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195 lines
3.9 KiB
195 lines
3.9 KiB
; FUNCTION = make pattern completly
; INPUT : (DS=CS) CX = KS code, ES:DI = buffer pointer
; OUTPUT : (NC) ES:DI = buffer pointer
; PROTECT : none
extrn Ks2ChAddr:word
VowelTypeCnt = 3
push bp
push di
mov ax,cx
mov bp,di ; save buffer pointer
test [CodeStat],Chab
jnz @f
call [Ks2ChAddr]
jnc @f
jmp MakeFontEnd
call ChkVowelType ; check vowel type
add si,[PatGenAddr]
mov di,bp
mov dx,ax ; save CH code
xor ax,ax
mov cx,16
rep stosw ; clear buffer
; DX = CH code, BP = buffer pointer, SI = type no.
add si,offset Type1stTbl - offset GenFont
push dx
mov di,[HanPatternPtr]
add di,FontStruc1st
and dx,0111110000000000b
mov cl,7
rol dx,cl
call MakePattern
pop dx
jc MakeFontEnd
add si,offset Type2ndTbl - offset Type1stTbl
push dx
mov di,[HanPatternPtr]
add di,FontStruc2ndV
push si
mov si,dx
mov cl,5
shr si,cl
and si,0000000000011111b
add si,offset VowelType - offset GenFont
add si,[PatGenAddr]
mov al,[si]
dec al
mov ah,4*VowelTypeCnt
mul ah
pop si
add di,ax
and dx,0000001111100000b
mov cl,4
shr dx,cl
add dx,32*2
call MakePattern
pop dx
jc MakeFontEnd
add si,offset Type3rdTbl - offset Type2ndTbl
mov di,[HanPatternPtr]
add di,FontStruc3rd
and dx,0000000000011111b
shl dx,1
add dx,32*2*2
call MakePattern
pop di
pop bp
; FUNCTION = get vowel type bits(4)
; INPUT : (DS=CS)AX = CH code
; OUTPUT : (CC) SI = vowel type code(4 bits)
mov si,ax
mov cl,5
shr si,cl
and si,0000000000011111b
add si,offset VowelType - offset GenFont
add si,[PatGenAddr]
mov cl,[si]
shl cl,1
shl cl,1 ; 0000xx00b
mov dx,ax
and dx,0111110000011111b
cmp dh,00000100b ; 1st fill code ?
jz @f ; jump if so
or cl,00000001b ; 0000xxx1b
cmp dl,00000001b ; last fill code ?
jz @f ; jump if so
or cl,00000010b ; 0000xx1xb
xor ch,ch
mov si,cx
; FUNCTION = make pattern
; INPUT : (DS=CS) BP = buffer pointer, DX = input code
; DI = font struc pointer, CL = real type no.
; OUTPUT : none
push si
mov cl,[si] ; get type no.
mov si,dx
add si,[HanPatternPtr]
mov si,[si]
or si,si
jz MakePatternFill
or si,si
js MakePatternErr ; jump if MSB = 1
or cl,cl
js MakePatternFill ; jump if MSB = 1
xor ch,ch
xor bx,bx
jcxz @f
mov ax,[di+2]
mul ah
add bx,ax ; BX = byte size
add di,4
loop @b
add si,[HanPatternPtr]
add si,bx
mov bx,di
; calc target address
mov di,bp
mov ax,[bx] ; get (X, Y)
mov cl,al
mov al,ah
xor ah,ah
shl ax,1
add di,ax
xor ch,ch
add di,cx
; calc repeat counter
mov dx,[bx+2]
mov bl,dh
mov bh,dl
mov dl,2 ; 16 dot
sub dl,bh
xor dh,dh ; AX = blank byte
xor ch,ch
mov cl,bh ; BH = repeat counter
or es:[di],al
inc di
loop @b
add di,dx
dec bl
jnz MakeFontLoop
pop si
pop si
VowelType label byte
db 0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,2,3,3
db 0,0,3,2,2,3,3,3,0,0,2,2,3,1,0,0
Type1stTbl label byte
db -1, 0,-1, 4,-1, 1,-1, 2,-1, 3,-1, 4,-1, 6,-1, 5
Type2ndTbl label byte
db -1,-1,-1,-1, 0, 1, 2, 2, 0, 1, 2, 2, 0, 1, 2, 2
Type3rdTbl label byte
db -1,-1, 0, 1,-1,-1, 0, 1,-1,-1, 0, 1,-1,-1, 0, 1
FontStruc STRUC
Char1st dw 32 dup(?) ; 1st code word table
Char2nd dw 32 dup(?) ; 2nd code word table
Char3rd dw 32 dup(?) ; 3rd code word table
FontStruc1st db 4*7 dup(?) ; 1st code struc table
FontStruc2ndV db 4*3 dup(?) ; 2nd V-vowel code struc table
FontStruc2ndH db 4*3 dup(?) ; 2nd H-vowel code struc table
FontStruc2ndHV db 4*3 dup(?) ; 2nd HV-vowel code struc table
FontStruc3rd db 4*2 dup(?) ; 3rd code struc table
RealFont db ? ; font image area
FontStruc ENDS
CharTbl label word
GenFontLng = $-GenFont