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// File:
// oaholder.cpp
// Contents:
// COAHolder, a concrete implementation of IOleAdviseHolder,
// a helper class
// Classes:
// COAHolder
// Functions:
// CreateOleAdviseHolder
// History:
// 31-Jan-95 t-ScottH added _DEBUG only Dump method to the
// COAHolder class and a DumpCOAHolder
// API
// 03/10/94 - RickSa - added call logging and fixed bugs with
// inserting advises
// 01/24/94 - AlexGo - first pass at converting to Cairo style
// memory allocation
// 01/11/93 - AlexGo - added VDATEHEAP macros to all functions
// and methods
// 11/22/93 - ChrisWe - replace overloaded ==, != with
// IsEqualIID and IsEqualCLSID
// 10/28/93 - ChrisWe - file cleanup and inspection for Cairo
#include <le2int.h>
#include <oaholder.h>
#include <limits.h>
#ifdef _DEBUG
#include <dbgdump.h>
#endif // _DEBUG
#pragma SEG(oaholder)
// Function:
// CreateDataAdviseHolder, public API
// Synopsis:
// Creates an instance of the COAHolder
// Arguments:
// [ppOAHolder] -- place to return pointer to newly allocated
// advise holder
// Returns:
// E_INVALIDARG, if ppOAHolder is NULL
// Notes:
// History:
// 10/28/93 - ChrisWe - file cleanup and inspection
#pragma SEG(CreateOleAdviseHolder)
STDAPI CreateOleAdviseHolder(IOleAdviseHolder FAR* FAR* ppOAHolder)
OLETRACEIN((API_CreateOleAdviseHolder, PARAMFMT("ppOAHolder= %p"), ppOAHolder));
VDATEPTROUT_LABEL(ppOAHolder, IOleAdviseHolder FAR* FAR*, errRtn, hr);
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p _IN CreateOleAdviseHolder ( %p )"
"\n", NULL, ppOAHolder));
*ppOAHolder = new FAR COAHolder(); // task memory; hard coded below
hr = *ppOAHolder
? NOERROR : ReportResult(0, E_OUTOFMEMORY, 0, 0);
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p OUT CreateOleAdviseHolder ( %lx )\n",
"[ %p ]\n", NULL, hr, *ppOAHolder));
(IUnknown **)ppOAHolder);
OLETRACEOUT((API_CreateOleAdviseHolder, hr));
return hr;
// Member:
// COAHolder::COAHolder, public
// Synopsis:
// Initializes COAHolder
// Effects:
// Sets reference count to 1
// Arguments:
// none
// Notes:
// History:
// 10/28/93 - ChrisWe - file cleanup and inspection
#pragma SEG(COAHolder_ctor)
COAHolder::COAHolder() : CSafeRefCount(NULL)
// set reference count to 1
// no sink pointers yet
m_iSize = 0;
m_ppIAS = NULL;
// Member:
// COAHolder::~COAHolder, private
// Synopsis:
// destructor, frees managed advise sinks
// Arguments:
// none
// Requires:
// Notes:
// History:
// 10/28/93 - ChrisWe - file inspection and cleanup
#pragma SEG(COAHolder_dtor)
int iAdv;
IAdviseSink FAR *FAR *ppIAS;
// free the array, if there is one
if (m_ppIAS)
// walk the array of advise sinks, freeing things
for (ppIAS = m_ppIAS, iAdv = 0; iAdv < m_iSize; ++ppIAS, ++iAdv)
SafeReleaseAndNULL((IUnknown **)ppIAS);
// free the array
// Member:
// COAHolder::QueryInterface, public
// Synopsis:
// implements IUnknown::QueryInterface
// Arguments:
// [iid] -- the interface pointer desired
// [ppv] -- pointer to where to return the requested interface
// pointer
// Returns:
// E_NOINTERFACE, if requested interface not available
// S_OK
// Notes:
// History:
// 10/28/93 - ChrisWe - file inspection and cleanup
#pragma SEG(COAHolder_QueryInterface)
STDMETHODIMP COAHolder::QueryInterface(REFIID iid, LPVOID FAR* ppv)
"%p _IN COAHolder::QueryInterface ( %p , %p )"
"\n", this, iid, ppv));
HRESULT hr = ReportResult(0, E_NOINTERFACE, 0, 0);
if (IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IUnknown) ||
IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IOleAdviseHolder))
*ppv = (IOleAdviseHolder FAR *)this;
*ppv = NULL;
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p OUT COAHolder::QueryInterface ( %lx )"
" [ %p ]\n", this, hr, *ppv));
return hr;
// Member:
// COAHolder::AddRef, public
// Synopsis:
// implements IUnknown::AddRef
// Arguments:
// none
// Notes:
// History:
// 10/28/93 - ChrisWe - file inspection and cleanup
#pragma SEG(COAHolder_AddRef)
ULONG cRefs;
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p _IN COAHolder::AddRef ( )\n", this));
cRefs = SafeAddRef();
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p OUT COAHolder::AddRef ( %lu )\n", this,
return cRefs;
// Member:
// COAHolder::Release, public
// Synopsis:
// implements IUnknown::Release
// Arguments:
// none
// Notes:
// History:
// 10/28/93 - ChrisWe - file inspection and cleanup
#pragma SEG(COAHolder_Release)
ULONG cRefs;
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p _IN COAHolder::Release ( )\n", this ));
cRefs = SafeRelease();
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p OUT COAHolder::Release ( %lu )\n", this,
return cRefs;
// Member:
// COAHolder::Advise, public
// Synopsis:
// implements IOleAdviseHolder::Advise
// Effects:
// Adds the newly specified advise sink the the list of
// advisees that will be notified when a change is indicated
// via other IOleAdviseHolder methods on this object
// Arguments:
// [pAdvSink] -- the new advise sink to add the the list
// [pdwConnection] -- pointer to a DWORD where an identifier will
// be returned that can be used to identify this sink
// later
// Returns:
// Notes:
// History:
// 10/28/93 - ChrisWe - file inspection and cleanup
// 03/15/94 - AlexT Zero out new space after a realloc
// 08/02/94 - AlexGo - stabilized
#pragma SEG(COAHolder_Advise)
STDMETHODIMP COAHolder::Advise(IAdviseSink FAR* pAdvSink,
DWORD FAR* pdwConnection)
int iAdv; // records the first free entry found, or (-1)
int iAdvScan; // counts across array entries
IAdviseSink FAR *FAR *ppIAS; // points at the array entry being examined
IAdviseSink FAR *pIAS; // the actual entry at *ppIAS
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p _IN COAHolder::Advise ( %p , %p )"
"\n", this, pAdvSink, pdwConnection));
// Validate where to return the connection.
if (pdwConnection)
VDATEPTRIN(pdwConnection, DWORD);
// Default to error case
*pdwConnection = 0;
// check our zombie state and stabilize. If we are in a zombie
// state, we do not want to be adding new advise sinks.
CStabilize stabilize((CSafeRefCount *)this);
if( IsZombie() )
hr = ResultFromScode(CO_E_RELEASED);
goto errRtn;
// find an empty slot and clean up disconnected handlers
for (iAdv = (-1), ppIAS = m_ppIAS, iAdvScan = 0;
iAdvScan < m_iSize; ++ppIAS, ++iAdvScan)
if ((pIAS = *ppIAS) == NULL)
// NULL entries are handled below, to catch
// any of the below cases creating new NULL values
else if (!IsValidInterface(pIAS))
// not valid; don't try to release
*ppIAS = NULL;
else if (!CoIsHandlerConnected(pIAS))
// advise sink not connected to server anymore; release
// REVIEW, why do we have to constantly poll these
// to see if they are ok?
*ppIAS = NULL;
// if first NULL, save rather than extend array
if ((*ppIAS == NULL) && (iAdv == (-1)))
iAdv = iAdvScan;
// if we didn't find an empty slot, we have to add space
if (iAdv == (-1))
ppIAS = (IAdviseSink FAR * FAR *)PubMemRealloc(m_ppIAS,
sizeof(IAdviseSink FAR *)*(m_iSize + COAHOLDER_GROWBY));
if (ppIAS != NULL)
// zero out new space
_xmemset((void FAR *) (ppIAS + m_iSize), 0,
sizeof(IAdviseSink *) * COAHOLDER_GROWBY);
// this is the index of the new element to use
iAdv = m_iSize;
// replace the old array
m_ppIAS = ppIAS;
// quit if there was an error
hr = ReportResult(0, E_OUTOFMEMORY, 0, 0);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// if we get here, iAdv is the element to use; if the addition
// was not possible, function would have returned before now
m_ppIAS[iAdv] = pAdvSink;
// if user wants cookie back, return it
if (pdwConnection)
// NOTE: this +1 is balanced by -1 in Unadvise()
*pdwConnection = iAdv + 1;
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p OUT COAHolder::Advise ( %lx )"
" [ %p ]\n", this, hr,
(pdwConnection)? *pdwConnection : 0));
return hr;
// Member:
// COAHolder::Unadvise, public
// Synopsis:
// implementat IOleAdviseHolder::Unadvise
// Effects:
// removes the specified advise sink from the list of sinks that
// are notified when other IOleAdviseHolder methods are used on
// this
// Arguments:
// [dwConnection] -- The token that identifies the connection;
// this would have been obtained previously from a
// call to Advise()
// Returns:
// OLE_E_NOCONNECTION, if the connection token is invalid
// S_OK
// Notes: We do not have to stabilize this call since the only
// outgoing call is the Release at the end
// History:
// 10/28/93 - ChrisWe - file inspection and cleanup
#pragma SEG(COAHolder_Unadvise)
STDMETHODIMP COAHolder::Unadvise(DWORD dwConnection)
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p _IN COAHolder::Unadvise ( %lu )"
"\n", this, dwConnection));
IAdviseSink FAR* pAdvSink; // the requested advise sink, if there is one
int iAdv = (int)dwConnection - 1; // adjust connection index
// check that the connection token is valid, and if so, check that
// there is a connection for it
if (((LONG)dwConnection <= 0)
|| (iAdv >= m_iSize)
|| ((LONG)dwConnection > INT_MAX)
|| ((pAdvSink = m_ppIAS[iAdv]) == NULL)
|| !IsValidInterface(pAdvSink))
hr = ReportResult(0, OLE_E_NOCONNECTION, 0, 0);
// remove the advise sink from the array
m_ppIAS[iAdv] = NULL;
// release the advise sink; NB, due to circular references, this
// may release this advise holder--[this] may not be valid on
// return!
// NB!! If any outgoing calls are added, this function will have
// to be stabilized
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p OUT COAHolder::Unadvise ( %lx )"
" \n", this, hr));
return hr;
// Member:
// COAHolder::EnumAdvise, public
// Synopsis:
// implements IOleAdviseHolder::EnumAdvise()
// Effects:
// returns an enumerator
// Arguments:
// [ppenumAdvise] -- pointer to where to return a pointer to
// an enumerator
// Returns:
// Notes:
// currently not implemented.
// History:
// 10/28/93 - ChrisWe - file inspection and cleanup
#pragma SEG(COAHolder_EnumAdvise)
STDMETHODIMP COAHolder::EnumAdvise(IEnumSTATDATA FAR* FAR* ppenumAdvise)
// This is currently not implemented
HRESULT hr = ReportResult(0, E_NOTIMPL, 0, 0);
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p _IN COAHolder::EnumAdvise ( )"
"\n", this));
*ppenumAdvise = NULL;
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p OUT COAHolder::EnumAdvise ( %lx )"
"[ %p ]\n", this, hr, *ppenumAdvise));
return hr;
// Member:
// COAHolder::SendOnRename(), public
// Synopsis:
// Multicast the OnRename OLE compound document notification,
// to all interested parties
// Arguments:
// [pmk] -- the new name of the object
// Returns:
// S_OK
// Notes:
// This may release the advise holder, since some objects may
// Unadvise() themselves at the time they receive this
// notification. To prevent the multicasting code from crashing,
// the multicast loop is bracketed with AddRef()/Release(). Note
// that the bracketing Release() may release the advise holder,
// at which point [this] may no longer be valid.
// In a similar vein, other parties may add new Advise sinks
// during these notifications. To avoid getting caught in
// an infinite loop, we copy the number of advise sinks at the
// beginning of the function, and do not refer to the current
// number. If some parties are removed, and re-added, they may
// be notified more than once, if they happen to be moved to
// a later spot in the array of advise sinks.
// REVIEW, copied this comment from previous stuff, and it
// sounds BOGUS. Since new entries are always put in the first
// empty slot, the current number always has to settle down,
// and won't grow without bound, unless some bogus app is
// continually registering itself when it gets a notification
// History:
// 10/28/93 - ChrisWe - file inspection and cleanup
#pragma SEG(COAHolder_SendOnRename)
STDMETHODIMP COAHolder::SendOnRename(IMoniker FAR* pmk)
int iAdvLim = m_iSize; // copy the current number of sink entries
int iAdv;
IAdviseSink FAR *FAR *ppIAS;
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p _IN COAHolder::SendOnRename ( %p )"
"\n", this, pmk));
// protect the COAHolder
CStabilize stabilize((CSafeRefCount *)this);
for (ppIAS = m_ppIAS, iAdv = 0; iAdv < iAdvLim; ++ppIAS, ++iAdv)
if (*ppIAS != NULL)
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p OUT COAHolder::SendOnRename ( %lx )"
" \n", this, hr));
return hr;
// Member:
// COAHolder::SendOnSave(), public
// Synopsis:
// Multicast the OnSave OLE compound document notification,
// to all interested parties
// Arguments:
// none
// Returns:
// S_OK
// Notes:
// See notes for COAHolder::SendOnRename().
// History:
// 10/28/93 - ChrisWe - file inspection and cleanup
#pragma SEG(COAHolder_SendOnSave)
STDMETHODIMP COAHolder::SendOnSave(void)
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p _IN COAHolder::SendOnSave ( )"
"\n", this ));
int iAdvLim = m_iSize; // copy the current number of sink entries
int iAdv;
IAdviseSink FAR *FAR *ppIAS;
// protect the COAHolder
CStabilize stabilize((CSafeRefCount *)this);
for (ppIAS = m_ppIAS, iAdv = 0; iAdv < iAdvLim; ++ppIAS, ++iAdv)
if (*ppIAS != NULL)
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p OUT COAHolder::SendOnSave ( %lx )"
" \n", this, hr));
return hr;
// Member:
// COAHolder::SendOnClose(), public
// Synopsis:
// Multicast the OnClose OLE compound document notification,
// to all interested parties
// Arguments:
// none
// Returns:
// S_OK
// Notes:
// See notes for COAHolder::SendOnRename().
// History:
// 10/28/93 - ChrisWe - file inspection and cleanup
#pragma SEG(COAHolder_SendOnClose)
STDMETHODIMP COAHolder::SendOnClose(void)
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p _IN COAHolder::SendOnClose ( )"
"\n", this));
int iAdvLim = m_iSize; // copy the current number of sink entries
int iAdv;
IAdviseSink FAR *FAR *ppIAS;
// protect the COAHolder
CStabilize stabilize((CSafeRefCount *)this);
for (ppIAS = m_ppIAS, iAdv = 0; iAdv < iAdvLim; ++ppIAS, ++iAdv)
if (*ppIAS != NULL)
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p OUT COAHolder::SendOnClose ( %lx )"
" \n", this, hr));
return hr;
// Member:
// COAHolder::SendOnLinkSrcChange, public
// Synopsis:
// Multicasts IAdviseSink2::OnLinkSrcChange notification to any
// advise sinks managed by the COAHolder that provide the
// IAdviseSink2 interface
// Arguments:
// [pmk] -- the new moniker to the link source
// Returns:
// S_OK
// Notes:
// History:
// 12/31/93 - ChrisWe - fixed assert
// 11/01/93 - ChrisWe - made a member of COAHolder
// 10/28/93 - ChrisWe - file inspection and cleanup
#pragma SEG(COAHolder_SendOnLinkSrcChange)
HRESULT COAHolder::SendOnLinkSrcChange(IMoniker FAR* pmk)
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p _IN COAHolder::SendOnLinkSrcChange ( %p )"
"\n", this, pmk));
int iAdvLim = m_iSize; // records the number of entries at start
int iAdv; // counts entries
IAdviseSink FAR *FAR *ppIAS; // walks over the array of advise sinks
// protect this from being released through circular references
CStabilize stabilize((CSafeRefCount *)this);
// multicast notification
for (ppIAS = m_ppIAS, iAdv = 0; iAdv < iAdvLim; ++ppIAS, ++iAdv)
IAdviseSink FAR* pAdvSink;
IAdviseSink2 FAR* pAdvSink2;
// REVIEW, this seems to require that the number of
// advisees can only stay the same, or increase. Why should
// we care?
Assert(iAdvLim <= m_iSize);
// get pointer to current advise sink
pAdvSink = *ppIAS;
// if we have an advise sink, and it accepts IAdviseSink2
// notifications, send one
if ((pAdvSink != NULL) &&
(LPVOID FAR*)&pAdvSink2) == NOERROR)
LEDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "%p OUT COAHolder::SendOnLinkSrcChange ( %lx )"
" \n", this, hr));
return hr;
// Member: COAHolder::Dump, public (_DEBUG only)
// Synopsis: return a string containing the contents of the data members
// Effects:
// Arguments: [ppszDump] - an out pointer to a null terminated character array
// [ulFlag] - flag determining prefix of all newlines of the
// out character array (default is 0 - no prefix)
// [nIndentLevel] - will add a indent prefix after the other prefix
// for ALL newlines (including those with no prefix)
// Requires:
// Returns: HRESULT
// Signals:
// Modifies: [ppszDump] - argument
// Derivation:
// Algorithm: use dbgstream to create a string containing information on the
// content of data structures
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 31-Jan-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
#ifdef _DEBUG
HRESULT COAHolder::Dump(char **ppszDump, ULONG ulFlag, int nIndentLevel)
int i;
char *pszPrefix;
char *pszCSafeRefCount;
dbgstream dstrPrefix;
dbgstream dstrDump;
// determine prefix of newlines
if ( ulFlag & DEB_VERBOSE )
dstrPrefix << this << " _VB ";
// determine indentation prefix for all newlines
for (i = 0; i < nIndentLevel; i++)
dstrPrefix << DUMPTAB;
pszPrefix = dstrPrefix.str();
// put data members in stream
dstrDump << pszPrefix << "No. of Advise Sinks = " << m_iSize << endl;
for (i = 0; i < m_iSize; i++)
dstrDump << pszPrefix << "pIAdviseSink [" << i << "] = " << m_ppIAS[i] << endl;
// cleanup and provide pointer to character array
*ppszDump = dstrDump.str();
if (*ppszDump == NULL)
*ppszDump = UtDupStringA(szDumpErrorMessage);
return NOERROR;
#endif // _DEBUG
// Function: DumpCOAHolder, public (_DEBUG only)
// Synopsis: calls the COAHolder::Dump method, takes care of errors and
// returns the zero terminated string
// Effects:
// Arguments: [pESD] - pointer to COAHolder
// [ulFlag] - flag determining prefix of all newlines of the
// out character array (default is 0 - no prefix)
// [nIndentLevel] - will add a indent prefix after the other prefix
// for ALL newlines (including those with no prefix)
// Requires:
// Returns: character array of structure dump or error (null terminated)
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 20-Jan-95 t-ScottH author
// Notes:
#ifdef _DEBUG
char *DumpCOAHolder(COAHolder *pOAH, ULONG ulFlag, int nIndentLevel)
HRESULT hresult;
char *pszDump;
if (pOAH == NULL)
return UtDupStringA(szDumpBadPtr);
hresult = pOAH->Dump(&pszDump, ulFlag, nIndentLevel);
if (hresult != NOERROR)
return DumpHRESULT(hresult);
return pszDump;
#endif // _DEBUG