/27/90 Added new Ctrl-C handler to delink UMBs |
| |
| M003 NSM 12/28/90 Added a New switch /Classify which |
| groups programs in conv and UMB and gives sizes |
| in decimal and hex. |
| |
#include "ctype.h"
#include "conio.h" /* need for kbhit prototype */
#include "stdio.h"
#include "dos.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "msgdef.h"
#include "parse.h"
#include "version.h" /* MSKK02 07/18/89 */
#include "mem.h"
/* All global declarations go here */
char *SingleDrive = "%c:" ;
char *MultipleDrives = "%c: - %c:" ;
char *UnOwned = "----------" ;
char *Ibmbio = "IBMBIO" ; /*EGH*/
char *Ibmdos = "IBMDOS" ; /*EGH*/
#else /*EGH*/
char *Ibmbio = "IO " ;
char *Ibmdos = "MSDOS " ;
#endif /*EGH*/
char LinkedIn = 0; /* Flag set when mem links in UMBs :M000 */
void (interrupt far *OldCtrlc)(); /* Old Ctrlc handler save vector :M000*/
| define structure used by parser |
struct p_parms p_p;
struct p_parmsx p_px;
struct p_control_blk p_con1;
struct p_control_blk p_con2;
struct p_control_blk p_con3;
struct p_control_blk p_con4;
struct p_result_blk p_result1;
struct p_result_blk p_result2;
struct p_result_blk p_result3;
struct p_result_blk p_result4;
struct p_value_blk p_noval;
struct sublistx sublist[5];
unsigned far *ArenaHeadPtr;
struct SYSIVAR far *SysVarsPtr;
char OwnerName[128];
char TypeText[128];
char cmd_line[128];
char far *cmdline;
unsigned UMB_Head;
unsigned LastPSP=0;
char UseArgvZero = TRUE;
char EMSInstalledFlag = (char) 2;
union REGS InRegs;
union REGS OutRegs;
struct SREGS SegRegs;
int DataLevel;
int Classify; /* M003 */
int i;
int BlockDeviceNumber;
char *Parse_Ptr; /* ;an003; dms; pointer to command */
struct mem_classif mem_table[100]; /* M003 */
int noof_progs = 0; /* no of entries in mem_table above */
void interrupt cdecl far MemCtrlc (unsigned es, unsigned ds,
unsigned di, unsigned si, unsigned bp, unsigned sp,
unsigned bx, unsigned dx, unsigned cx, unsigned ax );
int main()
unsigned char UMB_Linkage;
unsigned int rc=0; /* init to NO ERROR */
if ((OutRegs.x.cflag & CarryFlag) == CarryFlag)
InRegs.h.ah = (unsigned char) 0x62; /* an000; dms; get the PSP */
intdosx(&InRegs, &InRegs, &SegRegs); /* an000; dms; invoke the INT 21 */
FP_OFF(cmdline) = 0x81; /* an000; dms; offset of command line */
FP_SEG(cmdline) = InRegs.x.bx; /* an000; dms; segment of command line */
i = 0; /* an000; dms; init index */
while ( *cmdline != (char) '\x0d' ) cmd_line[i++] = *cmdline++; /* an000; dms; while no CR */
cmd_line[i++] = (char) '\x0d'; /* an000; dms; CR terminate string */
cmd_line[i++] = (char) '\0'; /* an000; dms; null terminate string */
DataLevel = Classify = 0; /* M003 */
CSwitch_init(); /* M003: init data structures for */
/* Classify */
parse_init(); /* an000; dms; init for parser */
InRegs.x.si = (unsigned)cmd_line; /* an000; dms; initialize to command ln.*/
InRegs.x.cx = (unsigned)0; /* an000; dms; ordinal of 0 */
InRegs.x.dx = (unsigned)0; /* an000; dms; init pointer */
InRegs.x.di = (unsigned)&p_p; /* an000; dms; point to ctrl blocks */
Parse_Ptr = cmd_line; /*;an003; dms; point to command */
parse(&InRegs,&OutRegs); /* an000; dms; parse command line */
while (OutRegs.x.ax == p_no_error) /* an000; dms; good parse loop */
if (p_result4.P_SYNONYM_Ptr == (unsigned int)p_con4.p_keyorsw)
Sub0_Message(i, STDOUT, Utility_Msg_Class);
if (p_result1.P_SYNONYM_Ptr == (unsigned int)p_con1.p_keyorsw || /* DEBUG switch */
p_result1.P_SYNONYM_Ptr == (unsigned int)p_con1.p_keyorsw +
DataLevel = 2; /* flag DEBUG switch */
if (p_result2.P_SYNONYM_Ptr == (unsigned int)p_con2.p_keyorsw || /* PROGRAM switch */
p_result2.P_SYNONYM_Ptr == (unsigned int)p_con2.p_keyorsw +
DataLevel = 1; /* flag PROGRAM switch */
/* M003 BEGIN - parsing for switch /C */
if (p_result3.P_SYNONYM_Ptr == (unsigned int)p_con3.p_keyorsw || /* Classify switch */
p_result3.P_SYNONYM_Ptr == (unsigned int)p_con3.p_keyorsw +
DataLevel = 1; /* treat this similar to /P switch */
Classify = 1;
/* M003 END */
Parse_Ptr = (char *) (OutRegs.x.si); /* point to next parm */
parse(&OutRegs,&OutRegs); /* parse the line */
if (OutRegs.x.ax == p_no_error) /* check for > 1 switch */
OutRegs.x.ax = p_too_many; /* flag too many */
if (OutRegs.x.ax != p_rc_eol) /* parse error? */
Parse_Message(OutRegs.x.ax,STDERR,Parse_Err_Class,(char far *)Parse_Ptr); /* display parse error */
exit(1); /* exit the program */
/* Store the current Ctrl-C handler and replace with our
Ctrl-C handler :M000
OldCtrlc = _dos_getvect( 0x23 ); /* M000 */
_dos_setvect( 0x23, MemCtrlc ); /* M000 */
if (DataLevel > 0)
/* save current state of UMB linkage */
intdos(&InRegs, &OutRegs);
if (!(UMB_Linkage = OutRegs.h.al))
{ /* UMBs not presently linked, so do it now */
InRegs.x.bx = LINK_UMBS;
intdos(&InRegs, &OutRegs);
LinkedIn++; /* Indicate that we have linked in UMBs :M000 */
rc = DisplayBaseDetail(); /* go show the memory state */
/* restore original UMB link state */
if (!UMB_Linkage) /* weren't linked originally */
InRegs.x.bx = UNLINK_UMBS;
intdos(&InRegs, &OutRegs); /* take 'em out again */
if (!rc) { /* if no error in DisplayBaseDetail */
/* go display other things and summary */
/* M003 BEGIN - Display summary acc. to option chosen */
if (Classify)
DisplayBaseSummary(); /* display low memory totals */
/* M003 END */
if (EMSInstalled() && (DataLevel > 1))
DisplayEMSDetail(); /* display EMS memory totals */
if (EMSInstalled())
DisplayEMSSummary(); /* display EMS memory totals */
DisplayExtendedSummary(); /* display extended memory summary */
/* NOTE: we don't display status of
* HMA because to enquire about its
* status can cause XMS to kick in
* If we didn't care about that, then
* display HMA status here.
} /* end of if (!rc) */
/* If user did not issue Ctrl-C till here, we just remove the handler */
_dos_setvect( 0x23, OldCtrlc ); /* M000 */
return(rc); /* end of MEM main routine */
unsigned long AddressOf(Pointer)
char far *Pointer;
unsigned long SegmentAddress,OffsetAddress;
SegmentAddress = (unsigned long) (FP_SEG(Pointer)) * 16l;
OffsetAddress = (unsigned long) (FP_OFF(Pointer));
return( SegmentAddress + OffsetAddress);
| |
| |
| |
| This routine is called by the FILESYS MAIN routine to initialize|
| the parser data structures. |
| |
| INPUT: |
| none |
| |
| properly initialized parser control blocks |
| |
void parse_init()
p_p.p_parmsx_address = &p_px; /* address of extended parm list */
p_p.p_num_extra = 0;
p_px.p_minp = 0;
p_px.p_maxp = 0;
p_px.p_maxswitch = 4;
p_px.p_control[0] = &p_con1;
p_px.p_control[1] = &p_con2;
p_px.p_control[2] = &p_con3;
p_px.p_control[3] = &p_con4;
p_px.p_keyword = 0;
p_con1.p_match_flag = p_none;
p_con1.p_function_flag = p_cap_file;
p_con1.p_result_buf = (unsigned int)&p_result1;
p_con1.p_value_list = (unsigned int)&p_noval;
p_con1.p_nid = 2;
strcpy(p_con1.p_keyorsw + (strlen(p_con1.p_keyorsw)+1),"/D"+NUL);
p_con2.p_match_flag = p_none;
p_con2.p_function_flag = p_cap_file;
p_con2.p_result_buf = (unsigned int)&p_result2;
p_con2.p_value_list = (unsigned int)&p_noval;
p_con2.p_nid = 2;
strcpy(p_con2.p_keyorsw + (strlen(p_con2.p_keyorsw)+1),"/P"+NUL);
p_con3.p_match_flag = p_none;
p_con3.p_function_flag = p_cap_file;
p_con3.p_result_buf = (unsigned int)&p_result3;
p_con3.p_value_list = (unsigned int)&p_noval;
p_con3.p_nid = 2;
strcpy(p_con3.p_keyorsw + (strlen(p_con3.p_keyorsw)+1),"/C"+NUL);
p_con4.p_match_flag = p_none;
p_con4.p_function_flag = p_none;
p_con4.p_result_buf = (unsigned int)&p_result4;
p_con4.p_value_list = (unsigned int)&p_noval;
p_con4.p_nid = 1;
p_noval.p_val_num = 0;
p_result1.P_Type = 0;
p_result1.P_Item_Tag = 0;
p_result1.P_SYNONYM_Ptr = 0;
p_result1.p_result_buff = 0;
p_result2.P_Type = 0;
p_result2.P_Item_Tag = 0;
p_result2.P_SYNONYM_Ptr = 0;
p_result2.p_result_buff = 0;
p_result3.P_Type = 0;
p_result3.P_Item_Tag = 0;
p_result3.P_SYNONYM_Ptr = 0;
p_result3.p_result_buff = 0;
} /* end parse_init */
/* Parse_Message - This routine will print only those */
/* messages that require 1 replaceable */
/* parm. */
/* */
/* Inputs : Msg_Num - number of applicable message */
/* Handle - display type */
/* Message_Type - type of message to display */
/* Replace_Parm - pointer to parm to replace */
/* */
/* Outputs : message */
/* */
void Parse_Message(Msg_Num,Handle,Message_Type,parse_ptr)
int Msg_Num;
int Handle;
unsigned char Message_Type;
char far *parse_ptr;
if (parse_ptr) {
sublist[1].value = (unsigned far *)parse_ptr;
sublist[1].size = Sublist_Length;
sublist[1].reserved = Reserved;
sublist[1].id = 0;
sublist[1].flags = Char_Field_ASCIIZ+Left_Align;
sublist[1].max_width = 40;
sublist[1].min_width = 01;
sublist[1].pad_char = Blank;
InRegs.x.cx = SubCnt1;
InRegs.x.cx = 0;
InRegs.x.ax = Msg_Num;
InRegs.x.bx = Handle;
InRegs.h.dl = No_Input;
InRegs.h.dh = Message_Type;
InRegs.x.si = (unsigned int)&sublist[1];
/* M003 BEGIN */
| |
| SUBROUTINE NAME: CSwitch_init |
| |
| |
| This routine is called by the FILESYS MAIN routine to initialize|
| the C(lassify) switch related data structures. |
| |
| INPUT: |
| none |
| |
| properly initialized C switch related Data structures |
| |
void CSwitch_init()
int i;
int *ptr;
ptr = (int *) (mem_table);
for (i=sizeof(mem_table)/2;i>0;i--)
*ptr++ = 0;
/* M003 END */