111 lines
2.6 KiB
111 lines
2.6 KiB
Microsoft Confidential
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1999
All rights reserved
Contains common macros, defined values, and other stuff I use all the
1/98 - Jason Cohen (JCOHEN)
Originally created as a helper header file for all my projects.
4/99 - Jason Cohen (JCOHEN)
Added this new header file for the OPK Wizard as part of the
Millennium rewrite.
09/2000 - Stephen Lodwick (STELO)
Ported OPK Wizard to Whistler
#ifndef _JCOHEN_H_
#define _JCOHEN_H_
// Include files
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#ifdef NULLSTR
#undef NULLSTR
#endif // NULLSTR
#define NULLSTR _T("\0")
#ifdef NULLCHR
#undef NULLCHR
#endif // NULLCHR
#define NULLCHR _T('\0')
// Macros.
// Memory managing macros.
#ifdef MALLOC
#undef MALLOC
#endif // MALLOC
#define MALLOC(cb) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, cb)
#ifdef REALLOC
#undef REALLOC
#endif // REALLOC
#define REALLOC(lp, cb) HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, lp, cb)
#ifdef FREE
#undef FREE
#endif // FREE
#define FREE(lp) ( (lp != NULL) ? ( (HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, (LPVOID) lp)) ? ((lp = NULL) == NULL) : (FALSE) ) : (FALSE) )
#ifdef NETFREE
#undef NETFREE
#endif // NETFREE
#define NETFREE(lp) ( (lp != NULL) ? ( (NetApiBufferFree((LPVOID) lp)) ? ((lp = NULL) == NULL) : (FALSE) ) : (FALSE) )
// Misc. macros.
#ifdef EXIST
#undef EXIST
#endif // EXIST
#define EXIST(lpFileName) ( (GetFileAttributes(lpFileName) == 0xFFFFFFFF) ? (FALSE) : (TRUE) )
#ifdef ISNUM
#undef ISNUM
#endif // ISNUM
#define ISNUM(cChar) ( ((cChar >= _T('0')) && (cChar <= _T('9'))) ? (TRUE) : (FALSE) )
#ifdef UPPER
#undef UPPER
#endif // UPPER
#define UPPER(x) ( ( (x >= _T('a')) && (x <= _T('z')) ) ? (x + _T('A') - _T('a')) : (x) )
#ifdef RANDOM
#undef RANDOM
#endif // RANDOM
#define RANDOM(low, high) ( (high - low + 1) ? (rand() % (high - low + 1) + low) : (0) )
#ifdef COMP
#undef COMP
#endif // COMP
#define COMP(x, y) ( (UPPER(x) == UPPER(y)) ? (TRUE) : (FALSE) )
#ifdef STRSIZE
#undef STRSIZE
#endif // STRSIZE
#define STRSIZE(sz) ( sizeof(sz) / sizeof(TCHAR) )
#endif // ARRAYSIZE
#define ARRAYSIZE(a) ( sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]) )
#endif // _JCOHEN_H_