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// Microsoft OLE
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1994-1995.
// File: cdbghelp.hxx
// Contents: Class and usage macros for managing debug information.
// Debug info consists of logs, asserts, and tracing.
// Classes: CDebugHelp
// History: 17-Nov-94 DeanE Created
// 10-Apr-97 SCousens DH_HRERRORCHECK, Tracelvls
#ifndef __CDBGHELP_HXX__
#define __CDBGHELP_HXX__
// Debug information macros/values
#define CCH_MAX_DBG_CHARS 1024
#define CCH_MAX_LOG_CHARS 1024
#define CCH_MAX_MODULE 400
// Registry Value Names
#define SZ_REG_TRACE_LOC TEXT("TraceLoc")
#define SZ_REG_TRACE_LVL TEXT("TraceLvl")
#define SZ_REG_LOG_LOC TEXT("LogLoc")
#define SZ_REG_VERBOSE TEXT("Verbose")
#define SZ_REG_BREAKMODE TEXT("BreakMode")
#define SZ_REG_LABMODE TEXT("LabMode")
// Default spy window class name
// Default location in the registry for debug options
#define DEFAULT_REG_LOC TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\CTOleUI\\DebugOptions")
// Debug Helper Usage String
extern LPTSTR gptszDebugHelperUsageString; /* defd in cdbghelp.cxx */
inline LPTSTR GetDebugHelperUsage() {return gptszDebugHelperUsageString;};
// Class: CDebugHelp
// Synopsis: Manages various debug mechanisms tests commonly use.
// This includes tracing messages, error conditions, test
// results, and asserts.
// Methods: CDebugHelp
// ~CDebugHelp
// CreateLog
// GetRegDbgInfo
// SetDebugInfo
// SetPopupWindow
// GetLogLoc
// GetTraceLoc
// GetTraceLvl
// GetMode
// TraceMsg
// LabAssertEx
// ReportResult
// ReportStats
// ValidateLoc, private
// ValidateLvl, private
// ValidateMode, private
// SetStats, private
// OutputMsg, private
// GetResultText, private
// History: 17-Nov-94 DeanE Created
class CDebugHelp
// Constructor/Destructor
HRESULT Initialize (void);
HRESULT OptionsDialog (HINSTANCE hinstance, HWND hWnd);
HRESULT CreateLog (int argc, char **argv);
HRESULT CreateLog (LPSTR pszCmdline);
HRESULT SetLog (Log *plog);
HRESULT GetRegDbgInfo (LPTSTR pszRegKey);
HRESULT WriteRegDbgInfo(LPTSTR pszRegKey);
HRESULT SetDebugInfo (DWORD fLogLoc,
DWORD fTraceLoc,
DWORD fTraceLvl,
DWORD fMode);
HRESULT SetPopupWindow(HWND hwnd);
HRESULT SetSpyWindowClass(const LPTSTR pszClass);
DWORD GetLogLoc(void) { return(_fLogLoc); };
DWORD GetTraceLoc(void) { return(_fTraceLoc); };
DWORD GetTraceLvl(void) { return(_fTraceLvl); };
DWORD GetMode(void) { return(_fMode); };
LPTSTR GetSpyWindowClass() {return _pszSpyWindowClass;};
void TraceMsg (DWORD fLvl, LPTSTR pszFmt, ...);
void LabAssertEx (LPCTSTR szFile, int nLine, LPCTSTR szMsg);
HRESULT CheckResult (HRESULT hrCheck,
HRESULT hrExpected,
LPTSTR pszFuncName,
LPTSTR pszMsg,
int nLine,
LPTSTR pszFile);
void ReportResult(USHORT fResult, LPTSTR pszFmt, ...);
void ReportStats (void);
static BOOL CALLBACK OptionsDialogProc(
HWND hwndDlg,
UINT uMsg,
WPARAM wParam,
LPARAM lParam);
void SetExpectedError(HRESULT hrExpectedError );
DWORD ValidateLoc (DWORD fLoc);
DWORD ValidateLvl (DWORD fLvl);
DWORD ValidateMode (DWORD fMode);
VOID SetStats (USHORT fResult);
VOID OutputMsg (DWORD fLoc, LPTSTR pszBuffer);
LPCTSTR GetResultText(USHORT usResult);
void UpdateTraceLevels(HWND hwndDlg, DWORD fTraceLvl);
void UpdateLogLocations(HWND hwndDlg, DWORD fLogLoc);
void UpdateTraceLocations(HWND hwndDlg, DWORD fTraceLoc);
void UpdateTraceLevelFromText(HWND hwndDlg, DWORD *pfTraceLvl);
DWORD _fLogLoc;
DWORD _fTraceLoc;
DWORD _fTraceLvl;
DWORD _fMode;
BOOL _fCreatedLog;
BOOL _fSpyWarning;
Log * _plog;
HWND _hwndAssert;
ULONG _cPass;
ULONG _cFail;
ULONG _cAbort;
ULONG _cIndentLevel;
LPTSTR _pszSpyWindowClass;
HRESULT _hrExpectedError;
// Class: CEntryExitTrace ()
// Synopsis: Display debug trace information on instantiation and
// destruction
// Methods: CEntryExitTrace
// ~CEntryExitTrace
// GetFunctionName
// History: 4-13-95 kennethm Created
class CEntryExitTrace
CDebugHelp *pDebugObject,
PLONG plExitOutput,
LPTSTR pszFuncName);
LPTSTR GetFunctionName(void) { return(_pszFuncName); };
CDebugHelp *_pDebugObject;
PLONG _plExitOutput;
LPTSTR _pszFuncName;
DWORD _fLvl;
// Trace Location Flags
// Trace messages can be reported to various locations, including
// a debug monitor (via OutputDebugString), a log file, STDOUT,
// and a spy window, or any combinations of these.
// DH_LOC_TERM - To debug terminal, via OutputDebugString.
// DH_LOC_LOG - To a log file that the tester must provide.
// DH_LOC_STDOUT - To STDOUT. Note this is only valid for a
// command line program.
// DH_LOC_SPYWIN - To a spy window.
// The default value is DH_LOC_TERM.
// Setting the Location
// Testers can set the location in two ways: explicitly passing
// in a value (or set of values), or getting them from registry
// settings at run time.
// To explicitly set the value, use the DH_SETTRACELOC macro. Pass
// in the flags you want, bitwise-ORing them as necessary.
// This sets the location so messages go to both the debug terminal
// and a provided log file. If the log file has not been set up,
// an error will be returned and that location will be ignored,
// although other valid flags will be set.
// To explicitly turn a location off, get the current value via
// DH_GETTRACELOC and bitwise-AND it with the compliment of the proper
// flag.
// This gets the current location setting and explicitly turns
// off output to STDOUT, preserving other values.
// Note that if tracing to a log is desired, you must set up the log
// via the DH_CREATELOG macro first, then set the trace location to
// point to the log.
// Setting Trace Locations via the Registry
// CDebugHelp can obtain trace location from the registry. The key
// passed to the DH_REGINIT macro must have the REG_DWORD value
// 'TraceLoc', and it should be set with the bits for the devices you
// want tracing messages to go to. If this specifies invalid devices
// (a log when the log has not been set up, or an incorrect bit set),
// the value is ignored and the default DH_LOC_TERM is set instead.
// An error is returned in this case.
// DBGLOC_NONE and DBGLOC_VALID are both illegal for general use - they
// are used to validate a new location flag. DH_LOC_SAME is for special
// use and should not be used by testers.
// NOTE: The LogLoc registry value uses these flags, too. Use the
// DH_SETLOGLOC and DH_GETLOGLOC macros to set and retrieve the location
// for the logging macros.
#define DH_LOC_NONE 0x0000 // Illegal value
#define DH_LOC_TERM 0x0001 // OutputDebugString
#define DH_LOC_LOG 0x0002 // LogServer log file
#define DH_LOC_STDOUT 0x0004 // wprintf
#define DH_LOC_SPYWIN 0x0008 // Spy window
#define DH_LOC_SAME 0x8000 // Specify existing value
#define DH_LOC_VALID 0x800F // Validation value
#define DH_LOC_INVALID 0x7FF0 // Validation value
// Tracing Level Flags
// Tracing gives a tester the chance to output particular messages when
// the user asks for them at run time. Every traced message has a level
// with it. The current trace level is used to determine if that message
// actually gets output to the current trace location setting.
// Testers can use predefined trace levels, or use one of their own. The
// predefined levels are really intended for common code, but they can
// be used for individual tests as well. If you use them, then messages
// will be reported for components you might not be interested in.
// Predefined Trace Levels
// DH_LVL_TRACE1 - Common trace level 1.
// DH_LVL_TRACE2 - Common trace level 2.
// DH_LVL_TRACE3 - Common trace level 3.
// DH_LVL_TRACE4 - Common trace level 4.
// DH_LVL_SAME - Special. Indicates 'use the current setting'.
// DH_LVL_ERROR - Error condition messages
// DH_LVL_ALWAYS - Messages you always want reported
// Tester-defined Levels
// The trace levels are represented in a DWORD, and non-used bits can
// be utilized by various tests. Some bits are reserved.
// bit(s) meaning
// ------ -------
// 0-7 Generic tracing levels
// 8-23 Individual test trace levels
// 24-28 Reserved for future expansion
// 29 SAME - Indicates current setting
// 30 ERROR messages - always on
// 31 ALWAYS messages - always on
// To define your own trace level, #define a value with your trace bit
// and no other bits on:
// #define DH_LVL_MYTRACE 0x00001000
// Initialize the Trace Level flags via DH_SETLVL macro. Note that
// the special bits 24-31 are always on, and you cannot change them
// through the DH_SETLVL macro.
// Turns your trace level on and leaves errors and other special
// level bits on as well.
// Reporting TRACE messages
// Use the DH_TRACE macro to report messages. The level you pass
// indicates when to output the messages - if the level isn't set
// to the one passed, the message is ignored.
// DH_TRACE((DH_LVL_MYTRACE, TEXT("My tracing on now")));
// Note the use of double parens around the message!
// Setting Trace Levels via the Registry
// CDebugHelp can obtain trace levels from the registry. The key
// passed to the DH_REGINIT macro must have the REG_DWORD value
// 'TraceLvl', and it should be set with the bits you desire to be
// traced on. Note that bits 0-7 are ignored in this value, the same
// as in DH_SETLVL.
// To enable DH_LVL_MYTRACE to be on above, set the TraceLvl value to
// 0x00001000. Then call DH_REGINIT(key) to initialize the value
// automatically. See DH_REGINIT documentation for more information
// on this feature.
#define DH_LVL_OUTMASK 0xC0FFFFFF // Does message get reported?
#define DH_LVL_INVMASK 0xDF000000 // Is level being set valid?
// DH_LVL_SAME is reserved, but valid!
#define DH_LVL_RESMASK 0xFF000000 // Are reserved bits that can be
// set being set?
// Reserved bits unchangeable.
#define DH_LVL_ALWAYS 0x80000000
#define DH_LVL_ERROR 0x40000000
#define DH_LVL_SAME 0x20000000
#define DH_LVL_RESERVE1 0x10000000
#define DH_LVL_RESERVE2 0x08000000
#define DH_LVL_RESERVE3 0x04000000
#define DH_LVL_RESERVE4 0x02000000
#define DH_LVL_RESERVE5 0x01000000
// General bits for general use
#define DH_LVL_TRACE1 0x00000001
#define DH_LVL_TRACE2 0x00000002
#define DH_LVL_TRACE3 0x00000004
#define DH_LVL_TRACE4 0x00000008
#define DH_LVL_ENTRY 0x00000010
#define DH_LVL_EXIT 0x00000020
#define DH_LVL_ADDREL 0x00000040
#define DH_LVL_QI 0x00000080
#define DH_LVL_INTERF 0x00000100
// Specific bits. These can be overloaded and reused by different components.
// Make sure you comment on where these bits are being used!
#define DH_LVL_DFLIB 0x00100000 /* Storage DFHELP library */
#define DH_LVL_CRCDUMP 0x00200000 /* Storage crc utilities */
#define DH_LVL_STGAPI 0x00001000 /* wrapper for Storage APIs */
// Lab Mode Flags
// Lab Mode allows asserts to be shunted off to the current Trace
// Location flag settings. If Lab Mode is turned off, asserts will
// appear in a popup MessageBox as well as in the Trace Location
// settings.
// Break On Error flags
// Break On Assert calls DebugBreak and breaks into the debugger.
// This will provide a break-on-first-error functinality.
// If you are not interested, just G)o and execution will proceed
// as before. If you want, you can now start debugging. Using
// this setting also provides a way to access and debug the
// debuggee thru a remote terminal.
// Verbose Mode Flags
// Verbose Mode allows all calls to DH_TRACE, DH_HRCHECK, and
// DH_HRERRORCHECK to print to the traceloc. This is convenient
// for those rare occations where a very noisy log is desired in
// order to follow the program execution.
// To set the above modes, use the DH_SETMODE macro. This can be
// set from registry entries, or the commandline.
// Lab Mode flags:
// DH_LABMODE_OFF - Turns the Lab Mode off.
// DH_LABMODE_ON - Turns the Lab Mode on.
// Break Mode flags:
// DH_BREAKMODE_OFF - Turns the Break Mode off.
// DH_BREAKMODE_ON - Turns the Break Mode on.
// Verbose Mode flags:
// DH_VERBOSE_OFF - Turns the Verbose Mode off.
// DH_VERBOSE_ON - Turns the Verbose Mode on.
// Sample Call:
// Turns Lab Mode on so asserts will not stop tests from running.
// Setting Lab Mode via the Registry
// CDebugHelp can obtain the Lab Mode from the registry. The key
// passed to the DH_REGINIT macro must have the REG_DWORD value
// 'LabMode', 'BreakMode', 'Verbose'. Set the value to 0 to
// turn the Mode off, or non-zero to turn it on.
// Implementation:
// Each mode takes two bits. The lowbit is status on/off. The
// highbit is used when changing the mode. If the highbit is
// set in SetDebugInfo, that mode will be set to the status
// of the lowbit. If the highbit is not set, the old setting
// is retained.
#define DH_MODE_SAME 0x00000000
#define DH_LABMODE 0x00000001
#define DH_LABMODE_SET 0x00000002
#define DH_BREAKMODE 0x00000004
#define DH_BREAKMODE_SET 0x00000008
#define DH_VERBOSE 0x00000010
#define DH_VERBOSE_SET 0x00000020
// Global CDebugHelp objects
// One CDebugHelp object can be utilized per program, and it must be
// global so code everywhere can use it. All members are accessed
// through macros that hide the actual name of the global, so we stay
// encapsulated to a good degree. Two macros are necessary to declare
// and define the object.
// DH_DECLARE declares a CDebugHelp object. This macro should be
// used in a global header so all files in your project know the name
// of the object.
// A global object is declared and will be accessed via macros,
// so the name and access is hidden.
// DH_DEFINE defines a CDebugHelp object. This should appear
// in one source file, and must have global scope. As a rule, use it
// in the same file as WinMain.
// A global object is defined. If this macro is used more than once
// in your source files, you'll get multiple object definition errors.
// Note the semicolons are required - that is true of all the macros
// that utilize CDebugHelp functionality.
#define DH_DECLARE \
extern CDebugHelp gdhDebugHelper
#define DH_DEFINE \
CDebugHelp gdhDebugHelper
#define InitializeDebugObject \
#define DebugOptionsDialog \
// This macro is used to initialize information from an entry
// in the registry. The key parameter is assumed to be a subkey of
// HKEY_CURRENT_USER. It can be multiple levels deep, just so long
// as it is a valid path.
// Three values are obtained from the key; if any is missing the
// CDebugHelp default is used. If errors occur, such as invalid
// permissions or an invalid key path, then default values are used
// and an error code is returned to indicate the problem. It is up
// to the tester to determine if this is catastrophic or not - the
// object can be used, it will just be in the default state.
// The keys are:
// Mode - REG_DWORD. Loword are bit flags for available modes.
// TraceLoc - REG_DWORD. Trace location flags.
// TraceLvl - REG_DWORD. Trace level flags.
// LogLoc - REG_DWORD. Logging location flags.
// See the comments above for more information about the flag settings.
// If any setting is invalid, the default is used and an error is
// reported.
// TraceLoc are the places where DH_TRACE messages go. LogLoc are the
// places where DH_LOG* messages go. They both use the Trace Location
// flags format.
// Sample Call:
// hr = DH_REGINIT(TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\CTOleUI\\Marina"));
// The registry subkey HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Marina
// is opened, and the LabMode, BreakMode, VerboseMode, TraceLoc,
// and TraceLvl values are used to set their corresponding values
// in CDebugHelp.
#define DH_REGINIT(key) \
// This macro is the reverse of the previous macro. It writes
// the same keys to the registry.
// Sample Call:
// hr = DH_REGWRITE(TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\CTOleUI\\Marina"));
// The registry subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Marina
// is opened, and the LabMode, BreakMode, VerboseMode, TraceLoc,
// and TraceLvl values are written based on the current settings.
#define DH_REGWRITE(key) \
// Use these macros to create a LogServer log file. See log.hxx
// in the $(COMTOOLS) project for more information on what the
// log object is.
// The log must be set before setting the trace location or log
// location to DH_LOC_LOG, otherwise an error will result. The
// logging macros will work without a log if the LogLoc settings
// do not specify one.
// If you want to pass in an existing log object, use the DH_SETLOG
// macro instead.
#define DH_CREATELOGARGS(argc, argv) \
gdhDebugHelper.CreateLog(argc, argv)
#define DH_CREATELOGCMDLINE(cmdline) \
// Use this macro to give CDebugHelp an existing log object for it
// to use. See DH_CREATELOG for more comments about logs.
#define DH_SETLOG(log) \
// See 'Trace Location Flags' comments above for usage. The Log
// Location and Trace Location flags are identical, although
// used for different purposes.
#define DH_SETLOGLOC(loc) \
gdhDebugHelper.SetDebugInfo( \
loc, \
// See 'Trace Location Flags' comments above for usage.
#define DH_SETTRACELOC(loc) \
gdhDebugHelper.SetDebugInfo( \
loc, \
// See 'Trace Level Flags' comments above for usage.
#define DH_SETLVL(lvl) \
gdhDebugHelper.SetDebugInfo( \
lvl, \
// See 'Mode Flags' comments above for usage.
#define DH_SETMODE(mode) \
gdhDebugHelper.SetDebugInfo( \
// Sets the window class that tracing info goes to.
// Returns the currect Log Location flag settings.
// Sample Usage:
#define DH_GETLOGLOC \
// Returns the currect Trace Location flag settings.
// Sample Usage:
// Returns the current Trace Level flag settings.
// Sample Usage:
// Returns the current Mode flag settings.
// This includes Lab mode, Break mode, Verbose Mode
// If you are interested in only one flag, bitwise
// AND the result with the mode you are interested in.
// Sample Usage:
#define DH_GETMODE \
// Gets the window class that tracing info goes to.
// Trace Macros
// Use this macro to report trace information. Trace info gets reported
// depending on the Trace Level and the level at which the
// given statement should be reported. Location depends on Trace
// Location.
// Sample Usage:
// TEXT("Expected: %ul string: %s"),
// ulSize,
// pszName));
// Note:
// -- double parenthesis
// -- newlines are appended to trace statements
// -- must include semicolon line terminator
#define DH_TRACE(data) \
gdhDebugHelper.TraceMsg data
// Logging Macros
// Use DH_LOG to report test results. This information gets reported to
// the Log Location setting. Use DH_LOGSTATS to output a summary of
// the passes, fails, and aborts (to the Log Location).
// Sample Usage:
// TEXT("Level: %ld, Var: %ld, Start Object and Crash"),
// ulLvl,
// ulVar));
// Note:
// -- double parenthesis for DH_LOG
// -- newlines are appended automatically
// -- must include semicolon line terminator
#define DH_LOG(data) gdhDebugHelper.ReportResult data
#define DH_LOGSTATS gdhDebugHelper.ReportStats()
// Associates popup windows with the handle passed. If not set, popups
// are associated with a NULL window and they can go behind an app if
// it is clicked on. If associated with a window, they stay on top of
// that window. This simply replaces an existing association, and
// NULL is a valid value.
// Popup windows can occur when DH_ASSERT or DH_HRCHECK are used and
// Lab Mode is off.
// Sample Usage:
#define DH_SETPOPUPWINDOW(hwnd) \
// If the condition is not true, an assert message occurs. This will
// be a popup if Lab Mode is NOT turned on. If Lab Mode is on, the
// assert gets reported to both the Log Location and Trace Location
// places.
// Sample Usage:
// DH_ASSERT(cchGiven < cchMax);
// DH_ASSERT(!TEXT("Impossible Switch Hit!!!"));
extern int giAlwaysNegativeOne;
#define DH_ASSERT(cond) \
if (!((giAlwaysNegativeOne) & (cond))) \
{ \
gdhDebugHelper.LabAssertEx(TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__, TEXT(#cond)); \
// Checks if an HR == S_OK. If it does
// not, a message appears translating the problem into the proper
// description via FormatMessage.
// Sample Usage:
// DH_HRCHECK(hr, TEXT("OleCreate"));
// Note:
// -- DH_FUNCENTRY must have been called in the current scope.
// -- The message in parameter 2 cannot be expanded.
// -- The actual message produced is
// "<function name> calling <msg passed> failed <HR>:
// <HR result string>".
#define DH_HRCHECK(hr, msg) \
gdhDebugHelper.CheckResult (hr, \
S_OK, \
_eet.GetFunctionName(), \
msg, \
__LINE__, \
// Checks if an HR == hr expected. If it does
// not, a message appears translating the problem into the proper
// description via FormatMessage.
// Sample Usage:
// DH_HRERRORCHECK(hr, E_FAIL, TEXT("OleCreate"));
// Note:
// -- DH_FUNCENTRY must have been called in the current scope.
// -- The message in parameter 2 cannot be expanded.
// -- The actual message produced is
// "<function name> calling <msg passed> failed
// +-hr expected: <hrExp>; hr=<hr>; <hr result string>".
#define DH_HRERRORCHECK(hr, hrExp, msg) \
gdhDebugHelper.CheckResult(hr, \
hrExp, \
_eet.GetFunctionName(), \
msg, \
__LINE__, \
// Output debug message at function entry and exit. Prints out
// single dword when the function is exited.
// Sample Usage:
// HD_FUNCENTRY(&hr, DH_LVL_TRACE1, TEXT("InsertObject"));
#define DH_FUNCENTRY(exitvar, lvl, funcname) \
CEntryExitTrace _eet(&gdhDebugHelper, exitvar, lvl, funcname)
// Disables error logging for the specified error code.
// Sample Usage:
// Somefunction(); // All E_FAILs in this call will be ignored.
// Note:
// -- Use this when deliberately generating an error in common
// code, and the usual popups and error logs are not desired.
// function call, as shown in the sample above.
// -- This call disables the specified error on all threads.
#define DH_EXPECTEDERROR(hr) \
// Synopsis: Flags used to set/reset the rightmost bit of global variable
// g_fThreadValidate in macros DH_THREAD_VALIDATION_ON, DH_THREAD
// DH_VDATETHREAD macros in testhelp.hxx.
// #define THREAD_VALIDATE_FLAG_ON 0x00000001
// Other flags may be defined to use other bits of the global
// variable g_fThreadValidate in future e.g.
// #define FLAG_EXAMPLE_1 0x00000002
// #define FLAG_EXAMPLE_2 0x00000004
// History: 26-Jan-96 NarindK Created
#define THREAD_VALIDATE_FLAG_ON 0x00000001 //Turns on thread validation.
#endif // __CDBGHELP_HXX__