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subttl emwin.asm - Initialization and Termination for Windows
;emwin.asm - Initialization and Termination for Windows
; Copyright (c) 1987-89, Microsoft Corporation
; Initialization and Termination for Windows
; This Module contains Proprietary Information of Microsoft
; Corporation and should be treated as Confidential.
;Revision History:
; See emulator.hst
comment !
Windows/DOS interfaces to emulator/8087 functions
Certain emulator/8087 functions are performed by calling __fpmath
with an function code and arguments.
__fpmath general floating point math package interface used
by the emulator/8087 and float calls interfaces. This
is a far routine and must be far called.
bx = 0 initialize floating point math (program startup)
dx, ax, si input values ignored in WINDOWS emulator
ax = 0 if successful and using software floating point
1 if successful and using 8087
just terminates process if error
bx = 1 reset (FINIT) - finit ok even under WINDOWS;
typical usage will load control word afterward
so other tasks won't be hindered (as with _fpreset() call)
bx = 2 terminate floating point math (program termination)
bx = 3 set error signal address
dx:ax = segment:offset of user error handler
bx = 4 load user control word
(user should not use FLDCW instruction directly)
ax = user control word value
bx = 5 store user control word
ax = user control word value
bx = 6 truncate TOS to integer TOS
ax = user control word (only use round mode)
bx = 7 truncate TOS to 32-bit integer in DX:AX
ax = user control word (only use round mode)
bx = 8 store user status word
ax = user status word value
bx = 9 clear exceptions
bx = 10 return number of stack elements in ax
bx = 11 returns 1 if using 80x87, 0 if not
bx = 12 if ax = 0, turn off extended stack. if ax = 1, turn on e.s.
glb <functab>
functab label word
dw initialization ; 0 - initialize emulator/8087
dw reset ; 1 - reset emulator/8087 stack
dw termination ; 2 - terminate emulator/8087
dw setsignal ; 3 - set error signal address
dw loadcontrolword ; 4 - load user control word
dw storecontrolword ; 5 - store user control word
dw truncateTOS ; 6 - truncate TOS to integer TOS
dw truncateTOSto32int ; 7 - truncate TOS to integer in DX:AX
dw storestatusword ; 8 - store user status word
dw clearexceptions ; 9 - clear execeptions
dw NumStack ; 10 - report number of elements in stack
dw ReturnHave8087 ; 11 - report if using coprocessor
dw SetExtendedStack ; 12 - turn on or off extended stack
endfunc label word
SizeJmpTab equ 12
sEnd ecode
sBegin ecode
assumes cs, ecode
assumes ds, edata
public __fpmath
__fpmath proc far
cmp bx, SizeJmpTab
ja RetFPErr
shl bx, 1
push ds ; save DS
mov ds, cx
call functab[bx]
pop ds ; restore DS
or ax, -1
jmp EmuRet
__fpmath endp
subttl emwin.asm - Initialization and Termination
; ;
; Initialization and Termination ;
; ;
wastetime macro
push cx
mov cx,20 ;; wait for a short time
loop $
pop cx
; program initialization
; entry dx:ax = task data area (segment and size) for standalone
; si = DOS environment segment for NO87 lookup ???
; DX,AX,SI - ignored in WINDOWS case
; these register inputs are ignored for Windows app
; program-time initialization
pub initialization ; all initialization is done when loaded
ifdef WF
cmp [Installed],0
jnz @F
push 0
call AllocSelector
mov [wfSel], ax ; Error checking??
mov ax, __WINFLAGS
; int 3
test ax, WF_WIN386
jz wfSlow1
cmp [Have8087], 0
je wfSlow1
or [wfGoFast], 1 ; We can use fast if Enh Mode & FPU
inc [Installed] ; Installed will count number of apps
; using the emulator.
cmp [Have8087], 0 ; check for 8087/80287
je NoInstall87
extrn __FPINSTALL87:near
call __FPINSTALL87 ; set NMI (int 2) for this instance
call reset
xor ax, ax
ifdef standalone
mov di,offset BEGstk ; di = base of register stack
mov [BASstk],di ; initialize stack base
mov cx,Reg87Len ; cx = register length
xchg ax,dx ; ax = task data segment size
sub ax,di ; ax = number bytes for stack
cwd ; dx:ax = number of bytes
div cx ; ax = number of entries
mul cx ; ax = number of bytes
add ax,di ; ax = top of stack
sub ax,cx ; Leave room for one on overflow
mov [LIMstk],ax ; set top of stack
endif ;standalone
; check if floating point emulator/8087 already installed (device driver)
; load time initialization
pub LoadTimeInit
push di
push si
push ds
mov ds,ax
mov ax, __WINFLAGS
and ax, WF_80x87
cmp ax, WF_80x87
jz WinHave87
ifdef only87
jmp loadiniterrorret
jmp WinSet87
pub WinHave87
mov al,1
pub WinSet87
mov [Have8087],al
; real mode emulation and fixup on the fly vector setup
pub initvec
call SaveVectors
call SetVectors
pub loadinitfinish
; finish initialization
pub initfinish
mov [Installed], 0 ; Installed will count number of apps
call reset ; reset (0), FINIT if 8087 present and
; set up default control word
mov ax, 1 ; return non zero result
pub loadiniterrorret
pop ds
pop si
pop di
retf ; far return for dynalink lib entry pt.
;* DLL termination routine.
public WEP
WEP label far
push ds
push ax
push si
push di
mov ds,ax
call reset
call RestoreVectors
pop di
pop si
pop ax
pop ds
retf 2 ; WEP functions are called with a word paramater.
;------ program termination ----------------------------------------------------
pub termination
call reset ; reset chip for other apps
dec [Installed] ; if Installed is not 0, someone is
jnz termrealdone ; still using the emulator.
ifdef WF
xor ax, ax
xchg ax, [wfSel]
or ax, ax
jz @F
push ax
call FreeSelector
ifndef only87
cmp [Have8087],0 ; Non zero if 8087 chip exists
je termrealdone
endif ;only87
extrn __FPTERMINATE87:near ; reset NMI (int 2) for this instance
pub termrealdone
subttl emwin.asm - reset and clearexceptions
; ;
; Reset and Clearexceptions ;
; ;
pub reset
ifndef only87
cmp [Have8087],0 ; Nonzero if 8087 chip exists
endif ;only87
fwait ; Workaround for 80387 bug.
mov ax, [BASstk]
mov [CURstk], ax ; reset stack to bottom
mov ax, InitControlWord ; setup initial control word
call loadcontrolword
; fall into clearexceptions
pub clearexceptions
xor ax, ax
ifndef only87
cmp al, [Have8087] ; Nonzero if 8087 chip exists
endif ;only87
fclex ; clear exceptions
ifndef only87
mov [StatusWord], ax ; clear status word
endif ;only87
mov [UserStatusWord], ax ; clear exception status word
subttl emwin.asm - setsignal ---------------------------------
; ;
; Setsignal ;
; ;
pub setsignal
push ds
mov ds, dx ; set TSKINT to SignalAddress
mov dx, ax
mov ax, 25h*256 + TSKINT
pop ds
pub SaveVectors
mov cx, NUMVEC ; save old vectors under DOS 3
mov ax, 35h*256 + BEGINT ; get vector
mov di, offset oldvec ; di = old vector table
pub getvecs
inc ax
mov [di], bx ; save old vector
mov [di+2], es
add di, 4
loop getvecs
pub SetVectors
ifndef only87
mov dx, offset DStrap ; assume emulator
mov si, offset SOtrap
mov di, offset FWtrap
mov ax, __WINFLAGS ; if we are in PMODE & win386 increment all of
and ax, WF_PMODE or WF_WIN386 ; the handler address past the "sti".
cmp ax, WF_PMODE or WF_WIN386
jne NotPmode1
inc dx
inc si
inc di
lab NotPmode1
endif ;WINDOWS
cmp [Have8087], 0 ; are we using 8087 ?
jz SetEmVecs ; no - go ahead and set them
endif ;only87
mov dx, offset DSFixUpOnFly ; set up for fixup-on-the-fly
mov si, offset SOFixUpOnFly
mov di, offset FWFixUpOnFly
mov ax, __WINFLAGS ; if we are in PMODE & win386 increment all of
and ax, WF_PMODE or WF_WIN386 ; the handler address past the "sti".
cmp ax, WF_PMODE or WF_WIN386
jne NotPmode2
inc dx
inc si
inc di
lab NotPmode2
endif ;WINDOWS
pub SetEmVecs
push ds
push cs
pop ds
mov ax, 25h*256 + BEGINT
mov cx, 8 ; 8 vectors for DStrap
pub SetDSLoop
IntDOS ; set vector
inc ax ; bump to next one
loop SetDSLoop
mov dx, si ; set Segtrap
inc ax
mov dx, di ; set FWtrap
pop ds ; restore task data area
pub RestoreVectors
mov cx, NUMVEC
mov ax, 25h*256 + BEGINT ; Dos set vector.
mov di, offset oldvec ; di = old vector table
pub ResetVecLoop
push ds
lds dx, [di] ; get old vector value
pop ds
inc ax
add di,4
loop ResetVecLoop
pub NumStack ; returns the number of stack elements in ax
xor dx, dx ; dx will count nonzero elements
ifndef only87
cmp Have8087, 0
je CountEmulatorStack
endif ;only87
sub sp, 14 ; need 14 bytes for fstenv
mov bx, sp
fstenv ss:[bx]
fldcw ss:[bx] ; reset control word
mov ax, ss:[bx+4] ; put tag word in ax
add sp, 14 ; reset stack
mov cx, 8
pub NotEmptyLoop
mov bx, ax
shr ax, 1
shr ax, 1
and bx, 3
cmp bx, 3
je StackEntryEmpty
inc dx ; stack element was not empty
pub StackEntryEmpty
loop NotEmptyLoop
pub CountEmulatorStack
mov ax, CURstk
sub ax, BASstk
mov bl, Reg87Len
div bl
add ax, dx ; add elements on 80x87 stack
ReturnHave8087 proc near
mov al, [Have8087]
ReturnHave8087 endp
SetExtendedStack proc near
mov [ExtendStack], ax
SetExtendedStack endp
;int far pascal __Win87EmInfo( WinInfoStruct far * p, int cb );
; returns information about win87em.exe to CodeView
; WinInfoStruct far * p
; int cb - size of WinInfoStruct
; returns non zero if error.
parmD p
parmW cb
or ax, -1
cmp [cb], size WinInfoStruct
jb WIDone
mov ax, edataBASE
mov es, ax
assumes es, edata
lds bx, [p]
assumes ds, nothing
mov [bx.WI_Version], (major_ver shl 8) + minor_ver
mov [bx.WI_SizeSaveArea], Size80x87Area + edataOFFSET __fptaskdata
mov [bx.WI_WinDataSeg], es
mov [bx.WI_WinCodeSeg], cs
mov al, [Have8087]
mov [bx.WI_Have80x87], ax
assumes es, nothing
xor ax, ax ; return 0 if no error
mov [bx.WI_Unused], ax
;int far pascal __Win87EmSave( void far * p, int cb );
; saves win87em.exe info in p
; void far * p - pointer to save area.
; int cb - size of save area.
; returns non zero if error.
cProc __WIN87EMSAVE,<PUBLIC,FAR,PLM>,<ds,si,di>
parmD p
parmW cb
or ax, -1
cmp [cb], Size80x87Area + edataOFFSET __fptaskdata
jb WSDone
mov ax, edataBASE
mov ds, ax
assumes ds, edata
les di, [p]
assumes es, nothing
cmp [Have8087], 0
je NoSave80x87
fsave es:[di.WSA_Save80x87]
add di, (WSA_SaveEm - WSA_Save80x87)
xor si, si
mov cx, edataOFFSET __fptaskdata
shr cx, 1
rep movsw
jnc NoSaveLastByte
xor ax, ax ; return 0 if no error.
;int far pascal __Win87EmRestore( void far * p, int cb );
; retores win87em.exe info from p
; void far * p - pointer to save area.
; int cb - size of save area.
; returns non zero if error.
cProc __WIN87EMRESTORE,<PUBLIC,FAR,PLM>,<ds,si,di>
parmD p
parmW cb
or ax, -1
cmp [cb], Size80x87Area + edataOFFSET __fptaskdata
jb WRDone
mov ax, edataBASE
mov es, ax
assumes es, edata
lds si, [p]
assumes ds, nothing
add si, (WSA_SaveEm - WSA_Save80x87)
xor di, di
mov cx, edataOFFSET __fptaskdata
shr cx, 1
rep movsw
jnc NoRestoreLastByte
mov si, [OFF_p] ; reset source pointer.
cmp [Have8087], 0
je NoRestore80x87
frstor [si.WSA_Save80x87]
xor ax, ax ; return 0 if no error.
assumes ds, edata
assumes es, nothing