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Holds code that deals with the "Choose a modem" dialog needed when user has
multiple modems installed
Copyright (C) 1996-1998 Microsoft Corporation
All rights reserved
jmazner Jeremy Mazner
10/19/96 jmazner Created, cloned almost verbatim from
INETCFG's rnacall.cpp and export.cpp
1-9-98 donaldm Adapted from ICWCONN1
#include <windowsx.h>
#include "obcomglb.h"
#include "enumodem.h"
#include "rnaapi.h"
#include "util.h"
// from psheet.cpp
extern void ProcessDBCS(HWND hDlg, int ctlID);
NAME: CEnumModem::CEnumModem
SYNOPSIS: Constructor for class to enumerate modems
NOTES: Useful to have a class rather than C functions for
this, due to how the enumerators function
CEnumModem::CEnumModem() :
m_dwError(ERROR_SUCCESS), m_lpData(NULL),m_dwIndex(0)
DWORD cbSize = 0;
m_lpData = NULL;
NAME: CEnumModem::ReInit
SYNOPSIS: Re-enumerate the modems, freeing the old memory.
DWORD CEnumModem::ReInit()
DWORD cbSize = 0;
RNAAPI cRnaapi;
// Clean up the old list
if (m_lpData)
delete m_lpData;
m_lpData = NULL;
m_dwNumEntries = 0;
m_dwIndex = 0;
// call RasEnumDevices with no buffer to find out required buffer size
m_dwError = cRnaapi.RasEnumDevices(NULL, &cbSize, &m_dwNumEntries);
// Special case check to work around RNA bug where ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL
// is returned even if there are no devices.
// If there are no devices, we are finished.
if (0 == m_dwNumEntries)
m_dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
return m_dwError;
// Since we were just checking how much mem we needed, we expect
// a return value of ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL, or it may just return
// ERROR_SUCCESS (ChrisK 7/9/96).
if (ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL != m_dwError && ERROR_SUCCESS != m_dwError)
return m_dwError;
// Allocate the space for the data
m_lpData = (LPRASDEVINFO) new BYTE[cbSize];
if (NULL == m_lpData)
//TraceMsg(TF_GENERAL, L"ICWCONN1: CEnumModem: Failed to allocate device list buffer\n");
return m_dwError;
m_lpData->dwSize = sizeof(RASDEVINFO);
m_dwNumEntries = 0;
// enumerate the modems into buffer
m_dwError = cRnaapi.RasEnumDevices(m_lpData, &cbSize,
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != m_dwError)
return m_dwError;
// ChrisK Olympus 4560 do not include VPN's in the list
DWORD dwTempNumEntries;
DWORD idx;
LPRASDEVINFO lpNextValidDevice;
dwTempNumEntries = m_dwNumEntries;
lpNextValidDevice = m_lpData;
// Walk through the list of devices and copy non-VPN device to the first
// available element of the array.
for (idx = 0;idx < dwTempNumEntries; idx++)
TRACE2(L"Modem device %s %s",
m_lpData[idx].szDeviceType, m_lpData[idx].szDeviceName);
if ((0 == lstrcmpi(RASDT_Modem, m_lpData[idx].szDeviceType)) ||
(0 == lstrcmpi(RASDT_Isdn, m_lpData[idx].szDeviceType)) ||
(0 == lstrcmpi(RASDT_PPPoE, m_lpData[idx].szDeviceType)) ||
(0 == lstrcmpi(RASDT_Atm, m_lpData[idx].szDeviceType)))
if (lpNextValidDevice != &m_lpData[idx])
MoveMemory(lpNextValidDevice , &m_lpData[idx],sizeof(RASDEVINFO));
return m_dwError;
NAME: CEnumModem::~CEnumModem
SYNOPSIS: Destructor for class
if (m_lpData)
delete m_lpData;
m_lpData = NULL;
NAME: CEnumModem::Next
SYNOPSIS: Enumerates next modem
EXIT: Returns a pointer to device info structure. Returns
NULL if no more modems or error occurred. Call GetError
to determine if error occurred.
WCHAR * CEnumModem::Next()
if (m_dwIndex < m_dwNumEntries)
return m_lpData[m_dwIndex++].szDeviceName;
return NULL;
NAME: CEnumModem::GetDeviceTypeFromName
SYNOPSIS: Returns type string for specified device.
EXIT: Returns a pointer to device type string for first
device name that matches. Returns
NULL if no device with specified name is found
WCHAR * CEnumModem::GetDeviceTypeFromName(LPWSTR szDeviceName)
DWORD dwIndex = 0;
while (dwIndex < m_dwNumEntries)
if (!lstrcmpi(m_lpData[dwIndex].szDeviceName, szDeviceName))
return m_lpData[dwIndex].szDeviceType;
return NULL;
NAME: CEnumModem::GetDeviceNameFromType
SYNOPSIS: Returns type string for specified device.
EXIT: Returns a pointer to device name string for first
device type that matches. Returns
NULL if no device with specified Type is found
WCHAR * CEnumModem::GetDeviceNameFromType(LPWSTR szDeviceType)
DWORD dwIndex = 0;
while (dwIndex < m_dwNumEntries)
if (!lstrcmpi(m_lpData[dwIndex].szDeviceType, szDeviceType))
return m_lpData[dwIndex].szDeviceName;
return NULL;
NAME: CEnumModem::GetDeviceName
SYNOPSIS: Returns the device name or type for the selected device.
ONLY call this function after calling ReInit to initialize
the device list. The device index is relative to the
current copy of the device list.
EXIT: Returns a pointer to the device name or type.
donsc - 3/11/98
Added this function because we need to be able to select a device
from the list.
WCHAR * CEnumModem::GetDeviceName(DWORD dwIndex)
return NULL;
return m_lpData[dwIndex].szDeviceName;
WCHAR * CEnumModem::GetDeviceType(DWORD dwIndex)
return NULL;
return m_lpData[dwIndex].szDeviceType;
NAME: CEnumModem::VerifyDeviceNameAndType
SYNOPSIS: Determines whether there is a device with the name
and type given.
EXIT: Returns TRUE if the specified device was found,
FALSE otherwise.
BOOL CEnumModem::VerifyDeviceNameAndType(LPWSTR szDeviceName, LPWSTR szDeviceType)
DWORD dwIndex = 0;
while (dwIndex < m_dwNumEntries)
if (!lstrcmpi(m_lpData[dwIndex].szDeviceType, szDeviceType) &&
!lstrcmpi(m_lpData[dwIndex].szDeviceName, szDeviceName))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;