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// Group Policy Performance test program
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1997-1998
// History: 10-Dec-98 SitaramR Created from DKays version
#define UNICODE
#include <windows.h>
#define SECURITY_WIN32
#include <security.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ole2.h>
#include <prsht.h>
#include <initguid.h>
#include <gpedit.h>
#include <iads.h>
#include <adshlp.h>
const MAX_BUF_LEN = 2056; // Static buffer size
#define ARRAYSIZE(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]))
void PrintHelp();
BOOL CreateTest2GPOs( WCHAR *pwszDomain );
BOOL CreateTest3GPOs( WCHAR *pwszDomain );
BOOL CreateTest4GPOs( WCHAR *pwszDomain );
BOOL CreateTest5GPOs( WCHAR *pwszDomain );
GUID guidExtensions[] = { // List of GP client side extension guids
{ 0x25537BA6, 0x77A8, 0x11D2, {0x9B, 0x6C, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF8, 0x08, 0x08, 0x61}},
{ 0x35378EAC, 0x683F, 0x11D2, {0xA8, 0x9A, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x4F, 0xBB, 0xCF, 0xA2}},
{ 0x3610eda5, 0x77ef, 0x11d2, {0x8d, 0xc5, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xa3, 0x1a, 0x66}},
{ 0x42B5FAAE, 0x6536, 0x11d2, {0xAE, 0x5A, 0x00, 0x00, 0xF8, 0x75, 0x71, 0xE3}},
{ 0x827d319e, 0x6eac, 0x11d2, {0xa4, 0xea, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0x79, 0xf8, 0x3a}},
{ 0xb1be8d72, 0x6eac, 0x11d2, {0xa4, 0xea, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0x79, 0xf8, 0x3a}},
{ 0xc6dc5466, 0x785a, 0x11d2, {0x84, 0xd0, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xb1, 0x69, 0xf7}},
GUID guidSnapin = { 0xdd7f2e0f, 0x9089, 0x11d2, {0xb2, 0x81, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xbb, 0xcf, 0xa2 }};
int __cdecl main( int argc, char **argv )
for ( int n = 1; n < argc; n++ )
if ( lstrcmpA(argv[n], "-help") == 0
|| lstrcmpA(argv[n], "/help") == 0
|| lstrcmpA(argv[n], "-?") == 0
|| lstrcmpA(argv[n], "/?") == 0 )
return 0;
printf( "Usage: polcreat or polcreat /? to see help info" );
return 0;
ULONG ulSize = ARRAYSIZE(wszUser);
BOOL bOk = GetUserNameEx( NameFullyQualifiedDN, wszUser, &ulSize );
if ( !bOk )
printf( "GetUserNameEx failed with 0x%x\n", GetLastError() );
return 0;
// Get domain path
lstrcpy( wszDomain, L"LDAP://" );
BOOL bFound = FALSE;
WCHAR *pchCur = wszUser;
while ( pchCur && *pchCur != 0 && lstrlen(pchCur) > 3 )
pchCur, 3, TEXT("DC="), 3) == CSTR_EQUAL)
bFound = TRUE;
lstrcat( wszDomain, pchCur );
if ( !bFound )
printf( "Unable to create domain path from user path %ws\n", wszUser );
return 0;
printf( "Using Domain path, %ws\n", wszDomain );
printf( "Creating Test2 GPOs\n" );
bOk = CreateTest2GPOs( wszDomain );
if ( !bOk )
printf( "Failed to create test2 GPOs\n" );
return 0;
printf( "Creating Test3 GPOs\n" );
bOk = CreateTest3GPOs( wszDomain );
if ( !bOk )
printf( "Failed to create test3 GPOs\n" );
return 0;
printf( "Creating Test4 GPOs\n" );
bOk = CreateTest4GPOs( wszDomain );
if ( !bOk )
printf( "Failed to create test4 GPOs\n" );
return 0;
printf( "Creating Test5 GPOs\n" );
bOk = CreateTest5GPOs( wszDomain );
if ( !bOk )
printf( "Failed to create test5 GPOs\n" );
return 0;
printf( "Successfully created all OUs and GPOs" );
return 0;
BOOL CreateOU( WCHAR *pwszParent, WCHAR *pwszOU )
// Bind to the parent container and create OU
IADsContainer *pContainer;
IDispatch *pIDispatch;
IADs *pADs;
HRESULT hr = ADsGetObject( pwszParent,
if ( hr != S_OK )
printf( "Failed to bind to parent container %ws with 0x%x\n", pwszParent, hr );
return FALSE;
hr = pContainer->Create(L"organizationalUnit",
pwszOU, // L"OU=OU1",
&pIDispatch );
if ( hr != S_OK )
printf( "Failed to bind to create %ws with 0x%x\n", pwszOU, hr );
return FALSE;
hr = pIDispatch->QueryInterface( IID_IADs, (void **)&pADs);
if ( hr != S_OK )
printf( "Failed to QI %ws with 0x%x\n", pwszOU, hr );
return FALSE;
hr = pADs->SetInfo();
if ( hr != S_OK )
printf( "Failed to SetInfo %ws with 0x%x\n", pwszOU, hr );
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
BOOL CreatePolicies( WCHAR *pwszDomain, WCHAR *pwszOUPath, WCHAR *pwszOUName, ULONG cPolicies )
// cPolicies must be a multiple of 7 because there are 7 client side
// extensions.
ULONG cPols = cPolicies / 7;
WCHAR wszNum[20];
for ( ULONG i=0; i<cPols; i++ )
for ( ULONG j=0; j<7; j++ )
HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_GroupPolicyObject,
(void**)&pGPO );
if ( hr != S_OK )
printf( "CoCreateInstance of pGPO failed 0x%x\n", hr );
return FALSE;
wcscpy( wszGPOName, pwszOUName );
wsprintf( wszNum, L"%d%d", i, j );
wcscat( wszGPOName, wszNum );
hr = pGPO->New( pwszDomain, wszGPOName, FALSE );
if ( hr != S_OK )
printf( "Creating new GPO %ws failed 0x%x\n", wszGPOName, hr );
return FALSE;
hr = pGPO->GetPath( wszGPOPath, ARRAYSIZE(wszGPOPath) );
if ( hr != S_OK )
printf( "Getting GPO path of %ws failed 0x%x\n", wszGPOName, hr );
return FALSE;
hr = pGPO->Save( TRUE, TRUE, &guidExtensions[j], &guidSnapin ); // machine policy
if ( hr != S_OK )
printf( "Saving GPO %ws failed 0x%x\n", wszGPOName, hr );
return FALSE;
hr = pGPO->Save( FALSE, TRUE, &guidExtensions[j], &guidSnapin ); // user policy
if ( hr != S_OK )
printf( "Saving GPO %ws failed 0x%x\n", wszGPOName, hr );
return FALSE;
hr = CreateGPOLink( wszGPOPath, pwszOUPath, FALSE );
if ( hr != S_OK )
printf( "Linking GPO %ws failed 0x%x\n", wszGPOName, hr );
return FALSE;
} // for j
} // for i
return TRUE;
BOOL MakeLdapPath( WCHAR *pwszParent, WCHAR *pwszOU, WCHAR *pwszChild )
// Make ldap path to child by prepending OU to parent path
wcscpy( pwszChild, L"LDAP://" );
wcscat( pwszChild, pwszOU );
wcscat( pwszChild, L"," );
wcscat( pwszChild, &pwszParent[7] );
return TRUE;
BOOL CreateTest2GPOs( WCHAR *pwszDomain )
wcscpy( wszParent, pwszDomain );
// OU_L1_P7_T2
BOOL bOk = CreateOU( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L1_P7_T2");
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
MakeLdapPath( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L1_P7_T2", wszChild );
bOk = CreatePolicies( pwszDomain, wszChild, L"OU_L1_P7_T2_GP", 7);
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
// OU_L1_P0_T2
bOk = CreateOU( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L1_P0_T2");
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
// OU_L2_P7_T2
MakeLdapPath( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L1_P0_T2", wszChild );
wcscpy( wszParent, wszChild );
bOk = CreateOU( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L2_P7_T2");
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
MakeLdapPath( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L2_P7_T2", wszChild );
bOk = CreatePolicies( pwszDomain, wszChild, L"OU_L2_P7_T2_GP", 7);
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
// OU_L2_P0_T2
bOk = CreateOU( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L2_P0_T2");
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
// OU_L3_P7_T2
MakeLdapPath( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L2_P0_T2", wszChild );
wcscpy( wszParent, wszChild );
bOk = CreateOU( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L3_P7_T2");
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
MakeLdapPath( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L3_P7_T2", wszChild );
bOk = CreatePolicies( pwszDomain, wszChild, L"OU_L3_P7_T2_GP", 7);
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
// OU_L3_P0_T2
bOk = CreateOU( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L3_P0_T2");
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
// OU_L4_P7_T2
MakeLdapPath( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L3_P0_T2", wszChild );
wcscpy( wszParent, wszChild );
bOk = CreateOU( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L4_P7_T2");
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
MakeLdapPath( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L4_P7_T2", wszChild );
bOk = CreatePolicies( pwszDomain, wszChild, L"OU_L4_P7_T2_GP", 7);
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
// OU_L4_P0_T2
bOk = CreateOU( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L4_P0_T2");
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
// OU_L5_P7_T2
MakeLdapPath( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L4_P0_T2", wszChild );
wcscpy( wszParent, wszChild );
bOk = CreateOU( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L5_P7_T2");
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
MakeLdapPath( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L5_P7_T2", wszChild );
bOk = CreatePolicies( pwszDomain, wszChild, L"OU_L5_P7_T2_GP", 7);
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
// OU_L5_P0_T2
bOk = CreateOU( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L5_P0_T2");
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
BOOL CreateTest3GPOs( WCHAR *pwszDomain )
wcscpy( wszParent, pwszDomain );
// OU_L1_P0_T3
BOOL bOk = CreateOU( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L1_P0_T3");
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
// OU_L2_P14_T3
MakeLdapPath( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L1_P0_T3", wszChild );
wcscpy( wszParent, wszChild );
bOk = CreateOU( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L2_P14_T3");
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
MakeLdapPath( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L2_P14_T3", wszChild );
bOk = CreatePolicies( pwszDomain, wszChild, L"OU_L2_P14_T3_GP", 14 );
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
// OU_L2_P28_T3
bOk = CreateOU( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L2_P28_T3");
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
MakeLdapPath( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L2_P28_T3", wszChild );
bOk = CreatePolicies( pwszDomain, wszChild, L"OU_L2_P28_T3_GP", 28 );
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
// OU_L2_P56_T3
bOk = CreateOU( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L2_P56_T3");
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
MakeLdapPath( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L2_P56_T3", wszChild );
bOk = CreatePolicies( pwszDomain, wszChild, L"OU_L2_P56_T3_GP", 56 );
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
// OU_L2_P70_T3
bOk = CreateOU( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L2_P70_T3");
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
MakeLdapPath( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L2_P70_T3", wszChild );
bOk = CreatePolicies( pwszDomain, wszChild, L"OU_L2_P70_T3_GP", 70 );
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
// OU_L2_P98_T3
bOk = CreateOU( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L2_P98_T3");
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
MakeLdapPath( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L2_P98_T3", wszChild );
bOk = CreatePolicies( pwszDomain, wszChild, L"OU_L2_P98_T3_GP", 98 );
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
BOOL CreateTest4GPOs( WCHAR *pwszDomain )
wcscpy( wszParent, pwszDomain );
// OU_L1_P7_T4
BOOL bOk = CreateOU( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L1_P7_T4");
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
MakeLdapPath( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L1_P7_T4", wszChild );
bOk = CreatePolicies( pwszDomain, wszChild, L"OU_L1_P7_T4_GP", 7 );
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
// OU_L2_P7_T4
MakeLdapPath( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L1_P7_T4", wszChild );
wcscpy( wszParent, wszChild );
bOk = CreateOU( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L2_P7_T4");
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
MakeLdapPath( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L2_P7_T4", wszChild );
bOk = CreatePolicies( pwszDomain, wszChild, L"OU_L2_P7_T4_GP", 7 );
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
// OU_L1_P14_T4
wcscpy( wszParent, pwszDomain );
bOk = CreateOU( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L1_P14_T4");
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
MakeLdapPath( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L1_P14_T4", wszChild );
bOk = CreatePolicies( pwszDomain, wszChild, L"OU_L1_P14_T4_GP", 14 );
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
// OU_L2_P14_T4
MakeLdapPath( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L1_P14_T4", wszChild );
wcscpy( wszParent, wszChild );
bOk = CreateOU( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L2_P14_T4");
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
MakeLdapPath( wszParent, L"OU=OU_L2_P14_T4", wszChild );
bOk = CreatePolicies( pwszDomain, wszChild, L"OU_L2_P14_T4_GP", 14 );
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
BOOL CreateTest5GPOs( WCHAR *pwszDomain )
WCHAR wszParent[MAX_BUF_LEN*10];
WCHAR wszChild[MAX_BUF_LEN*10];
wcscpy( wszParent, pwszDomain );
for ( unsigned i=1; i<60; i++ )
wsprintf( wszOUString, L"OU=OU_L%d_P0_T5", i );
BOOL bOk = CreateOU( wszParent, wszOUString );
if ( !bOk )
return FALSE;
MakeLdapPath( wszParent, wszOUString, wszChild );
wcscpy( wszParent, wszChild );
return TRUE;
void PrintHelp()
printf( "Usage: polcreat to create OUs and GPOs or,\n polcreat /? to get performance test cases\n\n" );\
printf(" TEST SCENARIOS (Naming covention is: OU_Level#_P#GPOs_T#test)\n");
printf("\nTest 1:\n");
printf(" 1. User at Domain level\n\n\n");
printf("Test 2:\n");
printf(" 1. User at OU_L1_P7_T2\n");
printf(" 2. User at OU_L1_P0_T2, OU_L2_P7_T2\n");
printf(" 3. User at OU_L1_P0_T2, OU_L2_P0_T2, OU_L3_P7_T2\n");
printf(" 4. User at OU_L1_P0_T2, OU_L2_P0_T2, OU_L3_P0_T2, OU_L4_P7_T2\n");
printf(" 5. User at OU_L1_P0_T2, OU_L2_P0_T2, OU_L3_P0_T2, OU_L4_P0_T2, OU_L5_P7_T2\n");
printf(" 5. User at OU_L1_P0_T2, OU_L2_P0_T2, OU_L3_P0_T2, OU_L4_P0_T2, OU_L5_P0_T2\n\n\n");
printf("Test 3:\n");
printf(" 1. User at OU_L1_P0_T3, OU_L2_P14_T3\n");
printf(" 2. User at OU_L1_P0_T3, OU_L2_P28_T3\n");
printf(" 3. User at OU_L1_P0_T3, OU_L2_P70_T3\n\n\n");
printf("Test 4:\n");
printf(" 1. User at OU_L1_P7_T4, OU_L2_P7_T4\n");
printf(" 2. User at OU_L1_P14_T4, OU_L2_P14_T4\n\n");