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//depot/Lab03_N/DS/security/inc/keysvcc.h#8 - edit change 8790 (text)
//depot/Lab03_N/DS/security/inc/keysvcc.h#5 - edit change 6380 (text)
// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999
// File: keysvcc.h
#ifndef __keysvcc_h__
#define __keysvcc_h__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"{
#define KEYSVC_DEFAULT_ENDPOINT TEXT("\\pipe\\keysvc")
#define KEYSVC_DEFAULT_PROT_SEQ TEXT("ncacn_np")
#define KEYSVC_LOCAL_PROT_SEQ TEXT("ncalrpc")
#define KEYSVC_LEGACY_ENDPOINT TEXT("\\pipe\\ntsvcs")
#define KEYSVC_LEGACY_PROT_SEQ TEXT("ncacn_np")
typedef void *KEYSVCC_HANDLE;
* Client API for Key Service
ULONG KeyOpenKeyService(
/* [in] */ LPSTR pszMachineName,
/* [in] */ KEYSVC_TYPE ulOwnerType,
/* [in] */ LPWSTR pwszOwnerName,
/* [in] */ void *pAuthentication,
/* [out][in] */ void *pReserved,
/* [out] */ KEYSVCC_HANDLE *phKeySvcCli);
ULONG KeyCloseKeyService(
/* [in] */ KEYSVCC_HANDLE hKeySvcCli,
/* [out][in] */ void *pReserved);
ULONG KeyEnroll_V2(
/* [in] */ KEYSVCC_HANDLE hKeySvcCli,
/* [in] */ LPSTR pszMachineName, //IN Required: name of the remote machine
/* [in] */ BOOL fKeyService, //IN Required: Whether the function is called remotely
/* [in] */ DWORD dwPurpose, //IN Required: Indicates type of request - enroll/renew
/* [in] */ DWORD dwFlags, //IN Required: Flags for enrollment
/* [in] */ LPWSTR pwszAcctName, //IN Optional: Account name the service runs under
/* [in] */ void *pAuthentication, //RESERVED must be NULL
/* [in] */ BOOL fEnroll, //IN Required: Whether it is enrollment or renew
/* [in] */ LPWSTR pwszCALocation, //IN Required: The ca machine names to attempt to enroll with
/* [in] */ LPWSTR pwszCAName, //IN Required: The ca names to attempt to enroll with
/* [in] */ BOOL fNewKey, //IN Required: Set the TRUE if new private key is needed
/* [in] */ PCERT_REQUEST_PVK_NEW pKeyNew, //IN Required: The private key information
/* [in] */ CERT_BLOB *pCert, //IN Optional: The old certificate if renewing
/* [in] */ PCERT_REQUEST_PVK_NEW pRenewKey, //IN Optional: The new private key information
/* [in] */ LPWSTR pwszHashAlg, //IN Optional: The hash algorithm
/* [in] */ LPWSTR pwszDesStore, //IN Optional: The destination store
/* [in] */ DWORD dwStoreFlags, //IN Optional: Flags for cert store.
/* [in] */ PCERT_ENROLL_INFO pRequestInfo, //IN Required: The information about the cert request
/* [in] */ LPWSTR pwszAttributes, //IN Optional: Attribute string for request
/* [in] */ DWORD dwReservedFlags, //RESERVED must be 0
/* [in] */ BYTE *pReserved, //RESERVED must be NULL
/* [in][out] */ HANDLE *phRequest, //IN OUT Optional: A handle to a created request
/* [out] */ CERT_BLOB *pPKCS7Blob, //OUT Optional: The PKCS7 from the CA
/* [out] */ CERT_BLOB *pHashBlob, //OUT Optioanl: The SHA1 hash of the enrolled/renewed certificate
/* [out] */ DWORD *pdwStatus); //OUT Optional: The status of the enrollment/renewal
ULONG KeyEnumerateAvailableCertTypes(
/* [in] */ KEYSVCC_HANDLE hKeySvcCli,
/* [out][in] */ void *pReserved,
/* [out][in] */ ULONG *pcCertTypeCount,
/* [in, out][size_is(,*pcCertTypeCount)] */
ULONG KeyEnumerateCAs(
/* [in] */ KEYSVCC_HANDLE hKeySvcCli,
/* [out][in] */ void *pReserved,
/* [in] */ ULONG ulFlags,
/* [out][in] */ ULONG *pcCACount,
/* [in, out][size_is(,*pcCACount)] */
ULONG KeyQueryRequestStatus
(/* [in] */ KEYSVCC_HANDLE hKeySvcCli,
/* [in] */ HANDLE hRequest,
/* [out, ref] */ CRYPTUI_WIZ_QUERY_CERT_REQUEST_INFO *pQueryInfo);
ULONG RKeyOpenKeyService
( /* [in] */ LPSTR pszMachineName,
/* [in] */ KEYSVC_TYPE OwnerType,
/* [in] */ LPWSTR pwszOwnerName,
/* [in] */ void *pAuthentication,
/* [out][in] */ void *pReserved,
/* [out] */ KEYSVCC_HANDLE *phKeySvcCli);
ULONG RKeyCloseKeyService
(/* [in] */ KEYSVCC_HANDLE hKeySvcCli,
/* [out][in] */ void *pReserved);
(/* [in] */ KEYSVCC_HANDLE hKeySvcCli,
/* [in] */ PKEYSVC_BLOB pPFX,
/* [in] */ PKEYSVC_UNICODE_STRING pPassword,
/* [in] */ ULONG ulFlags);
#ifdef __cplusplus