Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1999
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String API source file for generic APIs used in the OPK Wizard.
4/99 - Jason Cohen (JCOHEN)
Added this new source file for the OPK Wizard as part of the
Millennium rewrite.
7/00 - Brian Ku (BRIANK)
Added to Whistler
// Include file(s)
#include <pch.h>
#include <tchar.h>
// Internal Defined Value(s):
#define NULLCHR _T('\0')
// External Function(s):
LPTSTR // Returns a pointer to the first occurance of a
// character in a string, or NULL if the
// character isn't found.
StrChr( // Searches a string for a particular character.
LPCTSTR lpString, // Points to a string buffer to search.
TCHAR cSearch // Character to search for.
#ifndef _INC_SHLWAPI
LPTSTR StrChr(LPCTSTR lpString, TCHAR cSearch)
// Validate the parameters passed in.
if ( ( lpString == NULL ) || ( *lpString == NULLCHR ) )
return NULL;
// Go through the string until the character is found,
// or we hit the null terminator.
while ( ( *lpString != cSearch ) && ( *(lpString = CharNext(lpString)) ) );
// If we didn't find it, null the pointer out.
if ( *lpString != cSearch )
lpString = NULL;
// Return either null or a pointer to the found character.
return (LPTSTR) lpString;
LPTSTR // Returns a pointer to the last occurance of a
// character in a string, or NULL if the
// character isn't found.
StrRChr( // Searches a string for a particular character.
LPCTSTR lpString, // Points to a string buffer to search.
TCHAR cSearch // Character to search for.
LPTSTR StrRChr(LPCTSTR lpString, TCHAR cSearch)
LPTSTR lpSearch;
// Validate the parameters passed in.
if ( ( lpString == NULL ) || ( *lpString == NULLCHR ) )
return NULL;
// Go back through the string until the character is found,
// or we hit the begining of the string.
for ( lpSearch = (LPTSTR) lpString + lstrlen(lpString);
( lpSearch > lpString ) && ( *lpSearch != cSearch );
lpSearch = CharPrev(lpString, lpSearch));
// If we didn't find it, null the pointer out.
if ( *lpSearch != cSearch )
lpSearch = NULL;
// Return either null or a pointer to the found character.
return (LPTSTR) lpSearch;
#endif // _INC_SHLWAPI
LPTSTR // Returns a pointer to the string buffer passed
// in.
StrRem( // Searches a string for a particular character
// and removes that character from the string in
// place.
LPCTSTR lpString, // Points to a string buffer to search and remove
// the characters from.
TCHAR cRemove // Character to search for and remove.
LPTSTR StrRem(LPTSTR lpString, TCHAR cRemove)
LPTSTR lpSearch;
// Validate the parameters passed in.
if ( ( lpString == NULL ) || ( *lpString == NULLCHR ) || ( cRemove == NULLCHR ) )
return lpString;
// Search the string for the character we want to remove.
// Everytime we find it, shift the string over a character
// to remove it.
for ( lpSearch = StrChr(lpString, cRemove); lpSearch; lpSearch = StrChr(lpSearch, cRemove) )
lstrcpy(lpSearch, lpSearch + 1);
// Return the pointer to the string passed in.
return lpString;
LPTSTR // Returns a pointer to the string buffer passed
// in.
StrRTrm( // Searches a string for a particular ending
// character, and removes all of them from the
// ending of the string.
LPCTSTR lpString, // Points to a string buffer to search and remove
// the characters from.
TCHAR cTrim // Character to search for and remove.
LPTSTR StrRTrm(LPTSTR lpString, TCHAR cTrim)
// Validate the parameters passed in.
if ( ( lpString == NULL ) || ( *lpString == NULLCHR ) || ( cTrim == NULLCHR ) )
return lpString;
// Null out the end of the string minus
// the chacters we are trimming.
for ( lpEnd = lpString + lstrlen(lpString); (lpEnd > lpString) && (*CharPrev(lpString, lpEnd) == cTrim); lpEnd = CharPrev(lpString, lpEnd) );
*lpEnd = NULLCHR;
return lpString;
LPTSTR // Returns a pointer to the string buffer passed
// in.
StrTrm( // Searches a string for a particular proceeding
// and ending character, and removes all of them
// from the beginning and ending of the string.
LPCTSTR lpString, // Points to a string buffer to search and remove
// the characters from.
TCHAR cTrim // Character to search for and remove.
LPTSTR StrTrm(LPTSTR lpString, TCHAR cTrim)
LPTSTR lpBegin;
// Validate the parameters passed in.
if ( ( lpString == NULL ) || ( *lpString == NULLCHR ) || ( cTrim == NULLCHR ) )
return lpString;
// Get a pointer to the begining of the string
// minus the characters we are trimming.
for ( lpBegin = lpString; *lpBegin == cTrim; lpBegin = CharNext(lpBegin) );
// Make sure we didn't hit the null terminator.
if ( *lpBegin == NULLCHR )
*lpString = NULLCHR;
return lpString;
// Null out the end of the string minus
// the chacters we are trimming.
StrRTrm(lpBegin, cTrim);
// Now we may need to move the string to the beginning
// of the buffer if we trimmed of proceeding characters.
if ( lpBegin > lpString )
lstrcpy(lpString, lpBegin);
return lpString;
LPTSTR // Returns a pointer to the string a character in
// the string passed in.
StrMov( // Moves a pointer forward or backward the number
// of characters passed in.
LPCTSTR lpStart, // Pointer to the begining of the string buffer.
// This may only be NULL if nCount is positive.
LPCTSTR lpCurrent, // Pointer to a character in the null-terminated
// string.
INT nCount // Number of characters to move the pointer,
// forward if it is a positive value, backward
// if it is negative.
LPTSTR StrMov(LPTSTR lpStart, LPTSTR lpCurrent, INT nCount)
// Validate the parameters.
if ( ( lpCurrent == NULL ) ||
( ( lpStart == NULL ) && ( nCount < 0 ) ) )
return lpCurrent;
// Loop throuh until we don't need to move the pointer anymore.
while ( nCount != 0 )
// Check to see if we are moving forward or backward.
if ( nCount > 0 )
// Move the pointer forward one character.
lpCurrent = CharNext(lpCurrent);
// Move the pointer backward one character.
lpCurrent = CharPrev(lpStart, lpCurrent);
// Return the pointer to the new position.
return lpCurrent;