Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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# International mods
# NOTE: LANG is a external macros set by international
# Standard command line definitions
OPT= /W2 #NOP the options feature
MASMOBJ=$(as) $(OPT)
# DOS 3.x inference rules
$(MASMOBJ) $*.asm;
$(as) $(OPT) /l $*.asm;
comm: comm.drv
ccom.obj ccom.lst: ccom.asm ibmcom.inc comdev.inc
ibmsetup.obj ibmsetup.lst: ibmsetup.asm ibmcom.inc comdev.inc ins8250.inc
ibmcom.obj: ibmcom.asm ibmcom.inc comdev.inc ins8250.inc
ibmint.obj: ibmint.asm ibmcom.inc comdev.inc ins8250.inc
ibmlpt.obj: ibmlpt.asm ibmcom.inc comdev.inc
commmsg.obj: $(RES_DIR)\commmsg.asm
$(MASMOBJ) $(RES_DIR)\commmsg.asm, commmsg.obj;
comm.drv: iclean ccom.obj ibmsetup.obj ibmcom.obj ibmint.obj ibmlpt.obj commmsg.obj \
comm.def comm.rc comm.rcv
link ccom+ibmsetup+ibmcom+ibmint+ibmlpt+commmsg,comm.drv,comm.map/map,libw /NOD /AL:16,comm.def
rc comm.rc comm.drv
mapsym comm
del comm.drv
del commmsg.obj