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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1996.
// File: ido.cpp
// Contents: Special data object implementation to optimize drag/drop
// Classes: CDragDataObject
// Functions: CreateDragDataObject
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 30-Sep-94 ricksa Created
// Notes:
#include <le2int.h>
#include <utils.h>
#include <dragopt.h>
#include <clipdata.h>
// Format for name of shared memory
OLECHAR szSharedMemoryTemplate[] = OLESTR("DragDrop%lx");
// Maximum size of string for name of shared memory. This is the size of the
// template plus the maximum number of hex digits in a long.
const int DRAG_SM_NAME_MAX = sizeof(szSharedMemoryTemplate)
+ sizeof(DWORD) * 2;
// Useful function for getting an enumerator
HRESULT wGetEnumFormatEtc(
IDataObject *pDataObj,
DWORD dwDirection,
IEnumFORMATETC **ppIEnum);
// Class: CDragDataObject
// Purpose: Server side data object for drag that creates enumerator
// for shared formats.
// Interface: QueryInterface
// AddRef
// Release
// GetData
// GetDataHere
// QueryGetData
// GetCanonicalFormatEtc
// SetData
// EnumFormatEtc
// DAdvise
// DUnadvise
// EnumDAdvise
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 30-Sep-94 Ricksa Created
// Notes: This class only exists for return the enumerator. For
// all other operations it will simply pass the operation on
// to the real data object.
class CDragDataObject : public IDataObject, public CPrivAlloc
void *pvMarshaledDataObject,
DWORD dwSmId);
// IUnknown
STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(
REFIID riid,
void **ppvObject);
// IDataObject
FORMATETC *pformatetcIn,
STGMEDIUM *pmedium);
FORMATETC *pformatetc,
STGMEDIUM *pmedium);
FORMATETC *pformatetc);
STDMETHODIMP GetCanonicalFormatEtc(
FORMATETC *pformatectIn,
FORMATETC *pformatetcOut);
FORMATETC *pformatetc,
STGMEDIUM *pmedium,
BOOL fRelease);
DWORD dwDirection,
IEnumFORMATETC **ppenumFormatEtc);
FORMATETC *pformatetc,
DWORD advf,
IAdviseSink *pAdvSink,
DWORD *pdwConnection);
STDMETHODIMP DUnadvise(DWORD dwConnection);
STDMETHODIMP EnumDAdvise(IEnumSTATDATA **ppenumAdvise);
IDataObject * GetRealDataObjPtr(void);
HRESULT GetFormatEtcDataArray(void);
ULONG _cRefs;
void * _pvMarshaledDataObject;
IDataObject * _pIDataObject;
DWORD _dwSmId;
// Member: CDragDataObject::CDragDataObject
// Synopsis: Create server side object for drag
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 30-Sep-94 Ricksa Created
CDragDataObject::CDragDataObject(void *pvMarshaledDataObject, DWORD dwSmId)
: _cRefs(1), _pvMarshaledDataObject(pvMarshaledDataObject), _dwSmId(dwSmId),
_pIDataObject(NULL), m_pFormatEtcDataArray(NULL)
// Header does all the work
// Member: CDragDataObject::~CDragDataObject
// Synopsis: Free any resources connected with this object
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 30-Sep-94 Ricksa Created
// Note:
// Release held pointer since we no longer need it.
if (_pIDataObject)
// this memory was allocated in RemPrivDragDrop, getif.cxx
if( _pvMarshaledDataObject )
if (m_pFormatEtcDataArray)
if (0 == --m_pFormatEtcDataArray->_cRefs)
m_pFormatEtcDataArray = NULL;
// Member: CDragDataObject::GetRealDataObjPtr
// Synopsis: Get the pointer to the real data object from the client
// Returns: NULL - could not unmarshal drag source's data object
// ~NULL - pointer to drag source's data object
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 30-Sep-94 Ricksa Created
IDataObject *CDragDataObject::GetRealDataObjPtr(void)
if (_pIDataObject == NULL)
_pIDataObject = UnmarshalDragDataObject(_pvMarshaledDataObject);
LEERROR(!_pIDataObject, "Unable to unmarshal dnd data object");
return _pIDataObject;
// Member: CDragDataObject::GetFormatEtcDataArray (private)
// Synopsis: if don't already have shared formats for enumeraor.
// Effects:
// Arguments: void
// Requires:
// Returns: HRESULT
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Derivation:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 13-Jun-94 Ricksa author
// Notes:
HRESULT CDragDataObject::GetFormatEtcDataArray(void)
HANDLE hSharedMemory;
if (m_pFormatEtcDataArray)
return NOERROR;
wsprintf(szSharedMemoryName, szSharedMemoryTemplate, _dwSmId);
// Create the shared memory object
hSharedMemory = OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_READ, FALSE, szSharedMemoryName);
if (hSharedMemory != NULL)
// Map in the shared memory
pFormatEtcDataArray = (FORMATETCDATAARRAY *) MapViewOfFile(hSharedMemory,
FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0);
if (NULL == pFormatEtcDataArray)
hSharedMemory = NULL;
if (pFormatEtcDataArray)
size_t stSize;
GetCopiedFormatEtcDataArraySize (pFormatEtcDataArray, &stSize);
m_pFormatEtcDataArray = (FORMATETCDATAARRAY *) PrivMemAlloc(stSize);
if (m_pFormatEtcDataArray)
CopyFormatEtcDataArray (m_pFormatEtcDataArray, pFormatEtcDataArray, stSize, FALSE);
Assert(1 == m_pFormatEtcDataArray->_cRefs);
return m_pFormatEtcDataArray ? NOERROR : E_OUTOFMEMORY;
// Member: CDragDataObject::QueryInterface
// Synopsis: Get new interface
// Arguments: [riid] - interface id of requested interface
// [ppvObject] - where to put the new interface pointer
// Returns: NOERROR - interface was instantiated
// E_FAIL - could not unmarshal source's data object
// other - some error occurred.
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 30-Sep-94 Ricksa Created
// Note:
STDMETHODIMP CDragDataObject::QueryInterface(
REFIID riid,
void **ppvObject)
if(IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IDataObject) ||
IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown))
*ppvObject = this;
return NOERROR;
return (GetRealDataObjPtr() != NULL)
? _pIDataObject->QueryInterface(riid, ppvObject)
// Member: CDragDataObject::AddRef
// Synopsis: Create server side object for drag
// Returns: Current reference count
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 30-Sep-94 Ricksa Created
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CDragDataObject::AddRef(void)
DDDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "ADDREF == %d\n", _cRefs + 1));
return ++_cRefs;
// Member: CDragDataObject::Release
// Synopsis: Decrement reference count to the object
// Returns: Current reference count to the object
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 30-Sep-94 Ricksa Created
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CDragDataObject::Release(void)
ULONG cRefs = --_cRefs;
DDDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "RELEASE == %d\n", cRefs));
if (cRefs == 0)
delete this;
return cRefs;
// Member: CDragDataObject::GetData
// Synopsis: Create server side object for drag
// Arguments: [pformatetcIn] - format for requested data
// [pmedium] - storage medium
// Returns: NOERROR - operation was successful
// Other - operation failed
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 30-Sep-94 Ricksa Created
// Note: This just forwards the operation to the source data object
// if possible.
STDMETHODIMP CDragDataObject::GetData(
FORMATETC *pformatetcIn,
STGMEDIUM *pmedium)
return (GetRealDataObjPtr() != NULL)
? _pIDataObject->GetData(pformatetcIn, pmedium)
// Member: CDragDataObject::GetDataHere
// Synopsis: Create server side object for drag
// Arguments: [pformatetc] - format for requested data
// [pmedium] - storage medium
// Returns: NOERROR - operation was successful
// Other - operation failed
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 30-Sep-94 Ricksa Created
// Note: This just forwards the operation to the source data object
// if possible.
STDMETHODIMP CDragDataObject::GetDataHere(
FORMATETC *pformatetc,
STGMEDIUM *pmedium)
return (GetRealDataObjPtr() != NULL)
? _pIDataObject->GetDataHere(pformatetc, pmedium)
// Member: CDragDataObject::QueryGetData
// Synopsis: Create server side object for drag
// Arguments: [pformatetc] - format to verify
// Returns: NOERROR - operation was successful
// Other - operation failed
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 30-Sep-94 Ricksa Created
// Note: This just forwards the operation to the source data object
// if possible.
STDMETHODIMP CDragDataObject::QueryGetData(FORMATETC *pformatetc)
return (GetRealDataObjPtr() != NULL)
? _pIDataObject->QueryGetData(pformatetc)
// Member: CDragDataObject::GetCanonicalFormatEtc
// Synopsis: Create server side object for drag
// Arguments: [pformatetcIn] - input format
// [pformatetcOut] - output format
// Returns: NOERROR - operation was successful
// Other - operation failed
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 30-Sep-94 Ricksa Created
// Note: This just forwards the operation to the source data object
// if possible.
STDMETHODIMP CDragDataObject::GetCanonicalFormatEtc(
FORMATETC *pformatetcIn,
FORMATETC *pformatetcOut)
return (GetRealDataObjPtr() != NULL)
? _pIDataObject->GetCanonicalFormatEtc(pformatetcIn, pformatetcOut)
// Member: CDragDataObject::SetData
// Synopsis: Create server side object for drag
// Arguments: [pformatetc] - format for set
// [pmedium] - medium to use
// [fRelease] - who releases
// Returns: NOERROR - operation was successful
// Other - operation failed
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 30-Sep-94 Ricksa Created
// Note: This just forwards the operation to the source data object
// if possible.
STDMETHODIMP CDragDataObject::SetData(
FORMATETC *pformatetc,
STGMEDIUM *pmedium,
BOOL fRelease)
return (GetRealDataObjPtr() != NULL)
? _pIDataObject->SetData(pformatetc, pmedium, fRelease)
// Member: CDragDataObject::EnumFormatEtc
// Synopsis: Create server side object for drag
// Arguments: [dwDirection] - direction of formats either set or get
// [ppenumFormatEtc] - where to put enumerator
// Returns: NOERROR - operation succeeded.
// Algorithm: If format enumerator requested is for a data get, the
// create our private enumerator object otherwise pass
// the request to the real data object.
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 30-Sep-94 Ricksa Created
// Note: For the data set direction, we just use the data object of
// the drop source.
STDMETHODIMP CDragDataObject::EnumFormatEtc(
DWORD dwDirection,
IEnumFORMATETC **ppenumFormatEtc)
// Create our enumerator
if (dwDirection == DATADIR_GET)
// In the data get case we use our overridden enumerator.
// This s/b the typical case with Drag and Drop.
*ppenumFormatEtc = NULL;
if (m_pFormatEtcDataArray)
// enumerator implementation in Clipdata.cpp
*ppenumFormatEtc = new CEnumFormatEtcDataArray(m_pFormatEtcDataArray,0);
hr = *ppenumFormatEtc ? NOERROR : E_OUTOFMEMORY;
// Call through to the real data object because this is the
// set case. In general, this won't happen during Drag and Drop.
hr = (GetRealDataObjPtr() != NULL)
? _pIDataObject->EnumFormatEtc(dwDirection, ppenumFormatEtc)
return hr;
// Member: CDragDataObject::DAdvise
// Synopsis: Create server side object for drag
// Arguments: [pformatetc] - format to be advised on
// [advf] - type of advise
// [pAdvSink] - advise to notify
// [pdwConnection] - connection id for advise
// Returns: NOERROR - operation was successful
// Other - operation failed
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 30-Sep-94 Ricksa Created
// Note: This just forwards the operation to the source data object
// if possible.
STDMETHODIMP CDragDataObject::DAdvise(
FORMATETC *pformatetc,
DWORD advf,
IAdviseSink *pAdvSink,
DWORD *pdwConnection)
return (GetRealDataObjPtr() != NULL)
? _pIDataObject->DAdvise(pformatetc, advf, pAdvSink, pdwConnection)
// Member: CDragDataObject::DUnadvise
// Synopsis: Create server side object for drag
// Arguments: [dwConnection] - connection id for advise
// Returns: NOERROR - operation was successful
// Other - operation failed
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 30-Sep-94 Ricksa Created
// Note: This just forwards the operation to the source data object
// if possible.
STDMETHODIMP CDragDataObject::DUnadvise(DWORD dwConnection)
return (GetRealDataObjPtr() != NULL)
? _pIDataObject->DUnadvise(dwConnection)
// Member: CDragDataObject::EnumDAdvise
// Synopsis: Create server side object for drag
// Arguments: [ppenumAdvise] - where to put the enumerator
// Returns: NOERROR - operation was successful
// Other - operation failed
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 30-Sep-94 Ricksa Created
// Note: This just forwards the operation to the source data object
// if possible.
STDMETHODIMP CDragDataObject::EnumDAdvise(IEnumSTATDATA **ppenumAdvise)
return (GetRealDataObjPtr() != NULL)
? _pIDataObject->EnumDAdvise(ppenumAdvise)
// Member: CreateDragDataObject
// Synopsis: Create the server side data object for format enumeration
// Arguments: [pvMarshaledDataObject] - marshaled real data object buffer
// [dwSmId] - id for the shared memory
// [ppIDataObject] - output data object.
// Returns: NOERROR - could create the object
// E_OUTOFMEMORY - could not create the object
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 30-Sep-94 Ricksa Created
// Note:
HRESULT CreateDragDataObject(
void *pvMarshaledDataObject,
IDataObject **ppIDataObject)
CDragDataObject *pDragDataObject =
new CDragDataObject(pvMarshaledDataObject, dwSmId);
if (pDragDataObject != NULL)
*ppIDataObject = pDragDataObject;
// The only thing that can fail here is the memory allocation of
// CDragDataObject thus there are only two error returns.
return (pDragDataObject != NULL) ? NOERROR : E_OUTOFMEMORY;
// Member: CreateSharedDragFormats
// Synopsis: Put the data formats for the data object in shared memory.
// Arguments: [pIDataObject] - data object to use for formats.
// Returns: NULL - could not create enumerator
// ~NULL - handle to shared memory
// Algorithm: First calculate the size of the required memory by enumerating
// the formats. Then allocate the memory and map it into the
// process. Then enumerate the formats again placing them in
// the shared memory. Finally, map the memory out of the
// process and return the handle the file mapping to the
// caller.
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 30-Sep-94 Ricksa Created
HANDLE CreateSharedDragFormats(IDataObject *pIDataObject)
// Handle to the shared memory for formats
HANDLE hSharedMemory = NULL;
// Pointer to share memory
// Size required for the shared memory
DWORD dwSize = 0;
// Count of FORMATETCs contained in the enumerator
DWORD cFormatEtc = 0;
// Buffer for name of shared memory for enumerator
// Work pointer to shared memory for storing FORMATETCs from the enumerator.
// Work ptr to shared memory for storing DVTARGETDEVICEs from enumerator.
BYTE *pbDvTarget = NULL;
// Calculate the size of the formats
// Get the format enumerator
HRESULT hr = wGetEnumFormatEtc(pIDataObject, DATADIR_GET, &penum);
if( hr != NOERROR )
// not all apps support enumerators (yahoo). Also, we may
// have run out of memory or encountered some other error.
DDDebugOut((DEB_WARN, "WARNING: Failed to get formatetc enumerator"
", error code (%lx)", hr));
goto exitRtn;
// Enumerate the data one at a time because this is a local operation
// and it make the code simpler.
while ((hr = penum->Next(1, &FormatEtc, NULL)) == S_OK)
// Bump the entry count
// Bump the size by the size of another FORMATETC.
dwSize += sizeof(FORMATETCDATA);
// Is there a device target associated with the FORMATETC?
if (FormatEtc.ptd != NULL)
// Bump the size required by the size of the target device
dwSize += FormatEtc.ptd->tdSize;
// Free the target device
// HRESULT s/b S_FALSE at the end of the enumeration.
if (hr != S_FALSE)
goto errRtn;
// the enumerator may have been empty
if( dwSize == 0 )
DDDebugOut((DEB_WARN, "WARNING: Empty formatetc enumerator"));
goto exitRtn;
dwSize += sizeof(FORMATETCDATAARRAY); // add space for _cFormats and one extra FORMATETC for FALSE in enumerator.
// Create shared memory for the type enumeration
// Build name of shared memory - make it unique by using the thread id.
wsprintf(szSharedMemoryName, szSharedMemoryTemplate, GetCurrentThreadId());
// Create the shared memory object
hSharedMemory = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL,
PAGE_READWRITE, 0, dwSize, szSharedMemoryName);
// Did the file mapping get created?
if (hSharedMemory == NULL)
goto errRtn;
// Map in the memory
pFormatEtcDataArray = (FORMATETCDATAARRAY *) MapViewOfFile(
0, // High-order 32 bits of file offset
0, // Low-order 32 bits of file offset
0); // Number of bytes to map; 0 means all.
// Could we map the memory?
if (pFormatEtcDataArray == NULL)
goto errRtn;
// We can initialize the size of the array now.
pFormatEtcDataArray->_dwSig = 0;
pFormatEtcDataArray->_dwSize = dwSize;
pFormatEtcDataArray->_cFormats = cFormatEtc;
pFormatEtcDataArray->_cRefs = 1;
pFormatEtcDataArray->_fIs64BitArray = IS_WIN64;
// Copy the formats into the shared memory
// Get back to the start of the enumeration
// This is the pointer to where we will copy the data from the
// enumeration.
pFormatEtcData = &pFormatEtcDataArray->_FormatEtcData[0];
// put DvTarget past last valid FormatEtc + 1 to handle S_FALSE enumerator case.
pbDvTarget = (BYTE *) (&pFormatEtcDataArray->_FormatEtcData[cFormatEtc + 1]);
// Loop loading the formats into the shared memory.
while (penum->Next(1,&(pFormatEtcData->_FormatEtc), NULL) != S_FALSE)
if (pFormatEtcData->_FormatEtc.ptd != NULL)
// Copy the device target data
// Free the target device data
// NOTE: For this shared memory structure, we override the
// FORMATETC field so that it is that offset to the DVTARGETDEVICE
// from the beginning of the shared memory rather than a direct
// pointer to the structure. This is because we can't guarantee
// the base of shared memory in different processes.
pFormatEtcData->_FormatEtc.ptd = (DVTARGETDEVICE *)
(pbDvTarget - (BYTE *) pFormatEtcDataArray);
// Bump pointer of where to copy target to next available
// byte for copy.
pbDvTarget += ((DVTARGETDEVICE *) pbDvTarget)->tdSize;
Assert(dwSize >= (DWORD) (pbDvTarget - (BYTE *) pFormatEtcDataArray));
// Bug#18669 - if dwAspect was set to NULL the 16 bit dlls would
// set it to content.
if ( (NULL == pFormatEtcData->_FormatEtc.dwAspect) && IsWOWThread() )
pFormatEtcData->_FormatEtc.dwAspect = DVASPECT_CONTENT;
pFormatEtcData->_FormatEtc.lindex = -1; // CorelDraw also puts up a lindex of 0
// Bump the pointer in the table of FORMATETCs to the next slot
Assert( dwSize >= (DWORD) ( (BYTE *) pFormatEtcData - (BYTE *) pFormatEtcDataArray));
Assert( dwSize >= (DWORD) ( (BYTE *) pbDvTarget - (BYTE *) pFormatEtcDataArray));
// Successful enumeration always ends with S_FALSE.
if (hr == S_FALSE)
goto exitRtn;
if (hSharedMemory != NULL)
hSharedMemory = NULL;
if( penum )
// HACK ALERT: Do not release the enumerator if the calling application
// was Interleaf 6.0, otherwise they will fault in the release call.
if (!IsTaskName(L"ILEAF6.EXE"))
if (pFormatEtcDataArray != NULL)
// Only remote clients will use this memory so we unmap it
// out of our address space.
return hSharedMemory;