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// Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// Schema.cpp
// Description:
// Implementation of schema defined strings
// Author:
// Jim Benton (jbenton) 5-Nov-2001
#include "pch.h"
// Global Data
const WCHAR * const g_wszDfrgifsDLL = L"dfrgifs.dll";
const CHAR * const g_szDfrgifsDefrag = "Defrag";
const WCHAR* const g_wszScheduleAutoChkCommand = L"CHKNTFS /C";
const WCHAR* const g_wszExcludeAutoChkCommand = L"CHKNTFS /X";
// class
const WCHAR * const PVDR_CLASS_DEFRAGANALYSIS = L"Win32_DefragAnalysis";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_CLASS_DIRECTORY = L"Win32_Directory";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_CLASS_MOUNTPOINT = L"Win32_MountPoint";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_CLASS_VOLUME = L"Win32_Volume";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_CLASS_VOLUMEQUOTA = L"Win32_VolumeQuota";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_CLASS_VOLUMEUSERQUOTA = L"Win32_VolumeUserQuota";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_CLASS_QUOTASETTING = L"Win32_QuotaSetting";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_CLASS_ACCOUNT = L"Win32_Account";
// Methods
const WCHAR * const PVDR_MTHD_ADDMOUNTPOINT = L"AddMountPoint";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_MTHD_DEFRAG = L"Defrag";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_MTHD_DEFRAGANALYSIS = L"DefragAnalysis";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_MTHD_DISMOUNT = L"Dismount";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_MTHD_FORMAT = L"Format";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_MTHD_MOUNT = L"Mount";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_MTHD_CHKDSK = L"Chkdsk";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_MTHD_SCHEDULECHK = L"ScheduleAutoChk";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_MTHD_EXCLUDECHK = L"ExcludeFromAutoChk";
// Properties
// Volume properties
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_BLOCKSIZE = L"BlockSize";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_BOOTVOLUME = L"BootVolume";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_CAPACITY = L"Capacity";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_CAPTION = L"Caption";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_COMPRESSED = L"Compressed";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_CRASHDUMP = L"Crashdump";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_DESCRIPTION = L"Description";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_DEVICEID = L"DeviceID";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_DIRECTORY = L"Directory";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_DIRTYBITSET = L"DirtyBitSet";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_DRIVELETTER = L"DriveLetter";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_DRIVETYPE = L"DriveType";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_FILESYSTEM = L"FileSystem";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_FREESPACE = L"FreeSpace";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_INDEXINGENABLED = L"IndexingEnabled";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_ISDIRTY = L"IsDirty";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_LABEL = L"Label";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_MAXIMUMFILENAMELENGTH = L"MaximumFileNameLength";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_MOUNTED = L"Mounted";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_MOUNTABLE = L"Automount";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_NAME = L"Name";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_PAGEFILE = L"Pagefile";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_QUOTASENABLED = L"QuotasEnabled";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_QUOTASINCOMPLETE = L"QuotasIncomplete";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_QUOTASREBUILDING = L"QuotasRebuilding";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_SERIALNUMBER = L"SerialNumber";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_SUPPORTSDISKQUOTAS = L"SupportsDiskQuotas";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_SUPPORTSFILEBASEDCOMPRESSION = L"SupportsFileBasedCompression";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_SYSTEMNAME = L"SystemName";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_SYSTEMVOLUME = L"SystemVolume";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_VOLUME = L"Volume";
// Defrag properties
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_DEFRAGANALYSIS = L"DefragAnalysis";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_DEFRAGRECOMMENDED = L"DefragRecommended";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_VOLUMESIZE = L"VolumeSize";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_CLUSTERSIZE = L"ClusterSize";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_USEDSPACE = L"UsedSpace";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_FRAGFREEPCT = L"FreeSpacePercent";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_FRAGTOTALPCT = L"TotalPercentFragmentation";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_FILESFRAGPCT = L"FilePercentFragmentation";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_FREEFRAGPCT = L"FreeSpacePercentFragmentation";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_FILESTOTAL = L"TotalFiles";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_FILESIZEAVG = L"AverageFileSize";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_FILESFRAGTOTAL = L"TotalFragmentedFiles";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_EXCESSFRAGTOTAL = L"TotalExcessFragments";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_FILESFRAGAVG = L"AverageFragmentsPerFile";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_PAGEFILESIZE = L"PageFileSize";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_PAGEFILEFRAG = L"TotalPageFileFragments";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_FOLDERSTOTAL = L"TotalFolders";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_FOLDERSFRAG = L"FragmentedFolders";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_FOLDERSFRAGEXCESS = L"ExcessFolderFragments";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_MFTSIZE = L"TotalMFTSize";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_MFTRECORDS = L"MFTRecordCount";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_MFTINUSEPCT = L"MFTPercentInUse";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_MFTFRAGTOTAL = L"TotalMFTFragments";
// Others
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_PERMANENT = L"Permanent";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_FORCE = L"Force";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_SETTING = L"Setting";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_VOLUMEPATH = L"VolumePath";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_ACCOUNT = L"Account";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_DOMAIN = L"Domain";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_DISKSPACEUSED = L"DiskSpaceUsed";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_LIMIT = L"Limit";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_STATUS = L"Status";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_WARNINGLIMIT = L"WarningLimit";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_FIXERRORS = L"FixErrors";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_VIGOROUSINDEXCHECK = L"VigorousIndexCheck";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_SKIPFOLDERCYCLE = L"SkipFolderCycle";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_FORCEDISMOUNT = L"ForceDismount";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_RECOVERBADSECTORS = L"RecoverBadSectors";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_CHKONLYIFDIRTY = L"ChkOnlyIfDirty";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_QUICKFORMAT = L"QuickFormat";
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_ENABLECOMPRESSION = L"EnableCompression";
// WBEM Properties
const WCHAR * const PVDR_PROP_RETURNVALUE = L"ReturnValue";