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TITLE Hangeul/Hanja Console Device Driver Header
page ,132
; (C)Copyright Qnix Co., Ltd., 1985-1991. ;
; This program contains proprietary and confidential information. ;
; All rights reserved. ;
;; File name: HECON.ASM
;; Description:
;; These routine are the header of HECON.SYS which is Installable
;; Device Driver that is the console device driver to handle
;; Hangeul/Hanja console IO services
;; Called routine:
;; HAN_INIT - procedure in INIT.ASM file
.sall ; supress macro listings
BreakInt equ 1bH * 4
; Given a label <lbl> generate either 2 byte jump to another label <lbl>_J
; if it is near enough or 3 byte jump to <lbl>
Jump macro lbl
local a
ifndef lbl&_J ; is this the first invocation
a: jmp lbl
if (lbl&_J GE $) or ($-lbl&_J GT 126)
a: jmp lbl ; is the jump too far away?
a: jmp lbl&_J ; do the short one...
lbl&_j = a
.xcref Jump
code segment public byte 'code'
assume cs:code, ds:code
if ComFile
org 100h
extrn HanInit:near
jmp HanInit
HeconStart: ; dummy
; start of HECON.SYS routine
public ConHeader
ConHeader label word
dw -1,-1 ; pointer to next device
dw 1000000001010011B ; con-in and con-out + special
dw Strategy ; strategy entry point
dw ConIO ; interrupt entry point
db 'CON ' ; device name
db 13h
dw ConInit ;0
dw Exit ;1
dw Exit ;2
dw CmdErr ;3
dw ConRead ;4
dw ConCheck ;5
dw Exit ;6
dw ConFlush ;7
dw ConWrite ;8
dw ConWrite ;9
dw Exit ;A
dw Exit ;B
if hdos60
dw Exit ;C
dw Exit ;D
dw Exit ;E
dw Exit ;F
dw Exit ;10H
dw Exit ;11H
dw Exit ;12H
dw GenIoctl ;13H
dw Exit ;14H
endif ; hdos60
; The next nine equ's describe the offset into the request header for
; different information. For example STATUS is in byte 3 of the request
; header (starting count at zero).
CmdLen = 0 ; length of this command
Unit = 1 ; sub unit specifier
Cmd = 2 ; command code
Status = 3 ; status
Media = 13 ; media descriptor
Trans = 14 ; transfer address
Count = 18 ; count of blocks or characters
Start = 20 ; first block to transfer
Extra = 22 ; Usually pointer to Vol Id for err 15
if hdos60
; Bilingual implementation
WansungCode = 949
ChohabCode = 1361
EnglishCode = 437
SetCode = 04ah
IoctlReq struc
db 13 dup(?)
MajorCode db ?
MinorCode db ?
SiReg dw ?
DiReg dw ?
DataBuf dd ?
IoctlReq ends
endif ; hdos60
; PtrSav - pointer save
; This variable holds the pointer to the Request Header passed by a program
; wishing to use a device driver. When the strategy routine is called
; it puts the address of the Request header in this variable and returns.
public PtrSav
PtrSav dd 0
Foo proc far
mov word ptr cs:[PtrSav],bx
mov word ptr cs:[PtrSav+2],es
Foo endp
; This section is the prolog to all default device drivers. All registers
; are saved, the registers are filled with information fromthe request header,
; and the routine from the jump table is called. Error checking is done
; to assure command code is valid. Before calling the routine in the
; jump table the register are:
; AH = Media Descriptor
; BX = offset to PtrSav (request header is therefore at DS:BX)
; CX = count from request header
; DS:SI = tranfer address
; Once the routine finishes its job it jumps back to one of the eight
; pieces of code below labeled Exit Points.
; Device entry point
; The following ten pieces of code are the interrupt entry points for the
; default device drivers. These small pieces of code have two jobs.
; 1) Make SI point to the beginning of the proper command jump table.
; SI must first be pushed to preserve original contents.
; Con device:
sti ; enable interrupts
push ax ; save all registers
push bx
push cx
push si
push ds
mov si,offset ConTbl ; get pointer to console IO table
lds bx,cs:[PtrSav] ; get pointer to I/O packet
mov cx,ds:[bx].Count ; cx = count
mov al,ds:[bx].Cmd
cmp al,cs:[si] ; is command code a valid number?
ja CmdErr ; no, jump to handle error
cbw ; note that al <= 15 means OK
shl ax,1
inc si
add si,ax ; get di to point to address of routine
mov ah,ds:[bx].Media ; ah = media descriptor
shr ah,1
shr ah,1
jmp word ptr cs:[si] ; go to the command
; Exit Points
; All device driver call return through one of these eight
; pieces of code. The code set error and status conditions
; and then restores the registers.
; sub [bx].Count,cx ; # of successful I/O's
mov ax,1000000100000011B ; mark error(unknown command) & return
jmp short Exit1
BusyExit: ; device busy exit
mov ah,00000011B ; set error code
jmp short Exit1
mov ah,00000001B
Exit1: lds bx,cs:[PtrSav]
Exit2: and ah,11111011b
mov [bx].Status,ax ; mark operation complete
pop ds ; restore register and return
pop si
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
FarRet1 proc far
FarRet1 endp
; ;
; C O N - Console Device Driver ;
; ;
; Device Header for the CON Device Driver
; ALTAH is a single character buffer used to handle special keys.
AltAH db 0 ; Special key handling
; ;
; Console Read routine ;
; ;
jcxz ConReadExit ; to be read -- just exit
lds si,ds:[bx].Trans ; get ds:si to point to trans addr
test ah,00000001B
jnz ConReadNonDisp
mov bx,0 ; get complete char code
call CharIn ; get char in al
mov ds:[si],al ; store char at ds:si, specified buffer
inc si ; point to next buffer position
loop ConReadLoop ; if cx is non-zero more char to read
Jump Exit ; all done, successful return
mov bx,(240 shl 8) ; get interim char code
cmp cx,1
jne ConReadNonDispLoop
call CharIn ; get char in al
mov ds:[si],al ; store char at ds:si, specified buffer
inc si ; point to next buffer position
cmp ah,0f0H ; interim char?
jne ConReadExit ; jump no
mov ah,00000101B ; indicate interim char
Jump Exit1
call CharIn ; get char in al
cmp ah,0f0H ; interim char?
je ConReadNonDispLoop ; jump so
mov ds:[si],al ; store char at ds:si, specified buffer
inc si ; point to next buffer position
loop ConReadNonDispLoop ; if cx is non-zero more char to read
Jump Exit
; ;
; Input single character into AL ;
; ;
xor ax,ax ; set cmd and clear al
xchg al,cs:[AltAH] ; get character & zero AltAH
or al,al ; see if buffer has a character
jnz CharInRet ; if so - return this character
mov ax,bx
int 16H ; call ROM-Bios keyboard routine
or ax,ax ; Check for non-key after BREAK
jz CharIn
cmp ax,7200H ; Check for Ctrl-PrtSc
jnz CharInOk
mov al,16 ; indicate prtsc
or al,al ; special case?
jnz CharInRet ; no, return with character
mov cs:[AltAH],ah ; yes, store special key
; :
; Keyboard non destructive read, no wait :
; :
; If bit 10 is set by the DOS in the status word of the request :
; packet, and there is no character in the input buffer, the :
; driver issues a system WAIT request to the ROM. On return :
; from the ROM, it returns a 'char-not-found' to the DOS. :
; :
mov al,cs:[AltAH] ; first see if there is a
or al,al ; character in the buffer?
jnz ConCheckExit ; yes, return that character
; no, continue
mov bx,(1 shl 8)
test ah,00000001B
jz ReConCheck ; jump if wanted complete char code
mov bx,(241 shl 8)
mov ax,bx
int 16H ; call ROM-BIOS keyboard routine
jz ConBusy ; not available char, jump to busy
or ax,ax ; check for null after break
jnz ConCheckOk ; no, skip down
; note: AH is already zero, no need to set command
int 16H ; yes, read the null
jmp short ReConCheck
cmp ah,0f0H ; incomplete scan code?
jnz ConCheckFinal
lds bx,cs:[PtrSav] ; get pointer to request header
mov [bx].Media,al ; move character into req. header
mov ah,00000101B ; indicate interim char
Jump Exit2
cmp ax,7200H ; check for Ctrl-PrtSc
jnz ConCheckExit ; no
mov al,16 ; yes, indicate Ctrl-PrtSc
lds bx,cs:[PtrSav] ; get pointer to request header
mov [bx].Media,al ; move character into req. header
Jump Exit ; all done -- successful return
Jump BusyExit ; done -- con device is busy
; :
; Keyboard flush routine :
; :
mov cs:[AltAH],0 ; clear out holding buffer
mov ah,243 ; Keyboard flush entry
int 16H
Jump Exit
; :
; Console Write Routine :
; :
cld ; clear the direction flag
jcxz ConWriteExit ; if cx is zero, get out
lds si,ds:[bx].Trans ; get ds:si to point to trans addr
mov bx,7 ; set page #(bh), foreground color(bl)
test ah,00000001B
jnz ConWriteLoopNac ; output character & no cursor advance
lodsb ; get character
mov ah,0eH ; write char with cursor advancing
int 10H ; call bios
loop ConWriteLoop ; repeat until all through
mov ah,00000001B
lds bx,cs:[PtrSav]
mov [bx].Status,ax ; mark operation complete
pop ds ; restore register and return
pop si
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
FarRet2 proc far
FarRet2 endp
lodsb ; get character
mov ah,0feH ; write char w/o cursor advancing
int 10H ; call bios
loop ConWriteLoopNac ; repeat until all through
Jump Exit
push dx ; save registers
; patch the BREAK key handling interrupt routine
sub ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov bx,BreakInt
mov ax,offset cBreak
mov dx,cs
mov ds:[bx],ax
mov ds:[bx+2],dx
extrn HanInit:near
call HanInit
; Now, CX:DX points to the end of HECON.SYS resident part
lds bx,cs:[PtrSav]
mov [bx].Trans,dx
mov [bx].Trans+2,cx
pop dx ; restore registers
Jump Exit
mov cs:[AltAH],3 ; indicate break key set
push ax ; save register
mov ah,243 ; keyboard flush
int 16H
pop ax ; recover register
if hdos60
; Bilingual implementation
extrn ChangeCodeR:near
mov al,ds:[bx.MinorCode]
cmp al,SetCode
je @f
jmp CmdErr
push bx
push es
push dx
les bx,ds:[bx.DataBuf]
mov ax,es:[bx+2]
mov dl,0
cmp ax,WansungCode
je CallChange
mov dl,1
cmp ax,ChohabCode
je CallChange
mov dl,2
cmp ax,EnglishCode
je CallChange
pop dx
pop es
pop bx
jmp CmdErr
mov al,dl
call ChangeCodeR
pop dx
pop es
pop bx
jmp Exit
endif ; hdos60
endif ; if ComFile
code ends
end HeconStart