Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
See msvctbl.c
Arthur Hanson (arth) Dec 07, 1994
Revision History:
Jeff Parham (jeffparh) 05-Dec-1995
o Added comments.
#ifndef _LLS_MSVCTBL_H
#define _LLS_MSVCTBL_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define IDS_BACKOFFICE 1500
// The master service record is for license usage tracking. We have
// A master ROOT record for a family of products (say SQL Server) and
// a sub linked-list of each of the specific versions in order of the
// version number. When we do license checking we can move on up the tree
// to higher level of licenses.
// There is also a mapping table kept for each of the ROOT records. This
// tracks if the mapping license count has already been used.
ULONG Index; // index at which
// a pointer to this
// structure may be
// found in the
// MasterServiceTable
LPTSTR Name; // product name
DWORD Version; // version of the
// product;
// major.minor ->
// (major << 16)
// | minor, e.g.,
// 5.2 -> 0x50002
struct _MASTER_SERVICE_ROOT * Family; // pointer to the
// product family,
// e.g., "SNA 2.1"
// -> "SNA"
ULONG Licenses;
ULONG LicensesUsed;
ULONG LicensesClaimed;
ULONG MaxSessionCount;
ULONG HighMark;
ULONG next; // index at which
// a pointer to the
// next ascending
// version of this
// product may be
// found in the
// MasterServiceTable
// NOTE: index is
// 1-based, so if
// next == 0 there
// are no more, and
// if non-zero then
// the next version
// is at index next-1
typedef struct _MASTER_SERVICE_ROOT
LPTSTR Name; // name of this product family
DWORD Flags;
RTL_RESOURCE ServiceLock; // lock for changes to the
// Services array (below)
ULONG ServiceTableSize; // number of entries in Services
// array (below)
ULONG * Services; // array of indices into the
// MasterServiceTable of the various
// (product,version) pairs
// belonging to this family;
// sorted in order of ascending
// version
extern ULONG RootServiceListSize;
extern PMASTER_SERVICE_ROOT *RootServiceList;
extern ULONG MasterServiceListSize;
extern PMASTER_SERVICE_RECORD *MasterServiceList;
extern PMASTER_SERVICE_RECORD *MasterServiceTable;
extern RTL_RESOURCE MasterServiceListLock;
extern TCHAR BackOfficeStr[];
NTSTATUS MasterServiceListInit();
PMASTER_SERVICE_RECORD MServiceRecordFind( DWORD Version, ULONG NumServiceEntries, PULONG ServiceList );
PMASTER_SERVICE_ROOT MServiceRootFind( LPTSTR ServiceName );
PMASTER_SERVICE_RECORD MasterServiceListFind( LPTSTR DisplayName );
PMASTER_SERVICE_RECORD MasterServiceListAdd( LPTSTR FamilyName, LPTSTR Name, DWORD Version );
#if DBG
VOID MasterServiceRootDebugDump();
VOID MasterServiceRootDebugInfoDump( PVOID Data );
VOID MasterServiceListDebugDump();
VOID MasterServiceListDebugInfoDump( PVOID Data );
#ifdef __cplusplus