Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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678 lines
20 KiB

; ;
; ;
; BIOS interface를
; .
public KbStat, Card1st, Card2nd, HeKey, HjKey, HjStat, DisplayStat, KseCard
public ModeStat, MemStat, Printer, CodeStat, HanStat, HjMenuStat, ErrStat
public MachineType, ModeId, WinOffset, WinSegment, KbMisc, VideoActive
public iVersion, HotStat, KbdType, HanSavePtr
public HjMenuLine, UdcTblPtr, CodeBuf2Addr, EndSegment, EndOffset
public EmsHandle, MaxMemSize, EmsSeg, CurEmsPage, CodeBufSize, MemSize
public OldVdParms, OldSavePtr, OldKbInt, OldVideo, OldRtcInt, OldKbInt
public OldInt17, OldInt15, OldKbioInt
public PatGenAddr, HanPatternPtr, Ks2ChAddr
public HanAddr, HanAddrH, UdcAddr, UdcAddrH
public HanOn1st, HanOff1st, HanOn2nd, HanOff2nd
public GetHan1st, GetUdc1st, PutUdc1st, GetHan2nd, GetUdc2nd, PutUdc2nd
public CompleteCharCnt, CompleteCharBuf, InterimCharCnt
public InterimCharBuf, Auto, TmpKbdType
public InterimCurPage,InterimMaxCols,InterimCurPos
public SavedChar1,SavedChar2
public MenuPtr, CurrMenuCnt, SaveCurrPage, CrtMaxCols
public SaveCurPos, SaveCurType, prebufptr
public DispIChar1, DispIChar2, InterimDispP
public PreInCode, CurInCode, TmpBuf, PreTmpBuf, KsKbBuf, TmpBufCnt
public ActiveCodePage
IF Hwin31Sw
ENDIF ;Hwin31Sw
; public data area이므로
PublicData label word ; INT 10 entry FD
CodeBuf1Addr label dword
dw 0
dw 0
HanStat db 0 ; indicate whether HanGeul 1st byte have
HjMenuStat db 0 ; progress HanJa menu or ChgEnvr
db 08 dup(0) ; reserved
db 'H'
db 'B'
dw offset WinData
WinData db 'WINDOWS'
WinOffset dw offset WinEnvrChange
WinSegment dw 0 ; code segment address
db LocalDataLng
CodeStat db HangeulMode ; code/spec status
KbStat db 0 ; general KBD status
HjMenuLine db 0 ; hanja menu display line #
LocalDataLng = $-CodeStat
CodeBufSize dw ? ; 80*25*2, 80*30*2 ,Init에서
iVersion db Version ; 5 byte
ModeId db 0
UdcTblPtr dw 0 ; UDC table address(real memory)
CodeBuf2Addr dd 0 ; 2nd code buffer segment:offset address
VideoActive db 80h ; service routine
ModeStat db 0 ; video mode status
DisplayStat db 0 ; Han1st, RunEsc
PatGenAddr dw 0 ; pattern generator
HanPatternPtr dw 0 ; pattern generator
Ks2ChAddr dw 0 ; code conversion(KS -> CH)
KbMisc db InterimCtrlDisp
HotStat db 0
Port3bf db 0 ; for KSE VGA card
KseCard db 0
KbdType db 0
HjStat db 0 ; hanja, UDC font status
OrgHjStat db 0 ; original hanja, UDC font status
; -------------kb.asm DATA -------------
CompleteCharCnt dw 0
CompleteCharBuf dw 16 dup(0)
InterimCharCnt dw 0
InterimCharBuf dw 2 dup(0)
Auto db 0
TmpKbdType db 0
InterimCurPage db 0
InterimMaxCols db 0
InterimCurPos dw 0
SavedChar1 db 0
SavedChar2 db 0
MenuPtr db 0
CurrMenuCnt db 0
SaveCurrPage db 0
CrtMaxCols db 0
SaveCurPos dw 0
SaveCurType dw 0
prebufptr dw 0
; interim display
DispIChar1 DB 0
DispIChar2 DB 0
InterimDispP dw 0
PreInCode dw 0
CurInCode dw 0
TmpBuf dw 0
PreTmpBuf dw 0
KsKbBuf dw 0
TmpBufCnt db 0
; ------------- video.asm DATA -------------
; Display buffer의
GrpBufAddr dd ? ; grp buffer pointer
; Cursor position을 pointer의
TextPos1Addr dw ? ; cursor buffer address
TextPos2Addr dw ? ; cursor buffer address
GrpPosAddr dw ? ; cursor buffer address
OldTextPos1Addr dw ? ; Han1st/RunEsc
OldTextPos2Addr dw ? ; Han1st/RunEsc
OldGrpPosAddr dw ? ; Han1st/RunEsc
OldChar db ?
OldAttr db ?
OldPage db ?
OldCurPos dw ?
OldCounter dw ?
OldHanStat db 0
EscIndex dw 0
CursorStat db 0
MaxRows db ?
MaxPage db ?
CurPos dw ? ; real position, be seted by char write
CurMode db ?
CurPage db ? ; function AH = 5
OrgCurPos dw ? ; cursor display position for delete
OrgCurType dw ? ; cursor display type for delete
TimerTick db 0
ScrUpDnFlag db 0 ; screen up data
BlockAdj dw 0 ; block move,copy data
HanSavePtr dd 7 dup(0)
WanSungCP = 949 ; For NT 5.0
ActiveCodePage dw WanSungCP
OldVdParms dd 0 ; MGA/CGA video parm pointer
OldSavePtr dd 0 ; EGA/VGA parms pointer
SizeInst equ ($ - StartInst)
OldKbInt dd 0 ; INT 9
OldKbioInt dd 0 ; INT 16
OldRtcInt dd 0 ; Int 8
OldVideo dd 0 ; INT 10
OldInt15 dd 0 ; INT 15 or HIMEM address
OldInt17 dd 0 ; printer interrupt vector address
IF Hwin31Sw
OldInt2f dd 0 ; codechg dos int
ENDIF ;Hwin31Sw
EndSegment dw 0 ; BIOS segment
EndOffset dw 0 ; BIOS offset
MemStat db 0 ; memory의
MemSize dw 0
EmsSeg dw 0
EmsHandle dw 0
CurEmsPage dw 0
MaxMemSize dw 0
HanAddr dw 0
HanAddrH db 0
UdcAddr dw 0
UdcAddrH db 0
Card1st db 0 ; active video card status
Card2nd db 0 ; inactive video card status
HeKey db 0 ; key
HjKey db 0 ; key
Printer db 0 ; printer type
ErrStat db 0 ; initialize시
GetHan1st dw 0
GetUdc1st dw 0
PutUdc1st dw 0
HanOn1st dw 0
HanOff1st dw 0
GetHan2nd dw 0
GetUdc2nd dw 0
PutUdc2nd dw 0
HanOn2nd dw 0
HanOff2nd dw 0
MachineType db 0 ; machine type(AT/XT)
public vdm_info
vdm_info VDM_INFO_TBL<>
if Debug
public DebugData
DebugData dw 0
endif ; if Debug
@push ax, bx, cx, dx, di, si, es, ds, bp
mov ax,cs
mov es,ax
mov ds,ax
mov al,[CodeStat]
mov [OldCodeStat],al
mov ah,0fh
int 10h
call ChgEnvrDo
@pop bp, ds, es, si, di, dx, cx, bx, ax
WinEnvr PROC far
WinEnvr ENDP
; initialize시
public TotalMenuCnt,MenuBuffer, MenuLineBuf, PatternBuf
PatternBuf db 32 dup(0)
TotalMenuCnt db 0
MenuBuffer label byte ; hanja set buffer
MenuLineBuf = MenuBuffer+376+1; hanja menu buffer
; Install:
; LoadUdc(-/-);
; InstallFontFileReal(-/-);
; InitMode(-/-);
; DispSignonMsg(-/-);
; [OrgHjStat] = [HjStat];
; CX = [EndSegment];
; DX = [EndOffset];
; [VideoActive] = 0;
; Restore BP, DI, SI, ES, DS;
public Install, InitEnd
call LoadUdc
if ComFile
mov sp,offset TmpStack
endif ; if ComFile
call InstallFontFileReal
mov al,[HjStat]
test al,HjLoaded
jz @f
or [HjStat],HjModeEnable
mov [OrgHjStat],al
call InitMode
call DispSignonMsg
mov cx,[EndSegment]
mov dx,[EndOffset]
mov [VideoActive],0
if ComFile
mov ah,49h
mov es,ds:[EnvrParmPtr]
int 21h
mov ax,cs
sub cx,ax
add dx,15
shr dx,1
shr dx,1
shr dx,1
shr dx,1
add dx,cx
mov ax,3100h
int 21h
pop bp
pop si
pop di
pop es
pop ds
endif ; if ComFile
; << LoadUdc >>
; FUNCTION = install UDC file
; INPUT : none
; OUTPUT : none
; LoadUdc(-/-)
; {
; }
; structure of header of UDCCON.SYS
; offset 00H-01H (2) : pointer of UDC map table
; offset 02H-03H (2) : size of UDC map table
; offset 04H-05H (2) : pointer of UDC index table
; offset 06H-07H (2) : size of UDC index table
; offset 08H-09H (2) : pointer of UDC set table
; offset 0aH-0bH (2) : size of UDC set table
; offset 0cH-0dH (2) : pointer of start of pattern
; offset 0eH-0fH (2) : size of pattern
; offset 10H-17H (8) : UDC file ID
; offset 18H-1fH (8) : last update date
; offset 20H-2fH (16) : reserved
test [HjStat],UdcArea
jz LoadUdcEnd
test [ErrStat],FontLoadErr
jnz LoadUdcEnd
mov dx,offset UdcFileName
mov ax,3d00h
int 21h
mov bx,ax
jnc HaveUdc
mov [UdcHandle],bx
mov dx,[EndOffset]
mov di,dx
mov [UdcTblPtr],di
mov cx,(30H+188*2+188*4+188*2) ; # of bytes to read
mov ah,3fH
int 21h
jc LoadUdcErr
mov ax,[di+UdcSetTblSize]
shl ax,1
add ax,[di+UdcSetTblPtr]
add [EndOffset],ax ; save UdcTbl END address
mov si,di
add si,10H ; point to file identifier
mov di,offset UdcConId
mov cx,8 ; repeat counter
rep movsw
mov dx,[EndOffset]
test [MemStat],RealMem
jz @f
mov [UdcAddr],dx ; save UdcFont address
mov cx,94*32
mov bx,[UdcHandle]
mov ah,3fH
int 21h
jc LoadUdcErr
mov cx,ax
mov si,dx
mov ax,0c9a1h
call WriteUdc
jc LoadUdcErr
mov dx,[EndOffset]
mov cx,94*32
mov bx,[UdcHandle]
mov ah,3fH
int 21h
jc LoadUdcErr
mov cx,ax
mov si,dx
mov ax,0fea1h
call WriteUdc
jc LoadUdcErr
or [HjStat],UdcLoaded
mov bx,[UdcHandle]
mov ah,3eH ; close file handle
int 21h
or [ErrStat],UdcLoadErr
test [MemStat],RealMem
jz @f
add [EndOffset],cx ; save END address
mov cx,94
mov bx,ax
test [CodeStat],Chab
jz @f
call ChgKs2Ch
xchg cx,ax ; get code (ch,cl)
call PutPattern
xchg cx,ax
mov ax,bx
jc @f
inc ax ; next code
add si,32
loop WriteUdcloop
UdcHandle label word
UdcFileName db 'UDCCON.SYS',0
TmpStack label word
; << InstallFontFileReal >>
; FUNCTION = real memory로
; INPUT : none
; OUTPUT : none
; InstallFontFileReal(-/-)
; {
; }
test [MemStat],RealMem
jz NotRealFont
cmp [MemSize],0
jz NotRealFont
mov dx,offset FontFileName
mov ax,3d00h
int 21h
jc @f
mov bx,ax
mov ax,4200h
xor cx,cx
mov dx,30h
int 21h ; set absolute file pointer
or [HjStat],HjLoaded
mov dx,[EndOffset]
mov [HanAddr],dx
xor ax,ax
add [EndOffset],61440 ; 32*94*64 = 192512
adc ah,0
mov cl,4
shl ah,cl
add [EndSegment],ax
add [EndSegment],2000h
mov ax,dx
mov cl,4
shr ax,cl
mov cx,ds
add cx,ax
mov ds,cx
and dx,0fh
mov cx,4000h
mov ah,3fh
int 21h
jc ReadRealErr
or ax,ax
jz @f
add dx,ax
jmp short ReadRealLoop
or cs:[ErrStat],FontLoadErr
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
mov ah,3eh
int 21h
; << InitMode >>
; FUNCTION = video mode를
; INPUT : none
; OUTPUT : none
; InitMode(-/-)
; {
; Save ES;
; ES = 0;
; if ([Card1st] == DualMnt)
; {
; xchg [Card1st], [Card2nd];
; ES:[rEquip] = ES:[rEquip] || 00110000b;
; if ([Card1st] == ColorMnt)
; ES:[rEquip] = ES:[rEquip] && 11101111b;
; AX = 3;
; INT 10h;
; xchg [Card1st], [Card2nd];
; }
; ES:[rEquip] = ES:[rEquip] || 00110000b;
; if ([Card1st] == ColorMnt)
; ES:[rEquip] = ES:[rEquip] && 11101111b;
; AX = 3;
; INT 10h;
; Restore ES;
; }
test [Card1st],DualMnt
jz InitMode1st
push word ptr [CodeStat]
or [CodeStat],HangeulMode
int 11h
cmp al,00110000b
mov ax,7
jpe @f
mov al,3
int 10h
pop ax
mov [CodeStat],al
mov ah,0fh
int 10h
call ChgEnvrDo
push ax
push bx
call SearchMode
jc InitMode2nd
mov bh,[si+sCodeVram]
xor bl,bl
xor ax,ax
mov word ptr [CodeBuf1Addr],ax
mov word ptr [CodeBuf1Addr+2],bx
if WINNT ; if we run HBIOS on windowed mode for the first time,
; these variables are not initialized.
cmp [ActiveCodePage], WanSungCP
jnz @f
or [CodeStat],HangeulVideoMode
mov [MaxRows],25
pop bx
pop ax
; << DispSignonMsg >>
; FUNCTION = BIOS font/UDC message display
; INPUT : none
; OUTPUT : none
; DispSignonMsg(-/-)
; {
; SI = SignonMsg;
; DispMsg(SI/-);
; if ([OrgHjStat] == HjLoaded)
; {
; SI = FontMsg;
; DispMsg(SI/-);
; SI = LoadMsg;
; if ([ErrStat] == FontLoadErr), SI = FontErrMsg;
; DispMsg(SI/-);
; }
; if ([OrgHjStat] == UdcLoaded)
; {
; SI = UdcMsg;
; DispMsg(SI/-);
; SI = UdcConId;
; if ([ErrStat] == UdcLoadErr), SI = UdcErrMsg;
; DispMsg(SI/-);
; }
; }
; DispString(si/-)
; {
; if ([si] != 0)
; {
; AL = [si];
; + SI;
; AH = 0eh;
; BX = 7;
; INT 10h;
; }
; }
; Don't need to display version information
test [ErrStat],FontLoadErr
jz @f
mov si,offset FontErrMsg
call DispString
test [Card1st],FontCard or HanCard
jnz DispNoneFontFile
test [Card2nd],FontCard or HanCard
jnz DispNoneFontFile
test [OrgHjStat],HjLoaded
jz DispNoneFontFile
mov si,offset SignonMsg
test [CodeStat],Chab
jz @f
mov si,offset SignonMsgCh
call DispString
test [Card1st],FontCard or HanCard
jnz DispNoneFontFile
test [Card2nd],FontCard or HanCard
jnz DispNoneFontFile
test [OrgHjStat],HjLoaded
jz DispNoneFontFile
;mov si,offset FontMsg
;call DispString
mov si,offset LoadMsg
test [ErrStat],FontLoadErr
jz @f
mov si,offset FontErrMsg
call DispString
test [OrgHjStat],UdcLoaded
jz DispNoneUdc
mov si,offset UdcMsg
call DispString
mov si,offset UdcConId
test [ErrStat],UdcLoadErr
jz @f
mov si,offset UdcErrMsg
call DispString
or al,al
jz @f
mov ah,0eh
mov bx,7
int 10h
jmp short DispString
; Don't need to display version information
SignonMsg db 'HBIOS ', Version, cr,lf ; [CHM0]
db 'Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1993',cr,lf,0 ; [CHM0]
SignonMsgCh db 'HBIOS ', Version, cr,lf
db 'Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1993',cr,lf,0
LoadMsg db '** .',cr,lf,0
UdcErrMsg label byte
FontErrMsg db '** .',cr,lf,0
UdcMsg db 'UDC : ',0
UdcConId db 16 dup(' '),cr,lf,0
public FontFilename
FontFilename db 'hfont.sys' ; [CHM001]
db 80-8 dup(0)