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188 lines
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; Module Name:
; Contains prototypes for the 256 colour VGA driver.
; NOTE: Must mirror driver.h!
; Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation
; Sizes assumed for 1-window and 2 RW-window banks.
BANK_SIZE_1_WINDOW equ 10000h
; Specifies desired justification for requestion scan line within bank window
JustifyTop equ 0
JustifyBottom equ 1
; Specifies which window is to be mapped by two-window bank handler.
MapSourceBank equ 0
MapDestBank equ 1
; Miscellaneous driver flags
; Bank status flags
BANK_BROKEN_RASTER1 equ 1 ; If bank1 or read bank has broken raster
BANK_BROKEN_RASTER2 equ 2 ; If bank2 or write bank has broken raster
; The Physical Device data structure.
PDEV struc
pdev_fl dd ? ; Driver flags
pdev_hDriver dd ? ; Handle to \Device\Screen
pdev_hdevEng dd ? ; Engine's handle to PDEV
pdev_hsurfEng dd ? ; Engine's handle to surface
pdev_hsurfBm dd ? ; Handle to the "punt" surface
pdev_pSurfObj dd ? ; Pointer to the locked "punt" surface
pdev_hpalDefault dd ? ; Handle to the default palette for device.
pdev_pjScreen dd ? ; This is pointer to base screen address
pdev_cxScreen dd ? ; Visible screen width
pdev_cyScreen dd ? ; Visible screen height
pdev_ulMode dd ? ; Mode in which the mini-port driver is
pdev_lDeltaScreen dd ? ; Distance from one scan to the next
pdev_flRed dd ? ; For bitfields device, Red Mask
pdev_flGreen dd ? ; For bitfields device, Green Mask
pdev_flBlue dd ? ; For bitfields device, Blue Mask
pdev_ulBitCount dd ? ; # of bits per pel 16 is only supported
pdev_pGdiInfo dd ? ; Pointer to temporary buffer for GDIINFO struct
pdev_pDevInfo dd ? ; Pointer to temporary buffer for DEVINFO struct
pdev_ulrm0_wmX dd ? ; Values to set GC5 to to select read mode
; 0 together with write modes 0-3
; Off Screen Save Stuff:
pdev_hbmTmp dd ? ; Handle to temporary buffer
pdev_psoTmp dd ? ; Temporary surface
pdev_pvTmp dd ? ; Pointer to temporary buffer
pdev_cyTmp dd ? ; # of scans in temporary surface
; DCI Stuff:
pdev_bSupportDCI dd ? ; Does miniport support DCI?
; Bank manager stuff common between planar and non-planar modes:
pdev_cTotalScans dd ? ; Number of usable on & off screen scans
pdev_pBankInfo dd ? ; Bank info for current mode
pdev_flBank dd ? ; Flags for current bank state
pdev_ulBitmapSize dd ? ; Length of bitmap if there were no
; banking, in CPU addressable bytes
pdev_ulWindowBank dd ?,? ; Current banks mapped into windows
; 0 & 1 (used in 2 window mode only)
pdev_pvBitmapStart dd ? ; Single-window bitmap start pointer
; (adjusted as necessary to make
; window map in at proper offset)
pdev_pvBitmapStart2Window dd ?,? ; Double-window window 0 and 1 bitmap
; start
; Non-planar mode specific bank management control stuff:
pdev_vbtBankingType dd ? ; Type of banking
pdev_pfnBankSwitchCode dd ? ; Pointer to bank switch code
pdev_lNextScan dd ? ; Offset to next bank in bytes
pdev_pjJustifyTopBank dd ? ; Pointer to lookup table for
; converting scans to banks
pdev_pbiBankInfo dd ? ; Pointer to array of bank clip info
pdev_ulJustifyBottomOffset dd ? ; Number of scans from top to bottom
; of bank, for bottom justifying
pdev_iLastBank dd ? ; Index of last valid bank in
pdev_ulBank2RWSkip dd ? ; Offset from one bank index to next
; to make two 32K banks appear to be
; one seamless 64K bank
pdev_pfnBankControl dd ? ; Pointer to bank control function
pdev_pfnBankControl2Window dd ? ; Pointer to double-window bank
; control function
pdev_pfnBankNext dd ? ; Pointer to next bank function
pdev_pfnBankNext2Window dd ? ; Pointer to double-window next bank
; function
pdev_rcl1WindowClip db (size RECTL) dup (?)
; Single-window banking clip rect
pdev_rcl2WindowClip db (2*(size RECTL)) dup (?)
; Double-window banking clip rects for
; windows 0 & 1
; Planar mode specific bank management control stuff:
pdev_vbtPlanarType dd ? ; Type of planar banking
pdev_pfnPlanarSwitchCode dd ? ; Pointer to planar bank switch code
pdev_lPlanarNextScan dd ? ; Offset to next planar bank in bytes
pdev_pjJustifyTopPlanar dd ? ; Pointer to lookup table for
; converting scans to planar banks
pdev_pbiPlanarInfo dd ? ; Pointer to array of bank clip info
pdev_ulPlanarBottomOffset dd ? ; Number of scans from top to bottom
; of bank, for bottom justifying
pdev_iLastPlanar dd ? ; Index of last valid bank in
pdev_ulPlanar2RWSkip dd ? ; Offset from one bank index to next
; to make two 32K banks appear to be
; one seamless 64K bank
pdev_pfnPlanarControl dd ? ; Pointer to bank control function
pdev_pfnPlanarControl2 dd ? ; Pointer to double-window bank
; control function
pdev_pfnPlanarNext dd ? ; Pointer to next bank function
pdev_pfnPlanarNext2 dd ? ; Pointer to double-window next bank
; function
pdev_rcl1PlanarClip db (size RECTL) dup (?)
; Single-window banking clip rect
pdev_rcl2PlanarClip db (2*(size RECTL)) dup (?)
; Double-window banking clip rects for
pdev_pfnPlanarEnable dd ? ; Function to enable planar mode
pdev_pfnPlanarDisable dd ? ; Function to disable planar mode
; Smart bank management stuff:
pdev_iLastScan dd ? ; Last scan we want to enumerate
pdev_pvScanScan0 dd ? ; Surface's original pvScan0
pdev_rclSaveBounds db (size RECTL) dup (?)
; Clip object's original bounds
pdev_pcoNull dd ? ; Pointer to empty clip object
pdev_iSaveDComplexity db ? ; Clip object's original complexity
pdev_fjSaveOptions db ? ; Clip object's original flags
pdev_ajFiller db ?,? ; Pack to dword alignment
PDEV ends
pdev_rcl2WindowClipS equ (pdev_rcl2WindowClip)
pdev_rcl2WindowClipD equ (pdev_rcl2WindowClip + (size RECTL))
pdev_rcl2PlanarClipS equ (pdev_rcl2PlanarClip)
pdev_rcl2PlanarClipD equ (pdev_rcl2PlanarClip + (size RECTL))
pdev_pvBitmapStart2WindowS equ (pdev_pvBitmapStart2Window)
pdev_pvBitmapStart2WindowD equ (pdev_pvBitmapStart2Window + dword)
; Macro to do a simple RET, with no stack stuff, in a proc.
db 0c3h
; Macro to replace a CALL followed immediately by a JMP:
push offset JUMP_ADDR