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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1996.
// File: drag.h
// Contents: Classes used in drag operation
// Classes: CPoint
// CDragDefaultCursors
// CDragOperation
// CWin31DropTarget
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 20-Oct-94 alexgo added CWin31DropTarget to handle Win3.1
// style drag drop
// 21-Apr-94 ricksa split out from drag.cpp
// Notes: This exists as a separate file to facilitate the special
// processing required for WM_CANCELMODE during drag/drop.
#ifndef _DRAG_H
#define _DRAG_H
void DragDropProcessUninitialize(void);
// Class: CPoint
// Purpose: Handles strangness of the POINTL & POINT structures.
// Interface: Set - set value of data
// GetPOINT - return a reference to a POINT structure
// GetPOINTL - return a reference to a POINTL structure
// GetAddressOfPOINT - return address of point structure
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 04-Apr-94 Ricksa Created
// Notes: This class is created because we have two structures
// that are exactly the same in Win32 but have different
// types. This class will have to be modified for use
// in Win16 if we ever do that again.
class CPoint
void Set(LONG x, LONG y);
POINT& GetPOINT(void);
POINT * GetAddressOfPOINT(void);
POINT _pt;
// Function: CPoint::CPoint
// Synopsis: Initialize object to zero
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 04-Apr-94 Ricksa Created
inline CPoint::CPoint(void)
_pt.x = 0;
_pt.y = 0;
// Function: CPoint::Set
// Synopsis: Set value of structure
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 04-Apr-94 Ricksa Created
inline void CPoint::Set(LONG x, LONG y)
_pt.x = x;
_pt.y = y;
// Function: CPoint::GetPOINT
// Synopsis: Return a reference to a POINT type for function calls
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 04-Apr-94 Ricksa Created
inline POINT& CPoint::GetPOINT(void)
return _pt;
// Function: CPoint::GetPOINTL
// Synopsis: Return a reference to a POINTL type for function calls
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 04-Apr-94 Ricksa Created
inline POINTL& CPoint::GetPOINTL(void)
return *((POINTL *) &_pt);
// Function: CPoint::GetAddressOfPOINT
// Synopsis: Return address of POINT type for function calls
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 04-Apr-94 Ricksa Created
inline POINT *CPoint::GetAddressOfPOINT(void)
return &_pt;
// Class: CDragDefaultCursors
// Purpose: Handles init/setting default drag cursors
// Interface: NeedInit - whether object needs to be initialized
// Init - does initialization
// SetCursor - sets cursor to appropriate default
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 19-Apr-94 Ricksa Created
// Notes: This class specifically avoids a constructor and depends
// on the behavior of of static data being initialized to
// NULL. The reason for this is two fold: (1) it makes start
// up faster by avoiding a page fault when the constructor
// would be called and (2) it allows this ole32 to be loaded
// at boot time before cursors exist.
class CDragDefaultCursors : public CPrivAlloc
BOOL Init(void);
void SetCursor(DWORD dwEffect);
void SetCursorNone(void);
static CDragDefaultCursors *GetDefaultCursorObject(void);
HCURSOR ahcursorDefaults[2][4];
// Function: CDragDefaultCursors::SetCursorNone
// Synopsis: Set the cursor to none
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 19-Apr-94 Ricksa Created
inline void CDragDefaultCursors::SetCursorNone(void)
// Class: CDragOperation
// Purpose: Handles breaking down drag operation into managable pieces
// Interface: UpdateTarget - update where we are trying to drop
// HandleFeedBack - handle cursor feedback
// DragOver - handle dragging object over target
// HandleMessages - Handle windows messages
// CompleteDrop - Do drop or clean up
// CancelDrag - notify operation that drag is canceled.
// ReleaseCapture - release capture on the mouse
// GetDropTarget - get target for drop
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 04-Apr-94 Ricksa Created
class CDragOperation
DWORD dwOKEffects,
DWORD FAR *pdwEffect,
BOOL UpdateTarget(void);
BOOL HandleFeedBack(HRESULT hr);
BOOL DragOver(void);
BOOL HandleMessages(void);
HRESULT CompleteDrop(void);
void CancelDrag(void);
void ReleaseCapture(void);
IFBuffer GetDOBuffer(void);
void InitCursors(void);
void InitScrollInt(void);
HRESULT GetDropTarget(HWND hwnd31,HWND hwndDropTarget);
IFBuffer _DOBuffer; // a buffer for the marshalled
// data object
LPDROPTARGET _pRealDropTarget;
HANDLE _hFormats;
CPoint _cpt;
DWORD _dwOKEffects;
DWORD FAR * _pdwEffect;
BOOL _fEscapePressed;
HCURSOR _curOld;
HWND _hwndLast;
DWORD _grfKeyState;
HRESULT _hrDragResult;
BOOL _fReleasedCapture;
CDragDefaultCursors* _pcddcDefault;
BOOL _fUseWin31;
static LONG s_wScrollInt;
// Function: CDragOperation::ReleaseCapture
// Synopsis: Tell clipboard window to turn off mouse capture if we haven't
// already done so.
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 07-Jul-94 Ricksa Created
inline void CDragOperation::ReleaseCapture(void)
if (!_fReleasedCapture)
_fReleasedCapture = TRUE;
// Member: CDragOperation::GetDOBuffer
// Synopsis: returns the interface buffer for the marshalled
// data object interface
// Effects:
// Arguments:
// Requires:
// Returns: IFBuffer *
// Signals:
// Modifies:
// Derivation:
// Algorithm:
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 02-Dec-94 alexgo author
// Notes:
inline IFBuffer CDragOperation::GetDOBuffer(void)
return _DOBuffer;
// Class: CDropTarget
// Purpose: Implements IDropTarget for the DoDragLoop. This class
// will either delegate to a real drop target (registered
// with RegisterDragDrop) or translate IDropTarget methods
// into the Win3.1 drag drop protocol.
// Interface: IDropTarget
// History: dd-mmm-yy Author Comment
// 20-Oct-94 alexgo author
// Notes: This class is NOT thread safe, nor is it safe to pass
// outside of the CDragOperation class (which is why
// QueryInterface is not implemented). As long as
// DoDropDrag works by a modal loop on the calling thread,
// this should not have to change.
class CDropTarget : public IDropTarget, public CPrivAlloc
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppv);
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef) (void);
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release) (void);
STDMETHOD(DragEnter) (IDataObject *pDataObject, DWORD grfKeyState,
POINTL ptl, DWORD *pdwEffect);
STDMETHOD(DragOver) (DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL ptl, DWORD *pdwEffect);
STDMETHOD(DragLeave) (void);
STDMETHOD(Drop) (IDataObject *pDataObject, DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt,
DWORD *pdwEffect);
CDropTarget(HWND hwnd31, HWND hwndOLE, DWORD _dwEffectLast,
CDragOperation *pdo, DDInfo hDDInfo);
HWND _hwndOLE;
HWND _hwnd31;
DWORD _dwEffectLast;
ULONG _crefs;
CDragOperation * _pdo;
DDInfo _hDDInfo;
// make CDragOperation a friend so it can create an instance of our
// class (the constructor is private)
friend class CDragOperation;
#endif // _DRAG_H