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; Microsoft Windows
; Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996.
; File: stubless.asm
; Contents: This module contains interpreter support routines for
; Intel platforms.
; Functions: Invoke - Calls a function from an interpreter.
; ObjectStublessClient3 - ObjectStublessClient511
; History: 07-Nov-94 DKays Created
; 24-Apr-96 ShannonC Added Invoke and support for
; 512 stubless client methods.
EXTRN _ObjectStublessClient@8:NEAR
; Function: REGISTER_TYPE __stdcall Invoke(MANAGER_FUNCTION pFunction,
; REGISTER_TYPE *pArgumentList,
; ULONG cArguments);
; Synopsis: Given a function pointer and an argument list, Invoke builds
; a stack frame and calls the function.
; Arguments: pFunction - Pointer to the function to be called.
; pArgumentList - Pointer to the buffer containing the
; function parameters.
; cArguments - The size of the argument list in REGISTER_TYPEs.
; Notes: In the __stdcall calling convention, the callee must pop
; the parameters.
_Invoke@12 PROC PUBLIC
push ebp; Save ebp
mov ebp, esp; Set ebp so the debugger can display the stack trace.
;Here is our stack layout.
;[ebp+0] = saved ebp
;[ebp+4] = return address
;[ebp+8] = pFunction
;[ebp+12] = pArgumentList
;[ebp+16] = cArguments
push edi; Save edi
push esi; Save esi
pushf; Save the direction flag - pushes 2 bytes
pushf; To keep stack aligned at 4 push 2 more bytes
mov eax, [ebp+16]; Load number of parameters
shl eax, 2; Calculate size of parameters
sub esp, eax; Grow the stack
;Copy parameters from bottom to top.
mov esi, [ebp+12]; Load pointer to parameters
mov ecx, [ebp+16]; Load number of parameters
sub eax, 4;
mov edi, esp
add esi, eax; Get pointer to last source parameter
add edi, eax; Get pointer last destination parameter
std; Set direction flag
rep movsd; Copy the parameters
mov eax, [ebp-12]; Get the direction flag (2+2 bytes)
push eax; Push it in order to restore it
popf; Restore the direction flag
popf; Do it again as we pushed 4 bytes when saving the flag
;call the server
mov eax, [ebp+8]; Load pointer to function.
call eax
mov edi, [ebp-4]; Restore edi
mov esi, [ebp-8]; Restore esi
mov esp, ebp; Restore stack pointer
pop ebp; Restore ebp
ret 12 ; Pop parameters
_Invoke@12 ENDP
; Define ObjectStublessClient routine macro.
StublessClientProc macro Method
_ObjectStublessClient&Method&@0 PROC PUBLIC
; NOTE :
; Don't use edi, esi, or ebx unless you add code to save them on
; the stack!
mov ecx, Method
jmp _ObjectStubless@0
_ObjectStublessClient&Method&@0 ENDP
;On entry, ecx contains method number.
_ObjectStubless@0 PROC PUBLIC
; NOTE :
; Don't use edi, esi, or ebx unless you add code to save them on
; the stack!
; Do this so the debugger can figure out the stack trace correctly.
; Will make debugging much easier.
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
; Push the method number.
push ecx
; Push the stack address of the parameters.
mov eax, ebp
add eax, 8
push eax
call _ObjectStublessClient@8
; After the call :
; Real return for the proxy is in eax.
; Parameter stack size is put in ecx by ObjectStublessClient for us.
; At this pointer eax (return), ecx (ParamSize), and edi, esi, ebx
; (non-volatile registers) can not be written!!!
; Don't forget to pop ebp.
pop ebp
; Pop our return address.
pop edx
; Pop params explicitly.
add esp, ecx
; This will return us from whichever StublessClient routine was called.
jmp edx
_ObjectStubless@0 ENDP
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